After Chen Baoguo revealed the subtleties behind the "artificial noise reduction challenge", the entire entertainment circle suddenly fell into a strange atmosphere, as if many people were swimming and playing at the beach, but everyone knew that some of them must be swimming naked.

A small number of people turned on the "super sonar" and could clearly hear who was wearing a swimsuit and who was naked, but because they found that there were too many people with naked buttocks, they could only choose to keep silent.

And at this time, Chen Baoguo who turned on the "Super Sonar" suddenly roared: "Everyone pay attention, everyone pay attention, some people are not wearing swimming trunks, some are not wearing swimming trunks!"

Everyone heard his words, everyone laughed and looked around with surprised eyes, sending a message to others: Anyway, I wore it.

However, some naked swimmers, although calm on the surface, began to worry in private, because once the tide receded, although everyone would inevitably lose face together, it would undoubtedly prove that not only did they not meet the passing standards of professional actors, but even the most basic profession The integrity is also completely lost, because their behavior has vividly interpreted a modern version of "filling the number".

Moreover, Chen Baoguo's words also reminded that it is possible to tell if it is fake. In view of this, many artists who participated in the "artificial noise reduction challenge" before silently deleted the related videos.

When the whole network was discussing how to tell the truth from the fake, an unexpected actress stepped forward.

Xu Xing, a new goddess of variety shows who has brought a lot of hot jokes since the day she entered the circle.

Xu Rong's younger sister, Xu Rong's ex-assistant who was dismissed, the bastard in the film and television industry that Xu Rong resolutely blocked, the rookie Xu Rong killed in the human arts recruitment examination, the lost girl who desperately earned money for her brother and sister-in-law, and the last Beautiful variety show vases and many other labels are added. Wherever Xu Xing goes, there will never be a lack of stalks that make the audience laugh. However, with his good face and hot body, after completely giving up his career as an actor, he quickly harvested a lot. A large number of male fans have become popular variety show female guests in various programs recently.

After the media interview with Chen Baoguo, Xu Xing immediately deleted the "Manual Noise Cancellation Challenge" video, and immediately apologized publicly on Weibo: "First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone. Film and television bastard, I am not a qualified actor, just like now, I really can't continue to act, I apologize to everyone."

Since his debut, Xu Xing has not had any remarkable works. On the contrary, his labels such as "vase", "non-professional actor", and "a girl who has lost her foot squeezed by Xu Rong" have frequently attracted fans, and Xu Xing has fully implemented what Jin Fangfang gave her. The strategy of "relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, relying on the water to eat the water, and relying on the elder brother to eat the elder brother" strategy, in the case of Xu Rong's mysterious and a bit too much, as the sister who has the first-hand information channel, Xu Xing has become an "actor Xu Rong" The real-life version of the operation administrator, although she has been often complained about except for her "brother" and figure, she has nothing else to sell, but this wave of camps closely follow the trend and focus on the core publicity strategy to expose her instantly has risen to an unprecedented level.

Xu Xing was the first to stand up and admit her mistakes. In the eyes of the public, it showed that she was a shameless girl. Most importantly, her apology was taken for granted.

My own brother said that I am a film and television bastard, where do you have the courage to think that I can achieve the challenge?
The public, especially men, are always overly tolerant of long and beautiful women in many small details, especially her face is so lovely, her curves are so enchanting, and her fierceness is so fierce. In Xu Xing's apology Under the Weibo, there are mostly "Xu Xing is so innocent!", "I like her so much, she is so cute, she can't even lie.", "My wife is fine, even if you really don't know how to act, I I still love you too, by the way, say hello to my brother-in-law for me." For the majority of male netizens, if you really marry Xu Xing, besides picking up a beautiful wife with a bad mind, you can also make a statement out of thin air. Many rich and powerful uncles.

This wave, no loss!
As Xu Xing's exposure skyrocketed, Xu Rong had a nickname unanimously recognized by all male netizens on the Internet for the first time since his debut.


While many netizens lamented that the brother and sister Xu Rong are low-key and honest, and their family style is simple, the colleagues in the industry are almost numb.

In an open class, Xu Rong is about to make money like crazy!

Without spending a penny, the artists under the studio, except his wife, the rest of Xu Xing and Yuan Yu have received a huge amount of exposure and attention in a short period of time.

If measured by money, Xu Rong earned at least tens of millions in an open class!

What stunned the netizens was that Yang Mi also followed Xu Xing with more enthusiasm than participating in the challenge and quickly apologized: "I am very very sorry, because my poor consideration caused everyone's misunderstanding. In fact, I did not pass. I'm sorry, Mr. Li, for failing to live up to your expectations, and I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, for failing to live up to your teachings during college. I will work harder in the future, and I'm sorry again."

Yang Mi directly admitted that the cheating was not intentional, but "everyone misunderstood" through "inconsiderate consideration", and then a wave of apologies full of apology and apologetic "Sorry, Mr. Xu, for failing to live up to your teaching during college" , Combined with certain rumors that the two were close friends in the past, it is inevitable for netizens to imagine that the two may have had a period of youthful years that belonged to each other.

In any case, after Xu Xing in an organized and planned way, Yang Mi, through her own keen sense of smell, and a short apology essay with more dimensions and meanings worthy of further study, contributed to a very dramatic reversal of polarity. Also standing on the "cusp" of the entire entertainment industry!
It wasn't until this time that many colleagues realized that Nortel's 05 class was full of talents. I thought Xu Rong was already strong enough. After all, it was not easy to suppress the entire 80 generation. But now it seems that compared to Under the circumstances, it seems that Yang Mi is even better. Over the past few years, all kinds of fancy tightrope walking operations have never stopped, but they have never played off from the beginning to the end.

However, some careful publicity practitioners and agents found something strange. The two Weibo posts Yang Mi successively posted had nothing to do with Li Xuejian and Xu Rong. "I'm not Li Dan" was just an unknown The certified stranger blogger is obviously not Li Xuejian himself, and the "hardworking and diligent classmate Zhang" is Xu Rong's girlfriend. As for "actor Xu Rong", God knows if it is another vest of the really hardworking and hardworking classmate Zhang ?
At this time, they fully understood why Xu Rong was able to always occupy the top of the pyramid in the 80s. This guy is as cautious as Li Xuejian, who has already matured. It can be pushed cleanly.

And the most weird thing is that Xu Rong, as Yang Mi's classmate and a representative of early idols, was unknowingly recognized by everyone as a famous actor second only to Li Xuejian, Chen Baoguo and others.

The managers once again focused their attention on Xu Xing and Yuan Yu. Although the way these two people became popular is different from Xu Rong, it is undeniable that they are the same as Xu Rong in an abnormal way. It became popular, and some people who knew a little about the inside story could vaguely feel that behind the three of them, a petite figure loomed.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Xu Xing and Yang Mi, through their respective operations, accompanied by controversy, criticism, and the reputation of "knowing mistakes can make things better", became topical figures, and the announcements did not decrease but increased. Yuan Yu became the three most discussed actresses on the Internet.

It's just that as Xu Xing and Yang Mi's fancy apology became popular, netizens slowly returned their attention to the original question again. Is "artificial silence" really difficult?

As a result, a national "artificial noise reduction challenge" craze emerged. Only after the majority of netizens tried it did they find that it was not very difficult, but ridiculously difficult.

Some netizens described the purely physical requirements: "You hold the air in your hand, but you have to make others feel that you are holding a hammer in your hand."

Although many people quietly deleted the video after Xu Xing and Yang Mi apologized, there are still videos of half of the entertainers in the entertainment circle on Weibo, so what are you afraid of?
This made the media and netizens anxious. In the end, after making countless phone calls, the media finally found an authoritative person who was not afraid of the collective hostility of the film and television industry.

The Taishan Beidou-level figure in the dubbing industry, Xu Rong spent 200 million to ask the dubbing master Tong Zirong for his lines.

"There is a subtle difference between the vocal mouth shape and the silent mouth shape. We often say that the pronunciation of the word should be pronounced, and the word must be pronounced and returned to the sound it should be assigned to be a complete word. process."

"It's actually very easy to tell who is the real 'artificial noise reduction' and who is physical noise reduction. You can take the video and check the mouth shapes of Xu Rong, Li Xuejian, and Chen Baoguo."

Tong Zirong not only explained the nuances of the pronunciation and mouth shape of each word in the silenced state, but also seemed to be afraid that the media would not fully understand, he even gave a comparison example!

After Tong Zirong appeared to speak out, a strange incident suddenly occurred in the entertainment industry in the mainland. Within half an hour, almost all the videos of the "manual noise reduction challenge" that everyone had originally had were deleted.

In the end, netizens were surprised to find that there were only 31 videos left that had not been deleted on the entire network, including the original creator Xu Rong.

According to the "tutorial" provided by Tong Zirong, the mouth shapes in the 31 videos showed an astonishing consistency after being screened frame by frame by netizens. As for the ones that disappeared, it also showed the audience on the whole network how many people were slapping their faces to pretend to be fat. .

There are only 31 people left in China.

Among the list of 31 people, Xu Rong is the youngest, followed by the actress Song Jia who has worked with him twice.

At this point, some netizens expressed their own doubts: "Could it be that there are only 31 actors in China who can meet the minimum standards proposed by Xu Rong? Is the standard too high, or the overall level of actors is too low?"

Under the turbulent wave of public opinion, Chen Baoguo, the "instigator" and chairman of the Visual Association, had to stand up and explain again: "Actually, many people played with curiosity at the beginning. Everyone felt that the "red" idea proposed by Xu Rong The standard is very interesting, that’s why I recorded it, and I can’t say that if people don’t record it, they can’t do it, just like a few friends I know, I’m sure they can do it, but they don’t go online at all.”

"Furthermore, audience friends should have also discovered that the so-called 31 people on the Internet now include thirty other people besides Xu Rong. The youngest Song Jia is also seven years older than Xu Rong. In fact, there is no comparison at all. Like what Xu Rong said, this is a threshold, and once you cross this threshold, you are qualified to say that you can act and become an actor."

"Then why does Teacher Chen think other people can't do it?"

"You should ask Xu Rong this question. He is the head of the Department of Chinese Opera and a teacher of Nortel. It is his responsibility to train good actors. Without good young actors, he cannot be said to be fully responsible. One third is not too much. Bar?"

When the recording of Chen Baoguo's interview was released, there was a heated discussion on the Internet again. Among them, the most commented was the word "killing people".

Xu Rong has only been in office for only half a year, and the overall decline in the level of mainland actors has nothing to do with Xu Rong?
Chen Baoguo ridiculed not only the bustling artists in the Mainland who call themselves "actors", but also experts and professors who are eating vegetarian meals in universities and colleges.

Despite the hustle and bustle of the outside world, Xu Rong acted as if nothing had happened, doing his own things step by step.

He took a total of three days off. On the first day, he participated in the open class and accompanied Xu Xiang to some elegant places for outings and gatherings. On the second day, he went back to the courtyard to visit Zhang Heping, Pu Cunxi, Ren Ming, and Secretary Ma. They sat there for a while.

After all, if you want to use the actors in the theater for free, you can't just talk about it. Once or twice, it can be justified. If Zhang Heping doesn't say anything, he may have opinions in his heart. People can be regarded as his elders in terms of age, and soon it will be New Year's Day. If there is no accident, he was still filming in other places at that time, and it was difficult to come back to visit. For public and private purposes, he had to move around in advance, and he also took some The local specialty brought back from this trip to Tianjin for filming, Moutai.

Of course, the main purpose is still to inquire about the progress of the play "Jiaziyuan".

The current progress is still gratifying, because the screenwriter He Jiping is still polishing the script! ! !
If Mr. He can continue to polish it for another five or six months, and start preparations and rehearsals after the filming of his "Peking" scene in the theater, that will be the most perfect solution.

Sitting in the office, Xu Rong leaned in the middle of the chair, holding a pen, contemplating.

How can we slow down Teacher He's progress?
Although He Jiping is not well-known among the audience, he is one of the top screenwriters in the industry. He has created the classic drama "The First Floor in the World", as well as "Legend of the New White Lady", "New Dragon Inn", and "Certificate of Names" which are familiar to the audience. , "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" and other film and television works.

Another identity of He Jiping is the full-time screenwriter of Renyi.

"Teacher Xu, are you back?"

Xu Rong's thinking was suddenly interrupted by classmate Xiao Zhang who pushed open the door and poked his head in.

He was stunned for a moment, then gently put down the pen in his hand, with a look of sadness that was rarely seen on his face, he sighed first, and then said in a low tone: "Xiao Zhang, there is something that you need to advise me about." .”

"Huh?" Xiao Zhang grabbed the doorknob vigilantly, not daring to enter the door, because according to her past experience, every time Teacher Xu showed a frowning expression and talked to herself in such a blank tone, she would often not hold back. What a fart, so she stood there extremely vigilantly, and blocked Song Yi who wanted to enter the door with her body, and looked at Xu Rong, "You, you, what are you talking about first?"

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