I'm just an actor

Chapter 388 Rest

After a series of examinations including X-ray, CT, EEG, and cerebral blood flow, it was confirmed that Xu Rong was fine, the discussion in the hospital corridor on how to deal with the accident gradually turned into a dispute.

"I can't understand what's the point of your doing this at all. We are not those small crews, and we don't lack exposure at all. Attracting a lot of media will only distract everyone." Zhao Junkai looked puzzled and then heard the news. Returning Jin Fangfang.

This former subordinate, after successively promoting Xu Rong and Xu Xing, no one in the industry underestimated her energy because of her short height. She designed two completely different paths to becoming popular, a capable actor who should have been low-key , but the popularity and popularity have remained high. A female artist without any works laughed at herself everywhere, "I'm just a vase who knows nothing", and her popularity has reached the level of the four little stars, which seems to point out two paths for the industry. .

As for Yuan Yu's popularity, it did not attract much attention from the industry. It was so accidental that it was almost impossible to replicate. For the industry, there was no point in imitating it.

Therefore, even though Zhao Junkai is a senior in the industry, facing Jin Fangfang, especially when it comes to publicity, he lacks the confidence to boss him around. He can only hope to make Jin Fangfang accept his suggestion through reasoning, and then influence Xu Rong.

"We don't need to spend even a penny, and hundreds of media will immediately report on "Drug War" to let the audience know the progress of the filming of "Drug War". I really can't imagine why you would miss such an opportunity?" Jin Fangfang Facing Zhao Junkai, his momentum was not weak at all.

"What can we get? Temporary attention? Can "Drug Wars" be released immediately? If not, it is a waste of resources."

"News is time-sensitive. If you don't report it now, will you have to wait until a year later? Who will care at that time?"

"Currently, the report can get nothing but meaningless exposure. The audience can accept seeing a certain event three times at most, especially the promotion and marketing content. More than three times will cause visual fatigue and even reverse psychology. The effect is just the opposite, repeated marketing over and over again will only make the audience feel disgusted.”

On weekdays, Du Qifeng, who was very loud on the set, looked at the two people who were at war, and couldn't get in a word at all.

In fact, he didn't want to interrupt either. Looking at the two people who were arguing, he felt a stuffy air filling his chest, which made him unable to breathe or make a sound.

Now Xu Rong hasn't woken up yet, but his manager and friends have already shifted their attention to how to maximize the benefits of his injury.

Even as an outsider, he still couldn't help feeling a bit of coldness and deep sorrow.

"Please keep quiet." A medical staff interrupted the argument between the two, and Du Qifeng was relieved a little.

Jin Fangfang and Zhao Junkai stopped talking at the same time, Zhao Junkai was afraid that Jin Fangfang would make the decision without authorization, pointed to the corridor, and said in a low voice: "Let's go outside and talk."

In their view, it is very important to announce the news of Xu Rong's injury and coma to the outside world, but the difference between the two lies in the timing of the announcement.

Jin Fangfang believes that an announcement should be made immediately. With this news, "Drug Wars" will immediately gain the greatest attention since the group was established.

But Zhao Junkai judged from his own experience that the media may not pay attention to "Drug War" at all, but only focus on Xu Rong himself. The goal that Jin Fangfang hopes to achieve is also impossible to achieve. Secondly, "Drug War" Whether it will be released next year is still unknown, too much attention, except to make the crew impetuous, has no meaning.

After discussing for nearly half an hour, Jin Fangfang and Zhao Junkai returned.

"How are you, are you awake?"

"what did the doctor say?"

Du Qifeng concealed the fact that Xu Rong had woken up, and said: "Not yet, there is no serious problem, but the doctor said it still needs to be observed, so don't bother us for now."

Du Qifeng judged others by himself, and Jin Fangfang and Zhao Junkai would definitely let Xu Rong make up his mind when they saw Xu Rong wake up. If they were in Xu Rong's position and were forced to talk about work as soon as they opened their eyes, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

Contrary to Du Qifeng's expectations, Jin Fangfang seemed to have completely convinced Zhao Junkai, saying: "Director Du, from today onwards I will be in charge of the promotion of "Drug Wars" in the mainland. I hope you can cooperate with some related needs."

Du Qifeng had heard people say that Jin Fangfang was a very strong woman, but because of Xu Rong, most people couldn't do anything about it.

It's just that after listening to Jin Fangfang's brief introduction, although Du Qifeng has been in the industry for many years, he still listens to Yunli.

He has seen all kinds of propaganda strategies, but he can't understand the meaning of Jin Fangfang's method at all.

Seeing that Du Qifeng nodded after hesitating for a moment, Jin Fangfang continued: "If possible, I hope you can provide a suitable artist. This person must have a high enough popularity in the mainland, and it is best to have a relationship with the crew."

Du Qifeng didn't dare to fully respond now, and asked, "Ms. Jin, can you tell me what exactly you want to do?"

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid that Du will make you laugh. I want to be a director this time too."

Jin Fangfang smiled, and said in an unhurried tone: "Directing a TV series that lasts for a year, with a deadline of half a month, releases a piece of news that can attract attention every half month, and releases an explosive news every other month, such as , Zhou Runfa and Andy Lau were originally scheduled to be the first male lead and the second male lead in this drama, but because of Xu Rong's personal relationship with Liu Yanming and the promise to act for free, he snatched the role in an extremely ugly way."

Du Qifeng opened his mouth, thinking that you dare to say it, but he also knew that Jin Fangfang was just giving an example.

"This will cause a lot of negative impact." He immediately expressed the disadvantages of this kind of publicity.

Jin Fangfang smiled and shook her head slightly: "So when the time comes, the three of us need to come out to refute the rumors immediately and issue a lawyer's letter to make the audience feel that it is true, but after thinking about it, it seems to be false, but there is only one purpose, to guarantee This series has always kept suspense, always maintained a sense of anticipation, and kept acting."

"In the end, I came to a conclusion, no matter if you are Du Dao's fans, Hairun's audience or Xu Rong's movie fans, if you don't support "Drug Wars", the result will cause great harm to you three parties!"

"Don't try to win over those who we couldn't win, but we must never let go of a person who belongs to us and supports us. Hairun's audience, you and Xu Rong's huge fan base, as long as these three groups are called upon, the film will be released. The initial box office will explode due to emotions, and under the catfish effect, the rest is the quality of the film itself."

Du Qifeng cleared his mind, and the way he looked at Jin Fangfang changed completely. This woman's understanding of propaganda has reached an unimaginable level.

Because as long as the "hotspots" are gradually updated layer by layer, for example, Xu Rong, the representative of Hairun, has a huge conflict with him because of the tens of thousands of electricity bills every day, and the "truth" is continuously revealed layer by layer, which can always attract the audience's attention, and even attract attention. The attention of the whole society, and after the audience pays attention, there will inevitably be emotional inclinations. Xu Rong will almost be the biggest beneficiary in the process because of his good reputation and the deep audience base he has built in the past.

If you deliberately control the direction of public opinion, through the pattern of rumor-refutation-rumor-refutation, it is easy to arouse Xu Rong's fans to sympathize with him. Under the guidance of this emotion, as long as Xu Rong raises his arms Hu: I hope everyone can support me and "Drug War".

The early box office of "Drug War" may be the limit that the mainland theaters can achieve, and this record will in turn lead to a catfish effect, making more people who are not interested in it to see why "Drug War" has such a high box office.

At this time, if the quality of the film is excellent, word of mouth is probably the most true portrayal.

But Du Qifeng still didn't ignore the troubles that would arise in the whole process: "Will it cause damage to a certain party's image?"

Jin Fangfang looked at Du Qifeng in surprise, and said, "Director Du's question is very strange."

"What do you mean?" Du Qifeng's question stopped abruptly, because he suddenly realized a law of the film industry, box office solves all problems.

Under the principles of success worship and money worship, all non-principle issues can be whitewashed.

As for those rumors, as long as the rumors are refuted, as for the truth, who can tell the difference?

Du Qifeng opened his mouth, and after a long time of complete digestion, he let out a breath and said, "Your thinking has completely opened up my horizons."

Jin Fangfang's publicity strategy has gone beyond the scope of conventional film and television works.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized why Xu Rong's deep personality could always dominate the top entertainment resources in the eccentric entertainment circle in the Mainland.

Xu Rong's ability, self-discipline, emotional intelligence, and the amazing publicity ideas of this little woman in front of him, the effect that this combination can play is at least ten times that of them alone.

Du Qifeng looked at Jin Fangfang, and a wonderful idea suddenly popped up in his mind, Jin Fangfang might have been born in the wrong place.

Xu Rong, who had just woken up, had no interest in Jin Fangfang's plan, because before that, he had discussed with Liu Yanming another set of regular publicity models closely surrounding "Drug Wars".

In contrast, Jin Fangfang's strategy is more extreme, but it can indeed attract the attention and support of the vast majority of his fans and intermediate groups. To some extent, there is even the possibility of winning over black fans.

To put it bluntly, it is to use a series of intensive gossip to carry out plague-style publicity around the core of "Drug War", and then guide emotions in this process, and finally use the movie ticket of "Drug War" as a catharsis point for emotions.

"Hello, Miss Xiaofei." Wang Yaqin's heart tightened for no reason when she saw the sudden call. Seeing Jin Fangfang shaking her head slightly at herself, she nodded her chin twice to express her understanding.

Wang Yaqin hung up the phone, pushed open the door of the ward, and walked in: "Ms. Xu, sister Xiaofei called just now."

Xu Rong, who had been awake for a long time, couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "Did you tell her?"

"Not yet, she called and said that in order to help you write the script, Mr. He invited Mo Yan, Yu Hua, Liu Zhenyun and many other great writers to work overtime together. They stayed up more than a dozen nights and finished writing "Jiaziyuan" in advance. , She also invited them to help write the script you requested, and gave them 50 yuan each." Wang Yaqin's voice became lower and lower, and she always felt that after hearing the news, Xu Rong's mood changed quite drastically.

Xu Rong closed his eyes in despair and hunted geese all day long, but he didn't expect to be pecked by geese.

Du Qifeng saw Xu Rong suddenly depressed, and asked with concern: "Xu Rong, are you okay?"

Xu Rong waved his hand weakly and said, "Sorry, I want to be alone for a while."

When everyone had gone out and Jin Fangfang was the only one left, Xu Rong sighed helplessly and said, "I just found out today that literati are the most unreliable people, and they don't even know how to make money from middlemen." Can you do it?!"

Seeing the confusion on Jin Fangfang's face, he smiled wryly: "Sorry, I should have discussed it with you in advance."

"what is the problem?"

After Xu Rong talked about the situation, Jin Fangfang originally wanted to ask why he had to participate in the show, but the idea disappeared immediately after it was born. Although Xu Rong was more rational than emotional most of the time, in her opinion, some key things In terms of choice, his thinking is simply hard to fathom.

But precisely because of this, this is also the reason why she indulged him, because in her opinion, Xu Rong's artistic atmosphere is far higher than ninety-nine percent of his peers. If his behavior logic is normal, it will be abnormal .

She thought for a while, and said: "It's not impossible. For example, you can find any reason to postpone the start of "Beijing" or forcefully postpone the shooting time of your scenes, but this will cause at least tens of millions of losses. Many people's schedules are wrong. If not, then we will have to spend money to hire other actors."

"do you have anything else?"

"Calculate the establishment of "Jiaziyuan", you should have this right now."

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said: "You think too highly of me, if I dare to get stuck, Zhang Heping will definitely kill me, besides, it would be too damaging to do so."

"Go and talk to Kong Datou, the launch will be two months late, and try to put my role in the back row as much as possible. Anyway, I got [-] million, so don't be afraid."

"Why do you have to participate?"

"Why?" Xu Rong thought for a while, "When future performance majors study the history of drama development in the Mainland, there may be such a sentence. After entering the 21st century, performance theory and repertoire types that have been stagnant for many years have made great progress again. This incident started when Xu Rong officially took over "Thunderstorm" in 2010, and was marked by "Jiaziyuan" in 2012, which was performed by three generations of Renyi."


Jin Fangfang looked at Xu Rong lying on the hospital bed, her eyes were bent into a crescent-like arc, but she didn't make the slightest sound. Unlike Xu Rong's self-consciously pure joke, she firmly believed that every word he said must be will be realized.

But in the end, it just turned into one sentence: "I should go back too, you have been too tired these few years, just take advantage of these two days to take a good rest."

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