I'm just an actor

Chapter 369 Torch

Chapter 369 Torch
After the thunderous applause, the girl asked again: "Mr. Xu, you once said that your alma mater, Nortel, is the best school. Now, as our department head, do you still think so?"

Xu Rong didn't answer the girl's question immediately, but instead asked, "Can you tell me your name?"

The girl looked curiously at Xu Rong who was smiling warmly, and said clearly, "My name is Chi Ningning."

"Okay, classmate Chi Ningning, your name is very nice and impressive." Xu Rong nodded lightly, "As your teacher and department head, let me answer your question with one question, in your eyes , am I a good teacher?"

Chi Ningning held the microphone, and immediately froze in place. Is Xu Rong a good teacher?
She doesn't know, because so far, she has only seen Xu Rong twice, once at the opening ceremony, and once today, the most important thing is that Xu Rong is the head of the department, and according to gossip, Xu Rong's influence is not only Being limited to one place in the north or the south means that if she gives a negative answer today, not only will she not be able to graduate smoothly, but she will immediately cut herself off from the industry when she leaves school four years later, but being stared at by everyone, She hurriedly blushed and said: "Yes, yes, I think what you said just now is very good."

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile and said, "I believe that your words are from the heart, just like me back then."

Although Xu Rong said "from the bottom of my heart", there were bursts of good-natured laughter in the auditorium. Growing up under the same cultural background, most people can understand another meaning of it.

On the other side of Nortel, Cui Xinqin, who was also watching the live broadcast in the classroom, was also Xu Rong's class teacher. Hearing the murmurs of "Senior Typhoon is really stable" and "Awesome" behind him, he shook his head with a smile. Shaking his head, Xu Rong was able to break out of the highly competitive industry. He has suffered, suffered and lost face. Although he is actually about the same age as the students in the audience, in his eyes, perhaps most students see Extremely offensive questions are just play games for him.

The Internet is also very lively, some people are concerned about Chi Ningning, some are concerned about Xu Rong's answer, and of course there are also people who focus on other aspects.

"Hahaha, come on Chi Ningning."

"This answer is awesome."

"Hey, have you noticed that Xu Rong's PPT has only 32 characters in total, including the eight characters 'basic performance theory' and 'thank you', that is to say, he talked about 24 characters for an hour and a half ?”

"Really, Mr. Xu is so powerful, his wisdom is as stupid as it is, and it's a coincidence that doesn't work!"

"This shows that Mr. Xu is thoughtful, cultivated, and knowledgeable. Otherwise, why do you think he can speak for an hour and a half with only 24 characters?"

"Can this be praised? Based on my ten-year experience in PPT, he obviously doesn't know how to do it. That's why he did it."

After countless waves of applause in the auditorium, in the corner of the first row, a thin boy with black-rimmed glasses who looked like a student stood up and stammered: "Xu, Xu Teacher, I, I, I like you very much, I, I want to ask you, I want to ask you, one question, one question."

The reason why he seemed to be a student was because the boy's clothes were indeed not much different from the other students sitting here, but Xu Rong didn't see in him the drive or vigor that a young man in his 20s should have.

Holding the microphone tightly with both hands, he seemed to muster up a lot of courage before standing up to ask questions.

From him, Xu Rong only felt low self-esteem, hesitation, helplessness, a similar state, he had seen it from many classmates two years ago, it was a full year before graduation, he went crazy In the interview, after being rejected again and again, it was like being teased by fate, helpless and desperate.


Because of the boy's stuttering, bursts of not-so-loud laughter resounded from all over the auditorium.

Most of the students who came to the class today are freshmen to seniors in the Department of Acting. Stuttering, even for junior college students, is theoretically impossible, because they will be rejected in the art test, but if it is due to psychological factors, It is not incomprehensible to stutter in the face of the camera and the gaze of more than 1000 classmates.

There are always some people who are not good at expressing. Of course, if such a person does not get rid of this habit, it will be difficult to become a good actor, because even for film and television shooting, they perform under the watchful eyes of dozens of people.

Listening to the laughter, Xu Rong didn't show any displeasure. If it was a normal class, he would point it out without hesitation, but now it's a live webcast, and once he does that, the situation will be a little bit worse Control direction slide.

He stepped down from the podium in the auditorium, walked slowly in front of the boy, looked gently at the boy with a red face and wet eyes in front of him, patted his tight arm lightly, and said with a smile: "Thank you I like it, calm down, we are all here, you are not interviewing, and there is no interviewer here, and I like your courage to stand up and ask questions, don't be afraid of making mistakes, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, I do this I've been working on 'Screen' for seven or eight years, and I feel nervous now."

After a few seconds, the boy suddenly bent down and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

At this moment, the auditorium was quiet, and there was almost no noise, but the live broadcast platform exploded instantly.

"Wow, the real Xu Rong is so warm, I really like it!"

"My God, I feel that Xu Rong is shining. No, I won't take the Nortel exam. I'm going to the Central Academy of Drama. I'm going to see Teacher Xu."

"Friendly reminder: Xu Rong is also a visiting professor of Nortel's acting department. In theory, he may also give classes to Nortel."

"What about acting?"

"What about acting?"

"What about acting?"

"That's right, isn't it that the show is so useless? Everyone has it, so just go to the show?"

The students of Shanghai Opera who were watching the live broadcast looked confused. How could they be so good that they were suddenly ridiculed by the online group?
The boy calmed down, and then slowly said: "Mr. Xu, I just want to ask you a question, that is, you always emphasize the importance of acting skills, but only acting skills, is it really meaningful? I am now a senior I'm going to graduate in half a year, I didn't study hard, practice hard before, and I always failed, now, is there still time?"

As the boy's voice fell, there was inexplicably more enthusiastic applause in the auditorium than before.

The middle-aged man with a square face next to Xu Xiang stared blankly at this scene. Although he was applauding along with him, he still asked puzzledly, "Dean, why are you applauding all of a sudden?"

Xu Xiang sighed and said, "Because he has become a teacher."

And Xu Rong patted the boy's shoulder lightly, thinking about this question too, is acting really important?

He has heard similar questions and doubts countless times. In the past, he generally didn't bother to pay attention to colleagues who raised such questions, because the concept is inherent, and it is absolutely impossible to completely change himself just because of his words idea.

Maybe he boils a bowl of good chicken soup, which will make the other party temporarily confident and motivated, but maybe after three to five minutes of heat, the impulse will dissipate.

But today, he had to talk. He paced lightly in the auditorium and said slowly: "This student's question is very good. It can be said that he has asked many people's doubts. For a long time, many laymen Even practitioners in our industry have some kind of prejudice against the profession we are engaged in. Some people think that this is a particularly noble profession, while some people are just the opposite and think that we are liars.”

"I don't want to talk about the opinions of these two types of people, because there is no point in talking about it. Just now, this classmate asked me if acting skills are really important. Then acting is a skill. For example, if you can repair air conditioners, you will be able to be Is he the president of Haier?"

He walked back through the corridor in the middle of the seats, and said: "I don't think so, because all the people who asked this question didn't seem to mention the pre-conditions, but in essence they all had implicit pre-conditions." Is it important?' In fact, the complete statement should be 'Is acting important for being famous and making big money?'."

Xu Rong stood at the back of the auditorium, his voice was converted by the microphone through the current, and spread to the entire auditorium through the speaker: "My answer may be a bit negative, if you are based on the premise of being famous and making a lot of money, acting skills may not be very important. "

"Then some students will definitely ask me, since I can't be famous, why should I practice kung fu? Personally, I think this is a rather unbelievable logic. Is it true that an air-conditioning repairman thinks that technology alone cannot become the president of Haier? Don’t learn technology anymore?”

Xu Rong looked at the students in the auditorium and the cameras turned their heads, looked at himself suspiciously, and asked, "Isn't that the reason?"

"Why do I say it's not necessarily important, not necessarily unimportant." Xu Rong paused, walked forward, and said, "I'm going to ask you a question now, students with an annual family income of more than 100 million ,Please raise your hand."

Xu Rong didn't look back, but just walked up to the podium in front of her step by step, and said, "Even if I don't look, I can guess it, less than one-fifth."

"Ah, this pretense is a bit blunt."

"Well, I admit, this forced him to pretend."

Xu Rong turned around, looked at the few arms raised under the stage, and said: "Everyone put your hands down, so, most of us are the same, we are all ordinary people, and there are no billions of dollars in wealth waiting for us to go back. Inheritance, under such circumstances, after you leave school, you don't even have a skill, so why do you make life better for you and your family?"

"Acting is a skill. For the vast majority of people here, the primary purpose is not to become famous and make a lot of money, but to let you master a survival skill and a technology that improves your living conditions. Otherwise, you can graduate After that, your income may not even be comparable to that of a migrant worker, because now the income of a migrant worker can basically reach [-] a month."


As soon as Xu Rong finished speaking, there was an uproar at the scene, because the moment most of the students entered the school, they all had the idea of ​​becoming movie stars, and the rest of them came here in a daze and in a fog. School, just like Xu Rong seven or eight years ago, is just to learn something and then play a better supporting role to earn a little money, which is unique.

"I'll go, how can he say that?"

"What do you mean by 'Your income may not even be comparable to that of a migrant worker?', Xu Rong discriminates against migrant workers, he discriminates against migrant workers."

"Brother, why don't you inquire before Hei, Xu Rong used to be a migrant worker, co-author, according to what you mean, he discriminates against himself?"

Xu Rong looked at the audience and said: "If you can live a relatively good life without going through rehearsals and working, acting skills or even any survival skills are irrelevant to you, but if you are like me, you can live a relatively good life with everyone. Most people are the same, there is no choice but to master a skill and work hard to win the possibility of success. I think this is the only choice for most of the students sitting here. Students, students, you must know that happiness, It was made through struggle!"

Finally, Xu Rong looked at the boy who asked the question just now, and said with a smile: "But don't be discouraged, and don't think it's too late, you see, you are younger than me, right?"


In Li Xuejian's house, Li Xuejian, who was sitting behind Li Gen, chewed on the words "Happiness is the result of hard work!", and said with emotion: "Yes, happiness is not the result of hard work?!"

Li Gen glanced back, and said, "I think the sentence 'Besides working hard to win the possibility of success, there is no choice at all!' sounds even more explosive."

"You don't understand." Li Xuejian shook his head, but didn't explain it. Li Gen had suffered so little, so it was naturally difficult to understand what it meant.

Like Li Xuejian, many middle-aged people with relatively rich experience could not help but fall into deep thought when they heard this sentence.

"Mr. Xu, I have a question. You said before that an actress named Yuan Yu has very strong professional ability. So what do you think about the level of professional ability? Is there only one suitable role for Lihong?"

Xu Rong looked at the students who were watching him from the audience, feeling quite disappointed in his heart, and said: "Sorry, I can't answer this question for you, but I can provide you with a standard."

"Nowadays many people think they have acting skills, and even have very strong professional ability. They brag about themselves on shows everywhere, but in fact, they have just learned to act, or even don't know how to act at all."

At this moment, the microphone suddenly lost its sound. Xu Rong looked at the microphone in his hand belatedly, and said "Hello" twice, but there was no response from the microphone. He tapped again with his hand, still to no avail.

He immediately looked at the chunky young man sitting in the first row.

The chunky young man had already run over, took the microphone, and after some adjustments, he said "Hello" twice, and the loud voice immediately spread throughout the auditorium.

"Teacher Xu, it's fine."

Xu Rong nodded, took the microphone, moved closer, opened his mouth, and opened his mouth again "Hello", but the microphone still didn't make any sound as if it was aimed at him.

He looked at the young man in astonishment, as if feeling baffled.

The young man took the microphone in a daze, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully, wondering: "Shouldn't it?"

"Shouldn't it be?"

His voice immediately sounded in the auditorium. Hearing the voice, the short and fat young man was also stunned. He looked at Xu Rong for two seconds and asked tentatively, "Teacher Xu, why don't you try again?"

Xu Rong took the microphone with a smile, and said to the microphone: "Thank you, so now, this microphone has been fine from the beginning to the end."

Under the puzzled eyes of the pudgy young man and the students, Xu Rong asked with a smile: "If you insist on asking me about the standard, I think this should be the bottom line. The microphone is good, but when I use it, you will think that the microphone It’s broken, it’s not that I didn’t make a sound, or that I didn’t tap hard enough, as I said earlier, performance requires us to mobilize our attention, imagination, belief and sense of reality, sensibility and adaptability, The ability to observe and simulate, as well as the expressive power of body and language, to truly hear, truly see, and truly feel."



As Xu Rong's voice fell, there was an uproar in the auditorium, because the standard provided by Xu Rong was almost impossible to meet.

And the netizens who were still laughing at the trashy equipment of the Chinese opera just now are even more fried.

"Fuck, I was actually cheated by him."

"Hey, is that scene just now real? No one is manipulating it in the background, right?"

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. I didn't think his acting skills were good when I watched TV before, but today I'm completely convinced."

And with more and more topics derived from the open class, the Weibo system crashed before the end of the open class.

When the auditorium completely calmed down, Xu Rong said with a smile: "The questions raised by the students just now are all from a technical level. Due to time constraints, today's class will end here. In addition, for other questions, I borrow the words of an ancestor to give a unified reply."

"May all the young people in China get rid of the air-conditioning, just go up, don't have to listen to the words of those who give up on themselves, and those who can do things do things, and those who can make a sound speak out."

"With a little heat and a little light, it is like a firefly, and it can also glow a little in the dark."

"You don't have to wait for the torch. If there is no torch after that, I will be the only light."

(End of this chapter)

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