I'm just an actor

Chapter 382 The Big Pit

Chapter 382 The Big Pit
The sky was gloomy, like the lid of a pot was on top of the head, and it looked as if it was going to snow, but everyone in the production team knew that unless a master who paid a lot of money was hired to do it first, it would be impossible for it to snow snowy.

Just like Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui's mood.

When Du Qifeng scolded Sun Honglei in the past, Xu Rong always found it harsh. Du Qifeng swears very rarely, but each sentence can always hit other people's pain. It is probably because he doesn't know Sun Honglei very well, otherwise, if he always goes to "there is As an adult, Sun Honglei may be able to endure it for a while, but he is really not sure how far he can endure it.

After more than an hour of filming, Du Qifeng's cursing potential was fully stimulated by Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui.

He looked at the two of them, and said in disbelief, "Have you guys forgotten what role you are playing?"

Because after taking a few shots, he found that the two were always "confronting", and their reactions were not at all like those of two large community leaders and senior practitioners in the black industry chain, especially when compared with life and death as bets, their eyes were firm, and they were as vicious as a tyrant Ordinary Xu Rong reacted like two funny street gangsters.

Therefore, a very strange thought came to his mind. These two people probably forgot their roles in "Drug Wars" because of their frequent interactions in the past week.

Thanks to the good image and market reputation created by the pioneers, Hong Kong and Taiwan actors, especially Hong Kong actors, have been very popular in the Mainland in recent years, and it has also given a little famous actor the opportunity to take on dozens of plays a year.

Excluding the rest time, completing one script a week on average will inevitably lead to no clear concept of any character in their heads, just like the girl who lost her footing does not have a particularly deep feeling for every customer.

Neither Lu Haipeng nor Zhang Zhaohui dared to refute. It is not difficult to find out where they went and what they did in the past week. Rather than completely offending Du Qifeng by lying, it is better to be scolded.

Seeing that the two of them neither denied nor admitted, Du Qifeng confirmed the previous guess, and sneered: "I said, no wonder you are poor. Let me tell you, with your poor looks, you deserve to live in this life." The kennel deserves to be poor."

"I don't have any self-knowledge, and I still play tricks like others. As far as your salary, even a female cousin stretches her legs to pick up a customer, it earns more than you!"

"Okay, I forgot and didn't say it in advance, what do you mean, treat me as a blind person, a fool? Let me tell you, just like you just did, I just pulled two pigs tied in front of the camera, and I acted more like a person than you, Pretending to be smart is the root cause of your poverty.”

Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui heard Du Qifeng's extremely sharp and merciless abuse, although they expected it, their faces still couldn't help turning red, as if they had been slapped several times.

Du Qifeng's words simply tore away the unspeakable part they most wanted to hide. Facing Xu Rong, they had the pride of being Hong Kong people, because Hong Kong is one of the world's financial centers, even if Xu Rong is a mainland superstar, they They can also maintain an attitude of overlooking, just like the people in the capital and Shanghai in the mainland look at the rural areas except each other, even if they are just an insignificant part of that city.

But Du Qifeng ruthlessly tore off his fig leaf, and exposed their "poor" to the "rural people".

The two neither retaliated nor defended, because they both knew that it only caused Du Qifeng to react more violently.

Xu Rong sat in front and took a light breath. Du Qifeng's way of cursing was still so sharp, and he still knew how to hurt people's self-esteem.

There is no ambiguity in poverty itself, but now is the era of laughing at the poor and not laughing at the prostitutes, just like what Du Qifeng said, because of poverty, in the eyes of most people, they are really not as good as prostitutes.

The most important thing is that Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui are indeed poor. He revealed a fact, but it is a fact that most people are unwilling to accept.

It's just that after listening to Du Qifeng's words, his face was also a little hot. After resting for six or seven days, his condition has also declined compared to before, but under the background of Lu Haipeng and Zhang Zhaohui, who have been completely unable to achieve "true feelings", he In Du Qifeng's eyes, his performance was considered good.

The reason is that under the comprehensive effect of solid basic skills and understanding of characters, a certain lower limit is forcibly fixed.

After scolding, Du Qifeng lost most of his anger. He rushed back to the shed and shouted to the crew who had just woken up from a dream: "Why are you just standing there? Work!"

Xu Rong buckled up her seat belt silently, turned her neck, looked in the rearview mirror, and waited for the filming to start again.



As if parking normally, he retracted his eyes from the rearview mirror on one side and looked directly at the camera in front of the car, without showing the slightest expression on his face, just staring at a certain point in the middle of the camera to make his eyes more focused, as if Like a lone wolf, he gently unbuckled his seat belt.

"Tim Ming?"

Lu Haipeng's doubtful voice came from the back seat, but Xu Rong didn't turn his head. He reached out to the neckline, took off the bug, and broke it off forcefully. Now there are more than 100 guards in the fishing port."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhaohui's face changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand to touch his bosom: "You, you, you son of a bitch, you actually..."

"Calm down! Do you want to die?"

Lu Haipeng and Xu Rong next to him pressed his arm at the same time, his voice was lower and more urgent at the same time; "I took them to the garden for the past three days, and the thirteen people's guards in these five cars are all tired. I'm going to die."

He speaks quickly and puts emphasis on the last word "die".

Zhang Zhaohui gritted his teeth and said: "Damn boy, you actually betrayed us!"

"Sell your head, the most important thing now is to kill them, pistol to pistol, what are you afraid of?"


Du Qifeng didn't yell this time, instead he came here angrily and said cursingly: "I said don't go, don't go, Ma De just got into the eyes of money, dead boy, dead boy, I See you are a dead boy."

Du Qifeng came to the side, pulled open the car door, stared at Zhang Zhaohui on the car seat, and said, "Get down!"

When Zhang Zhaohui got out of the car, Du Qifeng sat in his seat, supported the back of the chair with one hand, and said, "He parked the car on the side of the road. At this time, you should at least straighten your body and express your intention to ask."


"Yes, got it."

"When he said the words 'Haha, they are all the people's guards', as a senior black industry practitioner, you must have anger, but the first reaction should definitely not be anger, but take out the gun first, To add chips to your own safety, Cai Tianming is not a character who likes to joke. When he said this, it proves that you are now standing on the edge of the cliff with one foot. You don’t want to climb up desperately, but you are entangled in why you are on the edge of the cliff. , does it make sense?"

Seeing Zhang Zhaohui shaking his head again, he continued: "Then when you take out the gun, your first reaction is to point the gun at his forehead first, because he is likely to be an undercover agent."

As Du Qifeng said, he demonstrated the whole process, and even deliberately lowered his body, as if he might be shot in the head at any time.

Not far away, Wen Yongshan was wrapped in a pure white down jacket, like a porcelain doll, watching this scene with sympathy, she heard that Du Qifeng likes to swear, although she didn't start spraying at this time, she was really afraid of it Du Qifeng scolded him for his role.

"Du sir is so fierce."

Wang Zixuan, who had just been taken by Wen Yongshan for a week tour of Hong Kong, nodded in agreement, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that fortunately, she didn't have many scenes.

"But Brother Xu is really handsome." Wen Yongshan looked at Xu Rong who was sitting in the car with a stern face, and said with a smile. Through contact with Wang Zixuan, she confirmed that some rumors in the crew were simply nonsense.

Wang Zixuan and Xu Rong don't have any unclear relationship at all.

But she also confirmed another secret, Wang Zixuan is indeed Xu Rong's sister-in-law.

After seeing Yuan Yu and Xu Xing in Xu Rong's studio becoming popular one after another, she became more determined to get to know Xu Rong's wife. As for approaching Xu Rong directly, she didn't have any hope at all, because since his assistant sent back that day After buying a bottle of perfume that was several times the price of the scarf she gave, she gave up on this naive idea.

It is impossible for her and Xu Rong to become friends, because their wealth and status are not on the same level at all, and her most advantageous weapon, beauty, will not have any use.

Because the most indispensable thing around a successful man is a woman, especially a beautiful woman. A woman who is not outstanding in appearance will never try to meet a man who is much better than herself because of her lack of self-confidence, but a beautiful woman just on the contrary.

When night fell, Xu Rong got out of the car with his waist supported. After shooting for a whole day, he was stunned that he "couldn't get out of the car".

For a whole day, only three lines of the script were filmed.

After this, he also realized that the holiday is not a good thing in terms of shooting. Delay in shooting during the holiday, but a few days before and after the holiday will also affect the state of most people.

Before he packed up and was about to go back to the hotel, he saw Du Qifeng looking at him, as if he wanted to say something to him, but he seemed a little hesitant, and asked, "Why, old Du, what do you need from me?"

Du Qifeng suddenly smiled, but the smile disappeared abruptly, and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you can go back and rest first."

"it is good."

Xu Rong didn't know what Du Qifeng was thinking, but he was just a young actor, so he couldn't decide anything.

"Xu Rong?"

After walking a few steps, Du Qifeng stopped him again, approached him, shook his head slightly, and said, "I always feel that today's filming is not ideal."

Xu Rong looked at him, with a little puzzled face, and asked: "Not ideal? If you don't shoot any more, it's over!"

"I heard from Planning Zhao that the budget is a bit tight." Du Qifeng smiled wryly and explained in a low voice.

Xu Rong understood that the budget was actually abundant, but because of his instigation, Liu Yanming set aside 1000 million of the total budget as publicity expenses.

Perhaps for Du Qifeng, this is an incomprehensible behavior. The budget for filming is the budget for filming, and the cost of publicity is the cost of publicity. How can he move around?
As Teacher Ma said, when capital comes into the world, blood and dirty things are dripping from every pore from the beginning to the end. From the perspective of making friends, Liu Yan is not a bad person, and what he did, Xu Rong did not. I feel something is wrong.

It’s like paying salaries to the employees in the studio. The employees think they only get 5000 yuan a month, but from his point of view, he never looks at the amount paid to the employees after tax, let alone the pre-tax income of the employees. , but to see how much money he has spent for this employee in total. It cannot be said that social security and provident fund are not the costs incurred by this employee?
If calculated according to that, Dou E would not have such an injustice.

Therefore, for each employee, he never wants to hear Jin Fangfang talk about after-tax or pre-tax income with him or the employees, but the "total salary and welfare", because the five social insurances and one housing fund he pays are also enjoyed as welfare employees, so this part The cost should be counted on the employees.

Sometimes he also feels strange about the changes in his own thinking, because he clearly remembers that his views were not like this a few years ago, but for some reason, rationality always makes him unable to bear to think about issues like this.

Liu Yanming's approach is also based on the same idea, regardless of how the expense items are moved, the total cost he has to pay is certain.

He pondered for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "Old Du, I can promise you to solve the budget problem."

When Du Qifeng heard the words, he was not in a hurry to respond, because what Xu Rong said was "promise" instead of "guarantee". Since he said that, there must be prerequisites.

The production team is currently Xu Rong's voice, but Xu Rong is not willing to take care of anything, so it seems that he is in charge of everything, but he is quite aware that for fame, profit, and fear of authority, most mainlanders and Hong Kong people They didn't dare to confront Xu Rong at all, and those who were brave were restrained by others.

Under such circumstances, Xu Rong is still not willing to do things by himself, even if he can think of it with his butt, it is definitely not an easy thing to do.

"For every 200 that the crew saved in the previous month, I'll give you an extra 2000. If you can save [-] million, I'll give you [-] million."

Xu Rong smiled, and used the tricks he had just learned from Jin Fangfang in a different way. The driving force that can drive all units to save costs is only visible benefits.

Du Qifeng frowned, because he felt that Xu Rong's request was completed without any effort, so he said uncertainly: "Really?"

"Really!" Xu Rongxiao became more and more kind, and said persuasively, "If you don't believe me, I can make a written proof for you, but there is one prerequisite, the quality must be guaranteed."

"That's for sure!"

Wang Yaqin, who was next to her, watched Du Qifeng jump into the hole dug by Xu Rong just like that, and rolled her eyes speechlessly. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she looked at Xu Rong's smile, and based on her understanding of Xu Rong , Du Qifeng will have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die this time.

(End of this chapter)

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