When the middle-aged man with a square face focused his attention on Xu Rong standing on the podium in front of him, Xu Xiang glanced at him indistinctly, and sighed silently and helplessly.

At the age of 24, Xu Rong was promoted to the head of the Department of Chinese Opera Acting, which made many professors in the school who had the opportunity, especially the deputy directors, red-eyed, and ran to him every now and then to give Xu Rong eye drops.

At the beginning, he was quite impatient with these small actions, because in his opinion, compared to the eyes of these common people whose minds are full of judging titles, climbing up rather than learning, Xu Rong is a real intellectual, a They are not very good at it, and they don't bother to do these kind of cultural people.

Although he didn't have much contact with Xu Rong, he felt this very deeply. He only felt one or two from the friends Xu Rong made, just like a while ago, Xu Rong introduced a friend who was said to be in the publishing business. After asking, I found out that the other party originally admired his profound knowledge, and wanted to ask for a pair of calligraphy to be framed and hung on the company's facade.

He is unwilling to deal with businessmen, especially unfamiliar businessmen, even if introduced by Xu Rong.

I don't know what's going on, but the other party seems to admit death, insisting on asking him to write an inscription, and ran back and forth a few times. He came because of affection, and the two also saw that the other party was really sincere. After thinking twice, they came up with An inscription that is in line with the project operated by the other party, yet simple and elegant, and has a profound meaning.

Rijin Doujin.

At the moment when he got the calligraphy, he clearly remembered that the man's hands and feet were trembling because of his emotions. If Xu Rong, who happened to be standing at the side, had quick eyes and quick hands, a few crystal clear tears would be scattered on the question just now. On the rice paper with good characters, the scene at that time, even now, is still vivid in his mind, and he still remembers the thought that sprouted at that moment. At that time, inexplicably, a word that he had never understood before suddenly appeared in his mind.

As you hear the news, you can die in the evening.

In his mind, for that friend Xu Rong, the moment he saw his authentic handwriting, it should be like this.

Of course, according to the usual practice, he also received Dianlan pens to subsidize his family, but as a cultural person, these are secondary in comparison.

It is also because of this that he deeply realized that Xu Rong, a young man, is very different from most mediocre ordinary people. He has made extraordinary deeds in ordinary posts, and unswervingly practiced the "Party Constitution" in the chapter "Party Cadres" that "Party cadres are the backbone of the party's cause and the public servants of the people." Original heart and mission.

In view of this, he persisted and promoted Xu Rong.

It's just that there have been a lot of people criticizing Xu Rong in his ears recently, some directly complained, saying clearly that Xu Rong is not good or not, and some, like the middle-aged man next to him, put Xu Rong in the same place. High praise, praise to death, in fact, from the first person's first sentence about Xu Rong, he can understand and see clearly, but he talks and listens too much , For a while, some thoughts gradually came to his mind.

He regretted a bit, he was too impulsive at the time, because excellence should never be the only criterion for promoting young cadres, especially for Xu Rong, an outstanding young cadre with potential, he should be allowed to withstand the difficult and important positions. Tempering, putting the heavy burden on him, and going through hardships and tests, he will be able to take on the heavy responsibility in the future.

It was just a phone call half a month ago, which made the little regret that had just arisen in his heart disappear in an instant, and suddenly he had spent a lot of energy digging a big hole to bury Zhang Heping, and the original intention of bringing Xu Rong over from Renyi.

The most important quality of Xu Rong is not his principle of not fighting or grabbing, but his great potential to be the leader in the field of performance theory in the future and his academic level that is difficult for ordinary people to match.

And that phone call made him realize that it was impossible for Xu Rong to stay in school since the beginning.

As for Xu Rong, a colleague who thinks that the head of the department has a "bright future", after a while, he may not be a member of the Chinese opera.


Xiao Zhang, who was gnawing on an apple and fiddling with her big wave curl that she had just made a few days ago, suddenly stopped chewing. She turned her head slowly, looked at Xu Xing, who was also holding her head next to her, and asked : "Xu Xing, my new hairstyle, is it really really special, ugly?"

Xu Xing, who was also holding an apple and chewing on it, had already noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and the moment Xu Rong said that, she stopped chewing, hoping that she could completely ignore herself, because she knew quite well that in In my brother's heart, I can't compare with my sister-in-law at all.

Seeing his sister-in-law staring at him, Xu Xing suddenly showed a slightly apologetic smile, and was about to get up and leave: "Ah, I just remembered, Grandpa's quilt hasn't been dried yet, I'm going to dry it first. "

"Don't run away." Classmate Xiao Zhang grabbed Xu Xing's wrist, pointed at the almost identical waves of the two, and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Xu Xing smiled dryly: "Actually, I think my brother said that on purpose, just to liven up the atmosphere. In fact, ordinary people can't control this hairstyle at all. You can see how ugly I do it, but you are different. Your face shape and temperament are very suitable for this hairstyle, I will never do this hairstyle again, I am not like you, I can't control it at all."

Xiao Zhang blinked his small almond eyes, frowned, and said uncertainly: "Really?"

"Of course, didn't you pay attention? When we came back from the work that day, many people were looking at you." Xu Xing vowed and said firmly, God is sorry, the two of them were driving a sports car and wearing sunglasses , Where do you go without being noticed?
Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at Xu Xing carefully for a while, then turned his gaze back to the computer, staring at the screen with resentment: "Dog man, come back and settle the score."

And Xu Rong, who had roughly gone through the core of the basic performance theory, stood on the stage at this time and said: "I have talked about what performance is, what stages it is divided into, what is the highest state, what is acting and what is acting and what are you doing?" What is the degree of successfully shaping the characters? When you get the script, I hope you can think about these problems, and then in the process of performing or filming, to achieve these goals, if you are interested in acting career in the future. "

At this time, the students in the auditorium were completely confused, because the "basic theory" they understood and the "basic theory" that Xu Rong described seemed to be different concepts.

Compared with the students who can understand more or less, the candidates and audience watching the live broadcast are completely like listening to a bible. Although they don't know what he said, but just listening to those majors, they feel very powerful.

As for the sprayer, it has long since disappeared.

Trolls need to have a breakthrough to spray, but they can understand every word Xu Rong said, but after they are combined, because they are too professional, although Xu Rong has used relevant basic terms to explain in a popular way, but this This popularization obviously does not include the commonplace who is completely ignorant of the fundamentals of performance.

It's just that although I don't understand it, it doesn't affect the enthusiasm of the majority of netizens to discuss.

"Didn't you say that good is the basic performance theory? Why do you feel that apart from the first point, you gradually start to fail to understand?"

"Is there a possibility that these things are really basic for him?"

"Although I don't understand, I feel that Xu Rong is a bit awesome."

"Upstairs, you feel that he is a bit awesome just because you don't understand. If you understand, you will only think that it is really awesome that his grandfather opened the door for awesome, and that awesome has come to grandma's house."

Xu Rong looked down at the time and said, "Students, is there anything you didn't understand? Or in daily study, rehearsal, and even performance shooting, if you have any doubts, difficulties, or confusions, you can share them with everyone." Let’s share, let’s learn together and make progress together.”

As his words fell, a female student with an oval face in the front row immediately raised her hand and said, "Teacher Xu, I have a question."

Xu Rong looked at the girl, waited for the microphone to pass over, and said with a smile: "Please speak."

The girl immediately said: "Mr. Xu, do you think it would be more suitable for us to go out to film in our senior year?"

As soon as the girl's words came out, all the students' eyes focused on Xu Rong, while the middle-aged man beside Xu Xiang gloated at Xu Rong.

When Xu Rong was a student, he often went out to film in his freshman year, and he spent almost half of the time in the university on leave. This can be judged from the few words that his classmates accidentally revealed.

But Chinese opera has requirements for this. Before the sophomore year, it is not allowed to go out to film.

If Xu Rong asked the girls to abide by the school's regulations, it would be a slap in the face, and this online open class would immediately become a joke.

But the actual reality is that students have higher and higher demands for "freedom", especially some child stars. Their families and brokerage companies all deeply understand the truth that being popular is only a year or two. There will never be a second chance in life, so many students would rather take a leave of absence than delay their work.

Xu Rong smiled, let the girl sit down, and said: "As a teacher, I first want to emphasize to you the requirements of our college, that is, before the sophomore year, you must study hard and steadily. Of course, I admit that I was in school back then. At that time, I went out to film a long time ago. Of course, I don’t need to make excuses for myself because I can’t even afford the tuition and food expenses. Not to mention that my head teacher and teachers encouraged me to leave school and go to the society. Go around and see, practice more, don't always study theory, why don't you talk about these, because these are actually meaningless, what I want to say is"


His words were interrupted by loud laughter at the scene, knowing why the students were laughing, Xu Rong also laughed.

On the Internet, because Xu Rong stopped, various comments quickly flooded the screen.

"What did he want to say? Wait, shit, he won't suddenly say to take a break for 10 minutes, stop here?"

"I feel like it's possible."

"It's not about making excuses, but he did make excuses for himself."

"Why are so many people laughing at the scene, what's the joke?"

"The legend of the Nortel Death Note."

"What is Death Note?"

"Nortel Post Bar sticky post:

When the laughter gradually subsided, Xu Rong glanced across the auditorium and said: "As a teacher and the head of the department, I have the responsibility to let you learn the theory in a down-to-earth manner, and I also have the responsibility to take you to combine theory with practice and experience What does a real stage performance look like, such as visiting and studying at the People’s Art Institute, and what a real studio looks like. I will be filming a TV series next year. Some students should know something about it. Familiar teachers will participate in the performance, such as Teacher Chen Baoguo, Teacher Ma Shaohua, Teacher Ni Dahong, Teacher Wang Qingxiang, etc. If students are interested, you can come to me to sign up. I will recommend different roles according to each person's situation. Of course , there may not be many roles, or even play tricks, but we went there with the mentality of learning, and the number of roles is second to none."


As Xu Rong's voice fell from the screen, Kong Datou, who was sitting in front of the computer in a certain hotel room in the capital, slapped the table suddenly: "What a black-hearted capitalist, Lian Qun's actors want money." Province."

On the side, Li Xue, who was tall and thin with thick eyebrows, was also stunned, because he remembered Xu Rong once mentioned that if possible, try to set the shooting location in or around the capital.

He didn't understand what was going on at the time, but now it seems that he completely understands it.

The story of "All Quiet in Peking" is extremely long, there are relatively many characters, and there are many big scenes, which require a large number of actors, special appointments, and group performances.

But a while ago, when the two of them got a stack of photos that Xu Rong asked Jin Fangfang to forward, they didn't come back to their senses for a long time, because Jin Fangfang's original words were: "These actors are all free. Use it closely with the people here first.”

Hundreds of actors, all for free?
At that time, the two were still puzzled, but when they looked at the photos and saw the cast led by Pu Cunxi, Liang Guanhua, Feng Yuanzheng and others, they could only look at each other speechlessly. Opera and Mandarin accounted for half, and unlike his peers in the film and television industry, Xu Rong hardly owed favors to these people, because in his capacity, he provided opportunities for young actors to exercise, and for older actors As an actor, participating in a super-big production like "All Quiet in Peking" is an opportunity to show his face in the film and television industry.

The truth is that this truth is correct, but is it too stingy?
It's just that what the two of them didn't expect was that today, Xu Rong refreshed their three views again, that someone could call him stingy in such a high-sounding way, and looking at it, it seemed that he reluctantly answered the students' difficulties.

According to Kong Sheng's estimate, the student made things difficult, and Xu Rong almost saved 500 million yuan in special contract and group performance expenses.

After a while, Li Xue turned her head and said in disbelief, "I'm afraid this student is a trustee?"

"Well, he worked so hard to bring students to participate in social practice, I don't know how much favor he thought he had to pay, but in the end, this time and again, he saved him a flat in the capital, no wonder it was near the capital For filming, when the time comes, people will be picked up in the morning, just have lunch, and send them back in the evening, and there will be [-] performances for nothing, this business is also done well."

Liu Heping shook his head, and said, "Not necessarily, I heard that Liu Heping said that his house is more expensive, so at most he can save a living room."


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