I'm just an actor

Chapter 371 Aftermath

Chapter 371 Aftermath
"Media and self-media?"

Xu Rong asked curiously, put the bath flower aside casually, and was about to flush the water, when the worry on Xiao Zhang's face immediately turned into dissatisfaction: "Mr. Don't put flowers together with shower gel or anything else, you hang them on the hook above first, and after you finish washing, take them to the balcony to dry, otherwise bacteria will grow."

"Oh, thank you for reminding me, lest I almost forget."

"Oh, I almost forgot the business when you interrupted me." Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed at the phone and said, "Mr. Xu, are you really all right?"

"The media and self-media, how should I put it, the vast majority, one bad, one stupid." Xu Rong took off the shower, washed the foam off the wall, and tried the water temperature with the other hand. After a while, the water in the pipe became a little cold.

"Creating and manipulating public opinion is an important tool for hegemonic countries to shape ideology, and it is also a powerful weapon to fool the public to overthrow a regime. Artificially guiding and creating public opinion, and repeatedly propagating the views of specific groups of people, can often shape general and contrary to public will. False public opinion field, which is also the usual tactic used by Germany during World War II, to achieve the goal of "a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth". In the Internet age, through unilateral information feeding, the party with the right to speak can often create a "Information cocoons', disseminating false information to achieve the purpose of shaping public opinion and controlling the public."

“It is the prerogative of the minority ruling class to promote and shape public opinion through the control of discourse power. The tide of public opinion it raises cannot represent the will of the country and the people, let alone a response to the truth. It is intentional to achieve a specific purpose."

Listening to the undisguised sarcasm in Xu Rong's words, Xiao Zhang looked at him in disbelief and said, "Mr. Xu, how can you say that."

"Why, do you think I'm talking about our country's media?"

Xu Rong smiled and shook his head, and said: "What are you thinking? This is the original text of the official media, oh, yes, there is another sentence behind it: Looking back at history, using lies to shape public opinion is a common and important strategy for the United States to wage wars overseas. Get ready."

Xiao Zhang understood now.

"What about the self-media?"

Xu Rong curled his lips in disdain, and said: "As for the self-media, they are spreading knowledge in name, but how should I put it, it belongs to the things that laymen watch the fun, and experts don't even read it, because real knowledge will only appear in periodicals Instead of appearing in self-media articles, if they really make a lot of money in their line of work, do you really think that they will be as tired as dogs to do self-media?"

"If those articles can be published in the top SCI journals, or even lower the standard, and published in the core journals, the benefits they can get are a thousand times, ten thousand times or even more than that of the self-media platform, but in fact they can't, researching a As long as the industry is a little deeper, you will find that the knowledge you are looking for, not to mention self-media, even Baidu can't find it. From ancient times to the present, really useful knowledge has always been paid, and free things are often It’s all reasoning, which is the so-called brainwashing, but now most people are unwilling to pay for knowledge, and as time goes by, they feel that the superficial content that has been repeated over and over again by the self-media is the ceiling.”

"A group of people who only know a little bit about the relevant industry, what insights can you expect them to have?"


Xu Rong hung the shower to the side again, switched the water outlet switch to the large shower above, and said: "If I am really blocked, no one will discuss me on the Internet, and I will not even be able to find any and The news about me, at the moment, is nothing more than sensationalism to attract attention, don't pay attention to them, it will stop in two days."

"By the way." Xu Rong saw Xiao Zhang holding his mobile phone, and couldn't help but asked with a smile, "Do you want to wash it together?"

"I don't want it!" Xiao Zhang subconsciously laughed and exited the bathroom, "You don't want to take a bath at all."

Contrary to Xu Rong's expectations, the rumors subsided quite suddenly.

On the second day of the open class, in the face of the rumors flying in the sky, People's Daily published an editorial.

When Xu Rong just walked into the door of Zhang Heping's office, he saw him lighting the newspaper with his hand, and said, "Little Xu, it's amazing, it's really amazing, Renri published an editorial specially for you."

Although Xu Rong didn't know exactly what happened, but he knew very well that it was definitely not a bad thing to appear on People's Day, and said: "This is all taught by you, the dean. When I first came, I was just a newcomer. The students who come out of the school are so stupid that they don't understand anything, and they don't even want to join the party. If it weren't for your usual teachings, how could they be where they are today."

Zhang Heping straightened his face and said, "Don't dare to say that. You don't even want to join the party. You must never mention this kind of thing a second time, you know?"

Xu Rong still smiled and said, "Yes, yes, yes, I remember."

Grandpa once told him that he should speak up in the courtyard, whether he is right or wrong, but he must never treat himself as an outsider. After a long time, others will treat him as an outsider.

Then he put forward a very radical proposal at the Art Committee meeting. Except for Feng Yuanzheng, no one supported it, but Zhang Heping's ambiguous attitude made him confused for a while.

But later, he gradually figured out something, and drew inferences from it.

There is a wonderful relationship between the superior and the subordinate. The superior depends on the subordinate to do things, but there is also natural competition.

When superiors treat subordinates, they must at least maintain a certain sense of mystery, otherwise they will be figured out by subordinates, and it will be like the relationship between the emperor and civil servants in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, angry at the status quo but powerless to change.

The lower level treats the higher level, and because it is very different whether it is directly under the leadership, his position has already approached Zhang Heping, so at this time, there is no need to show that he can do everything well. It's a good thing.

And the dialogue between him and Zhang Heping is divided into two layers, one is flattery, everyone likes flattery, but it does not include blunt flattery, some flattery sounds blunt, but if you can prove its rationality, Then it is equivalent to installing a filter for flattery, filtering out the taste of flattery, and leaving only spiritual pleasure for the other party.

Everything depends on Zhang Heping's teachings in the past, isn't it?
There must be.

Because he made a mistake while speaking, Zhang Heping took it for granted to teach him dun dun.

"Here, take a look."

Zhang Heping handed the newspaper to him and said, "Don't look at people's day, you were mentioned before, but that's different. The previous articles were all signed, this time it's an editorial."

Xu Rong took the newspaper and saw that it was written where Zhang Heping pointed:

Editorial: Accomplish the mission with hard work, and hold up the dream with hard work.

"Editorials are important guiding commentary articles of the newspaper editorial department. They are authoritative speeches representing the views of the editorial department. They reflect the positions, viewpoints, and propositions of certain classes and social and political groups on current major issues and events. They are an important way to influence public opinion. , an editorial is authoritative because it represents the party's point of view."

Xu Rong roughly glanced at it, and the article mainly focused on the point of "struggle".

But the article itself proves one thing to the outside world, the rumors about him being blocked are pure nonsense.

Along with the Renri editorial, many domestic media immediately followed up in a uniform formation, and it is likely that "happiness is achieved through hard work."

Xu Rong's old friend Hua Ming's article yesterday was also released after being blocked for a day:

I don't know how to perform, and I can't comment on the professional content of Xu Rong's speech, and so far, I haven't seen any relevant professionals comment on the professional content of Xu Rong's open class.

What I want to talk about are some social problems that emerged in this open class.

First of all, the overall quality of some contemporary netizens is extremely low. There are too many examples. For example, when Xu Rong said during the period that "culture is the sum of acquired material and spiritual production capacity and created material and spiritual wealth." I saw that the comments were full of "?" doubts, and then I started various criticisms, accusations and even abuse.

Contemporary Internet participants, and it can even be said that the basis for judging the right and wrong of others by contemporary youth is not based on their own knowledge, but a very simple instinct, that is, if I think what you say is wrong, then you are wrong, regardless of scientific facts, What is even more incredible is that due to the popularity of the Internet, many netizens know a little about everything, and the result is that many people think they know everything.

After watching the live broadcast, I finally understood why Xu Rong has never responded to the controversy and accusations about him from the outside world. He is a teacher and has the responsibility to answer people's doubts, but just like the content of his lectures, he is only responsible for the basics As for the improvement above, as for the most basic enlightenment work and popularization of common sense, he never does it. Perhaps, he himself feels that it is a waste of life.

The second is that young people's yearning for fame and fortune was more naked and undisguised, which was extremely rare in our time. In the whole open class, Xu Rong explained to us many aspects of acting as a technology in the first half hour. As for the core issue, I see that many netizens on the Internet say they don’t understand it, but as mentioned above, what he is doing is not popularizing common sense, and it is reasonable to not understand it.

But in the second half of the class, it is not difficult to find that the students' problems are mainly divided into two aspects, one is the attack on Xu Rong himself, and the other is how to make more money faster.

Leaving aside the identities of teachers and students, the attacks that were so crazy that they lost their minds, such as some students asking him if Nortel is the best school, and the attacks on the Internet about his discrimination against migrant workers, what is the source of all this?

I think it's dissatisfaction with the current state of life.

Xu Rong made a suggestion that I think is very good. Happiness is achieved through struggle. If you are dissatisfied with your current life, you should act on it. Otherwise, there is no point in venting your dissatisfaction on the Internet like an incompetent roar.

Regarding the second point, how to make more money faster, we can find Xu Rong's ambivalence when facing such problems.

Contemporary society is an era of laughing at the poor and not laughing at prostitutes. Although money is not omnipotent, it is infinitely close to omnipotent. As an actor who has always practiced his sense of social responsibility, Xu Rong knows this very well, and he does not forcefully preach, but can only use An eclectic way, it provides students with a feasible and positive suggestion to make money through their own efforts and struggles.

But in the comments, there are all kinds of yin and yang voices, saying that Xu Rong's butt is crooked now, and what he said no longer represents the broad masses of the people.

But if you don't make money through hard work and struggle, then what?
Speculation or noble blood?
When the whole people start to speculate, it proves that the majesty of the law is gone, and human life will be worthless.

As for blood showing nobility, it is a slave society, a feudal society, and under that social order, the vast majority of people can only be manipulated and squeezed like animals, and the life and death of anyone is at the whim of the supreme ruler .

I'm especially thankful that the live broadcast was interrupted due to a technical failure and the last paragraph could not be broadcast live, otherwise I dare not imagine that when Xu Rong read the last paragraph, most of the netizens would probably look at the person on the podium with a mentality of treating a clown.

However, is Xu Rong who read this passage a clown, or Lu Xun who wrote this passage a clown?
Or, the one who thinks they both are clowns is the clown?

Huaming's comments were also reposted by major media because they were highly targeted. However, compared to the nearly one-sided evaluations of traditional media, an alternative carnival has already launched on the Internet.

In addition to the well-known "Death Note" stalk, Xu Rongyin's back to the auditorium's sentence "Even if I don't watch it, I can guess it." has become a favorite in various ghost and animal videos in one fell swoop.

And many video producers were surprised to find that Xu Rong's lines can be spliced ​​into various videos, such as "Even if I don't watch it, I can guess it, shut up! You shameless old thief"

The most weird thing is that there is no sense of disobedience after splicing.

At the same time, because of Xu Rong's public class, an actress became popular all over the Internet for no reason.

"Who is Yuan Yu?"

Soon, Xu Rong's evaluation of Yuan Yu's "I have a friend who is also your senior sister named Yuan Yu. I think her talent and hard work should not be buried." was reprinted at the opening ceremony of Chinese opera. .

And so far, the name Yuan Yu has completely attracted the curiosity of people all over the country, who is she, and why can she get such a high evaluation from Xu Rong?

With the joint efforts of the whole network, Yuan Yu was quickly locked in, and his resume from childhood to adulthood was turned upside down, and his uneven figure, extremely capable appearance, and sunny smile quickly made him a microblogger. The number of fans soared from 320 to 130 million, [-] million more than that of Xiao Zhang, who has worked hard on Weibo for many years.

It's just that when netizens dug up Yuan Yu's performance in "Home", the comments were all "fucking awesome.", "The real goosebumps are not the kind of goosebumps on variety shows.".

At this point, the majority of netizens watched the speech video of the opening ceremony again, and suddenly realized that Xu Rong had been tricked by Xu Rong.

At that time, Xu Rong once asserted: "Please remember this name, I think you will be familiar with her in the near future."

At that time, everyone thought that Yuan Yu would prove his thesis with a blockbuster work, but they never thought that he would successfully become the second female artist in the studio after Xu Xing through a six-month advanced promotion. .

And unlike Xu Xing who spent a lot of resources on Xu Xing, Xu Rong did not spend a dime to make Yuan Yu famous!

(End of this chapter)

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