I'm just an actor

Chapter 389 Secret

Chapter 389 Secret
On the day Xu Rong was hospitalized, "Drug War: Love and Enmity" directed by Jin Fangfang officially kicked off.

"Xu Rong was seriously injured while filming and her life was in danger!"

"According to people familiar with the matter, Xu Rong accidentally injured his head during filming, and has issued a critical illness notice!"

At 2011:7 noon on the day before Christmas in [-], Sina, who had a festive relationship with Xu Rong, released a news about Xu Rong's injury. After only [-] minutes, it swept the whole network with the reposting of the news. .

Sina News' report is slightly different from the regular third-rate tabloids' rumors. In addition to the bloody photo of Xu Rong, it also published the back of his fiancée Zhang Xiaofei crying silently outside the hospital.

The collective silence of Xu Rong's studio, Xu Rong's girlfriend, and Renyi was also considered by the media and netizens to be an acquiescence to rumors.

As the news of Xu Rong's "death" was gradually "confirmed", the Internet and the media were in an uproar. Amidst the tsunami-like surprise, questioning, and disbelief, many media and fans on the Internet spontaneously took stock of Xu Rong's short-lived but unstoppable death. In the ordinary 24 years, look back on his rough and prosperous life.

A report by the Beijing News, which has always been criticized by the audience and shameless by its peers, has rarely been recognized by the masses and netizens: You can like him or hate him, but it cannot be denied that he is the most influential actor in the mainland today ,none of them.

The most outrageous thing is that although Renyi has not yet released an obituary, at around four o'clock in the afternoon, the gate of the Capital Theater was inexplicably piled up with bouquets of flowers.

In the hospital, Xu Rong, who was lying on the bed, hung up another call to inquire about the situation, looked at Wang Yaqin who was sitting on the side like a maid while peeling apples while reading the news, and said, "Yaqin, you and Fangfang said, it’s almost over, I just heard what they said, if you don’t come, you won’t be able to see me for the last time.”

Wang Yaqin pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Sister Fangfang said it, and I will clarify it in the evening."

Looking at the white ceiling, Xu Rong could only smile wryly. At first, his original intention of engaging in this business was quite clear, to make money.

However, one day later, he suddenly discovered that money was not as hard to earn as he thought in the past. Even if he died immediately, the wealth accumulated in the past five years was enough for him to live a life without worrying about food and clothing. After the unit, the once simple and pure pursuit of money has almost faded away.

Today, he is still moving forward as before, because he wants to do something through the wealth that has no clear concept. Of course, there is also the purpose of maintaining influence.

Secondly, there are so many teachers and seniors whom he admires, but he has never cooperated with them in a "serious manner", such as the head of the group, Chen Baoguo, Li Xuejian, Wang Xueqi, and Chen Daoming's other stupid "squads" Members, as for the contribution to performance theory and practice, it is just a matter of convenience, it is naturally gratifying to congratulate, if it does not succeed, it will not affect his happy life.

In the evening, when people all over the country were paying attention, Xu Rong Studio, Hairun Pictures and the crew of "Drug Wars" successively issued statements: Xu Rong is out of danger, thank you for your concern and concern.

With the explanation in the crew's statement, the reason for Xu Rong's injury was also known to the outside world, in order to protect an eight-year-old girl.

The next day, Xu Rongren was still lying in the special-needs ward, and the winners of the "2011 Beijing Model" organized by Beijing Radio and Television Station were officially announced. Only then did audiences across the country discover to their surprise that Xu Rong was nominated in silence!

So far, after the big oolong of "being killed" yesterday, another unknown past of Xu Rong was quickly circulated.

In mid-2011, Xu Rong and his girlfriend went out to eat after get off work at noon, and they encountered two criminals robbing other people's property. As a party member, Xu Rong immediately stepped forward and fought two criminals with sharp weapons in a narrow alleyway. Fighting, without any weapons, with one against two, wearing several wounds, and finally successfully arrested the two gangsters.

Although the reason for the selection is brief, Xu Rong's terrifying combat effectiveness and dedication to sacrifice everything for the party and the people have completely subverted the audience's perception of the profession of "actor".

On the third day, People's Day published an editorial on Xu Rong's brave incident:

A party member is a banner, and a party member is a mirror!
He highly praised Xu Rong's spirit of advancing despite difficulties and forging ahead in the face of gangsters with sharp weapons, as well as his spirit of indifference to fame and wealth and selfless dedication without publicity or hype afterwards.

The major mainstream media and non-mainstream media reprinted the editorial, and Xu Rong's reputation quickly reached the peak since his debut.

Since his debut as Wei Monk in "Bright Sword" in 06, although Xu Rong has been going uphill, he has never lacked controversy. A few years ago, the media repeatedly reported that he cheated on Yang Mi. After carefully analyzing the photos of the two of them in the same frame, especially the misty eyes when Yang Mi accidentally looked at him, netizens with great powers are even more convinced of this groundless rumor.

After he became famous, it was widely rumored that he and his agent Chang Jihong had a rift due to the distribution of benefits. Although both parties have always denied this rumor, the parting of the two is obvious to all.

Later, there were wars of words and endorsement incidents with Zhang Jizhong one after another. Although Xu Rong survived every time, and with the controversy, his popularity became higher and higher, and his commercial value continued to rise, but just like the original Jin Fangfang design Yes, he was never short of controversy.

On the contrary, another group of people in the industry have a surprisingly high evaluation of him, such as Li Xuejian, Li Youbin and others. Every time they mention him, they are "very simple" and "very strong in business ability". Most viewers with a little bit of judgment maintain a cautious attitude towards this.

Xu Rong may have strong professional ability, but a person who can gain a firm foothold in such a big dye tank in the entertainment industry has nothing to do with the word "simple", let alone Xu Rong, who has gone through many twists and turns and still stands at the top of the industry pyramid. Allow.

In the ward, Xu Rong picked up the remote control and turned off the news. He actually didn't like this kind of reputation. For a star and entertainer, it was a good thing, but he was just an actor, an ordinary person, and couldn't do it. Make no mistakes in your life.

Most of the time, he actually hopes that the audience will only pay attention to his works, and not to pay attention to his private life, moral character and other things that have nothing to do with his work. However, under the background of commercialization, the professional characteristics and the traditional cultural background that morality is higher than the law. , and it is doomed that his wish cannot be realized.

When the outside discussion about him gradually subsided, Xu Rong, who had rested for six days, also returned to the crew.

"Teacher Xu is here, is your injury healed?"


"Morning, Teacher Xu."


Xu Rong got out of the car, smiled and greeted the hurried staff on the set, tightened the down jacket on her body, and habitually walked in the direction of the director's supervisor.

After taking a few steps, his brows slowly wrinkled, and the set seemed a little strange.

Almost everyone had an extra thermos, especially when he saw the things soaked in a few transparent glasses, his expression became more serious.

Two red dates, two longan, one chrysanthemum and seven chubby goji berries.

This is the best formula he has adjusted according to his own physique. Of course, occasionally he will make fine-tuning according to changes in his physical condition, but looking at the current state, the secret recipe seems to have been leaked?
The reason why he has this doubt is because under normal circumstances, the staff of the crew generally try to avoid drinking water as much as possible.

During the filming period, except for the short-term free time such as setting up lights, changing scenes, or changing makeup by actors, group performers and even ordinary staff have no freedom to go to the toilet at all.

Xu Rong suppressed the curiosity in his heart, came to the side of Du Qifeng, and asked, "Director Du, how are you doing, are you going well these few days?"

Du Qifeng was writing and drawing on the script, and seemed to be thinking about something. When he saw him coming, he said, "Are you really here? I told you yesterday to take a few more days of rest. A concussion is not a trivial matter. You should rest a little longer." God."

"I just fell down, and I can really rest for half a month? Besides, the doctor said, I'm almost recovering." Xu Rong said, raising his chin at the thermos that Du Qifeng was holding. , "What's the matter with all of you, why are you all drinking wolfberries?"

"You can drink it at such a young age, why can't we drink it?"

Du Qifeng laughed, but he didn't explain. Instead, he pointed to the monitor and said, "I took a lot of material, and I'll let you see the results when I go back tonight."

Because of Xu Rong's injury, the coordinator who got used to getting up in the middle of the night to change the plan quickly adjusted the shooting plan. In the past few days, he has been filming the shootout scene where the people's guards arrest Cai Tianming's apprentice, the big deaf and the young deaf.

Xu Rong had heard Du Qifeng's vision for this scene before, and it was another magnificent gunfight scene besides the decisive battle in the play.

He was actually quite curious about how "Huihong" should be, because unlike the decisive battle, Guo Tao and Li Qing's roles and images made it difficult to have a legitimate relationship with "Huihong".

"Why are you going?"

Seeing that Xu Rong was about to leave, Du Qifeng seemed to remember something, raised his head and stopped him, and asked, "Xu Rong, what's next?"

"What is what?" Xu Rong turned his head, "I'm going to get a little sun, this shed might as well not have it, and I can see some sun outside, which is good, not to mention the wind in all directions, and even cover the sun for me Living."

Du Qifeng saw Li Gen who had been following Xu Rong without saying a word, turned around and ran towards Wang Hui with his bag on his back, and said with a smile, "You assistant, you've made a lot of progress?!"

Xu Rong laughed and sat back, facing Li Gen's direction, and said, "Does Director Du think he's the material to be a director?"

"No one can say for sure about this kind of thing."

Du Qifeng also smiled, and said, "Didn't Ms. Jin say earlier that a little news would be exposed every two weeks? What's the next one?"

"Oh, Du Qifeng accused mainland actors of being unprofessional."

Du Qifeng was stunned when he heard the words, and asked uncertainly: "It's a common topic, what kind of news is it?"

"It's a common topic, few people will really care about it, but it's still an old routine, it's just a beginning." Xu Rong smiled and glanced at Du Qifeng, "Don't you wonder who this unprofessional person is? "

Du Qifeng guessed something from his meaningful smile, couldn't help but took a breath, and hurriedly asked, "How did it end?"

Xu Rong opened his mouth, but he couldn't utter a word. Jin Fangfang probably told him on the phone, but at this moment, he didn't have the slightest impression at all. After thinking for a while, he frowned and said: "I, I can't remember gone."

He suddenly remembered a joke made by classmate Xiao Zhang on the phone last night, concussion would cause retrograde amnesia.

"Director, get ready."

Du Qifeng put on the earphones and signaled that he was ready to start shooting. Xu Rong temporarily put aside his distracting thoughts and focused his attention on the monitor to watch Du Qifeng's so-called "magnificent" shootout.



In the picture, Guo Tao and Li Qing looked stern, facing dozens of heavily armed people's guards, taking advantage of the narrow favorable terrain, each holding a submachine gun, like the two killing gods, "da da da" two firearms The people's guards who are completely suppressed by snakes are not allowed to enter, which is close to the contemporary Lu Bu, and has the momentum of a man who is in charge of the gate.

Seeing Guo Tao and Li Qing who were almost expressionless in the monitor screen, Xu Rong was stunned.

If this is paired with churches, white doves and cigars, it will be a proper template for classic Hong Kong movie gunfights.

However, these two images that are obviously inclined to be funny don't match up with churches and white doves at all, okay? !


Du Qifeng watched the replay, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said: "Be more ruthless in your eyes, and ruthless is not insensitive. Justice is going to punish you. Now you are fighting for your life. You have to show that desperate determination."

"Come again."

Xu Rong listened to Du Qifeng's evaluation of the two, and he always felt that Du Qifeng seemed to have too much preference for the two roles of the big deaf and the young deaf. In terms of intensity, the battle in the factory far surpassed the gang of seven and the gang he organized. The confrontation of the people's guards led by Zhang Lei.

The most important thing is that the previous performances of the two characters, Big Deaf and Little Deaf, were typical scumbags. Under the sudden change, they suddenly turned into big villains, which completely contradicted the usual logic of film and television works.

"Do you know why this scene is designed like this?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Huang Yaoshi and Qiu Chuji?!"

Du Qifeng laughed and said, "That's right, that's what it means."

Today, Du Qifeng no longer dislikes working with Xu Rong. Among the many actors he has worked with, Xu Rong is one of the few mainland actors with a very high level of education and professionalism. These two strengths are in the filming process The role it can play is also very obvious. What he wants, as long as he starts a little, even if the expression is not clear, Xu Rong can still comprehend and present it. This is the most valuable thing when there is a language barrier. a little.



"Da da da."


Du Qifeng picked up the walkie-talkie, hesitated for a while, but didn't put it to his mouth, but frowned, and muttered in a low voice: "No, no."

Xu Rong leaned in the chair, looked at the monitor screen, and muttered in a low voice: "Stand sideways."

When Du Qifeng heard the words, he said suspiciously: "You two stand sideways and face the camera."

As Guo Tao and Li Qing turned sideways, Du Qifeng glanced back at Xu Rong. Not to mention, after the adjustment, the momentum of the two suddenly increased a lot.

Du Qifeng turned back to stare at the monitor again, thinking silently.

"The eyes are focused, and the eyes are drooping 13 degrees."

"The eyes are focused, and the eyes are drooping 13 degrees." Du Qifeng repeated subconsciously, looking at the suspicious eyes slowly cast from a distance, he paused for a moment, after realizing what he said, he slowly turned his head, He looked at Xu Rong with a strange expression.

Eyes drooping 13 degrees. What is it?
(End of this chapter)

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