Chapter 385
After dozens of seconds, Xu Rong's voice sounded again and asked, "I said, if he doesn't come, let's just wait until dawn?"

Du Qifeng: "Don't worry, I have a hunch that he will definitely appear."

Xu Rong: "Okay."

After about two hours, Zhao Junkai's sleepy voice came from the walkie-talkie: "You guys just keep an eye on it, I can't hold it anymore, go to bed first, if someone calls me."

"it is good."

Xu Rong: "I said, Old Zhao, did you not open the window?"

Du Qifeng: "Huh? Old Zhao? Old Zhao?"

Zhao Junkai: "Damn it, what the hell did I say that my upper and lower eyelids were fighting? If you hadn't reminded me, I would have been gone before the thief caught me."

Xu Rong: "But if you really lose it, you won't lose money. Isn't your car more than 80 yuan? An urn without diamonds is definitely not as expensive as yours."

Du Qifeng: "Hey, why did I hear something broken just now?"

Zhao Junkai: "Oh, I remembered it, but I felt a little dizzy. I was afraid that it would be too late, so I directly smashed the window open with the glass nail on the electric rod."

"Fortunately, Xu Rong, you called me, shit, you scared me to death."

The walkie-talkie fell silent again for a while. The reason why Xu Rong reminded Zhao Junkai was because he felt that he couldn't sleep at all. Firstly, he said that the space in the car was too narrow and he couldn't stretch his arms and legs at all. Secondly, it was too cold, but Zhao Junkai got into the car. There is no reason to yawn without a big meeting.

Zhao Junkai: "Do you feel that your neck is a little cold, as if someone is blowing on your back?"

Du Qifeng: "Is your back facing the air outlet?"

"Cough cough."

Zhao Junkai: "Then I'll change my position."

Xu Rong: "Are you still sleepy now?"

Zhao Junkai: "It's not sleepy, it's not sleepy, it's just too cold, such a big hole, the wind is blowing in the face."

Xu Rong: "Just be spiritual."

After a while, Zhao Junkai's voice came again: "Can I smoke?"

Du Qifeng: "It is best not to suggest it, because it will be discovered."

Zhao Junkai: "That's fine."

Xu Rong suddenly heard an indistinct sound. He thought the person he was waiting for had finally arrived, so he immediately got up, but no one was watching, but Zhao Junkai's voice rang through the walkie-talkie: "You mother's nonsense, you Lighted a cigar and thought I didn't see it?!"

Xu Rong lay back again, listening to Du Qifeng's awkward laughter speechlessly.

"Keep your voice down, someone will notice if you pass by."

After hearing a "click", Xu Rong asked: "Old Du, you haven't answered my question just now. According to the current progress, how much will the filming cost?"

Du Qifeng: "It's impossible to shoot according to the current filming method. The main reason is that the plot is too critical, so I picked it up so carefully. But after filming, I estimate that it will cost about 2000 million."

Xu Rong was not the first time to be a "producer", and he only gave Du Qifeng 50% trust in Du Qifeng's nonsense, but this did not affect his gasping voice.

Du Qifeng didn't hear Xu Rong's reply for a long time, and asked uncertainly: "Yes, too many?"

Xu Rong: "A little bit, I have an immature idea, I don't know if you are willing to listen."

Zhao Junkai: "What do you think?"

Xu Rong: "Is there a way to guarantee quality without spending money?"

"Hiss." Two gasping voices came from the walkie-talkie again.

Zhao Junkai: "Xu Rong, you have adapted too quickly to your identity change, haven't you? Seriously, capitalists like the boss are not as bad as you."


After Xu Rongqian laughed twice, he said: "China is so big, different people will have different demands, and they will have different views on the same thing. If you think everywhere, put your energy into one place, help each other in the same boat, and unite as one, there will be nothing that cannot be done or hurdles that cannot be overcome.”

Du Qifeng: "What's the use of just shouting slogans? According to your opinion, do you plan to not pay overtime wages for overtime work?"

Xu Rong always felt that something was wrong. He couldn't find out what was wrong, but it seemed that after the way of chatting was changed, it was easy for everyone to chat to death. Just like Du Qifeng's doubts, he couldn't answer them at all.

Do you have to pay overtime?

What kind of weird rule is this?
Du Qifeng: "Hey, but having said that, even if you work hard, the performance of the actors, the lighting, and the camera will always give people some unexpected and wonderful presentations. I understand why it took so long for Wang Jiawei to film."

Zhao Junkai: "I've been watching "The Three-Body Problem" recently, and I'm always thinking about it. Have you ever thought about whether Wang Jiawei might be a time-traveler?"

Du Qifeng: "How to say?"

Zhao Junkai: "It's like an ordinary person. He traveled to a different world, and then he found that the knowledge he knew was limited to the few movies and TV dramas he usually watched, but because he was not a professional, he didn't know how to give actors Speaking, there is no way to demonstrate, we can only let the actors, lighting, and photography continue to grind, and finally reach the point where the effect almost coincides with the memory in his mind."

Du Qifeng: "He shoots a lot of material, and even if he shoots a lot of material, he doesn't use it in the post-production editing."

Xu Rong: "Because of the different cultural soil, those things in his memory will not work in this world, so you have to cut them out?"

Zhao Junkai: "And the verification method is very simple. Human memory is limited, and the movies he can remember are also limited. If one day in the future, he suddenly starts making bad movies, that will be the biggest proof."

Du Qifeng was also dumbfounded, is Wang Jiawei surprised?

Without special professional training, he became a blockbuster as soon as he became a screenwriter, but this "shock" is still within a reasonable range. When he officially directs, the first work "Carmen in Mong Kok", the second work "Days of Being Wild" ".

Zhao Junkai's guess is not unreasonable.

Zhao Junkai: "I strongly recommend an autopsy. I feel that there must be a big secret hidden in this person."


A while after Xu Rong finished laughing, at a certain moment, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded in his mind, and at the same time, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Is Zhao Junkai really talking about Wang Jiawei? !
Is he testing himself? !

He didn't know if Wang Jiawei had any problems, but he knew quite well that his problems were definitely not small.

Anyway, once it is exposed, even if it is not sliced, it cannot avoid the end of eternal imprisonment.

This is also one of the driving forces behind his hard work in acting.

This technique allows him to ignore the existence of the system through hints, even when he is drunk, he will not think that there seems to be something extraordinary in his body.

On the other hand, facing his peers, he never squanders his talents, but uses tangible learning and accumulated skills to explain his uniqueness.

He will not deliberately suppress his thoughts of thinking about the "system", because according to the logic of psychology, the more he wants to forget something deliberately, the deeper the memory, just like at this moment, according to the logic of a normal person, he deduces that Wang Jiawei is Possibility of travelers.

I believe that I am a normal person, this is the basic skill, belief and realism of acting!
After some time, when Xu Rong was drowsy, two voices whispered in unison from the walkie-talkie: "Someone is coming!"

Xu Rong immediately got up, lying on the glass, squinting at the pitch-black parking lot.

It's just that he looked at it for a long time, not to mention people, he didn't even see a ghost.

"I can't see anything here, are you sure you're here?"

Zhao Junkai: "Keep your voice down, I have a hole in my car window, and I will be heard."

"It's definitely here. He passed by me just now. He is not tall and chubby. He should be the driver of our bus. Ma De, this stupid grandson even carried two buckets. Can he carry them?"

Xu Rong didn't speak anymore, because Xiali's position was not particularly good, he couldn't see the fat driver Zhao Junkai mentioned at all.

But the discussion between Zhao Junkai and Du Qifeng never stopped.

"Do you want to act now?"

"Don't worry, you can get all the stolen goods."

"No, why didn't he go to Jinbei?"

Contrary to Zhao Junkai and Du Qifeng's expectations, the figure was busy in front of the bus for a while before coming to Jinbei again.

"I know how to play. I didn't pay attention. I just thought Jinbei's gas fee was a bit unreasonable. I didn't expect him to even miss the bus."

Xu Rong understands, this driver also understands a little psychology, if he steals one car, everyone can see that there is a problem, but he steals every car, as long as the steal is not too outrageous, a little careless People, I'm afraid they may not be able to see it.



As the first bright light shone on the oil rat, the oil rat immediately dropped the oil barrel without thinking, turned around and ran towards Xu Rong.

But he only ran two steps, and then two other strong lights from different directions came, making him squint his eyes and stop at the same time.

Early the next morning, taking advantage of the fact that the driver was sent to the relevant department for evidence collection, Du Qifeng asked the teams to report a new version of the budget for future shooting.

It's just that the moment he saw the result, Xu Rong's understanding of human nature deepened.

Compared with before, it is a full 160 million less!
It is only one-fifth of the 800 million expected by Du Qifeng and Zhao Junkai.

But quite reasonable!
Because reducing the budget at this threshold is tantamount to acknowledging certain past behaviors.

Xu Rong didn't care about these bad things from the very beginning, let alone his crew, even if it was "Peking", facing the long-standing bad habits of the industry, more precisely, facing the instinct of human nature, he was completely powerless to change.

Forced promotion can indeed save costs in a short period of time, but work is done by people after all, and people have emotions. In the end, they will only find that the cost in some aspects may be reduced, but on the other hand, they have paid more. the price.

Otherwise, there will be no system of high salary and honesty, because self-denial and public service are inherently anti-human.

"Da da da."

"Da da da."

"Da da da."

The shooting is still going on at a snail's pace, and after one line of the plot progresses, the main part of the whole play begins, the gun battle.

Xu Rong has filmed shootouts in the past, but never such a large-scale shootout, but before the first shot was finished, he was the first to shout "stop".

The entire set was stunned, because until then, they realized that the "stop" was not called by the director Du Qifeng, but by Xu Rong.

Although Xu Rong also has this kind of power, the "stop" exit undoubtedly indicates that he has changed his past style and started to intervene in the filming work.

He looked at the stupefied Du Qifeng not far away, raised the pistol in his hand, and asked, "Old Du, haven't you been emphasizing realism? How can this shooting method with infinite bullets be realistic?"

Since last night's joint action to catch the "gut rats", the past grievances between the two of them seemed to have disappeared overnight, and there was even an inexplicable friendship.

At this moment Xu Rong shouted to stop, although Du Qifeng was surprised, but not angry.

Du Qifeng came over. He had never considered this kind of problem before, because this is the consistent style of Hong Kong movies, because the filming method of infinite bullets is more impactful and shocking.

But Xu Rong is exactly the opposite. In his past shootout films, each pistol has a fixed amount of bullets. For example, Liu Xinjie, who is more considerate, usually prepares two to four magazines if there is a dangerous situation.

This problem is indeed very realistic, but if you really shoot it according to reality, it will not look good!

Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong speechlessly, and asked, "Then what do you think?"

Xu Rong turned to look at the firearms teacher, and asked, "Is there a Type 92 prop gun?"

The teacher from the Bayi Factory casually took a handful out of his pocket and said, "I didn't bring the 92. This is the 64. Would you like to try it?"

"Another magazine."

Xu Rong put the magazine into the back pocket of his jeans, pressed the switch three times in a row toward the empty space, then quickly turned sideways, pressed the magazine latch with the right thumb of the gun, and ejected the empty magazine. At the same time, use the thumb, index finger and middle finger of the left hand to pull out the spare magazine in the jeans, turn the wrist inward, use the index finger as the guide, and quickly send it to the magazine opening. While reloading, turn around and continue shooting with one hand at the target: "Da da da."

The whole movement is almost done in a blink of an eye, and there is even an almost smooth aesthetic feeling.

Du Qifeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Your movements really look like that."

The firearms teacher next to him said in a low voice: "Teacher Xu's actions are not like that. Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the way to change magazines."

Du Qifeng couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and asked, "You know this?"

"Hehe, I've been filming a lot, so I can learn a little bit."

Xu Rong doesn't like golf, maybe because he is too poor, he always feels that he has no business to talk to, but he is very interested in horseback riding, swimming and shooting.

Moreover, when he had dinner with the People's Guard after he was released from prison, he was afraid that he would be tricked by the club, so he specifically confirmed it and was highly recognized by the other party. His method, except that the 77 type does not have the function of hanging up the empty warehouse, is not feasible, and the 54 Type, Type 64, and Type 92 are all available.

Du Qifeng looked at Xu Rong with deep meaning, and felt that the right person suddenly became mysterious, but at this moment he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and instead asked: "Can you demonstrate it again?"

"no problem."

When Xu Rong demonstrated again, Du Qifeng heard Guo Tao and Li Qing, who had just come to the set behind him, exclaimed that they were "really handsome", and immediately made up his mind, clapped his hands, and said: "Everyone, from now on, follow Teacher Xu is practicing changing magazines, and I have a request that within three days, he must practice for me.”

Sun Honglei and Li Weijie also looked at Xu Rong with a confused look on their faces, and asked, "Xu Rong, when did you learn this skill?"

Xu Rong looked at the two in puzzlement, and asked back: "I'm an actor who was born in a spy war. If I can't even play with a gun, can I still be considered a spy war actor with a hammer?"

Until this time, Sun Honglei and Li Weijie suddenly understood why Xu Rong was able to achieve such high achievements in the field of spy warfare, and why all the good spy warfare books in China were so desperate to invite him to play, because they did it in spy warfare. The preparation is indeed much more than that of the peers.

And the understanding of guns revealed today may only be the most insignificant part of his many preparations.

Let me explain, the end of the year is very busy, and I often hold meetings until after twelve o'clock. The update may be a bit late, and the quality has also declined, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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