I'm just an actor

Chapter 381 Reshoot

Chapter 381 Reshoot
As soon as Xu Rong arrived on the front foot, Sun Honglei and the others came to the door on the back foot.

He only left the group for a week, but occupied the media for six full days, and set off an "artificial noise reduction challenge" that swept the whole people. His ability to stir up topics simply exceeded the cognitive limit of everyone.

"Brother Xu, teach me a trick? I want to be popular too."

As soon as Gao Yunxiang entered the door, his tone was exaggerated and authentic.

Knowing that Gao Yunxiang was joking, Xu Rong ignored him and asked, "When did you arrive?"

"It also arrived today."

Sun Honglei sat down with a smile, and said: "The artificial noise reduction challenge you made is very interesting. Is there anything else, let us prepare first?"

Xu Rong walked across to him, sat down, and said loudly: "I have never seen such a hodgepodge of lies, fabrications, specious gossip and gossip in such a deliberate way in my life."

Sun Honglei just touched his butt on the sofa, when he heard this familiar line but could only look up to, the playful smile on his face almost froze, and he looked at him as if he were looking at a monster.

And Gao Yunxiang leaned beside him with a smile, while Li Weijie was unscrewing a bottle of mineral water. Both of them felt familiar, but they couldn't remember where they heard it for a while, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

After a few seconds, the two of them realized Sun Honglei's abnormality and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sun Honglei opened his mouth, but in the end, he only let out a breath. After taking another breath, he said, "You can try to repeat Xu Rong's words just now."

"In this life, have you never seen a hodgepodge of gossip and gossip?"

Sun Honglei shook his head, and said slowly: "I have never seen such a deliberate hodgepodge of lies, fabrications, specious gossips and gossips in this whole life."

"In one breath, don't dilute your feelings."

Gao Yunxiang listened to it, read it twice silently, and immediately said: "What's so difficult about this? I have never seen such gossip and gossip that deliberately fabricated lies to be plausible in my life."

As he was talking, Gao Yunxiang stopped by himself. He could continue talking, but he was no longer angry enough to achieve Xu Rong's previous effect at all.

Li Qingjie smiled disbelievingly, and said, "Can you pretend?"

Gao Yunxiang rolled his eyes, his basic skills were already poor, he tried twice in a row, and after realizing that his limit distance requirement was a bit far off, he stopped trying in vain.

Faced with Li Mingjie's doubts, Xu Rong and Sun Honglei had no words. The biggest difficulty of this sentence is that it looks very simple, but if you want to express it with full emotion, every word can be pronounced in a round and sonorous manner. Powerful, the difficulty immediately rose in a straight line.

But the two of them didn't persuade him to stop, not to mention the fun at the moment, they knew that with Li Mingjie's self-confidence, if he didn't try, it was impossible to give up.

"I've never seen such deliberation in my life."

"In my life, I have never seen such a deliberate fabrication of falsehoods."


Li Haojie tried three times in a row before he realized something was wrong, because he suddenly found that things were slightly different from what he had expected. Although he was weakening his emotions every time, he still couldn't express the impassioned feeling that Xu Rong had just read.

He turned his head to look at Xu Rong, and said with a strange expression: "Can you, do it again?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "These are all gadgets, so they can't be put on the stage."

For the first time, Sun Honglei began to believe that the graduates of Chinese opera can only play tricks when they enter the arts. What they said was a line from teacher Zhu Xu in "Mutiny".

He didn't try it, because he had seen this play and tried this line before, but the result was not as expected. In the past, he always thought that this was the awesomeness of Teacher Zhu Xu, but today there is something wrong. Guess, maybe, this is the awesomeness of Renyi.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The four of them turned their gazes to the door, and Gao Yunxiang habitually walked over and opened the door.

"Planned by Zhao?"

Looking at Zhao Junkai standing outside the door, the three of them got up.

Zhao Junkai's small face was full of smiles, he didn't seem surprised by the existence of the three of them, and said, "Are they all here?"

"Planned by Zhao."

"We just come to visit, it's okay, you talk, you talk."

After closing the door, Zhao Junkai walked to the sofa, leaned his butt on the sofa, let out a long breath and said: "I can see it today, you guys like to leave these dirty jobs to me, okay?" This guy is messing me up."

"What dirty and tiring work, brother Zhao, you are doing more work for those who are able." Xu Rong laughed, and was about to continue talking when the door was knocked again.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Li Gen held the notebook in his arms and pushed open the door. Seeing that Zhao Junkai was also there, he called out "Plan Zhao" before placing the two hard-covered black notebooks on the table in front of Xu Rong, and said, "Brother, I am Let it go."

After saying hello to Zhao Junkai again, he quietly left the room with the remaining notebook.

He bought a total of three copies just now, one of which was for his own use, and the other was for Xu Rong as a spare, because he didn't know if Xu Rong would suddenly want to buy it again someday.

Xu Rong picked up the book on the table and the pen between the script, and wrote down in the notebook "shuashuashua": Is it necessary to hold foreign activities such as Christmas?

This is not a question for him to think about, but a question to suggest, but because he is not a professional, he still has to think about it.

Xu Rong lowered his head and wrote, but he did not hesitate to praise Zhao Junkai: "You said, if you don't come, Du Qifeng will bow his head?!"

"What do you remember?" Zhao Junkai arrived two days ago, and it was he who forced Du Qifeng to drive. If Du Qifeng's original plan had been followed, the heavy snow and the whiteness between the sky and the earth would be more suitable for the plot of "Drug Wars".

But since the weather is not beautiful, they don't insist anymore. Waiting for a week is already the limit. The creation of art must be based on material. Waiting one more day will cost hundreds of thousands of expenses. Besides, Xu Rong's tight schedule does not allow them Wait without restraint.

Xu Rong didn't look up, and said: "The crew is on holiday on the 25th and 26th, I'll write it down, don't look back and forget."

Zhao Junkai looked at him curiously, and asked, "What are you doing on holidays on 25 and 26?"


"No, what do Chinese people live?" Halfway through the sentence, Zhao Junkai suddenly stopped, because he suddenly realized that most of the crew, counting back 14 years ago, were really not Chinese.

Just like someone suddenly told him at this time: You are British!

With the gun pointed at his forehead, he didn't dare to resist, but he was certain in his heart that he was not British.

"Hey, brother Zhao asked you something. I see that many people are celebrating Christmas, especially students. Is this really just a sales promotion for businesses?"

Zhao Junkai thought for a while, shook his head slightly, and said, "Let me give two examples. One is that the team requires stacking tofu cubes, and the other is that most companies require employees to wear overalls. Why do you think so?"

Xu Rong couldn't help being moved when he heard the words, he just thought it was inappropriate to celebrate foreign festivals and would abandon traditional concepts, but Zhao Junkai thought it was even more serious.

The meaning and purpose of stacking tofu cubes and wearing a suit are quite obvious.

He walked out of the poor and backward countryside. These foreign festivals were something he had never seen before, and they brought him a stronger sense of abruptness. In the past, he was only a little puzzled, but no one had ever taken it seriously. Raise the foreign festival to a height comparable to the Spring Festival, until today.

Because of the crew members, he can understand that the crew is on vacation, but the worries arising from this are inevitable.

What about some people who have been used to it since childhood?
Because their cognition is that Christmas is more solemn, and the Spring Festival is just a makeshift. After a long time, maybe some people may gradually think that the most solemn festival of the year is Christmas.

"Tomorrow will be hard for you."

"Why don't you work hard?"


Early the next morning, Xu Rong arrived at the set, looked at the school on one side, and asked Luo Jinfu, who had come to him wearing a hat, and said, "Is the school on holiday?"

"No, it was originally a factory, and it took half a month to make it look like this."

Luo Jinfu said, and added: "It cost more than 80 yuan."

Xu Rong let out a "huh" and said, "It's okay."

Of course he understood what Luo Jinfu wanted to express, but if he didn't let anyone take a point, that would be impossible.

What we want to film is that Cai Tianming decided to use the coincidence of the Gang of Seven and the People's Guards to create escape opportunities. In order to increase the chance of escape as much as possible, he chose the location near the entrance of the primary school. These children can at least give him Increases the chance of fleeing by 50.00%.

After putting on makeup, Xu Rong, who was wearing a down jacket, couldn't help shivering, and came to the shed where Du Qifeng was, and asked, "Old Du, why didn't you put the monitor on the car, isn't it cold?"

After getting out of the car for a while, he already felt a little cold.

Du Qifeng wrapped himself up like a bear, and said: "It's better to be cool, and keep your spirits up. If the shooting goes well, we can all cheer up and finish the filming in one day."

Xu Rong grinned, as if he was farting at all, this is a whole page of script, and it is the most important stage of the whole play, let alone one day, even if it can be finished in three days, he has to secretly enjoy it.

He conservatively estimated that it would take at least three days!

"Brother Xu, warm stickers, it will be warmer if you put them on."

Xu Rong looked at the stack of warm stickers Wen Yongshan handed over, after a moment of stunned, he took it and said, "Thank you."

Considering that his costume is relatively thin, Wang Yaqin prepared a whole backpack, but with the current temperature, he felt that he could still withstand it, and there was no need for it for the time being.

Xu Rong sat under the shed for 5 minutes. Feeling the pain on his face from the wind, he got up and said, "I'll go to the car to prepare first."

Getting into the car for filming, he saw Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui sitting in the back row, he showed a kind smile, and said, "Teachers, are you having fun these few days?"

He heard yesterday that a few people had rested for the past few days and did not go back.

"No, I received a few announcements."


Xu Rong responded and stopped talking. Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui are both typical banana people.

The two of them seemed to have no intention of communicating with him. During this time, they inquired about many friends and thoroughly understood Xu Rong's status in the mainland.

The largest community member in the Mainland.

For such people, they adhere to the consistent principle and try not to contact them if they can.

Xu Rong closed his eyes. He discussed the details of the script with You Naihai and Du Qifeng. The reason why he chose the place around the school was because the child was a natural cover.

Moreover, after many trials before him, Zhang Lei, as an experienced captain, can also think of the escape methods he can think of based on Zhang Lei's guard against him and the armed force that pursued him, and he must have made an emergency plan.

But there is a kind of Zhang Lei, even if he can think of it, he can only watch and can't stop it.

Take hostages!

The child is light in weight, and it is simply the best candidate to be held hostage.

As for the godfather and others, from the moment he chooses to betray, their ending is doomed. Of course, whether the Gang of Seven survives or not is secondary. The most important thing is still to execute their own escape idea perfectly.

For the specific method, he can only "play by ear", death is inevitable, but since he has chosen a school, whether it is an adult or a child is no longer within the scope of his consideration.



Xu Rong unbuckled his seat belt, took a light breath, and at the same time retracted his gaze from the rearview mirror, narrowed his eyes slightly, scanned the front, and observed the surrounding environment.


Du Qifeng's voice came through the walkie-talkie: "Give a response, give a response."

Xu Rong didn't know what happened, but from Du Qifeng's words, he could be sure that it was probably because Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui sitting in the back row did not give due "doubts".

Zheng Baorui came over, lay down on the rear window, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Teachers, you are filming "Drug War" now, not a TV series."


Xu Rong heard Zheng Baorui's unceremonious words and understood the reason. It is estimated that the two of them took a lot of work in the Mainland during the holiday.

They parked the car on the side of the road by themselves, and the two of them should have reacted, because as practitioners in the black industry, each of them has similar experiences and similar caution.

For the careless are already dead.



Xu Rong roughly repeated the previous action, glanced around, then turned his head, and said quickly at a speed comparable to Du Qifeng: "Haha brother, they are all people's guards. There are more than 100 guards in the fishing port now. In the past three days, I have taken them to the garden, and the thirteen people's guards in the five cars are all exhausted to death."


"Mad, why did you allow him to finish such a long paragraph, behind you is the people's guard, he betrayed you, you are still in the mood to listen to him talking so much, pig brains, pull out your guns and kill him what?!"

Xu Rong heard the machine gun-like scolding in the loudspeaker, and suddenly realized that his previous estimate of "three days" might be too optimistic. He said the words according to the script, and Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui also followed Du Qifeng's words. The play was going on, but because I spoke too fast, the two were still in the stage of "acting" and failed to give a timely response.

Du Qifeng's standard seemed to be significantly higher than before the break.

(End of this chapter)

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