Chapter 384
Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled face, Du Qifeng said, "Did I tell you this during the day?!"

"What did you say" started, and Xu Rong remembered that Du Qifeng had indeed greeted him during the day, but he was chatting with Zhao Junkai at that time, and Du Qifeng's words were endless at that time, so he subconsciously thought that Talk about things related to play.

Zhao Junkai dragged Du Qifeng into the door, and said: "Let's not stand in the corridor, go in and talk, look at our outfits, I don't know if you think we are going to poach polar bears."

After the two of them sat in the living room, Xu Rong walked into the bedroom and said, "Hey, I said you two are wearing three-layer clothes on the inside and three layers on the outside. What are you going to do?"

Zhao Junkai also looked at Du Qifeng suspiciously. He was wearing such thick clothes because Du Qifeng told him to "put on all the thick clothes!", but Du Qifeng still didn't explain to him what he was going to do.

"You will know later." Seeing that Xu Rong's hair was wet, Du Qifeng did not forget to remind him, "You should dry your hair first, by the way, you must wear the thickest clothes."

Combined with Du Qifeng's "catch the thief", Xu Rong vaguely guessed, and stopped asking, and instead said: "Old Du, tell me, if you keep the current quality and finish the filming, how much money will it cost? "

This is what he cares about. The original total budget of 4000 million, together with the 3000 million that Liu Yanming just let the financial remittance today, has now invested 7000 million. The risk of losing money has skyrocketed, which means that "Poison" Even if the total box office of "War" reached 2 million in the end, although Hairun made a profit on the books, it was actually a loss-making business.

Because favors are accidental events rather than the result of normal operations, based on the market price after the skyrocketing price this year, his salary is about 3000 million.

The actual investment of "Drug Wars" plus human investment is exactly [-] million yuan in cash. If the box office share and advertising revenue cannot be profitable, then Hairun Pictures' "Kaimohong" may become a black box. By then, the capital market will What they saw was no longer the huge potential of Hairun in the film market, but the overall embarrassment of Hairun, a group in the entertainment industry.

But Liu Yanming, who has been left behind by the times, still retains an inexplicable stubbornness. As the foundational work of Hairun Films, he extremely resists any embedded advertisements in "Drug Wars".

Like Liu Yanming, Xu Rong, who has bought the original shares of Hairun and waited for the IPO to earn some pocket money, also cannot accept the dismal box office ending of "Drug Wars".

The coldness of the endorsement market made him deeply aware of a sense of gap that he had never felt before.

When going uphill, everyone is willing to push, like a fire cooking oil, but whenever there is a slight sign of going downhill, everyone will immediately push the wall down.

"Number" has just finished broadcasting, and his appeal among the audience is still strong, just because he bid farewell to the small screen for a while, and the market is already waiting for a price.

Merchants have the intention to invite him to endorse, but it is not as strong as in previous years. This can already be seen from the fact that most of the quotations have declined compared to last year.

The box office of "Drug Wars" is not as good as expected, Hairun Pictures will be in a slump, and it is the same for him. He has completely offended the Hong Kong circle, and he does not have a strong appeal. He will only become the most typical negative teaching material. .

Regardless of the most popular actors in the mainland, they are the negative teaching materials for starring roles.

Du Qifeng didn't hear what he said clearly for a while, watching Xu Rong put thermal underwear on his body, he straightened up suddenly, and said, "Stop, wait a minute."

Xu Rong stood barefoot on the soft carpet and asked, "What's wrong?"

Du Qifeng looked at the smooth lines of his upper body, and said in disbelief: "I really didn't realize that you maintain such a good figure before!"

Zhao Junkai has long been used to the strangeness, he laughed and said: "You just know, when Xu Rong was filming before, some directors accidentally took a look at his body, and forcibly added more than 30 wonderful close-ups to him. lens."

Du Qifeng thought about this sentence, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, because after more than a month of getting along day and night, he found that Xu Rong's self-discipline ability was simply terrifying.

When Xu Rong put the thermal underwear on his head again, looking at the outline of his abdominal muscles due to the raised arms, Du Qifeng, like the director Zhao Junkai mentioned, only felt an explosion of inspiration in his mind, with many wonderful ideas In an instant.

He must show Xu Rong's figure to the national audience!
Zhao Junkai looked at Du Qifeng staring at Xu Rong, and joked with a smile: "Why, Director Du, do you also have the urge to put this beauty on the screen?"


"Don't you think this kind of line has an artistic beauty?" Zhao Junkai said while patting his stomach that was completely uniform, "especially when compared with ours."

"No, no, no." Du Qifeng shook his head resolutely, "What I see is not the beauty, but the overlap between his and Cai Tianming's personalities."

"I always believe that all techniques, inspirations, and ideas must serve the plot. No matter how wonderful an idea is, if it cannot serve the plot, it should not be presented to the audience."

Zhao Junkai didn't pay attention to it at first, but only realized the truth in the second half, but because of this, he missed the main content of Du Qifeng's speech, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Du Qifeng didn't answer him right away, but instead asked, "What kind of personality did you say about Xu Rong showing his upper body?"

Although a year has passed, Liu Xinjie turned his back to the camera, casually waved his hands and said "Get off work, get off work~" as if engraved in his mind, saying: "Overall, it should be cynical." .”

Du Qifeng clapped his hands together and said, "Then this director must be a third-rate director. You are a cynical character, but you have such a perfect body, isn't that contradictory?!"

Zhao Junkai was hard to answer. The "third-rate director" that Du Qifeng was talking about was none other than Liu Jiang, the director of "Before Dawn" and "Beautiful Times of Wife".

If Liu Jiang has become a third-rate director, then which TV drama director in the mainland would dare to pat his chest and say that he is a second-rate director?

Du Qifeng didn't think too much about it, and said: "I really want to shoot, but it's definitely not for display. Think about it, a 30-year-old person, and a person whose career does not require his figure, can How much self-management ability is needed to maintain this figure all year round?"

Du Qifeng picked up a flash of light in his mind and explained that in his opinion, as an actor, Xu Rong can always maintain such a figure, which represents his strong self-management ability. This also applies to Cai Tianming. The character, a drug lord who can play around with the people's guards and escape from birth surrounded by hundreds of people's guards with live ammunition, must have something extraordinary that ordinary people can't match.

And what most ordinary people lack the most is precisely this terrifying self-discipline.

Zhao Junkai suddenly remembered an inexplicable sentence about Xu Rong that Liu Yanming said in an internal group meeting to discuss whether there is still a market for spy wars after "Before Dawn".

"If one day Xu Rong loses his management of his body, he will soon become no different from other people."

He didn't quite understand it at the time, but after what Du Qifeng said today, he has a little understanding of the chairman's starting point. In terms of IQ, Xu Rong only scored 618 points in the college entrance examination, which can only be said to be at the middle level. In terms of business ability, there are basically no rivals in the 80s and 70s, but after all, there are still so many 50s and 60s who are still active, so overall, he seems to be better than ordinary people in everything, but his strength is limited, but The only thing is that maybe he experienced too much suffering too early. He determined what he wanted at an age where many people didn't know what he wanted. What's even more rare is that he found a way to realize it.

In this regard, he threw away ninety-nine percent of his peers.

And what completely throws off the rest of his peers is his unswerving determination to strictly implement along the preset path in order to achieve his goals.

Xu Rong watched Du Qifeng look at him with a consulting gaze, and said, "I still say the same thing, as long as you think it's good for the show and doesn't violate the relevant requirements, I don't mind."

Seeing that Xu Rong did not refuse, Du Qifeng immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll make a call first."

"Hey, Jiahui, discuss it with Naihai. I thought of a new plot, which is to portray Cai Tianming's character sideways by showing his explosive figure."

"Is there time? If there's too much time, let's shoot this scene last. I believe Xu Rong will be able to practice it."

Xu Rong and Zhao Junkai looked at each other. Regardless of his age, Du Qifeng turned out to be a talkative master.

But if you think about it, if you are a director or producer, you may not be able to do anything else, but if you talk about bragging, you must be the best, otherwise you will not be able to get hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors who are ghosts and ghosts. tens of millions of investment.

When Du Qifeng hung up the phone, Xu Rong just changed his clothes, took out the thickest down jacket from the closet and put it on, saying: "Let's go."

After going downstairs, the three of them took advantage of the night to arrive at the hotel's open-air parking lot.

In the past when filming, the crew's cars would usually be parked on the curb next to the hotel, because there were very few traffic policemen who would come to check for illegal parking in the middle of the night in the dark.

But since he was blackmailed last time, Xu Rongxue has become honest. He can be blackmailed even if he parks in a parking space on the side of the road. Hui, even if he gets off work at two o'clock in the morning, the car must be parked in the parking lot.

Arriving next to the Daben driven by Zhao Junkai near the main entrance, Du Qifeng squatted down, opened the handbag, took out the walkie-talkie and a short black stick ten centimeters long, and said, "We will use the walkie-talkie later for communication. It’s a multi-function electric wand, press this button once to use it as a flashlight, press it twice in succession to turn it into an electric wand, wait a minute”

Xu Rong watched Du Qifeng distribute his equipment to Zhao Junkai's, and was taken aback for a while. He raised his head, looked at the dark parking lot, and asked in a low voice: "Old Du, let's come here to make such a big deal." You won't catch someone who steals oil, right?"

Similar things happen to every production crew from time to time, but they are only the smallest part of the cost of silence, because as long as the gas fee is kept within a relatively reasonable range, there is not much to steal.

The real big problem is some rental fees that are difficult to find substitutes, such as shooting venues. After watching the filming venue, the Wailian producer said, "What, people said, [-] a day, no bargaining!", even if the liver was angry It hurts, but because of the needs of filming, it doesn't matter, but whether it is [-] days or [-] days, only the outreach producer knows in his heart.

"I'll talk about it later when I get in the car."

Du Qifeng said to himself: "I've prepared three cars in total. Planning Zhao, you stay in your car to prevent thieves from running out from the front door. I'll block the car near the back door. Xu Rong, go and park in your car." Get in that Volvo inside."

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, and said: "I'd better go to the back door, don't look at the lethality of this thing, it's only this foot long, it's not that I look down on you, if you really meet me, you might as well take a brick Really, at least you can use the bricks as a shield."

Du Qifeng hesitated for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, but you should pay attention, if the other party really fights recklessly, you go and don't go head-to-head with them, safety first."

According to what Du Qifeng said, Xu Rong arrived at the back door of the parking lot and got into a broken Xiali that he did not know where to get. As soon as he turned on the walkie-talkie, Zhao Junkai's voice came from inside: "Damn it, it's so cold."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I'm not only cold, but also hard. I used to think that Mazda was already the worst car in terms of comfort. Today I found out that Xiali is even worse."

The walkie-talkie suddenly fell silent. Among the three, Xu Rong completed the primitive accumulation of wealth the earliest compared to his age. First, he struggled for 17 years, and after he was 20 years old, he earned hundreds of dollars a day compared to the sum of the past 20 years. Thousands of times, this also led to his understanding of the bottom line of car comfort, staying on his early Mazda for transportation.

After about half a minute, Zhao Junkai suggested very abruptly: "No, we are here to catch thieves, not to be thieves, can we turn on the air conditioner?"

Du Qifeng, who had been silent all this time, immediately said: "No, others must know that someone is in the car!"

Xu Rong: "Old Du, what's going on? How can you be sure that someone will steal the oil, and the three of us just waited?"

Du Qifeng: "I carefully checked the fuel account and found that the Jinbei of our crew had refueled more than 11 yuan last month, so I strongly suspect that either someone stole the fuel or someone reported a fake ticket, but I have already sent people to refuel. It has been verified by the station, and this Jinbei will indeed go to refuel every day."

"Made!" Xu Rong scolded. He hadn't paid attention to it this time. When he paid attention to the accounts before, his main purpose was to catch Wang Hui's pigtails, and he didn't pay attention to the rest at all.

Du Qifeng: "This is an expedient measure. By the way, what do you say, it's called digging. What kind of corners are you digging?"

"Digging the corners of socialism!"

The intercom fell silent again, because it was too incredible for Du Qifeng to say such words.

(End of this chapter)

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