I'm just an actor

Chapter 376 Daily Life

Chapter 376 Daily Life
Jin Fangfang looked desperately at the drunk and unconscious Xu Rong and Wang Yaqin in the back row, and her whole body was about to explode.

It was within her expectation that Xu Rong drank too much. After all, Zhu Jiang was his leader, and it was really hard to find someone who could drink less than Xu Rong, but she had never expected Wang Yaqin to be as drunk as he is today.

Although Wang Yaqin did not make a complete transformation, her job content is actually half of Xu Rong's agent. After she made a plan not to accept endorsements for the time being this afternoon, she decided to let Wang Yaqin be responsible for the follow-up contact with the merchant.

I don't know if it's because sister Sichuan has always been forthright, chatting with people and businesses, and started calling herself "Lao Tzu".

It just so happened that the other party was from Chongqing, good guy, the two of them just said "I" and took a sip of wine, and Wang Yaqin was overwhelmed while watching.

"Sister Fangfang, I told you that I am not drunk"

Jin Fangfang rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said: "Okay, this is what you said, don't sleep if you have the ability, I'll find a place, let's continue drinking, whoever sleeps is a puppy."

"Okay, I, I don't sleep!"

In the past, when the company had dinners and sang, Wang Yaqin always seemed to drink them all up, and according to herself, she often drank every year when she went home during the Chinese New Year, and when relatives came to eat at home, she could often drink them all by herself. A group, so she has developed a self-knowledge of "I can't get drunk no matter what I drink".

Seeing that Wang Yaqin was somewhat awake, she was going to send her back first. As for Xu Rong, she really couldn't help him, so she could only wait for his family to pick him up after he was delivered to the door.

Jin Fangfang was driving the car, but remembered another thing, Xu Rong inadvertently mentioned today that he would spend a lot of money to ask He Jiping to write a script.

She didn't know what he was going to do, but the budget of 1000 million made her think she heard it wrong.

The average price of scripts on the market is about 20, and 1000 million can buy fifty copies!
When did screenwriters who firmly occupy the bottom of the film and television industry become so valuable? ? ?
However, seeing Xu Rong's firm attitude, she did not speak out to dissuade him. Xu Rong's vision for distinguishing scripts in the early days was very ordinary, but as more and more scenes were filmed, he has grown a lot in the past two years. His investment vision has hardly improved at all. For example, he took Huang Xiaoming to subscribe for the shares of Hairun, which was his second failed investment after his investment in Chinese satellites was trapped.

In her opinion, after losing Xu Rong, an actor with great commercial value, Hairun has completely lost hope of going public.

Xu Rong himself is quite aware of the shortcomings of not being good at investing, so when Huang Xiaoming pulled him to invest in LeTV, Xu Rong refused without thinking, and instead suggested Huang Xiaoming to buy a courtyard house.

Similar to Xu Rong's blind confidence in buying real estate, Huang Xiaoming also has extremely strong confidence in his own investment vision, and he still focuses on LeTV without hesitation.

Jin Fangfang believes that with Xu Rong's clear self-awareness of herself, investing 1000 million in a script that has not written a single word should not be classified as "investment".

She didn't know exactly what Xu Rong came up with and what she wanted, but this didn't stop her from thinking about how to turn this business into a profitable one.

Yes, 1000 million custom-made scripts, anyone who reads them is simply something that can only be done with their brains caught in the door, and of course she thinks so.

But who makes the boss happy? !

And how to prevent the 1000 million from being wasted after investing 1000 million, or even how to make more money, is what she has to consider.

Xu Rongmeng was stunned, feeling the world spinning for a while, and the whole world was completely quiet for a while, until he completely lost consciousness at a certain moment.

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

When the ear-piercing ringtone of the cell phone rang, Xu Rong opened his eyes in a daze, and put the cell phone on the bedside table to his ear: "Hello?"

"Oh, Director Du."



After hanging up the phone, he glanced at the time, it was ten o'clock.

He originally planned to rush back to Tianjin tonight to continue the filming of "Drug War", but an unexpected phone call gave him another three days to rest.

According to the latest update from the Bureau of Meteorology, the week ahead remains sunny.

After only waiting for three days, Xu Rong was not in a hurry. How can there be no snow in winter in the north?

Putting the mobile phone back on the bedside table, a bowl of millet porridge was lying there quietly. Xu Rong rubbed his head, which was still a little dizzy, and slowly got up from the bed. He wondered why these people Can you drink?

Zhu Jiang made a remark about wine yesterday: Every morning of a hangover, that kind of remorse, that kind of regret, is really heart-wrenching, but when sitting on the wine table again, it is always inevitable to give birth to the feeling of giving people a drunk. Heroic.

He has never had such heroism, because when he drinks with people, they are often the first ones to fall down, but the regret and remorse are deeply felt every time, just like now.

He drank the millet porridge on the cabinet in one gulp, got up and took a hot shower, and the alcoholism faded away.

At this moment, he felt really a little hungry.

"Little Zhang?"

"Aunt Wang?"

After eating a bowl of steamed eggs that should be left by Aunt Wang, Xu Rong walked around the house, but didn't see anyone.

I didn't feel strange in my heart, both Xu Xing's parents and Xiao Zhang's parents had been to the capital, but every time they came and went in a hurry, and every time it was a holiday, those famous scenic spots, basically I haven't been around much in the world, and this time they are getting married, I can walk around.

It's just that the parents have time. As children, they are busy with work every day and don't have time to hang out with them.

He poured another glass of milk, warmed it up slightly, and went upstairs with the glass in his hand. He lay on the sofa in the living room, thinking about his plans for next year.

The current coldness in the endorsement market has reminded him that the market still holds a wait-and-see attitude towards his future prospects, but fully affirms his current popularity.

Just like the award speeches of the three awards, in the TV drama industry, Yu Zecheng and Liu Xinjie he portrayed are representatives of spy war TV dramas, Yu Wei is a typical representative of a good man in the new era, and Shuai Hongbing is the finale of a period drama in a special era. do.

Although with the passage of time, "Paper Drunken Gold", "Yangcheng Dark Whistle", "New Shanghai Beach" and "Harbin Under the Night" which became popular all over the country a few years ago gradually faded out of the public's field of vision due to changes in the audience's aesthetic taste. The audience will gradually forget the new dramas that are endlessly exhausted with time.

But on the contrary, "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", "Latent" and "Before Dawn" are constantly broadcast by major TV stations and online video platforms, and every time they are played, they can get pretty good ratings.

This is a compliment to him. Of course, in addition to the compliment, the economic benefits it brings will benefit him for life.

Because as his works become classics, he will gradually accumulate a huge fan base. If one day, he finds it difficult to produce new high-quality works and falls into financial constraints, then the huge fan base accumulated by these classic works, It is extremely easy to become leeks that can be harvested one crop after another through endorsements and variety shows.

This is also the reason why he firmly invested in "Peking". In the short term, even within three years, it is impossible for him to return his capital, but he believes that "Peking" will stand the test of time just like "Daming Dynasty 1566" and bring him a lot of money. It is far more than the income that simple figures can represent.

Just like Teacher Six in "Journey to the West".

Now, he gradually understands Liu Yanming's words, the foundation of a good show is to have a good script.


Leaning on the sofa, he suddenly heard a strange barking sound like a newborn puppy, and couldn't help frowning. There was indeed a dog at home, but it was in the yard, so he shouldn't come upstairs.

He listened intently again, and the slight "chacha" sound of the clock's hands echoed softly in the corridor.


Just when he thought he was hallucinating just now, a vaguely familiar sigh came lightly.

Xu Rong got up, followed the direction of the sound, walked all the way to the door of the study, held the doorknob, and gently pushed the door open.

In the room, there is a plate of sliced ​​fruits such as apples and dragon fruit on the left side of the desk, and a cup of milk tea on the right side. Next to the milk tea, Xiao Zhang’s red mug with many cartoon animals printed on it is released With a touch of coffee aroma.

Between the fruit plate and the milk tea cup, an open book stood vertically on the desk. Behind the book, Xiao Zhang put his hands on his chin and stared blankly at the open book.

Xu Rong scanned the cover page, good guy, "Zuo Zhuan"!
"Are you watching "Zuo Zhuan"?"

"Ang!" Classmate Xiao Zhang responded dully, "But I don't understand."

He walked to the side, put the book away, and said: "It's normal not to understand. If you want to read this book, I suggest you turn on the computer. Spring and Autumn writing style, subtle words and righteousness, don't just talk about it, for example." In the first year of Yin, Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan' It's just such a short sentence. If you want to understand it, you don't know the meaning behind each word without reading tens of thousands of words. For example, "yin" Well, you should first understand the rules and meanings of posthumous titles in ancient China. In ancient times, there were real but anonymous names called "Yin". Their posthumous titles can basically tell the changes in the current situation after his death."

Seeing Xu Rong put away the book, classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head and looked at him: "Mr. Xu, didn't you say that reading history makes people wise? Why do I get more confused the more I read?"

"Everyone can talk about the last paragraph of "Three Kingdoms", but why are there still so many trolls on the Internet? Reading history can be wise. My understanding is that it's not that you can be wise when you understand historical events, but because of it. Chinese people have never lacked historical knowledge, what is lacking is historical perspective, and the value of history does not lie in their ability to remember many facts, but in their ability to explain the truth of social evolution based on these facts.”

"The truth about social evolution?"

Xu Rong raised his chin towards the corner of the bookshelf, and said, "That's not it, Lu Simian's set was mentioned, very instructive."

Xiao Zhang turned his head in the other direction, and sighed leisurely. She also read that book, but she couldn't understand it either.

After being tricked by Teacher Xu again yesterday, she didn't feel anything wrong at the time. After all, it wasn't the first time, but the more she thought about it afterwards, the angrier she became.

So I got up early this morning, specially prepared fruit, milk tea and coffee, and planned to study history hard, and then be wise.

"Wait a minute!"

Xiao Zhang seemed to suddenly think of something, and ran out of the study in a hurry. After a while, seeing Xu Rong swaying on the sofa in the living room, she handed over her mobile phone and said, "Mr. Xu, come and do this set." question."

"What's the question?"

"IQ tester."

"Hehe, from what you mean, you think you are sure to be taller than me?"

"Hey, why don't you test it."

"By the way, I won't go to Tianjin today, and it has been postponed for another three days."

"Oh." Xiao Zhang's face froze suddenly, "Why don't you go?"

"It's not snowing, so I can't take pictures."

Xu Rong glanced at her and asked, "Why, look at your little expression, what are you doing behind my back?"

"I made an appointment with Yang Mi, Shanshan and Junyan for dinner at night."


Now it's Xu Rong's turn to be puzzled. Although Xiao Zhang and Yang Mi are roommates, their relationship is really very ordinary.

He can understand Xiao Zhang's classmate asking Yuan Shanshan out, but he can't understand that he also asks out Yang Mi.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, that's right, it's been a long time since we saw each other, and everyone has time again."

Xu Rong carefully observed Xiao Zhang's expression, recalled the recent incidents related to Yang Mi, and vaguely guessed something, said: "How many points did you score for this question?"

"I won't tell you." Xiao Zhang smiled triumphantly, "Do you want to be together today?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Of course, I have something to talk to Yang Mi about."

"Huh?" Xiao Zhang's eyes widened leisurely, "What's the matter, do you want to talk to her?"

"What you want to tell her."

Xu Rong handed her the phone and said, "Here, it's done."

Xiao Zhang smiled a little embarrassedly, took the phone, and said, "So fast?"

"Isn't it just a matter of choosing with your eyes closed?!"

Classmate Xiao Zhang didn't answer the call anymore, because she looked at the bright red "135" number on the screen, and she felt unwell.

She did it last night next to the sleeping Xu Rong and scored 108.

She raised her head and glanced at Xu Rong. She clearly remembered that Mr. Xu scored 135 points on the question he was doing while chatting with her just now?
She was not too convinced, she ran to the corner of the sofa with her mobile phone in her arms, and started to do it again meticulously.

After about half an hour.

Xiao Zhang's body suddenly froze. On the screen of the mobile phone, the three big characters "107" were like bloody reality, ruthlessly shattering her fantasy.

No, why do you still have 1 point less?

(End of this chapter)

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