I'm just an actor

Chapter 374 Assignment

Chapter 374 Assignment
Xu Rong couldn't feel comfortable listening to Xiao Zhang's words, so she hurriedly made up for a gentle smile, and said, "Why are you holding on to the door, it looks like you're blocking Xiao Song from the outside."

Xiao Zhang stepped aside first to let Song Yi in, and then she opened the office door openly, lest Xu Rong would eat her here.

Although classmate Xiao Zhang had already had a premonition the moment she pushed the door, and at the same time she showed up, she might have unknowingly stepped into the trap set by Teacher Xu. Not old convinced.

She firmly believes that with her keen insight and meticulous logical thinking, she can avoid being tricked by Teacher Xu.

When Song Yi entered the door and watched the two of them take off their coats one after another, Xu Rong picked up the pen again, nodded gently between his brows, and asked while thinking, "Why did you go, and you haven't seen anyone for a long time? "

"I had a meal with Xu Xing, and then sent her to the airport. I just heard from her assistant that her announcement has been scheduled for next year's New Year's Day, especially in the days before and after the Spring Festival this year. She will go to nine TV stations in a row. Recording the show." Xiao Zhang was not in a very high mood, and he didn't know whether he was frightened by Xu Xing's sad rabbit death or fox, or was infected by Xu Rong who had been frowning since they entered the door.

"It's not a bad thing to be busy, it's better to be busy, it's better to be busy." Xu Rong responded absently.


Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Rong holding the pen, feeling a little dazed, and opened her mouth subconsciously to ask, but at the nick of time, she closed her mouth again, holding up the down jacket that was about to hang on the hanger, frowning suspiciously. sizing him up.

"Brother Xu, what's the matter, what's the matter with you?" Song Yi looked at Xu Rong and asked in doubt, she felt that Xu Rong seemed to have something on his mind.

"No." Xu Rong shook his head and said, he sighed heavily and long again, and the hearts of those who listened were swayed.

"Oh, just tell me if you have anything to do, maybe we can help?!"

Classmate Xiao Zhang bit his lip and looked at Song Yi beside him with a tense face full of concern, as if seeing himself in the past.

Xu Rong squinted at Xiao Zhang, and found that she had been biting her lip, but she didn't make a sound for a long time, and said: "Actually, it's nothing, but grandpa called me at noon and asked me if I would return." home for dinner?"

"After I hung up the phone, I suddenly realized that since I came out seven or eight years ago, I have been busy outside most of the time. I go home two or three times a year at most, sometimes only once a year, and every time I go back , and always in a hurry, even at home, he leaves early and returns late, but grandpa is so old, even if he lives another 20 years, it means that I may only see him sixty times in this life."

As Xu Rong spoke, he let out another heart-wrenching long sigh, and said, "Grandpa can still watch my plays often at home. I can be regarded as accompanying him more or less, but I don't know how many times I can see him."

Xiao Zhang could tell that he wasn't lying, but out of instinct, she was still deliberating and tentatively tentatively: "Then, why don't I go out to work and you stay at home for a while?"

"My parents are still young, don't be afraid." At the end, Xiao Zhang muttered again, but his eyes were still staring at Xu Rong.

Before Xu Rong could speak, Song Yi gave her a blank look, and said, "That must not work. Grandpa has such a traditional way of thinking. If he knows that you are raising Brother Xu, I can assure you that he will never refuse you to buy a cane again. proposal."


"It's good to beat Brother Xu!"


The two looked at each other, and suddenly laughed happily, but they both realized very quickly that they were talking about serious things, so they quickly stopped their smiles, thinking seriously or pretending to be serious.

After a few seconds, Song Yi suddenly pointed at Xu Rong: "Hey, I thought of a way, how about this, brother Xu, you can have someone make a movie about your grandfather, brother Xu, you play the role of grandpa, and grandpa also appears in the scene, It doesn't take too many roles, so it won't be particularly tiring, what do you think?"

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, the direction he wanted to lead was not this, but the magic power of words lies in this, as long as the general direction is followed, the result is always set.

Xiao Zhang immediately jumped up when he heard Song Yi's proposal, and said, "Okay, okay, let me tell you, grandpa told me a lot of his past stories, for example, he was the son of his parents, His parents are very precious, so they let a long-term worker in the family carry him to play with him every day, even when grinding wheat, he would put him on the millstone, and once the long-term worker carried him to the market."

When Xu Rong heard Song Yi's proposal, his eyes lit up first, but then he frowned slightly: "This proposal is good or bad, but I don't know how to write scripts, and I don't really want outsiders to write them. You know, the current Screenwriters just make up things to make money."

Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned and thought, but not thinking about suggestions, but thinking about what the hell he was holding back, because she suddenly realized that Teacher Xu knew many famous screenwriters, like Liu Heping, Gao Mantang and others, and My relationship with him is very good.

Song Yi, who was not deeply involved, thought about it and said: "That's simple, there are so many good screenwriters in our academy, why don't you ask them to help write?"

Xu Rong suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, why did I forget about this?"

"Whoever you think is suitable should be the one that can write particularly delicately, but is good at writing male dramas."

Song Yi took it for granted again: "Of course it's Teacher He Jiping, I think Brother Xu, you are too busy."

Xu Rong said "Oh" again, thought for a while, and said, "Mr. He? Okay, Mr. He is good. I will think about it. The main time is very urgent. I may have a few months after I finish filming "Peking" next year." I'm free, and the next few years will be very busy."

"Then why don't you just tell Mr. He that you hope to get the script as soon as possible?"

"Isn't it good? After all, it's a private job."

"Can you give her money?!"

"Teacher He has such a great reputation, at least 100 million, it's too wasteful, too wasteful."

"Oh, Mr. Xu, just take it as a gift for grandpa. Don't feel sorry for the little money. Didn't you say so?"

Xu Rong didn't let Xiao Zhang say the second half of his words, and nodded heavily, and immediately said: "Xiao Zhang, since you have such filial piety, I can't stop you, just let it go. money is not the problem."

Xiao Zhang's eyes suddenly widened. What do you mean by "Since you have such filial piety, I can't stop you?" I just told you not to worry about money, didn't I say I would do it?

Song Yi looked at classmate Xiao Zhang, and said excitedly: "Haha, sister Zhang, grandpa will be very happy to hear this news!"

Then, she turned her head again, and proudly said to Xu Rong: "Look, what I just said, can we help?"

Xu Rong also smiled: "Thank you."

And the classmate Xiao Zhang on the side had already pouted her mouth to the sky. She understood it completely. I bought tickets, but missed the concert of my favorite singer because of overtime.

Right now, he intentionally let himself take the money to throw the script of "Jiaziyuan" behind, obviously planning to make himself a scapegoat. If someone in the courtyard wonders why the script of "Jiaziyuan" has not been finalized for a long time, Mr. He will help If she confessed, she, Xiao Zhang, had to stand up and admit that, out of filial piety, she troubled Teacher He Jiping and wasted her time.

It has nothing to do with the dog man, and Song Yi can testify!

Bah, you dog man, you know how to cheat Xiao Zhang!
Xu Rong already had a rough calculation in mind. With He Jiping's reputation, a normal script would cost between 50 and 300 million. Since the main purpose is to delay the finalization of the script of "Jiaziyuan", he plans to double the premium. 500 million to 1000 million, there is only one requirement, and the script must be obtained by the end of January next year.

There are only two months, unless He Jiping is fooling around, otherwise it will be too late anyway, but with the huge amount of money added, as an "urgent and important" matter, she must put aside other work at hand and concentrate on writing for him. script.

1000 million is not a lot of money for top directors and actors, but for screenwriters, if you miss this village, you will never find this shop again!

Anyway, no matter what, the date of the formation of "Jiaziyuan" must be postponed by three months.

As for whether "Jiaziyuan" will be delayed because of this, he is not too worried. The [-]th anniversary dramas only need to be staged next year. If they are all released on the anniversary day, let alone whether there are enough actors, There are not so many theaters in the courtyard.

After the matter of welcome and delivery was finished, Xu Rong looked at the golden afterglow outside the window and exhaled lightly. Tomorrow is still a busy day.

He also wants to meet Jin Fangfang to see the progress of the wedding preparations, the status of endorsements next year, and the distribution of this year's year-end awards.

The wedding is the most important thing. After all, it is a major event in life, and with Xiao Zhang's small mind, it is very difficult for him to participate in the second time in his life.

For the rest, compared to the endorsement contract, the year-end award is the big one he cares about. There are not many people in the studio, but there are also many, because it is no longer limited to a small workshop for his personal service, and the scale is compared to his original plan. , more than doubled in size, and now it is said that there are more than 20 people.

Among them, the one that made him most difficult to decide was Jin Fangfang's. This girl's material life has been extremely rich, to the point where men with an annual income of less than one million can no longer get into her eyes.

Fairy tales about the poor boy and Bai Fumei, the poor scholar and the young lady have been circulated for 2000 years, and they still emerge in endlessly, because most of the people who make up the stories are poor scholars.

But the real situation is that because of the difference in material basis, two people with very different outlooks on life and values, even if they come together because of temporary loneliness, will eventually collapse completely because of the difference in concept.

A woman who spends tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands a month on her face and body can talk about love with a man with a monthly salary of three thousand, but it is difficult to talk about life.

In Jin Fangfang's view, spending 2 yuan on a dress is a routine consumption, and spending hundreds of thousands on a "happy" dress has just reached the threshold of luxury, but for most ordinary men, it is something they have worked hard for many years to save. to the savings.

When Xu Rong was sitting in the office thinking, Li Gen felt that every minute and every second was suffering.

"Zhang Lin divided 50, why?"

Wang Yaqin sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, holding a piece of A4 paper, and looked at Jin Fangfang, Zhang Yang, and Li Gen who was called to listen in puzzlement.

Jin Fangfang said with a serious expression: "She is mainly responsible for publicity. You should understand that without any works, it is not easy for Xu Xing to get to this point."

Wang Yaqin waited for her to finish speaking, and immediately retorted: "She used the resources of the studio."

"At least she can use it."

"Okay, next one, Wang Yaqin."

Wang Yaqin glanced down, and then looked at Zhang Yang: "Why is Wang Yaqin's bonus this amount?"

Li Gen originally thought that he had important arrangements, but after realizing what was going on, he watched this scene speechlessly. He thought that he would finally have a three-day vacation, but it turned out that it was only the next day when Jin Fangfang yelled at him early in the morning come over.


Rehearse how to report to Xu Rong the results of their proposed assignment.

He felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill, but he was just telling Xu Rong about the year-end awards for everyone in the studio, and he still had to rehearse?
Jin Fangfang smiled when she heard Wang Yaqin's words: "Yaqin usually works hard, and I have also asked people about it. The crews I worked with all spoke highly of her. Firstly, it is encouragement, and secondly, although she has an assistant 20 is not too much, but I actually acted as a part of the agent’s job.”

"What about Chen Mengmeng, she is also doing specific routine work, why did she only pay [-] yuan, why is there such a big gap?"

Jin Fangfang opened his mouth, but couldn't answer for a while, why did Wang Yaqin get so many points, you don't know why?

Zhang Yang on the side asked in surprise, "Boss, would you ask such a question?"

Wang Yaqin hesitated, and said: "Based on what I know about him, he will definitely ask. What he wants to express is not who gets more and who gets less, but wants to know why one person has more than the other. , if you can’t answer, it’s your fault.”

When she said "you", her eyes wandered back and forth between Jin Fangfang and Zhang Yang's faces.

"How do you answer this question? I'll be with him soon, and I've been waiting for this for a year."

Wang Yaqin spread her hands together and said, "How would I know? Anyway, you must not say that Chen Mengmeng did a bad job. If you say that, the [-] yuan may be directly crossed out."

"If you call Xiaofei over, no one can guess what he will think and ask when he sees the result of this year-end award."

After hearing Jin Fangfang say the number "20", Li Gen didn't feel that he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Can Wang Yaqin get a year-end bonus of 20 yuan?

How much will Jin Fangfang, who has been following Xu Rong, get?

100 or 200 million?
or more?
Seeing the seriousness of the three of them as if they were about to fight a tough battle, he suddenly realized that it was not a series of numbers, but RMB that could instantly determine whether he was rich or poor.

He has always felt that Xu Rong is very close, and he thinks he knows him well, and judging from the fact that he was called over today, Jin Fangfang and Wang Yaqin also have similar feelings, but it was not until just now that he realized that this was not the case, because no matter Wang Yaqin's problem, or Jin Fangfang's answer was something he didn't expect, like, he didn't expect Xu Rong's attitude and feelings when he saw the millions sent to others.

(End of this chapter)

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