I'm just an actor

Chapter 387 Misunderstanding

Chapter 387 Misunderstanding
Wrapped in a down jacket, Xu Rong was sitting behind the director's monitor with a glass of wolfberry water, hunching his neck and looking around the set to clean up the snow that had not yet melted.

More than 20 days ago, the whole group was looking forward to the snow, and even wasted seven days for it.

Facts have proved that his decision to only let the crew wait for a week was correct. The snow came not only late, but also had nothing to do with the white snow that Du Qifeng hoped for. It fell for a while last night, and now there are only a few places left The spots are almost gone.

If we had waited according to Du Qifeng's opinion, regardless of whether the construction period would be delayed, more than 20 days of sky, etc., the rental fees that must be paid will seriously reduce the shooting budget.

Behind Du Qifeng, Wen Yongshan hesitated to speak.

Xu Rong and Du Qifeng both guessed her thoughts, tomorrow is Christmas, she probably wants to rush back to Hong Kong tonight.

But neither of the two mentioned this. The situation of each crew is similar. Except for a few main creators who have real intentions to create, everyone else is here to make money. Like most companies, except for the boss who has no clear concept of commuting to and from get off work, other people always hate overtime.

Just like the vast majority of the crew at the moment, everyone is obviously not thinking about work anymore.

In this regard, Xu Rong and Du Qifeng mourned their misfortune and angered them, because in their view, if they do not have a passion, the possibility of standing out from the highly competitive industry is basically zero.

But they can't ask for too much anymore, because the rate of return and pursuit of each other are different.

A few days ago, he also considered that Christmas would not be a holiday. As the gunfight scene that pushed the conflict to the peak, in the shadow of Du Qifeng's plan, the length of the edited film was about 6 minutes, but could it be filmed before 2012? I'm afraid Du Qifeng himself has no idea.

But in the end, he gave up on this decision, and it didn't make any sense to keep people's hearts.

"Brother Xu, your manager is so beautiful."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, then realized that Wen Yongshan behind him was talking to him, and replied: "Oh, it's okay."

A few minutes ago, he had just sent away Jin Fangfang who came to visit the class.

Now that Wang Yaqin has begun to take over part of his affairs, it is not a trivial matter for Jin Fangfang to come here in person.

The purpose of Jin Fangfang's visit is to persuade him to learn English.

She received an invitation from an American crew yesterday to play a small role in an American drama called "House of Cards".

It is said to be recommended by a friend of his.

Jin Fangfang didn't know when Xu Rong made friends abroad, but in her opinion, this was a good opportunity.

Xu Rong rejected the invitation to play the role, but he did not refuse the urging to learn English, because he found that mastering a foreign language may not have much meaning in China, but after the accident of "Daughter-in-law" went overseas, it might really make him earn money. point foreign exchange.

Du Qifeng also heard some scabies just now, lit a cigarette, and asked indifferently: "Are you really going to accept it? The production level of their TV series is not the same as ours."

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "A small and dispensable role is meaningless. Do you want to help others open up the domestic market?"

"But this is a pretty good opportunity. Who didn't come here step by step? Without an audience base, you can't ask for more." Du Qifeng leaned in the chair, crossed his arms, and held the flue in one hand, " I really think you can give it a try, if you succeed, your value will skyrocket several times."

Wen Yongshan saw that Du Qifeng did not shy away from herself, so she boldly asked, "Director, what good opportunity is it?"

"A film crew in the United States sent Xu Rong a film appointment, but he was not willing to go."

"Oh, why don't you go?"

Xu Rong did not explain his original intention of refusing, because whether it is Du Qifeng or Wen Yongshan, his values ​​are different, and it is useless to say it.

So he smiled and said: "Didn't I say it before, I don't plan to make TV dramas for the time being."

Not to mention Du Qifeng and Wen Yongshan who grew up in Hong Kong, even after some people in the mainland have come into contact with the culture on the other side of the ocean and learned about the cutting-edge technology of the other side, either because of fear or because of dissatisfaction with the current situation, they gradually develop a desire to worship. Impulsive, and there are not a few people who have such thoughts.

In essence, it is still pinning hope on the pity of others.

This kind of mentality has been completely abandoned when he was young. Because he was an orphan, other children in the same village always bullied him. At first, he could only win the sympathy of others by crying, but this caused more children to bully him. he.

Until later, grandpa told him that crying was meaningless, and that the only thing that could stop others from bullying him were fists and teeth.

This concept has become more and more firm as he has experienced more and more things, and it has benefited him so far.

This is also the fundamental reason why he is not too keen on going to Hollywood.

As for the so-called conquest of the West through film and television works, its nature is roughly the same as the fantasy that some people abroad had about the Chinese Empire 200 years ago.

But in the end they quickly reversed their minds and used strong boats and guns to make the invincible Aixinjueluo realize the reality that they were behind and would still be beaten.

Especially in the West, which pays more attention to ideology and public opinion, a yellow-skinned person, unless China no longer exists, otherwise wants to get ahead through film and television works, the difficulty is roughly equivalent to that of a Japanese to achieve his current status in China.

It is possible, but never allowed.

Du Qifeng didn't answer any more, because he could hear that Xu Rong was perfunctory, but he didn't understand Xu Rong's choice. Isn't Hollywood a paradise for every film and television worker?
Wen Yongshan didn't notice Xu Rong's hesitation at all, and said, "Ah, aren't you going to shoot one?"

"No, there will be another one next year. For the time being, I probably won't make another one."


"How to put it, maybe, in fact, this is what the vast majority of colleagues hope for."

As Xu Rong said, he glanced back at Wen Yongshan and said with a smile, "It's like the United States needs our existence."

Wen Yongshan looked at him in confusion, she couldn't understand what Xu Rong was saying at all.

Upon hearing this, Du Qifeng thought for a while, then turned his head and said meaningfully: "Actually, after all, why don't we need the existence of the United States?!"

Xu Rong was about to lower his head to drink water, when he heard Du Qifeng's words, he couldn't help but paused, thought for a few seconds, tilted his head to look at Du Qifeng, and said with an inexplicable expression: "Old Du, let me remind you, your ideological awareness is very high, but , some ideas are really dangerous!"

"By the way, it's best not to be reflected in any works."

Seeing Xu Rong and Du Qifeng chatting, Wen Yongshan suddenly became serious, and asked inexplicably, "What are you talking about?"

Not far away, Xu Rong saw a little girl who had been watching her since she arrived, she put the thermos on the table heavily, and said, "I'll go get ready."

When Xu Rong left, Wen Yongshan asked curiously: "Director Du, what did you mean just now?"

Du Qifeng explained: "What do you think of Xu Rong's business ability?"

"Very good, isn't it?" Wen Yongshan was glanced at by Du Qifeng, and she didn't always have the confidence to say the established facts, "Isn't it?"

"You're right." Du Qifeng gave Wen Yongshan an affirmative answer, "But in fact, many people have no concept of how powerful it is. If you change the situation, it will be more intuitive. If the audience knows another People are very powerful, and if this very powerful person is not even worthy of carrying his shoes, then other people will have a clear concept of his 'powerful'."

Wen Yongshan wrinkled her tall nose and asked, "Then, why did he say that your ideological consciousness is very high, but it is also very dangerous?"

Du Qifeng sighed, and said: "Because I said 'we', as for saying that he thinks my ideas are dangerous, how should I put it? Let me give you an example. Before the unification of the Qin Dynasty, their people could accept harsh criminal laws. Because although this set of laws is harsh, it can mobilize the country's war potential to the greatest extent and protect their homeland. However, after Qin unified the six countries, the external pressure was eliminated, and the people of Qin began to pursue their own demands. It’s not easy to implement strict criminal laws, you think, if there is such a large backlog of social conflicts and cannot be transferred to the outside, then it can only be vented to Qin II?”

Wen Yongshan's two slender brows almost wrinkled into the word "Chuan". She doesn't understand history at all, and she almost doesn't understand Du Qifeng's example at all.

Du Qifeng also vaguely caught some clues, and said: "You can read more "Das Kapital" when you have time. The 'dialectical thinking' mentioned in it is very interesting and very helpful to artistic creation."

Wen Yongshan managed to force a smile, she finally knew why Xu Rong and Du Qifeng were able to chat, because when she usually chatted with Xu Rong, some concepts and logic that Xu Rong occasionally mentioned also gave her a kind of The feeling of broadening the boundaries of cognition.

On the other side, seeing Xu Rong get up from the director's surveillance, a girl about seven or eight years old in school uniform trotted all the way to Xu Rong: "Uncle Xu, shall we play a game?"

Xu Rong glanced at the young woman who was smiling helplessly not far away, then looked at Du Qifeng behind him, and said with a smile: "Xiao Di, to be honest, are you afraid of Old Du?"

"Hmm." The girl named Xiao Di by Xu Rong nodded her head hurriedly, "Aren't you afraid of him?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Uncle Xu told you a secret."

"What's the secret?"

"Old Du is actually very afraid of Uncle Xu."

Xiao Di's neck stalked: "Blowing!"

The gentleness on Xu Rong's face froze, but he had long been used to this kind of situation, and he quickly returned to nature, and said, "Then why do you think Uncle Xu is bragging?"

"Old Du's voice is loud!"

Not far away, Wen Yongshan watched Xu Rong suddenly hugged Xiao Di, which made Xiao Di laugh "haha" after an exclamation, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

She heard Gao Yunxiang say that Xu Rong had a fondness for actresses from the Northeast.

In fact, it was true, Xu Rong had always been lukewarm towards her, but that little girl hadn't been here for a few days, Xu Rong would take the initiative to play with her when she was free.

"The audience is quiet."

"The audience is quiet."

Hearing Luo Jinfu's cry, Xu Rong stretched out his hands to pinch the baby fat on Xiaodi's face, and said in a low voice, "Then you can't cry today."

Xiao Di gently turned his face to one side, and stammered: "You, you, me, me, oh, Uncle Xu, you are so annoying."

What was going to be filmed was still the scene of the melee at the school gate. In fact, a lot of material was shot in the past 20 days, but it is estimated that less than one-third of it was really useful.

However, the progress is still within Xu Rong's acceptable range. He has already planned to shoot this scene for a month.



Xu Rong held Xiaodi in his arms, pointed to the bus not far away, and said, "Uncle's legs are a little uncomfortable, can you please help him to go to that bus to rest for a while?"

Xiao Di looked at the small smile on Xu Rong's blood-stained face, and subconsciously took a step back. Although the corners of Xu Rong's mouth were raised, there was no smile in his eyes, just like him a few seconds ago. It is a completely changed person.




There were gunshots everywhere, Xu Rong couldn't care about anything else at this moment, picked up the girl, turned around and rushed towards the bus across the road.

The scuffle was still going on, Xu Rong hugged Xiaodi with one hand, using her as a shield, rushed to the front of the bus like the wind, then immediately turned around and rushed to the side door of the bus facing the curb.

At the moment of making a sharp turn, he felt his feet slipping, and he suddenly felt bad in his heart.

A similar situation happened to him many years ago. That time, he carried the leader on his back.

Although many years have passed, he still vaguely remembers the black shadow shot from above his head like an electromagnetic catapult.

If the head of the group hadn't been young and strong back then, and there was still thick snow in the ravine, no one could have predicted what would have happened if he fell.

But the situation at this moment is even worse than before, and he is holding a seven or eight-year-old child in his arms, and the sidewalk is next to him. If Xiao Di falls straight and lands on the back of his head, the consequences may be even more dire.

At the critical moment, while falling to the ground, he forcibly twisted his body, and at the same time used his arms to protect the child in his arms.



After a violent collision between the back of his head and the ground, Xu Rong's eyes went dark and his ears roared, but before he could recover, a force hit his forehead again, causing him to lose consciousness instantly.

The gunshots on the set immediately weakened a lot, and with a cry of "Wow", the nearby staff rushed to Xu Rong like crazy.

"Teacher Xu!"

"Teacher Xu?"

"Quick, ambulance! Ambulance!"

"Don't shake, don't shake."

"I said, don't shake, carry him into the car, and go to the hospital quickly."

"Use a police car, use our police car."

Outside the ward of the hospital, Du Qifeng looked at the consent form for the operation handed to him, and felt his head buzzing. Until now, he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

Before signing, he subconsciously asked: "Does this still require surgery?"

"The patient's injuries are very serious, and his life is in danger now, and he must be operated on immediately."

Du Qifeng became more and more confused, and asked, "Very heavy? Life-threatening?"

"Are you the family members of the patient?"

"Yes, but can you tell me what kind of operation it is?"

"You don't know what surgery to do? He has a gunshot wound on his shoulder!"

After being dazed for a moment, Du Qifeng said: "Doctor, that is caused by our makeup, can I trouble you to check again?"

After being dazed for two seconds, the doctor turned his head and ran towards the emergency room immediately after hearing the words.

Xu Rong was brought here by a police car, and the gunshot wound on his body was too real, they subconsciously thought that Xu Rong had suffered a gunshot wound.

(End of this chapter)

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