I'm just an actor

Chapter 370 Banned

Chapter 370 Banned
The night falls and the stars rise high.

"I will use my whole life to support you."

"I only look forward to your lingering eyes."

"Please grant me the power to love and be loved infinitely."

"Let me rest in peace under Bodhi."

When Xu Rong entered the door humming "The Offering of Love", took off his scarf and hung it on the hanger, he realized something was wrong.

"The Offering of Love" has been practiced deliberately since he heard it by chance, because it was sung by Yang Mi.

Except for occasionally going to ktv in college, he almost never showed his musical talent in public, but he knows Yang Mi's musical talent. He can sing "Nanniwan" to his grandmother's house, which is similar to his "Nanniwan" Compared with "Oriole Bird", the snail is far behind.

But just in case he needs to attend events in the future, he also needs to make more preparations. After all, it is better to use less big killers like "Snail and Oriole". As for why he chose "The Offering of Love"?
Yang Mi can sing, why can't he?

It's just that when he took off the scarf, it was different from feeling warm as soon as he entered the door yesterday. At this time, he only felt the cool air go straight down the collar and into his neck. He turned his head and frowned at the completely open door , I realized it was wrong.

He bent down and opened the shoe cabinet. In addition to seven or eight pairs of various leather shoes and sneakers, there were only two pairs of slippers left, and one of them belonged to him.

He wondered, since everyone was at home, why didn't they close the door?
He closed the door smoothly, changed his shoes and walked through the hallway. In the living room, grandpa was sitting in the middle of the living room. On one side were the second grandpa and Xu Xing's family of three, and on the other side were classmate Xiao Zhang and her parents.

Seeing everyone staring at him with serious faces, Xu Rong felt a little bit in his heart, and instinctively started to seize the initiative immediately. He walked to the table, saw a few cups on the table, picked up the cup in front of Xiao Zhang, and drank it. The two asked: "You are all here. I saw the door was open just now, and I thought you all went out. You are all sitting here and the door is still open. Isn't it cold?"

The eight of them didn't answer his words, they just looked at him steadfastly, only Xiao Zhang kept winking at him.

Xu Rong pretended not to see anything, and said, "After class this morning, the dean insisted on dragging me out to play ball. In the evening, I ate and drank again. After a whole day of tossing around, I was exhausted."

"By the way, let me tell you some good news?"

Xiao Zhang asked subconsciously: "What good news?"

"Probably around a year or so, I will be transferred back to Renyi. Although there may not be a change in rank, but with the lessons learned from Ren Ming, my position in the art committee may change."

Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned and thought. Although she is also an actor, she is still wandering back and forth on the edge of the role and the role. As for the art committee at the top of the pyramid in the courtyard, it is too far away from her.

But soon, she found a reference and asked, "Is it the same as Puyuan?"

"In theory." Seeing that everyone sitting still remained indifferent, Xu Rong felt the seriousness of the situation. There was one person in the living room. Except for Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, they were all his elders, but in the past, because Controlling the family's financial resources, he is the one who has the right to speak in the family.

Xu Xing is an employee of his own studio, almost counting on him to make money.

In other words, the poverty and wealth of the family depend entirely on him alone. If his career develops smoothly, the material life of the family will also be relatively rich. If his career is hindered, the family will immediately enter a difficult period. Therefore, Everyone else, no matter what, usually devotes their attention to his work.

But right now, no one seems to be paying attention to his job change, and it seems that they don't quite understand the meaning behind it?
He put down the water glass and said: "Let's put it this way, in the past at Renyi, everyone said that I was the eldest son, which is equivalent to the process of joining the party. I submitted an application for joining the party and became a party activist. How many years do I have to be active?" , it’s all a matter of chance, it may be next year, or it may be 30 years later, but this time if the nomination of the deputy director is passed, I will be equivalent to becoming a probationary party member. The speed of Vice President Ren, but before the age of 30, it is basically a certainty."


Classmate Xiao Zhang opened his eyes a little bit, and said in a brisk tone: "Then let's go out to celebrate."

"Cough cough."

Grandpa coughed twice in a timely manner, interrupted Xiao Zhang, and asked, as if he had just discovered him, "Are you back?"

Xu Rong thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what was going on, and said, "I've been back for a long time, you guys are here, are you going to have a meeting?"

"Have you been drinking?"

"Drink some, why, this battle, is there something wrong?"

Grandpa pressed his palm and said, "Sit down and talk."

Xu Rong looked left and right, and the seats were already full, and said: "No, if you have anything to say, just tell me where to sit?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang hurriedly pulled out a cushion from behind and handed it over, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, you, please sit on the floor first."

"Hey, three trials."

After Xu Rong sat down, the grandfather said: "You and Xiao Zhang are going to get married soon, between husband and wife, you can't always talk about each other in front of such outsiders, that's not good."

Xu Rong stared blankly at his grandfather. He could listen to other opinions and suggestions, but he couldn't listen to this alone, because his grandfather had never been married in his life. The one who has the least right to speak is Xu Xing, and the second is Grandpa.

Uncle Zhang explained with a smile: "Uncle Xu, it's actually not a problem, the two children are just playing around."

Aunt Wang also helped: "Sooner or later, young couples are all like this."

Xu Rong replied with a hippie smile: "Yes, yes, what you said, grandpa, is right. I will definitely change it in the future."

But in his heart, he became more and more nervous. Grandpa obviously wanted to distract himself.

Because this matter is really nothing, and there is no need to bring it up in such a grand way.

There must be bigger things waiting for him later.

Sure enough, Grandpa nodded lightly, and after a while, he asked abruptly: "You sold the house next to you, and the money you got from the sale, why did you go?"

Xu Rong's heart turned, and he was about to make up a reason, but he heard his grandfather continue: "I asked Xu Xing to check the computer, and the news said, you bought a four, what's the matter with the four?"

"Siheyuan." Classmate Xiao Zhang reminded him in a timely manner.

"Yes, I bought a courtyard house and spent hundreds of millions?" The old man stared fixedly at Xu Rong. He couldn't understand Xu Rong's original intention for doing this. The homestead in his hometown was idle and he wanted to live with a yard. Yes, going home to renovate and renovate, it only costs 30 to [-] yuan, but hundreds of millions of dollars can buy all the existing homesteads in their village.

In the simple cognition of the old man, Xu Rong was deceived this time, and he was deceived not lightly.

Xu Rong looked blankly at his classmate Xiao Zhang with his mouth open, and said with a dry smile: "How is it possible, what's the matter, oh, you said that yard, hey, it's all media I made it up, how can I spend hundreds of millions? I bought it for 80 yuan. In fact, it happened by coincidence. It happened that the original owner moved his family abroad, and he was also in our line of work. , from "A Dream of Red Mansions"

Seeing that he didn't want to admit it, the old man asked, "Then why is the courtyard next door started to be renovated? Don't tell me, you're going to move there later? I specifically called Zhang Yang today, and she said you've sold the house a long time ago. It was sold for 5000 million, and then you took the money to buy a broken yard where someone lived?"


Xu Rong lowered his head silently. Zhang Yang was his former butler, and now he is the butler of his studio, the person in charge of finance and administration.

At this time, he also understood what was going on. In theory, it was impossible for him to find out that he had sold the villa next door, because that suite was originally for investment, and he would not move there to live there.

But I didn't expect that the buyer started to decorate.

"Grandpa, do you know how much I paid for the apartment next door?"

"how much is it?"

"1000 million, but it's only been a few years, and it's sold for 5000 million, so don't see me spending money to buy a yard at a loss. The loss is because I have no money. If I am really rich, I will definitely sell the Forbidden City first. Come down, when it's over, do you believe that I collected tolls on Chang'an Avenue?!"


Classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing were the first to hold back and giggled, but seeing Grandpa's serious expression, the two stopped abruptly, but the corners of their mouths couldn't stop rising.

The old man sighed, and said: "I know you can earn money, and I didn't say I won't let you spend it, but it's such a big expense, should you discuss it with your family first, and you can make up your own mind , if you pay for it that day, I will go back to my hometown at the worst, I will not die of hunger if I have land and three tile-roofed houses, but are you going to let Xiao Zhang drink the northwest wind with you?"

Xu Rong fully understood the reason for such a big battle today. In fact, he didn't deliberately hide it from classmate Zhang. Classmate Zhang knew about his purchase of the courtyard house from the very beginning and went there several times in person, but she didn't have a courtyard house at all. The concept of the exchange relationship between RMB is like a dog is a very common animal for most people, but it is hard to imagine that a red Tibetan mastiff can be sold for tens of millions.

He nodded, but he made up his mind to try not to be discovered next time. Grandpa knows a lot of principles of life and doing things, but he has never seen big money in his life, just like him seven or eight years ago, ten thousand yuan is enough If you can't make sure that you can make money with an investment of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, the elderly will probably not agree to it.

But the money is really not much for him. Under normal circumstances, he can earn it in a year. If he works harder, the time needed may be halved.

"Xu Rong, the second grandpa can't be on your side this time. We can understand that you are busy with work, but after two days of hard work, you are about to start a family and start a business. When you go out to play, you don't see anyone all day long. You are still drunk when you come back, what does that sound like?"

Grandpa said Xu Rong, Xiao Zhang knew that there was no malice, but she was afraid that one day Mrs. Xu would sell the house she lives in and even mortgage it for investment, but she was quite clear, even though Xu Rong shouted Xu Xing's grandfather is the 'Second Grandpa', but it's just because of his grandfather's face.

It's just that in front of her grandfather, she knew that Mr. Xu would not embarrass the second grandfather for the sake of the whole family's life, but on the other hand, she knew very well that Mr. Xu didn't want to listen to these preaching in the attitude of an elder , because they don't understand that his so-called eating, drinking and having fun is also part of the job content.

She immediately retorted: "The cow has been plowing the land desperately, but why do you always let him plow faster and faster? Why can't you feel sorry for him, he is actually very tired."

Hearing Xiao Zhang's dissatisfaction that he tried his best to conceal but failed to completely conceal, Grandpa said with a smile, "Okay, okay, let's stop talking about Xu Rong, and talk about Xiao Zhang should be distressed."


There was a moment of silence in the living room, and then burst out laughing. Xu Rong patted Xiao Zhang on the back and said, "I smell like alcohol, I'll go up and take a shower first."

When Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang went upstairs, Xiao Zhang's parents looked at each other and said, "Then Uncle Xu, let's go back to rest first."

"Well, let's go."

Xu Xing watched his parents help his grandpa back to the room, and walked to the side of the grandpa who was about to get up, and held his arm.

The old man smiled and said: "No, no, don't think my legs and feet are inconvenient, in fact, it's fine."

Xu Xing smiled and said: "I know, I want to talk to you, grandpa, I'm going to go out to make an announcement in two days."

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

When he came to the door of the room, Grandpa suddenly turned his head and asked, "Xu Xing, tell me, do I ask too much from Xu Rong?"

Xu Xing was stunned for a moment, she couldn't understand why the grandfather would ask this question, because her brother didn't show any dissatisfaction just now, so she said: "No, I didn't find that my brother was unhappy."

"Him?" The old man smiled and shook his head, and said slowly, "He won't show us his displeasure. He knows in his heart that the whole family counts on him to live, even if the sky falls, and his He won't say anything to us until his knee is broken."

"But it's okay, there is Xiao Zhang."

At the same time, the follow-up influence of Xu Rong's open class began to continue to ferment. Zhongxi Tieba became the first community to be "bloodbathed". All the discussions of art candidates revolved around the same topic.

What subjects does Xu Rong teach?
With the excitement of the China Opera Tieba, the video of its public class was quickly reprinted, and it became popular in all major universities in China in just one day.

While reposting, many people found that the video was incomplete, and the live broadcast seemed to be abruptly cut off. Viewers who did not watch the live broadcast and those who wanted to watch the live broadcast for the second time could only use the live video Some blurry videos feel Xu Rong's last sonorous answer.

But also because of the incompleteness of the video, rumors of shady scenes and banning gradually began to spread. Although Sina explained that it was caused by a system failure, as the rumors became more and more dense, more and more people began to believe that Xu Rong was convicted for his words this time. Because in some people's eyes, Xu Rong's words exposed the reality of class solidification in the current society to some extent.

Xiao Zhang, who was lying on the bed, saw that netizens on Weibo had begun to call Mr. Xu "Xu" to prevent blocking and deleting posts, and the media and self-media seemed to smell the wind, and deleted them in a uniform manner. Past reports about Xu Rong.

She was a little panicked.

She didn't bother to put on her shoes, and quickly opened the bathroom door, looked at Xu Rong who was standing in the steam, and said anxiously: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, everyone on the Internet said that you were blocked because of today's public class." .”

(End of this chapter)

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