I'm just an actor

Chapter 377 Sorry

Xu Rong watched classmate Xiao Zhang frowned, his face was tense, and he subconsciously sat up straight in a half-lying posture, as if he was doing the last big math problem back then, and asked: "Hey, You're still doing it, aren't you?"

"Little Zhang?"

Xiao Zhang didn't look up, but his tone was unprecedentedly serious: "Mr. Xu, don't talk to me yet."

Xu Rong got up quietly, stood up from the sofa, and then quietly came behind Xiao Zhang.

What surprised him was that classmate Xiao Zhang was unaware of all this, his eyes were wide open, his lips were biting, and he was staring at the question on the screen of the mobile phone meticulously.

"Using the military band as the leader, directing a long queue of troops to advance, is the pace of the head and the tail consistent?"

A. Consistent.

B. Inconsistent.

Xu Rong looked at classmate Xiao Zhang sticking a finger, hesitated for a long time between the two options, and finally chose "A", and couldn't help taking a light breath.

If you use conventional thinking, you must choose "A", but the key words of this question include "very long troops", and the propagation speed of sound is 340 meters per second. So the correct answer should be option B.

Xu Rong watched Xiao Zhang put in so much hard work that his face was flushed and his forehead was sweating because of nervousness before he finished the question, and he relaxed a little.


It's just that when he saw the blood-red numbers on the screen, he almost laughed out loud.

Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at the screen of the mobile phone, his little hand that had been dangling back and forth in the air for half an hour in a daze, gradually clenched into a fist, and the obvious traces of teeth clenching were visible on the side of his face.

Xu Rong was a little bit regretful, because these IQ test questions were similar, and the test was 107 once, so the result of ten more tests would not change much. The test was 107, which really stimulated Xiao Zhang.

The most embarrassing thing is that I am still watching the whole process!

He forgot to keep the distance between husband and wife!
Classmate Xiao Zhang also discovered his existence at this time, turned his head, with a bitter expression on his face, but before she could speak, Xu Rong said decisively and resolutely: "It's all my problem, or I'll keep staring at him. I'm watching you get nervous, otherwise I'll definitely get at least 120!"

Classmate Xiao Zhang raised his head, blinked his eyes, and looked at Xu Rong's serious expression. The unwillingness caused by the strong contrast between 135 and 106 disappeared in an instant, leaving only frustration, like a deflated ball, hugging Touching Xu Rong's thigh, he said, "Mr. Xu, I'm so sad."

"Is my IQ really low?"

"No, I think it said that normal people are about 100-110, and your grades are considered good among normal people."

"Then why is yours 135?"

"I'm 135, isn't it normal?"

Facing Xiao Zhang's suspicious eyes, Xu Rong smiled and said: "I took a year off from school and passed 617 in the college entrance examination. You don't think I'm all fooled, do you?"

"I, I, you, you"

Classmate Xiao Zhang stammered and opened his mouth a few times, but he couldn't say any rebuttal words.

During the period of tutoring, except for English, Teacher Xu could always solve the questions quickly after seeing the questions. At that time, she didn't think there was anything wrong, because as a tutor, this seemed to be Of course.

But after going to university, she no longer thinks so, because she always thinks that Teacher Xu studies better than herself because he spends more time studying.

Only today did she deeply realize that maybe it wasn't because of how much effort she put in, but just a pure IQ gap.

"Mr. Xu, if you didn't come out to work, would you be able to get into Peking University?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "No chance. My English has always been poor. In Henan, my total score can't reach 680. Tsinghua University and Peking University basically have no hope."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Zhang didn't dare to answer the conversation anymore, this kind of topic was too far away from her.

Xiao Zhang considered that his home was in the capital and he was driving there, so he chose a place relatively close to Jiao Junyan and Yuan Shanshan. When the two of them arrived, they found that the fruit peels eaten by Yang Misan had already filled several fruit plates.

"Sorry, I was delayed on the road for a while."

"Long time no see, long time no see."

"You are beautiful again."


After saying hello, the three of them stared at Xu Rong and sat directly near the door in the private room. For a while, except for Xiao Zhang, Yang Mi, Yuan Shanshan, and Jiao Junyan were all stunned on the spot.

Xu Rong looked at the three people who were staring at him in surprise, and said, "Don't worry, I'm begging you, it scares you."

Yang Mi immediately gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Director Xu is very generous."


Yang Mi and Jiao Junyan glanced at each other, they both subconsciously thought that Xu Rong should sit in the main seat, and they specially left him and Xiao Zhang next to each other.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Rong arrived, he sat down on the last seat.

Jiao Junyan looked at Xu Rong and her college roommate sitting across from her, and still felt incredible. During the first class of the semester, she never thought that Xu Rong would achieve what he is today in the future, because at that time, he was nothing but handsome. .

But two years after she left school, every time she introduced herself, others would always show a surprised look after being puzzled: You can't be Xu Rong's classmate, right?
This is the luck of each of them, because of the bond of Xu Rong, some people will naturally take care of them, but it is also everyone's misfortune, because the whole class bears the title of "Xu Rong's classmate" , even including Yang Mi who has been promoted to the fourth female role.

What she didn't even expect was that Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei would come together, and in a flash, the two had been together for seven years, if you counted their taboo teacher-student relationship.

Looking at the two sitting across from each other at this time, an indescribable feeling arose spontaneously. She always felt that the gap between the two was very large, and even went to two extremes.

After only two years of graduation, Xu Rong has completely lost the childishness and innocence of her university days, giving her the feeling that the person sitting opposite her is not a 24-year-old youth, but a middle-aged man who has passed her [-]s. Average age, although he is wearing an orange sweater today.

What's more strange is that there are no wrinkles on his face, and his hairstyle is relatively short hair, but there is hardly any vivacity and escape that belong to this age group.

On the contrary, except for more refined makeup and more expensive clothes than before, Zhang Xiaofei has basically remained unchanged. Her eyes are still so clear, and her smile is still so sunny, as if she has not been contaminated by the slightest bit dust.

Xu Rong handed the menu to the three of them and asked, "What have you been up to lately?"

"It's nothing. The company arranges work and works, and if it doesn't arrange it, sleep at home."

"Me too."


Similar scenes didn’t happen often during school, but they happened occasionally, but when they sat together again, Xu Rong noticed something different. Jiao Junyan was obviously a little afraid to speak, it seemed that she was not meeting with her classmates, It was a fringe artist in the industry eating with Xu Rong and Yang Mi.

After Yang Mi finished ordering, she handed the menu to Yuan Shanshan and said, "What about you, your output is a bit low this year. Except for "The Founding of the Party", there is only one "Number", unlike last year and the year before, almost from the middle of the year. Domineering."

"Basically half of the time is spent on things in the courtyard."

Seeing Jiao Junyan handing over the menu, Xu Rong glanced at it, only to find that the three of them ordered three dishes together, and said, "Are you all trying to lose weight, and each order one dish?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang leaned over and said, "Oh, I didn't order Yang Mi's favorite lotus root slices, and this one, Shanshan didn't order the must-order brain tricks before."


While ordering dishes, Xiao Zhang talked about the past, which made several people laugh, and at the same time, the sense of alienation that had not been seen for a long time faded a lot.

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "By the way, Xiao Zhang and I are going to get married in a while, so don't forget to prepare the money in advance."

"Wow, really, I thought it was gossip?"

Seeing the surprised and puzzled eyes of Yang Mi and Jiao Junyan, Xu Rong became more and more convinced of the plastic sisterhood between the four of them, and said, "Yes, before the Spring Festival."


Yuan Shanshan proudly raised Bai Nen's arm, and said, "I've already reserved a place for a bridesmaid, no one is allowed to compete with me."

Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang looked at each other, Yang Mi and Jiao Junyan also looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

Yuan Shanshan was still the same as in the past, she was always extremely good at creating such an embarrassing situation, she got the exact information in advance, she kept it in her heart and it was over, why did she have to say it?
Jiao Junyan immediately changed the subject, and asked the common doubts of many students, "Xu Rong, why have you never been on variety shows, but you have always maintained a particularly high popularity?"

Xu Rong smiled and asked, "You didn't maintain it on purpose, did you?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes. She had studied this question a long time ago. Looking at the two of them, she said, "In the past three years, tell me the three dramas that impressed you the most. Don't think about it, just instinct."

In order to maintain the popularity, she almost exhausted all kinds of methods, not to mention spending money, and also caused a lot of infamy. She also studied Xu Rong's method, but finally found that it could not be copied at all.

""Latent", "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law", "Before Dawn"."

After Yuan Shanshan finished speaking, she suddenly woke up and looked down at Xu Rong in a daze.

Good guy, so this former classmate has already reached this point?
"That's it. When the audience watches any drama, they will inevitably compare it with Xu Rong when they see the good ones. When they see the bad ones, they will miss Xu Rong even more. Now you know why he can maintain his popularity." Bar?"

Xu Rong's heart moved, and he remembered Xiao Zhang's purpose of promoting this dinner in the first place: "Actually, I don't know why it happened like this, but it is better than hype gossip. When you hype, no matter what, you have to communicate with others in advance , Otherwise, if you pull someone up suddenly and forcefully fire them, you will also offend them, right?!"

Hearing this, Yang Mi's face froze for a moment. Except for a classmate who slandered Xu Rong for personal gain and cheating in the recruitment of talents and arts last year and was "brought to justice" by Xu Rong, Xu Rong has always been popular with any other classmates. Maintain a tacit attitude.

But Xu Rong's words, she knew very well, were for herself.

She hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Sorry, I didn't think of that either."

Xiao Zhang immediately laughed and said, "I'm sorry, oops, Yang Mi, you are too sensitive, and Teacher Xu didn't mention you."

At this time, Jiao Junyan was holding a water glass, lowering her head, not daring to answer at all. In fact, when she saw Yang Mi’s apologetic Weibo post, she felt something was wrong. As a representative of young mainland actors, Xu Rong’s commercial value is No. .1. Any scandal will cause irreparable damage to his brand value.

And Xu Rong's identity is not just an actor, she heard that the organization also has certain requirements for the life style of cadres.

After graduating, she heard people talk about the interesting stories of bigwigs in the industry. Xu Rong was also one of the topics at everyone's dinner table. , and because she is Xu Rong's classmate, more people often ask her about the ins and outs of Xu Rong's quarrel with Chang Jihong and Zhang Jizhong.

There are various versions of gossip about the inside story, and no one knows which is true or which is false except for the person concerned, but the result is that Chang Jihong and Zhang Jizhong are now semi-retired.

Industry leaders like Chang and Zhang have fallen into such a situation because they offended Xu Rong. She dared not say anything more about the topic at hand.

"That's right, Yang Mi, you are too sensitive. Teacher Xu is the most popular in our class. In the words of Teacher Cui, he is the pride of our class. Why would Teacher Xu mind if he is popular with Teacher Xu?" Like classmate Zhang, he hurriedly comforted Yang Mi, and turned his head at the end, "Do you think it's Mr. Xu?"

Xu Rongren is a little numb, is it a pig's brain on Yuan Shanshan's neck?

He hadn't seen such a stupid person for a long time, but knowing that she was stupid, he could only laugh and laugh.

"Hey, do you know how the students in our class are doing?"

Halfway through, Xiao Zhang got up to go to the bathroom, Jiao Junyan subconsciously said, "I'll go too."

She really wanted to go, and besides, without Xiao Zhang, she would not dare to stay with Xu Rong at all.

"Me too." Yuan Shanshan also got up.

Xu Rong looked at Yang Mi who was opposite, and asked, "By the way, how are you doing? Do you have a date?"

Yang Mi looked at the direction in which the three of them were leaving, shook her head slightly, took a sip of yam juice, and said in a joking tone: "I have a doubt, what if, what if, if I knew you at the same time as her, Who will you choose?"



Xu Rong smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang."

"Is it because she is more innocent?"

"Feel sorry."

Seeing that the smile on Yang Mi's face collapsed instantly, Xu Rong said, "The difference between you is about the same as Wang Zuxian and Li Jiaxin."

Yang Mi regained her energy when she heard the words, and asked suspiciously: "You mean, between Wang Zuxian and Li Jiaxin, you will choose Wang Zuxian?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a moment, then shook his head again with a wry smile and said, "Sorry."

Yang Mi understood what he meant. Between Xiao Zhang, Wang Zuxian, Li Jiaxin and Yang Mi, it was difficult for him to choose among the first three.

But excluding yourself is easy! ! !

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