Chapter 383 About
After returning to the hotel after work, Du Qifeng called the team leaders of each group for a meeting. After arranging the work for the next day, Zhao Junkai, who was in charge of finance, and Wang Juan, the person in charge of finance, were left alone.

After repeating Xu Rong's promise this afternoon, Du Qifeng smiled and said, "Planner Zhao, Xiao Wang, can you provide me with the average daily cost of the crew last month?"

When Zhao Junkai heard the bet between the two, he secretly thought that it was not good, the cost of the production crew could be saved too much, if Xu Rongzhen fulfilled the promise, 2000 million would not be able to beat it!
Wang Juan is just a part-time worker. Since the second boss agreed, there is no room for her to refute. Following Zhao Junkai and Du Qifeng looking over at the same time, she lowered her head and flipped through her notebook, saying, "Do you want to share the actors' salary?"

"Need not."

"Last month, there were not many outdoor scenes. Because there is no need to pay venue rent and group performance fees for interior scenes, the cost of the apportionment is about 12 yuan per day. For exterior scenes, it is about 30 yuan. The overall average. The average daily cost is about 20 yuan, but because the crew has just been established, a lot of expenses are for purchasing props, costumes, equipment and other materials needed for shooting. The standard will definitely drop in the next shooting process. According to today’s In terms of expenses, the daily average for exterior scenes is 28 yuan, and interior scenes should be able to be controlled within 10 yuan."

Du Qifeng frowned slowly, because half of the remaining scenes were exterior scenes, that is to say, according to the current standard, it is basically impossible to have a budget surplus.

He looked at Wang Juan and said, "Well, bring me the account details for a look."

"it is good."

Listening to the figures intuitively, Du Qifeng feels that it is almost impossible to save costs on the basis of 20 yuan. However, after looking at the detailed subjects recorded in the account, he suddenly discovered that each transaction has essentially room for savings.

For example, the cost of meals, when he was free a few days ago, he also walked around Tianjin and found that the consumption level was unimaginably low compared to Hong Kong, and according to his observations, at least half It's all moisture!
The second is the usual purchase of various consumables and venues. Compared with the consumption standards of meals, he always feels that half of them may be water.

As a mainlander, Zhao Junkai is very familiar with the local conditions and customs of the mainland, and he is more aware of the unspoken rules of various departments. Everyone knows how much each person can get and how much they should get.

After Du Qifeng repeated Xu Rong's words just now, he estimated a number in his heart. There are still two and a half months before the Spring Festival. Come in 8000 million.

Because the remuneration that should have taken up the bulk of the budget was not spent much, the cost of 8000 million was twice the total investment of "Drug Wars"!
Du Qifeng tugged at Zhao Junkai, and became affectionate even by address, and said, "Old Zhao, let's play a game and see how much we can save."

Although Zhao Junkai was not happy, he still had a trace of gratitude in his heart. In the past, Du Qifeng always led the crew as a director, while Xu Rong was used to being an actor and a representative of the capital. The different perspectives of the two doomed the limitation of vision Sex, he believed that Xu Rong, who was used to the management representative, would not do business at a loss.

The two of them took their calculators, notebooks, and pens, and compared the details of the accounts, they went through the transactions one by one.

Du Qifeng looked at the details and said, "The first item is salary first, wait a minute, are two tea workers really necessary?"

Wang Juan glanced at it, and said: "The two of them have a total monthly salary of 15. If they can save it, according to Teacher Xu's standard, they can add [-] to their monthly budget."

"Cough cough."

Zhao Junkai looked at Du Qifeng with embarrassment, and suddenly realized that Xu Rong was waiting for Du Qifeng here.

This move is really ruthless.

As long as he has money to support, Du Qifeng can shoot according to his own ideas, such as traveling all over the country to shoot scenes, such as polishing every shot with the patience comparable to Wang Jiawei.

But every sum of money has vested interests. Not to mention the gray income, the tea worker with a monthly salary of [-] is not something ordinary people can do.

These people have some common characteristics, the first is youth.

Another typical feature is that there are people behind it, such as Li Gen, who once worked in tea, and Chen Yuewei and Yang Le, who have already confirmed that they will serve as tea in "Peking".

It's a pity that, as far as Zhao Junkai knows, Li Gen's job is not very good. The tea maker seems to be just doing the work of serving tea and pouring water, but the complexity of the work content is not capable of ordinary people.

The cost-saving plan encountered a huge obstacle at the beginning!
Du Qifeng also felt something, it seemed that there was room for savings in all expenditures, but in actual implementation, if he didn't offend others, he wouldn't be able to save even a penny!
At this point, he fully understood half of Xu Rong's plan.

For the other half, he was a little confused. If Xu Rong saved ten yuan and increased capital by one yuan, he would definitely not do it, but he saved one yuan and increased capital by ten yuan. The ratio of ten is too tempting.

Du Qifeng thought about it for a while, and seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "What kind of tea worker do you want? Free up his salary."

Zhao Junkai looked at Du Qifeng's decision after hesitation, and vaguely guessed his thoughts. As long as "Drug War" can succeed in the mainland, those people Du Qifeng offended will also praise him and respect him, but once he shows Unaccustomed to the climate of this emerging market, those who originally had expectations and expectations for him will leave him without hesitation.

"The second piece is the production team."

Du Qifeng took Zhao Junkai and Wang Juan to spend two and a half hours checking out all the expenses. Looking at the three words "800" finally displayed on the calculator, the three of them couldn't believe it for a while.

Some of these expenses are non-essential expenses, but most of them are silent costs, that is, expenses that everyone knows but does not mention.

Du Qifeng took the calculator and lightly pressed his finger: "[-] multiplied by [-] equals to [-]."

Du Qifeng raised his head, looked at Zhao Junkai suspiciously, and asked, "Old Zhao, 8000 million, this, this, how did you spend it all?"

Zhao Junkai laughed dryly, and said, "Director Du, you have to know that there are more than 700 million here, and they all have to be picked out from other people's mouths."

"Yeah, it's not easy to do." Du Qifeng put his pen on the table and said loudly, "It's because it's not easy to do, that's why we do it!"

Hearing Du Qifeng's tone, Zhao Junkai felt an extremely familiar feeling in his heart. At this moment, Du Qifeng gave him a rare illusion of "Xu Rong's possession".

When he first met Xu Rong, he had almost no impression of Xu Rong, at best he was just a pretty young man.

But since 07, he has gradually discovered something different about Xu Rong. The chairman always said that Xu Rong is as wise as a fool, but in his opinion, the most incomprehensible thing about Xu Rong is that this guy has no cringe mentality.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, before doing something, they always pray or don't have this or that kind of accident, but this guy is obviously an outlier. He is never afraid of making the worst expectations, and is even extremely keen to meet people and things head-on. cause trouble.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this "planning ahead" that he can always "anticipate the enemy's opportunity" and avoid most troubles or difficulties, and he doesn't know whether he is happy or unhappy.

At this moment, Du Qifeng suddenly gave him a similar feeling, but it was only fleeting, not the firmness that was never missing from Xu Rong.

Zhao Junkai didn't persuade anymore, because he was more willing to believe in Xu Rong who was "perseverant" than Du Qifeng who was "a flash of inspiration".

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

After filming six lines of the script in three days, Xu Rong felt a little unsure. He was not afraid of capital injection, but Du Qifeng's improper spending of money made him a little apprehensive.

The progress is too slow, often only ten or so seconds after a day's material is cut out.

During the adjustment period on the fourth day, Xu Rong walked to Du Qifeng's side and said, "Old Du, just this script, how long do you estimate it will take?"

Du Qifeng pondered for a while, then said conservatively: "It's almost twenty, twenty days?!"

Listening to Du Qifeng's uncertain voice, Xu Rong understood his real plan, at least for a month!

But the originally planned shooting period for this scene was three days.

"Don't worry, the budget will definitely be fine."

Seeing Du Qifeng's quite confident smile, Xu Rong felt more and more uneasy. Du Qifeng dared to work so meticulously. What he could see was the snail-like progress of the filming, but what he couldn't see was the flow of banknotes.

However, Du Qifeng dared to do this when the crew's budget was already tight. He must have [-]% confidence to let him pay the remaining cost.

Zhao Junkai watched the money in the account getting smaller and smaller day by day, but a page of the script hadn't been started yet, and he was like an ant on the hot pot. He caught Xu Rong aside and said: "Du Qifeng Crazy!"

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Junkai shook his neck towards the whole set, and said: "So many changes, didn't you notice it?"

"I found something. I think there were two teas, but now there is only one."

Zhao Junkai said: "Not only that, even the production producer has been changed."

Xu Rong was stunned, no wonder the food for the crew came up.

The purchase price of a boxed lunch is 20 yuan. Du Qifeng, him, Sun Honglei, Zhong Hanliang, Li Weijie and others are first-line actors and celebrities. In theory, the meals should be specially made, but he is timid and afraid of death. You can eat whatever you want, so in theory, you can save at least 700 yuan per meal, but in reality, the cost of the boxed lunch is often [-] or [-] yuan, and the rest of it falls into the pocket of the life producer.

15 rebates per person, three meals for breakfast, lunch and lunch, even if there is no 45, it is almost 35, the whole group has nearly 3500 people, and a net loss of 250 can be achieved in one day, and it can be over [-] in a month. It is estimated in two and a half months that Du Qifeng has already earned [-] million with a ratio of [-]:[-] starting from food alone.

"This guy has saved more than 40 yuan in this month's budget."

Xu Rong blurted out and asked, "How could it be so fast?"

Zhao Junkai smiled wryly, and said: "This guy doesn't recognize his relatives now. For example, when each group goes shopping, even if they buy a needle, they have to have an invoice from a large supermarket!"

Xu Rong understood that the things in supermarkets are indeed more expensive than those in small shops and markets, but because the production scale of the crew is not large, the room for kickbacks is also eliminated to the greatest extent.

He has no intention of stopping it, because he has seen the results of the shooting every day. It is a bit slow, but the level of detail has indeed increased.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "How much do you think you can save?"

"If this attitude is followed, 300 million will definitely be no problem, but the problem is not this, but the filming continues like this. If this page of the script can't be finished, there will be no money left in the budget!"

Xu Rong nodded, dialed Liu Yanming's phone number, and said, "Hey, Lao Liu, it's me, Xu Rong, making the money."

"Oh, not much, 3000 million."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, looked at the stunned Zhao Junkai opposite, and said, "Okay, the problem is solved now."

Zhao Junkai was a little confused, when did the chairman become so generous?
That's 3000 million, don't you even ask why?

Du Qifeng walked over at some unknown time, and asked very abruptly: "Xu Rong, Lao Zhao, are you up tonight?"

The two of them were taken aback by Du Qifeng who came over quietly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go do something important."

On a certain floor of the Hairun Building, Liu Yanming temporarily suspended the meeting, and said to the group's financial manager, "After the meeting is over, call 3000 million to the account of the "Drug Wars" crew, and then make up the process."

Suddenly there was a sound of gasping for air in the meeting room. The person in charge of finance is a middle-aged woman with a delicate face and a thin figure. Hearing Liu Yan's name, she was stunned for a while and asked, "Chairman, if you remit another 3000 7000, the total investment of "Drug Wars" has reached [-] million, will it?"

Liu Yanming was the same as before, and explained very patiently: "Do you know the price of the pre-purchase exclusive broadcast rights of "Peking"?"

"I heard it's [-] million, but no TV station has made a move yet."

Liu Yanming sighed, and said: "I not only underestimated Xu Rong's influence, but also underestimated the madness of the TV station. If there is no accident, the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Peking" will be taken away by Southern TV station."

"Southern TV Station?" The entire meeting room fell into a strange silence, because everyone thought that "Peking" would end up either on CCTV or Beijing TV, because such serious dramas were broadcast on these two platforms. The most suitable, and the relationship between Xu Rong and these two stations is also the closest.

Although Xu Rong and Nanfang TV have always maintained close ties, you, a TV station whose audience is mainly from the south, spent a huge sum of 1566 million yuan to buy "Peking", which the management evaluated as "comparable to "Daming Dynasty [-]". Is the drama "too much, unconstrained style?
At night, Xu Rong was lying in the hot spring pool in the bathroom taking a bath, when the not too urgent doorbell rang one after another.

This is a little trick he learned from He Zhengjun a few years ago. If he is very tired during the day, he should take a hot bath after work at night.

The production director, Wang Hui, is also quite good at coming. The bathtub in the room is as orderly as a hot spring, with running water, so I don't worry about it getting cold at all.

He didn't intend to open the door for the time being, and listening to the interval between the doorbell ringing, it didn't seem like there was anything important.

After waiting for a while, he found that although the doorbell was not too urgent, it never stopped, so he hastily wiped off the water droplets on his body, and opened the door in a bathrobe.

Outside the door, Du Qifeng and Zhao Junkai, who were wrapped up like two bears, looked at his attire and asked, "Why did you take a shower?"

Xu Rong stared blankly at the bulging handbag in Du Qifeng's hand, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Catch the thief!"

"Catch a thief?"

(End of this chapter)

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