I'm just an actor

Chapter 375 Boiling Water

Chapter 375 Boiling Water

"When I grow up, I can only run."

"How afraid I am, falling in the dark."

Several people who were rehearsing heard the ringtone of their mobile phones and subconsciously stopped the discussion. Before starting the rehearsal, Jin Fangfang had asked everyone to mute their mobile phones. The only one that was not muted was the one in the address book that only Xu Rong was alone. department.

Jin Fangfang took the mobile phone and made a "silence" gesture to several people.

"Hey, are you done?"


"it is good."



Hearing Jin Fangfang's gentle tone and a series of affirmative answers, Li Gen exchanged glances with Wang Yaqin and saw the speechlessness in each other's eyes. Rarely are so many positive responses used in a row.

After hanging up the phone, Jin Fangfang turned her head and said to the three people: "He will come to the company in half an hour, let's go through it again now, Zhang Yang and you will report with me later, can everyone have a good year this year?" Years, at most two hours, the results will be produced."

When Xu Rong was reading idle books, he remembered a very interesting sentence. There is a management method called walking management, which means that managers hang out in the area where employees work when they have nothing to do.

He has no idea of ​​managing the studio. First, he doesn't want to interfere with Jin Fangfang's operation, and second, he doesn't really want to participate in the management of the studio.

Management is a more profound knowledge than acting. How to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to the greatest extent, improve employee work efficiency, avoid corruption, etc. through system design are quite profound knowledge, because these are contrary to Human nature, but Xu Rong knew that once he participated in the daily management of the studio, he would no longer be able to maintain his current detached position.

As for getting out of control, he is not like this. He has absolute trust in Jin Fangfang, and he firmly believes that Jin Fangfang will never make small moves behind his back.

Of course, if something happens, Zhang Yang, who is in charge of administrative and financial work, will tell him as soon as possible.

Secondly, if Zhang Yang is unreliable, Chen Mengmeng, who he personally recruited to be responsible for the specific financial work, would probably live up to his expectations.

If none of these can avoid risks, you can only place your hopes on the firms audited every year.

He doesn't know management, but he knows very well that the essence of management is to manage the heart. As for managing affairs or people, even if he is broken into pieces, he can't worry about all kinds of mess in the courtyard, school and studio. things.

"Hi boss."


Standing in the middle of the workplace, Xu Rong looked at the employees who stood up and greeted him. The corners of the mouths on both sides were raised, giving people the feeling of a smile, and said: "Okay, okay, hello, you are new here, right? what's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Lin, and I'm in charge of publicity."

"Boss, my name is Zhu Yawen, and I'm currently in charge of makeup, hair and styling."

"it is good."

"Good good."

"Yeah, well, well, good, very energetic."

Xu Rong looked at more than 20 employees in the workplace, listened to the self-introduction of the newcomers, and greeted them one by one with a smile. He didn't remember most of the names. After a while, I will gradually forget all about it.

The growth rate of the studio has completely exceeded his expectations. At first, what he wanted to do was just a small workshop studio serving him and Xiao Zhang, but the joining of Xu Xing and Yuan Yu made the studio have to set up a shelf stand up.

And Xu Xing bid farewell to film and television for the time being, and after getting into variety shows with all his heart, he also put forward higher requirements for the team structure of the studio. Be completely separated.

After feeling the importance of a good script and a good director to the development of the film and television industry, he had to cultivate his own director team.

At present, Jin Fangfang is still the only agent in the studio, so she always wants Wang Yaqin to switch careers as an agent. In addition to the actor team and director team, there are administrative and financial support teams, assistant teams, publicity teams, makeup and hair teams, and styling teams. , plus photography, legal affairs, drivers, and security that may need to be added in the future, the number may reach about 50 in the future.

This is also the reason why he has to be stingy. After excluding the income generated by him, the profit of the studio is almost negligible.

"You're here?"


"Teacher Xu."

After Jin Fangfang came out, Xu Rong nodded to them with a smile, and said, "I've heard about everything on the Internet these two days, thank you for your hard work."

The popularity of Xu Xing and Yuan Yu, even though he was the one who created the explosion, but to expand this effect to the entire network, there is obviously a driving force behind it.

Moreover, he is too familiar with the style of maintaining heat through controversy and sparking discussions. This is Jin Fangfang's favorite and best way of hype.

"Haha, that's what we should do."

Entering Jin Fangfang's office, Xu Rong sat where Wang Yaqin was before, and said, "Do you have time in the evening? It's around seven o'clock. I'm going to a dinner."

Jin Fangfang was quite surprised, took the mineral water Wang Yaqin brought over, put it in front of him, and said, "I have time, are you sure you want me to accompany you?"

"There should be a clothing brand merchant today, and I think we should discuss cooperation, otherwise I wouldn't come here in a hurry today."

As Xu Rong said, his eyes stayed on the mineral water bottle for two more seconds.

He couldn't understand, why must drink mineral water?
There is absolutely no need to pay two yuan for a bottle. It is better to buy a water dispenser. If there are guests visiting, put a cup of hot tea in a disposable paper cup and put it in front of them. It is environmentally friendly and heart-warming.

"I guess they heard something. Recently, I have received invitations from seven or eight people in the clothing category."

Jin Fangfang pursed her lips and smiled. Xu Rong has always been very hardworking in terms of endorsements. Whenever he appears in public, he must drive an Audi to the scene, and then he always naturally reveals the Tissot watch on his wrist when taking pictures. Occasionally, he also He would take out Pecholing hand cream from his pocket and forcefully pass it on to relatives and friends he knows.

But compared to these, when he attends events and award ceremonies, he seldom wears exotic clothes, and almost every time he wears a straight suit. For this reason, she has to spend money to hire a group of "fans" every time, otherwise the screams at the scene , The shouts are really not in line with Xu Rong's identity as a big star born as an idol.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."


Zhang Yang walked in with a thick stack of documents, and said, "Boss, these are documents that require your signature."

Xu Rong got up, sat behind Jin Fangfang's desk, looked at the stack of documents that were nearly [-] centimeters high, and immediately felt dizzy, and said, "Didn't I give Yaqin the signature stamp, let her take a Isn't it over?"

"People have said that signature stamps are not recognized and must be written by hand to be effective."

"Hey, if I knew it was this, why should I engrave my signature?"

Zhang Yang smiled dryly. He always felt that his boss was so stupid and cute. The signature stamp was not an official seal. It had been filed in the relevant department. It was quite unbelievable that he would give the signature stamp to Wang Yaqin for use? !
Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and said to Zhang Yang: "By the way, you go and tell Yaqin to go to my house and drive that GL8 over. I think I'm going to drink tonight."

"With whom?" After Zhang Yang left, Jin Fangfang asked curiously.

"An old colleague who used to be a teacher at school and was later transferred to CCTV."

"teacher Zhu?"

Xu Rong glanced at her quite unexpectedly, and smiled: "Why, he contacted you?"

"He's not the only one. Recently, many TV stations have called, wanting to buy out the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Peking", but after hearing the offer, they all withered."

"talk later."

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile. Although the labor cost of "Peking" was kept to a minimum by his various gaudy operations, he calculated the actors' expenses normally when selling it, because these things were all spent on favors.

Anyway, his current attitude is relatively clear. The exclusive broadcasting rights are [-] million yuan, and he can't do anything less, because he heard Chen Runsheng mention before that "Number" sold the exclusive broadcasting rights to a blood loss.

The sky-high price of [-] million is not for selling, but because it cannot be sold.

When Zhang Yang came in again, he looked at the document and said, "There are still two hours left, let's start, we don't need to talk about the specific routine work today, let's just talk about it."

"it is good."

Jin Fangfang opened the notebook and said: "There are five important tasks. The first item is the endorsement situation next year. The second item is the year-end distribution of this year. The third item is the development plan of Xu Xing and Yuan Yu next year. The fourth item is the progress of the new director's plan, and the fifth item is the preparations for the wedding."

"Let's talk about this year's distribution first."

"Here are the distribution details."

Xu Rong took the A4 paper handed over by Zhang Yang, saw a name near the top, and immediately asked, "Zhang Lin's year-end bonus of 50?"

"She is mainly responsible for promoting Xu Xing's work. You should understand that it is not easy to rely on publicity without any works."

"She used studio resources."

"At least she can use it. Some companies have very good resources, but they just can't use them, such as Hairun."


Xu Rong laughed twice and stopped arguing. He didn't think it was more than 50, but just wanted to know the source of 50.

Although he doesn't understand management, and his education level is only average, he has read more or less casual books in the past few years, such as "The Analects of Confucius" mentioned, the virtue of a gentleman, the virtue of a villain, the grass, the wind on the grass will die , to the effect that leaders have a role as a weather vane.

Zhang Lin has made a contribution and deserves the most bonus, which is the basis for the work to continue.

His eyes continued to go down, and when he saw the number "100000" after Wang Yaqin's name, he couldn't help frowning.

"Wang Yaqin's bonus, why is this amount?"

It's not that this amount is too much, but a little bit.

Wang Yaqin's monthly salary is only 3000, which is determined by the salary level of the assistant, but he can see the hard work. Maybe in the studio, anyone works harder than her, but if we only measure everyone by this How much should be taken, it will form a value orientation of "absolute performance".

You don't have to make your boss happy and still make money!
For those ambitious entrepreneurs, they will try their best to be as fair, just, and open as possible according to the assessment, stimulate the subjective initiative of each employee, and create performance desperately, but these are the things Jin Fangfang needs to consider.

He has no plans to turn his studio into a Chinese Disneyland, he just wants to live a small life without worrying about food and clothing, instead of tightening his belt all day like now, counting every penny carefully and wishing to break into it Two halves are spent, so he focuses on performance and sends 50 to Zhang Lin to encourage employees to make the studio bigger and stronger. But on the other hand, Jin Fangfang is the maker of the performance system, and he will not and cannot only talk about performance.

Therefore, when assigning, what he needs to do is to tell everyone that performance is of course important, but as a boss, he has power over the system.

The importance of performance is reflected in Zhang Lin who is in charge of publicity, and the representative of the boss's happiness is Wang Yaqin's year-end award.

Jin Fangfang looked at his tone, looked at his expression, and said: "This is a preliminary idea."

"In fact, since the second half of this year, she has been in charge of part of your work, but I am still your manager in name, so the assessment and assignment have not been done according to reality."

"Actuality is more important than form." Xu Rong paused suddenly. He suddenly realized that he might have been tricked by Jin Fangfang, because last year he sent 15 to Wang Yaqin. This year, Wang Yaqin was responsible for more work and worked harder. The efficiency of the studio is also better, and Jin Fangfang didn't set a hundred thousand for her.

"Then, add another [-]?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "Your suggestion is good."

For the rest of the staff, as long as it wasn't too outrageous, even if nearly half of them only received a bonus of less than [-] yuan, and three of them didn't have a penny, he didn't ask too much.

"Shang Junshu" has a saying that if a country governs traitors with good people, it will be chaotic to the point of destruction, and if a country governs good people with traitors, it will rule to the strongest.

Even if the studio is still in its infancy, he will never allow him to wait for death. On the one hand, he will give out extremely high bonuses to outstanding employees, but for those who are not outstanding, sorry, find another job.

The purpose of his studio is to serve his own work first, but it is definitely not to provide jobs for people with low working ability and low efficiency.

Maybe these people's working ability is not bad, but there is no way, the competition mechanism needs it, otherwise the value orientation will be wrong.

Xu Rong saw that the end of Jin Fangfang's name on the distribution form was still blank, looked at Zhang Yang, and asked, "After all the distribution, how much profit will I have for the whole year after deducting the profit caused by me?"

"Profit of 460 million."

Xu Rong nodded, picked up the pen, and wrote "400" directly behind Jin Fangfang's empty name, then signed at the bottom, handed it to the two, and said, "According to this."

Compared with last year, it is a little less. Originally, his plan was that as long as the profit is less than 500 million, he will send it all to Jin Fangfang just like last year. It is not because Jin Fangfang has tricked himself. There are many reasons. As far as I'm concerned, I only have the mood to post 400 million at the moment.

Anyway, he estimated that Jin Fangfang would have to think about the 60 yuan he didn't get for at least three months.

"Okay, the assignment is over, let's talk about the endorsement next."

Jin Fangfang was taken aback when she saw the number "400" on the paper. 60 is not much, but she knew there must be other reasons, but she still said: "It's almost the same as last year, except for a quotation from a lesser-known merchant. Except for 6000 million, the others are flat or even slightly down, probably because you have repeatedly emphasized that you will temporarily bid farewell to the small screen."

Xu Rong is not surprised that the enthusiasm of the endorsement business has slightly diminished. On the one hand, his future development in the film market is still unknown. Secondly, his endorsement fee has soared to a sky-high price. When he signed with Audi last year, the fee was 4600 5000, claiming 5000 million in the market, this year has been exaggerated by "Party Founding" and "Number", the popularity has risen compared to last year, but the price of [-] million is not directly proportional to the risk and benefit of the merchant .

However, he was still curious that there are still merchants who dare to raise 1000 million directly, and asked, "What brand is it that sells 6000 million?"

"I've never heard of a Sichuan-based company with a registered capital of only 100 million. They said they wanted to co-found a trendy brand. As the nominal co-founder, you don't hold any shares."

When Xu Rong heard this, he immediately understood what was going on, and said, "Let this kind of company go away in the future."

"By the way, and no artist in the studio is allowed to sign with this kind of company."


These so-called trendy brands, hot pot restaurants, milk tea shops, etc., either involve money laundering, or they are cutting leeks, such as finding a clothing factory at random, tearing off the brand of clothes that originally cost 15 yuan a piece, and hanging them up. As a co-founder of the brand tag, the price can be compared with international luxury brands, such as 999 a cotton towel. Of course, in order to avoid complaints about quality and design issues, the style should be minimalist, such as to avoid fading. Then use pure white to avoid too low-end design, then use the simplest and simplest design, and use slogans such as "minimalist" and "big and small" for packaging.

In the short term, because of the star's halo and appeal among fans, he can indeed make huge profits in the short term, let alone 6000 million. With his current appeal and national familiarity, it is rare to cheat an audience of [-] million.

But the damage to his own commercial value is hard to make up for ten 6000 million.

"Now I really believe what Lao Liu said. This year will be a year that will have a profound impact on the film and television industry. After three years of hard work, capital has become familiar with the rules and has begun to enter on a large scale. On the one hand, the remuneration of top actors Skyrocketing, but the inflated demand and severely unequal supply have caused the entire market to become deformed and distorted, and all kinds of monsters and monsters have appeared at once."

He said, looked at Zhang Yang, and asked, "Is there any hot water in the company, can you pour me a cup?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Fangfang glanced at the untouched mineral water bottle on the table, and suddenly realized that she seemed to understand why the 60 yuan was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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