I'm just an actor

Chapter 380 Small Matters

Chapter 380 Small Matters
"Li Gen?"

"Li Gen?"

Aunt Yu pushed open the door, looked at Li Gen still sleeping soundly with her head covered, and said, "Li Gen, aren't you going to the set with Xiao Xu today?"

Li Gen on the bed had already woken up, but he didn't want to wake up. When Jin Fangfang pulled Wang Yaqin and Zhang Yang to rehearse, he didn't take it seriously. Also just a little.

Because "200000" is just a number to him, and it is a number without Xu Rong's nod.

The day before yesterday, there were employees in the company making trouble, because among the announced year-end bonus details, Zhang Lin, the highest one, got 50 yuan, and as for the one making trouble, she didn't get a penny.

He didn't get a penny, but he didn't make a fuss or make a sound.

But compared to Wang Yaqin's dazzling string of "0", he felt a little unbalanced.

Asking himself, he didn't feel that he had done more than Wang Yaqin, but even if there was no credit, there was always hard work, right?
Wang Yaqin's year-end bonus is more than three times his salary!

He can't understand, why?
What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that in the past three days, neither Xu Rong nor Jin Fangfang had actively contacted him, and even Wang Yaqin hadn't sent even a word of news, as if his feelings were completely insignificant.

"Li Gen?"

"Li Gen?"

"Not going!" Li Genwen said in a low voice, responding to his mother's inquiry.

He really didn't want to go, he didn't bully people like that.

Li Xuejian, who was about to go out, heard the voice, paused when he was about to put on his hat, and stood at the door, listening to his wife's whispered and earnest words of comfort.

"Okay, what's the matter, who are you angry with?"

"If you don't want to go, don't go. You get up and eat your meal first, and then go to bed after eating, huh?"

Li Xuejian sighed, walked to the door lightly, and waved to his wife who was looking over. When his wife left the room, he took a chair and sat beside his son's bed.

"Why, still, are you angry with your brother?"

Li Gen didn't seem to expect his father to come over, and immediately said forcefully, "I didn't!"

Li Xuejian laughed twice. Before deciding not to give Li Gen a year-end bonus, Xu Rong called him and talked about some thoughts about Li Gen. At first, Xu Rong originally wanted to give Li Gen a holiday fee of 2 yuan. For the holidays, Li Gen is still working anyway, and after the New Year, he has to buy them some gifts or something.

After thinking about it, he rejected Xu Rong's kindness. For the two of them, 2 yuan was just a matter of saying a few more words of lines, because with their worth and popularity, it would be difficult for them to miss anything in another play. A face is far from being able to beat 20.

But for Li Gen, this was a huge sum of money. To some extent, it was a recognition of his performance throughout the year.

Listening to his son's insincere tone, Li Xuejian asked, "Is it because he didn't give the year-end bonus?"

Seeing that Li Gen was still facing away from him, knowing his son was like his father, Li Xuejian knew that his son was complaining about Xu Rong in his heart, he paused, and said: "For not giving you a year-end bonus, he let me know in advance, so do I." approved."

After being quiet for a while, Li Gen turned around abruptly and looked at Li Xuejian suspiciously.

Li Xuejian still smiled and said, "Do you want to know what he said?"

"How can I say it, I guess it's that set of test and training rhetoric. He is the best at drawing cakes."

"If you think so, you underestimate him, and underestimate the thousands of peers who are suppressed by him."

Li Xuejian shook his head and said: "He said, you are already an adult, but you are still like a child. You always let your temper go, love to play, and I have to give you the answer to everything."


Seeing his son supporting his body subconsciously, Li Xuejian was about to refute loudly. Li Xuejian raised his hand and said, "Listen to me first."

Li Gen opened his mouth twice, and lay down again.

"He said that he couldn't understand. If that's the case, what's the point of growing up?"

Li Gen was a little dazed, and he didn't even turn the corner for a while. What is the meaning of growing up?
What do you mean?
Li Xuejian still smiled and said: "I told him, you are my son, and it is my responsibility to give you the bottom line."

Li Gen understood now, Xu Rong's original words were: "Li Gen is still like a child, everything needs to be covered by his father, so what is the meaning of his growing up?"

"He asked me, what if you die?"

"Say, what you said is really ugly." Li Xuejian rubbed the hat in his hands unconsciously, smiling a bit reluctantly, "This should be the most exaggerated sentence he has said since he met me."

Li Gen looked at the wrinkles on his father's face, and was silent for a while.

The two remained silent, and after a while, Li Xuejian sighed abruptly, and said with emotion: "Your brother, there are people who say something about him, some say he is good, and some say he is not good. Well, some people call him ruthless, and some praise him for his bodhisattva heart, but no matter what, for our family, he is not hypocritical. If you say you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, they will find you a school and a mentor, and you say you want to be a director. , someone will find a way for you and let you follow a famous director. I don't owe much in my life, but to him, I really dare not say I owe him nothing."

Li Gen was stunned when he saw the folds on his father's smiling face. All along, he felt that his father was still young, just like he always thought that he was still a child.

But at this moment, looking at the wrinkled smile on his father's face, and listening to his narration, for no reason, his nose was a little sour.

"The year-end bonus of tens of thousands of dollars is just a fart?!" Li Xuejian looked at his son and asked in a questioning tone, "Do you really think he cares about that little money?"

"To put it bluntly, you don't like it. With that little money, he might feel that he can't afford to buy a piece of clothing for his wife. You have to know that you are just an apprentice. Tong Zirong is good at learning, and now he is giving you a chance to learn his skills, but in the end he didn't give you money, so you are not happy?"

Li Gen opened his mouth and said, "I, no."

"Speak more beautiful words. No matter how many people ask for such an opportunity, they will not get it. You have to know that he is 25, and you are also 25. As long as you follow him well, he can eat meat, and he will never let you drink soup. Because there is no one who is closer than you.”

This sentence shocked Li Gen, and asked, "Can't you? I feel like he doesn't take me seriously either?"

"Even without you standing here, maybe he wouldn't talk to me."

Li Xuejian denied again: "I agree with your last sentence, but because I am here, he will not take you seriously, because you are the one who can really help him. There are so many classmates, why does he not let others be his assistant, but insists on letting you be his assistant? Letting you study is one aspect. The most important thing is that he wants to understand you, and he also hopes that you can understand him. If you don’t believe me, think about it carefully. The treatment of other people around him, who else can compare to you?"

"As for his high demands on you, do you think he has higher demands on you than on himself?"

"But I think he's just too happy?"

Li Xuejian laughed, and said: "You only see thieves eating meat, but you don't see thieves being beaten. They suffer so much. You don't even dare to taste it, let alone eat it."

Seeing that his son wanted to refute again, Li Xuejian said: "If you are not convinced, go to Chen Kaige and say that you want to learn filming from him."

"He doesn't know me."

"Can you stand guard at the door of his house?"

Seeing that Li Gen was silent, Li Xue stood up and said, "I told you everything, don't be stupid, get up quickly, and don't eat, hurry over."

Li Gen nodded subconsciously, because he thought about it carefully, and it was really the case. Xu Rong's cultivation of himself was indeed unmatched by anyone else.

"By the way, be diligent and quick."

"Know it."

In the car.

Xu Rong looked at Li Gen in the driver's seat, a little unaccustomed, and joked, "Yo, Li Cha, it's not easy for you to be my driver?!"

Li Gen smiled and said, "Hey, Sister Yaqin usually works very hard, let him rest."

Xu Rong wasn't surprised at all. Li Gen didn't go to work for three days. He just heard from Wang Yaqin that there was a clear reason for every bonus he gave out. Like Zhang Lin, there was a clear target to be achieved this year. So she took 50 yuan, and if the target is not met next year, she will not get 10 yuan or even a penny, and she will know it in her heart.

But on the other hand, if everyone is confused about the bonuses they can get, they are happy to get 50, but if they suddenly only get 10 in a certain year, then they can't understand it, thus forming a kind of bonus because of too much money. The phenomenon of driving people away.

"Brother, I have a doubt. Why did you send out all the money? I heard that the studio is not profitable at all this year?" Li Gen quickly adjusted his mentality, because he considered himself an absolute "direct descendant", he considered the problem The starting point is immediately different.

"You can't say that, isn't there a surplus of 60?"

Wang Yaqin took advantage of the situation and added: "In the past few days, Sister Fangfang has held a department manager meeting every day to review the shortcomings of the annual work."


Xu Rong also smiled, Li Gen was willing to learn, he was never stingy with him, Xu Xing's mind limited her future development, she couldn't do rough work, cheating, but Li Gen was good. Cultivate and cultivate, correct your values ​​a little bit, and you will be a good player.

So he explained with a smile: "That's not how things are done. If I have [-] to [-] this year, I can make a profit of a small ten million. Of course, it won't be a big problem. in its infancy."

"However, if the studio earns more next year and still distributes 1000 to 990 yuan, everyone will feel unbalanced. Why do you take away 5000 million yuan when the profit is 4990 million yuan, and you have to take away [-] million yuan when the profit is [-] million yuan?" , If you do this, the team will see that there is no hope of following you, so they will not be able to continue."

"But you can't make money?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "That's not how the accounts are calculated. I can be sure that everyone in the studio will work hard next year. Zhang Lin got 50 and Jin Fangfang got 400 million. This is all visible and tangible." Yes, as long as it can create value, 50 and 400 million are just the initial stage, and you can convey these words in private."

The first snow in Tianjin in 2011 didn’t come at all, but Xu Rong couldn’t wait any longer. Maybe according to the habits of the Hong Kong crew, they could wait until next year, but he couldn’t wait, and neither could Hairun.

Because next year he has no schedule at all, not to mention next year, even the year after next year his schedule is basically full.

After arriving at the crew and getting the new arrangement, Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, because he found that there was no arrangement on the 25th and 26th. He looked at Wang Yaqin in surprise: "What's going on these two days?"

"Christmas Eve and Christmas?"

Xu Rong nodded. Before he was 17, he knew about Santa Claus from books, but he didn't know what Christmas Eve and Christmas were. Now he understands, saying: "I really forgot about my ancestors."

The production crews in the mainland will have holidays due to holidays, only the Spring Festival. I have never heard of Christmas holidays, but since it is a Hong Kong production crew, it is understandable.

But what makes him vigilant is another aspect. As a practitioner in the cultural industry, he is very aware of the values ​​rooted in this kind of festival, just like the customs of ancestor worship and New Year greetings during the Spring Festival. "Home" is the core of the traditional culture, and similar to it, the origin of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

And this involves a content that ordinary people don't think about, and it takes form.

Does formalism make sense?

I volunteer to join China (), support (), abide by ().
For any party member, there is almost an instinct for what should be filled in the brackets. Although compared with human desires and instincts, it is extremely difficult to practice, but while satisfying desires, they can understand that they are not doing the right thing.

Mr. Lu once said that there is no road in this world, but if there are many people walking, it will become a road. up a trail.

Xu Rong knows that this is a habit formed in Hong Kong in 99, and it cannot be changed overnight, nor can it be changed by individuals.

He turned his head, picked up the notebook, and said, "Go and buy me a new notebook later."

"Does it matter?"

"Very important."

Xu Rong nodded subconsciously, and said: "Start to do things now, don't listen to the words of big business regardless of meticulousness, big gifts and small concessions, if you observe carefully, you will find that at least ninety-nine percent of successful people , they are obsessed with details."

Wang Yaqin nodded her head subconsciously. She knew this very deeply, because Xu Rong was such a person herself.

(End of this chapter)

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