I'm just an actor

Chapter 386 Injured

"At the moment of life and death, what we have to do is to release the left hand immediately, and press the magazine buckle with the right hand to let the magazine fall to the ground."

"Everyone should keep in mind that you must remember how many bullets are still in your gun. When the last bullet is loaded, you should quickly find a cover to replace the magazine. This is very important, because once you forget this, you will end up in the end. It's definitely not going to be great, and it's the same for an actor."

Xu Rong didn't explain the specific reason. If he explained it, it would lose the effect it should have. Speaking lines while memorizing bullets during filming will make the actor's spirit highly tense, and there will be a difference between emotions and real guns. Similar to a certain extent.

At this time, a strange scene also happened on the set. Xu Rong held the gun in both hands, and while doing slow motion, he explained the essentials of emergency magazine replacement. Almost all the actors and staff of the crew spontaneously formed a group around him. big circle.

Both men and women seem to have a certain degree of curiosity about guns, although the two are interested in different points because of gender differences.

Seeing Xu Rong's self-confidence and calmness when explaining, Zhong Hanliang whispered to Lin Zhuo next to him: "He seems to be very familiar with guns?!"

"This, I don't know too well, but when we first came here, some people came to make trouble. The 1.9-meter tall man brought more than 20 people. Wu Tingye said that the man was polite when he saw Xu Rongte."

Sun Honglei and the others not far away were also a little confused. Compared with the Hong Kong people who were a little afraid of Xu Rong in the crew, they knew more about Xu Rong. Shouldn't know about this stuff.

But Xu Rong was so confident, so confident that they couldn't help wondering if he really had such an unknown military king in the Middle East or Africa.

"Also, keep in mind that before each use, please make sure that the gun in your hand is safe."

Hearing Xu Rong's words, the mainland actors looked puzzled, and many people from Hong Kong stared at each other after being dazed for a moment, confirming their guesses.

The biggest difference between guns in the mainland and Hong Kong is that it is difficult for "prop guns" used for filming in Hong Kong to enter the country.

"Okay, everyone, let's practice for a while."

After Xu Rong finished explaining, Du Qifeng looked at the actors in the crew who were stumbling but were extremely curious about practicing, his brows slowly frowned, and he looked at Xu Rong who was standing with his arms folded, and said, "Xu Rong, do you practice?" How long does it take to change the magazine?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, then shook his head lightly, and said, "I'm not sure about this. In fact, I just went to play at first, and passed the time with my friends. Later, I felt that it might be useful for filming, so I used it for a while. If you insist on asking me how long I have practiced, I can’t tell you.”

Hearing this, Du Qifeng confirmed the guess in his heart. Although the rest of the crew had just started practicing, he had already noticed some clues. Xu Rong's movements gave him a smooth aesthetic feeling, while the actors who were practicing at the moment moved slowly. Said that each of them had stiff limbs, and some even couldn't pull out the spare magazine for a long time because they were too fat.

He always felt that the fluency in Xu Rong's movements was absolutely impossible to achieve through a day or two of assault training, and it had to be a foundation laid by day-to-day physical exercises.

Du Qifeng lit a cigarette and said, "I read the news. You predicted that the mainland market could reach 3000 billion in the future. Are you serious?"


Xu Rong was stunned when he heard the words, and turned his head to stare at Du Qifeng in disbelief, and said, "Director Du, I feel like you are joking with me!"

"There are 14 billion people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, let's say [-] million people go to the movies, how much do you think the box office alone is worth?"

Du Qifeng smiled and said, "The market is not your algorithm."

Of course Xu Rong understands that his algorithm is too taken for granted, but China's system and the cultural genes of hard work, imitation, and innovation determine that it is difficult to be restricted by the middle-income trap. Once this threshold is passed, 3000 billion is only a matter of time, said: " You may not believe me, but I’m going to cast a movie, a TV series, the investment is about [-]-[-] million, and a TV station has bought it with [-] million.”

Du Qifeng raised the cigarette to his mouth and stood still in the air, the skin on his face was almost completely frozen, just staring at Xu Rong blankly.

TV drama?
[-] million?
What about a liar? !

When Xu Rong heard the [-] million offer from his old friend Hua Ming, he took Hua Ming as a joke at all, because he set the price of [-] million at the beginning in order not to sell the exclusive rights.

But two days ago, Huaming formally contacted Jin Fangfang after saying hello, and he realized that the Southern TV station seemed to be really not joking.

Since Southern TV's "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" in 07, basically as long as it can get the right to broadcast the drama starring him, it has never been ambiguous.

Even if you can't get the first round, you will try your best to win the second and third rounds.

But since the beginning of this year, it has frantically broadcast "Yangcheng Dark Whistle", "Latent", "Before Dawn" and "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law" for 16 hours non-stop, and squeezed out CCTV's No. 2 honor in the market share ranking list. It's like discovering the wealth code, it's out of control.

After a year of trial and hard work, Southern Television has now figured out a set of broadcasting logic with its own characteristics, "Xu Rong + Playing Mode", which means that while purchasing new films, it will continue to broadcast dramas starring Xu Rong throughout the year. .

In order to avoid malicious competition and imitation by peers, Southern TV has almost swallowed the broadcasting rights of Xu Rong's starring and participating film and television dramas for five years through various channels and methods since the beginning of the year.

Even "The Great Qing Dynasty", which starred Xu Rong in the early years and was packaged and sold to LeTV at the price of cabbage by the producer, was also bought by Huaming at a high price to test the water.

Although the result was not satisfactory, he didn't care much about the famous name, because after inspection, he found that "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", "Crossing the Guandong", "Latent", "Before Dawn", "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-Law" and Xu Ming "Bright Sword", which does not have many roles, seems to have a strange magic power, that is, every time it is broadcast, the ratings will not be too low.

And occasionally, miracles happen.

Every once in a while, Southern Television Station will always usher in a small peak in ratings for no reason.

There is no rule at all, sometimes it may be "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", sometimes it may be "Before Dawn", and sometimes it may even be "Luxurious" with mixed reputation.

Later, after several analysis, the domestic media and TV stations came to a shocking conclusion. The ratings of Southern TV station rose suddenly, the main reason being that there were a lot of bad domestic dramas at that time.

Today, Southern TV's ratings have become a barometer of the quality of dramas on major domestic platforms. Once Southern TV's ratings rise, there is only one reason. Other platforms broadcast all bad dramas.

It's just that he is always ridiculed by his peers, and Hua Ming's face is a bit uneasy, so he is going to make two big sums.

The first thing is that he quietly bought the copyright of "Migrant Workers of Survival" in an attempt to unseal Xu Rong's debut novel.

The result was not as expected. After nearly a year of traveling and public relations, the difficulty of unblocking "Migrant Workers" far exceeded his expectations.

The second thing is to swallow the five-year broadcast rights of "All Quiet in Peking" which is being filmed.

Different from the rumored first-round broadcast rights, what Hua Ming wanted to do was to buy out the broadcast rights of "Peking" for five or even ten years!
Because "Latent", "Before Dawn" and "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" can still achieve good ratings today, some scripts selected by Xu Rong may become classics.

Moreover, he has carefully studied that Xu Rong's production of classics is not random. A good script and good colleagues are prerequisites. As for having a good director, it is not that important.

The customer bullies the store, the store bullies the customer, Xu Rong is always the biggest "customer" in every film nowadays, once the shooting fails to meet his expectations, even if he will not take such drastic measures as Jiang Wen, But the time that basically can allow oneself is wasted in vain.

Beijing TV Station made a heavy bet to win "The Number That Never Dies", while Southern TV station prepared to stud "All Quiet in Peking".

Facing Du Qifeng's astonished gaze, Xu Rong shook his head gently, and said, "3000 billion? It's just our phased goal. Let's put it this way, I estimate that in ten years' time, China's film market will reach at least one trillion yuan." .”

"At the moment, I think our goals are completely the same, right?" Du Qifeng nodded his head lightly, hesitated for a while, and suddenly smiled, "If "Drug War" fails to achieve the expected results, within five years , I should not come to the mainland again, your development should also be greatly affected, right?"

Xu Rong said nothing, but when Du Qifeng asked this question, he didn't expect him to answer, but expressed another meaning.

Du Qifeng did not wait for him to speak, and sighed: "In the film industry, box office cures all diseases. No matter how many difficulties and trifles during filming, as long as the box office is good, those difficulties are precious in hindsight. But if the box office is not ideal, your filming How happy you are at the time, how uncomfortable you will be at the time.”

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Rong expressed his opinion on Du Qifeng's hint, saying: "Actually, the problem with the gun is also very big. Whose pistol has a 'da da da' sound?!"

"I asked Lao Zhao to spend some money to get some real guys in these two days, so that everyone can practice in these few days."

"Time is really running short."

Xu Rong also had a sad expression on his face, and suggested: "Why don't we go ahead and shoot in groups, with so many unimportant exterior scenes, let another group do the shooting, and let's concentrate on the key scenes."

"Who's coming?"

"Luo Jinfu?"

Du Qifeng and Xu Rong looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

That night, when Du Qifeng announced that Zheng Zhaoqiang would be the director of Group B, the director of photography Zheng Zhaoqiang, who had just been a guest on the camera a while ago, couldn't hide his surprise on his Chinese face, and slowly turned his head to look at Du Qifeng.

Then, his eyes quickly drifted to Xu Rong, who was frowning with his arms folded.

He suddenly felt a sense of absurdity, because Xu Rong told him a few days ago that he would be given the chance to direct alone.

He thought that Xu Rong would invite him to make a low-budget movie, but he never expected that the opportunity would come so soon, and it was so unbelievable that it was the director of Group B? !

Although Du Qifeng has the right to decide how to shoot, what to shoot, and whether to use the materials, but from another perspective, it is also Du Qifeng who taught him how to make movies.

Zheng Zhaoqiang's eyes turned back and forth on the two of them a few times, and finally, they fell on Xu Rong again.

A new generation replaces the old.

Although it has only been a few days since the film was started again, the crew is actually not peaceful. Du Qifeng has changed his previous style of turning a blind eye and closing one eye. Let alone sand in his eyes, he wished that even a neutrino would no longer be tolerated.

Most of the crew used to eat with Du Qifeng. Although they haven't made a lot of money with the decline of Hong Kong movies in recent years, they have never missed a small amount of money.

After finally waiting for a fat sheep, I thought it was a chance to make a fortune, but it was a good thing, even the coins would be torn from the ribs of the big guy.

He had heard about Xu Rong's promise to "make up ten for every festival", and understood Du Qifeng's strong desire to become a blockbuster, because if he missed this village, there would never be another store that would allow him to shoot so unscrupulously.

Regardless of scale or financial support.

Because whether it is the newly established Hairun Pictures or Xu Rong who has just stepped into the film market, they all urgently need a success to prove themselves, but in comparison, Du Qifeng is more urgent than the two.

A film market worth 3000 billion or even trillions, if you slow down, you will lose hundreds of millions!
He didn't feel that Du Qifeng did anything wrong. He may have done more decisively than Du Qifeng in changing places. Once successful, it would be easy to pull up another ten groups, let alone one group.

But if going north fails, there is no guarantee that these brothers will not switch to others like Luo Jinfu and Zheng Baorui.

Winners never lack followers, and losers always have no shortage of spurning.

But from his own experience, he felt that Du Qifeng had gone a little too far. We never dared to block big brother from eating meat, but when big brother ate meat, he couldn't take the pot away.

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, and now Du Qifeng's desperate efforts to save costs are tantamount to killing one's parents.

As for later?

I can't get any money right now, so what can you expect in the future?

After the meeting, Zheng Zhaoqiang went to Xu Rong's room and sat there for about half an hour.

The two didn't talk about anything else, they only talked about some things that need to be paid attention to in life in the capital and the settlement of some personnel.

Zheng Zhaoqiang is different from Zheng Baorui and Luo Jinfu. Nearly half of the whole group is considered to be Zheng Zhaoqiang's people.

After sending Zheng Zhaoqiang away, Xu Rong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. With the addition of Zheng Zhaoqiang and Luo Jinfu, there are nearly ten directors in the studio in name, and the remaining five are from Nortel, all of whom were recommended by the school's teachers. , but they all face a problem, there is no work that can be sold.

But he wasn't worried, it was a horse bone bought with a thousand dollars.

After more than 20 consecutive days of high-intensity filming, Xu Rong was injured before Christmas.

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