I'm just an actor

Chapter 378 Self-discipline

Chapter 378 Self-discipline
At the entrance of the hotel, Yang Mi was holding Jiao Junyan's arm with a flushed face, looking at the GL8 taillights going away, after a while, she saw the assistant driving the car over, and said, "Let's go, take my car, I'll take you back. "

Jiao Junyan also drank a few cans of beer, and she was able to stand on the spot only by supporting each other with Yang Mi. Hearing Yang Mi's suggestion, she still waved her hands and said, "No, I'll just take a taxi."

"Are you afraid that I will dislike you?" As the automatic car door slowly opened, Yang Mi dragged Jiao Junyan into the car, "Mr. The meeting appointment also said that I disregarded the feelings of my old classmates."


Listening to Yang Mi's weird tone, Jiao Junyan smiled and said, "It's such a big resentment, why didn't you let it out when you were eating just now?"

"I'm timid. Mr. Xu is willing to tell us something about dinner, because he thinks highly of us. If he doesn't like it, just say 'serious circumstances', wouldn't he cry?!"


Listening to Yang Mi's unabashedly plaintive tone, Jiao Junyan slumped on the car seat and said, "I seem to hear the sound of a broken dream, hahaha."

Yang Mi's expression flickered unnaturally, she turned her head to look at the assistant in front, and said, "Is there any water?"

Her assistant was a girl of similar age. Hearing this, she lifted the two bottles of water on the co-pilot and said, "Oh, here it is."

The two had a drink each, and the car suddenly became quiet. Jiao Junyan leaned back to Yang Mi's side and asked, "Hey, you said, Xu Rong praised this and that, but why didn't he think about it?" What about these old classmates?"

Yang Mi had similar doubts before, and with Xu Rong's contacts and energy, many students can make a lot of success, but as Xu Rong gets closer, the people she meets and the things she experiences become more and more complicated. Many, she gradually understood the reason.

"Because all the classmates have the same idea as you, Xu Rong is so popular and powerful, what's wrong with giving me a hand?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's literally." Yang Mi explained with a kind of earnestness that sees through the world, "Everyone thinks that Xu Rong and us are classmates, and they are so popular. It is easy to help us, but if Xu Rong helps us, they may not be able to help us." I am grateful, but I feel that it is all taken for granted. Moreover, if they are not satisfied, they will be resentful, just like the time when Xu Rong was reported for favoritism and fraud last year."

"how can that be possible?"

Yang Mi didn't seem to be too drunk, and she analyzed clearly: "It's not possible or impossible, it's human nature, it's the same principle of saving the emergency but not saving the poor, and the promotion of kindness against Mi's hatred. Xu Rong is as shrewd as a ghost. Understand this truth."

Although Jiao Junyan was in a daze, after listening to Yang Mi's words, she still felt her eyes widened, because she found that her simple values ​​were completely incompatible with Xu Rong and the college roommate in front of her.

No, it seems that even when she was in school, it was already like this, but because Xu Rong was relatively innocent in the early days, it created a certain illusion for her.

After being silent for a while, Jiao Junyan turned her head, and suddenly found Yang Mi lowered her head, as if she was looking at something, and asked abruptly, "Are you still treating him?"


"You like him?"

"Who, Xu Rong?"

Listening to Jiao Junyan's probing tone, Yang Mi smiled abruptly: "No, why do you have such strange thoughts?"

Jiao Junyan also laughed, and after a while, she didn't look at her again, and said, "I liked him before, and I was even jealous of Zhang Xiaofei for a while, but then I didn't dare, he is too good, just like a fairy tale Like the prince in the movie, always so radiant, but I have nothing."

"Ah." A vague sigh suddenly sounded from inside the car.

"But I found out that you are not, hahaha."

Yang Mi frowned, turned her head, looked at Jiao Junyan who was laughing, and frowned after a while and asked, "What do you like about him?"

"Be very careful. Did you find out during the meal today that Zhang Xiaofei patronizes to chat with us, but after every dish is cooked, he will give her a portion."

"Is it possible that he is not sure if he is familiar with it?"

Jiao Junyan looked at Yang Mi's almost expressionless side face, and was stunned for a while, then suddenly covered her stomach and laughed: "Hey, it's really possible, but after you say that, I suddenly feel that he is not warm at all. ,Hahaha."

"By the way, the photo you took with him on the day of graduation, is it still there?"

When Yang Mi heard Jiao Junyan's words, a look of unnaturalness flashed across her expression again, and she asked, "Group photo?"

"What group photo?"

"Did you remember wrongly?"

"Okay, you're tougher than me."

Yang Mi has never had a photo with Xu Rong alone, Yang Mi knows it well, and Jiao Junyan naturally knows it too.

But the two of them did have a group photo, and she took it herself, but Xu Rong, one of the parties involved, didn't notice it at all.

Yang Mi smiled, and habitually put a coin in her palm into a small bag in her bag silently, and she would carry this bag with her everywhere.

Ever since news of Xu Rong's marriage was reported on the Internet, she thought about throwing away the coins many times, but she always felt irresponsible.

Later, she asked Xu Rong to have dinner together and wanted to return the coin to him, but he refused on the grounds that he wanted to go home for dinner. Since then, she never asked him out again.

Today, before she came, she was ready to return the coin to him, but from the beginning to the end, she never waited for the right opportunity for the two of them to be alone.

She also doesn't like Zhang Xiaofei, but unlike Jiao Junyan's relief, she has always been.

And in a car that started earlier than them.

Xu Rong looked at Zhang Yang in the driver's seat ahead, and asked, "Why did you come here, where is Yaqin?"

"She is dealing with other things and can't come."

After all, Xu Rong didn't drink much. Hearing Zhang Yang's hesitant tone, he asked, "Are you guys hiding something from me?"

Zhang Yang was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "Didn't you say that the bonus should be publicized, and then there was an employee in the propaganda department who didn't get the bonus, so he was very unconvinced, made a scene in the company, and threatened to find the media to expose you .”

"What's the situation with this employee?"

"A girl who has been employed for seven months. By the way, she is 25 years old, unmarried and childless."

Xu Rong was puzzled and said, "What does that have to do with Wang Yaqin?"

"President Jin went on a business trip to Hong Kong, and then handed over this matter to Yaqin and me." She glanced back at the expressionless Xu Rong, "When you called just now, Yaqin and I were talking to the lawyer Communication, I was afraid you were in a hurry, so I came here quickly."

After hearing this, Xu Rong complained speechlessly: "What you mean is that you are still planning to file a lawsuit?"

Zhang Yang clearly heard the dissatisfaction in Xu Rong's tone, and asked nervously, "Is our method not suitable?"

Xu Rong sighed, and said: "In front of the judge, employees are weak compared to the company. Judges have always sympathized with the weak. Moreover, whether they win or lose a lawsuit with employees, it will cause a certain degree of damage to the company's reputation."

Zhang Yang suddenly realized at this time that his company is different from other companies after all, even if he wins the lawsuit, it may not be a good thing, because the boss of the studio is a public figure, so he said with some innocence: "Well, You said, what should I do?"

"In the terms of the labor contract, does the income structure include the year-end bonus?"

"Not included."

"Have you consulted the trade union for the assessment system and bonus system, and have the union organized employee representatives or all employees voted to pass it?"

Zhang Yang opened her mouth, she felt as if Xu Rong was the person in charge of the administration and finance, and she was a layman. After a while, she said: "No."

Xu Rong took a soft breath and said: "As the management, you should learn more from big companies like Huawei and Tencent, and formulate a sound system to protect the rights and interests of employees and the interests of the company. "

He can't be too harsh. Zhang Yang's advantages are high education, good emotional intelligence, and good looks. The key is to be loyal enough. Said, there seems to be no professional idea.

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and said: "Don't start a lawsuit, you or Yaqin go talk to her, give her two choices, or the studio pays N+1 compensation to make her voluntarily ask for resignation, and we don't care about the procedures." I will write dismissal to save her from finding a job in the future."

"If you don't agree, then choose the second one. In the future, you will take this employee and let her only be responsible for tasks such as posting tickets and reimbursement. After five years, she will be fired."

Zhang Yang heard Xu Rong's second suggestion, and immediately retorted: "That's not cheap for her. Isn't it easy for a single person to do such an easy task?"

Xu Rong didn't answer her doubts, but said earnestly and earnestly: "You are my administrative and financial director, and my most trusted right-hand man. When you encounter things, you should use your brain more, and don't just look at things on the surface."

Although what Xu Rong said was quite rude, Zhang Yang felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart when he heard it, because Xu Rong's words "he is the person I trust the most" almost touched her heart.

But student Xiao Zhang silently tightened the zipper of the down jacket, so as not to let Zhang Yang see his expression in the rearview mirror.

Teacher Xu is too bad!
She has long been accustomed to Teacher Xu's words like fooling around. Teacher Xu is extremely good at expressing suggestions that people are not willing to accept in a tactful way.

For example, when she received her film salary earlier, she bought all the gold jewelry at once. After learning about the situation, Mr. Xu asked her in an extremely stern questioning tone: Can you stop buying gold every time you earn money without thinking about anything? , that thing can neither be eaten nor drank, and why do you think that something as vulgar as gold can match your temperament of sinking fish and wild goose, closing the moon and shameful flowers?

At that time, she was a little scared at the beginning, because Teacher Xu almost never got angry with her, but then she became angry, because in her opinion, this was her own way of investing, and she did make money by buying gold, although I don't earn much, but that's not because I have too little capital.

At the same time when she was angry, she instinctively wanted to reason, but after hearing the last sentence, the anger that had just surged up was forced into her throat, and she didn't say it, and it didn't matter if she didn't say it.

They have been together for seven years, and occasionally bump into each other, but every time, Teacher Xu will always change her bad habits in such a way that can remind her and make her accept it happily.

Therefore, she is very familiar with similar words.

As for letting the employee post the ticket for five years, in her opinion, it is too bad. After five years of posting the ticket, what will the employee do?
A female employee, 30 years old, can only post tickets. With so many characteristics combined into one person, where can I find my next job?

Once Zhang Yang really did that, he would destroy a good person directly.

So after being quiet in the car for a while, Xiao Zhang said: "Manager Zhang, why don't you have a good talk with her and ask her to resign with the money. That method of posting tickets is not good."

"Ah, good, good." Zhang Yang frowned, because she didn't know how to address Xiao Zhang for a while. When she was their housekeeper in the past, she always called her by her name, but now, she I don't know if it fits or not.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Xu Rong didn't stop her, she responded again: "Madam."

Xiao Zhang was a little unresponsive at first, but after a few seconds, he realized that Zhang Yang was talking to him.

Her eyes widened a little, but a just-right smile appeared on the corners of her mouth, because at such a moment, she suddenly felt that the word "wife" was like the "mother" in TV dramas. She laughed a few times, but she still had to maintain the graceful demeanor of a "mother".

Therefore, while laughing, she stretched the hem of the down jacket smoothly.

When he got home, Xu Rong was changing his shoes, when the mobile phone placed on the shoe cabinet made a "ding dong", and a message came.

Xiao Zhang, who was squatting seriously on the ground and polishing his little white shoes, glanced at him and said, "Mr. Xu, maybe it was Yang Mi who sent it to you."

"What does it have to do with Yang Mi?"

"You think I don't know, she actually likes you."

"As I said earlier, I don't like smart people."

The complacency on Xiao Zhang's face turned sour. She raised her head and asked with a frown, "What do you mean, calling me stupid by beating around the bush?"

"You are not in this range, we have been in love for a long time."

"Then why don't you read the information?"

"What are you looking at, apart from China Mobile, who else would send me a message? Maybe another fox invites me to dinner."

Since he came out to work alone, especially after the news spread that he invested [-] million yuan in "Peking", he has received a lot of information about meal appointments, some of them are colleagues who have cooperated with him, some of them have only met once, and even got married .

He couldn't figure it out, where did these married people get their confidence and courage?

In the previous chat, Huang Xiaoming talked about a few years ago. He had a friend who was very happy when he was playing. Once he was photographed studying ergonomics with a married woman. The way of use is as suitable as possible for the natural form of the human body.

The transaction price of the last photo was 100 million yuan.

Xu Rong is not afraid of paying money, but hates the feeling of being held in the hands of this kind of trick, just like Yang Mi. Chen, of course you can play, and you can even play a trick of gold harboring Jiao, but the risks and benefits Not directly proportional, let alone the question of whether the shoes are wet or not when walking by the river, if one day Chen is not happy and dies with him, then his years of hard work will be in vain immediately.

This is a very low-income, but very expensive transaction.

And the process of self-discipline itself is a very interesting thing. For example, I thought today: I must get up at 07:30 tomorrow morning. If I don’t get up on time at 07:30 the next day, it will be an ordinary day.

But once it is done, there will be a great sense of joy in the spirit.

He is used to self-discipline, as some people commented, maybe others think his life is boring, but in fact, he feels that he lives a wonderful life, because he can get what he wants, and what he doesn't want to do, and You don't have to.

(End of this chapter)

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