I'm just an actor

Chapter 390 Epilogue

Chapter 390 Epilogue
"Try it."

Xu Rong met Du Qifeng's gaze and said with a smile.

Du Qifeng hesitated, turned his head suspiciously, and shouted again: "The eyes are focused on one point, and the eyes are drooped 13 degrees."

Guo Tao stared blankly at Li Qing and Luo Jinfu. They both heard Xu Rong's voice on the walkie-talkie, and they were all baffled. If it wasn't for Xu Rong and Du Qifeng sitting on the other end of the walkie-talkie, but a newcomer, they would have already been in a row. The big ear scraper flicked over.

Damn you, let me sag 13 degrees!
But after all, there are Xu Rong and Du Qifeng on the other end, an authority in the domestic performance industry, a representative of capital, and a famous director famous in both sides of the Taiwan Strait. concept.

About a minute later, when the two stood still, Du Qifeng, who was sitting behind the monitor, looked at the two men who were staring at the camera in disbelief, and didn't react for a long time.

The emotions of Guo Tao and Li Qing didn't change at all, but because of the adjustment of their stance and angle of view, they felt completely different. In addition, the submachine guns in their respective arms added much more momentum to their aura than cigars.

"13 degrees, does it contain any special meaning?" Du Qifeng looked at him very curiously. It was the first time he had heard of such a concept after decades of experience in the industry. The help is huge, just like the current situation, when the actors cannot present the content they want through their own expressiveness, the director achieves the ideal state through a series of adjustments to the actor's stance, angle, etc., thoroughly verifying the "movie It's the art of directing."

Xu Rong recalled that Du Qifeng also didn't answer his positive question before: "Oh, it's actually not a big deal, they are all gadgets that won't make it to the stage."

Xu Rong had previously presided over a human arts recruitment examination. Although he was involved in the storm of "selfishness and fraud", it was not without some benefits.

Because most of the candidates for the exam are excellent actors from various colleges and theater troupes, he has a relatively clear concept of the overall quality of actors from major domestic colleges and theater troupes through presiding over the recruitment.

The four subjects of sound, stage, shape, and appearance, because the benchmarking standard for most art schools to train talents is film and television, which leads to generally poor basic skills in "sound", even in Chinese opera and Shanghai opera. A top school for talents.

But in comparison, the "shape" is even worse. When candidates show their bodies, they mostly show dance moves trained in the training class before the art exam.

And what surprised him the most was that this was not an isolated case, but a fairly common phenomenon.

Although Xu Rong is also from a college, he is still a Nortel that cultivates movie stars, but thanks to Xiao Zhang's precept and deed and daily communication, his basic physical skills crush most of his peers from colleges.

Just like under his influence, Xiao Zhang's basic skills of pronouncing words and returning to pronunciation basically overwhelmed his peers.

Body is a stronger and more direct way of presentation than language, such as waving hands when greeting friends. People can also immediately judge the characters corresponding to the two different ways of greeting.

This is physical expression or body language, because different cultures will have different body languages, so most body languages ​​will be influenced and restricted by cultural background.

The movements and eyes he designed for Guo Tao and Li Qing are all for similar purposes. Standing sideways can largely avoid body defects, and because this stance often appears in sports, it is often used for offense or defense , so this body language itself is non-static, and the focus of the eyes is fixed, and the line of sight is drooping, which will give the person behind the camera a feeling of looking down. Under most cultural backgrounds, this line of sight often expresses Is contemptuous body language.

As for 13 degrees, he just picked an angle at will, because in comparison, 15 degrees, 30 degrees or 45 degrees have stronger reference objects, such as the scale of a watch, which can easily make people fall into a rigid rule , and 13 degrees is a statement that needs to be overlooked, but it can avoid actors deliberately doing it. In performances, deliberation is the biggest disaster.

Xu Rong usually likes to think about these movements. Whenever he sees an interesting reaction, he will carefully think about the composition and details of his body language, and then put it in his arsenal so that he can take it out when needed.

After one shot, Du Qifeng couldn't help it again, turned his head and asked, "What is the special meaning of 13 degrees?"

"Oh, I just said that casually." Xu Rong smiled, seeing that Du Qifeng wanted to ask more questions, he waved his hands and said, "I know you don't believe it, but it's true."

"Then why not 14 degrees or 12 degrees?"

"It's not impossible."

Du Qifeng stared at his expression carefully, hoping to see some clues, but in the end he was disappointed, Xu Rong's expression did not look fake at all.

Xu Rong stayed on the set until noon and returned to the hotel after confirming that it would take two days before the transition.

During his hospitalization, he found a new hobby, action movies and Peking opera. In the past, he rarely paid attention to these two types of subjects, but he felt that they would be helpful to the filming of "Drug Wars", so he patiently learned a little bit.

He doesn't have many impressions of traditional operas, most of which still stay in the temple fairs during festivals and festivals in the past, surrounded by rings and fortune-telling booths.

As for action movies, as he has achieved more and more achievements and learned more about the industry, he has become more resistant to action movies. Compared with literary dramas, martial arts requires a lower professional level, but the risks are not in the same dimension at all. The salary for a film is about 3000 million, but if you go to make an action movie, you will bear a risk of far more than 3000 million.

If he was poor and blank, he would definitely not miss a similar opportunity, but now, action movies are only one of his many choices, and he has to risk injury, disability, and even death for a mere tens of millions. The family can't afford it.

Back at the hotel, as soon as he turned on the computer, the doorbell rang.

"Ding dong."

"Ding dong."

Xu Rong didn't get up. At noon, most of the crew went to the set, and the rhythm of listening to the doorbell was not Yaqin. Yaqin was impatient, and the interval between ringing the doorbell was usually very short.

He stood in the middle of the living room and asked in the direction of the door: "Who is it?"

"Brother Xu, it's me, Yongshan."

Xu Rong just stood up and sat down on the sofa again, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm about to take a bath."

"Oh, ok, I'll come over later then."

Xu Rong does not resist the communication between friends, but Wen Yongshan's purpose is too obvious, which obviously makes him a little scared.

All the gifts from fate are secretly priced, and all the gifts from female artists are clearly marked.

He appreciates Wen Yongshan's attitude of taking the initiative to move closer to the mainland, but frankly speaking, both her appearance and figure are too ordinary, and Wen Yongshan always gives him a feeling of deja vu, just like senior brother Huang Xiaoming's tender model girlfriend .

The most important thing is that the timing of Wen Yongshan's arrival was not right. He was about to be busy studying the technology of earning money, but this guy not only wanted to delay his earning money, but also wanted to empty his body.

Simply whimsical!

Thinking of this, he put on the earphones, turned on the computer, and played "Jing Wu Feng Yun·Chen Zhen" released last year.

Although he shouted all day to beat and kill Hong Kong stars, but in terms of behavior, he was much more honest than most people, frantically digging corners, and secretly learning how the other party presented himself.

The reason for this is that he feels that his time is running out.

After a while, he will join hands with classmate Xiao Zhang to enter the palace of marriage, start a new big test in life, and assume the responsibility of husband and father.

This is not an easy task. Marriage is not a matter of two people, but a collision between two families. Over the years, he has also heard of many family trifles in his colleagues. Many colleagues think that family life should be very harmonious, but In essence, the relationship is even worse than sharing a house with strangers.

But in any case, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on his career in the future as he is now. After all, there are old and young, and he has to pay attention to everything. The burden in the studio is getting heavier and heavier, and part of the energy must be devoted to the management of the studio and the courtyard.

Even so, he has no hesitation or hesitation about marriage. He believes that among the people he has met in the past and will meet in the future, it is very difficult to meet another person who fits him in every aspect like Xiao Zhang. The innocence of unreserved trust, women after the age of 28 automatically lose this talent.

Just like he denied Yang Mi's joke without hesitation some time ago, her character is doomed not to be willing to accept other people's arrangements or to accommodate her. Yang Mi's future man will either have a softer personality and not have too much ambition for his career A man can either provide great help to her career, and can transform into a man with a softer personality and less ambition for her career after the two have equal status. If not or can't, she will definitely divorce.

However, as the two families lived together, he also gradually understood why many people who have made great achievements in various fields are either extreme, depressed, difficult to communicate, or out of group. Even a trivial innovation requires a huge amount of time and energy.

As the dragon mark appeared on the computer screen, Xu Rong withdrew his thoughts, took the notebook and pen next to him, and was ready to record his harvest or experience at any time.

After watching videos for three days in the hotel and resting for nearly ten days in a row, Xu Rong came to the set again to shoot the "Big Battle" scene.

After Du Qifeng finished speaking, he looked at Xu Rong's confused expression, laughed aloud, and said, "The script has been slightly changed. After you get in the car, you use three children as a cover, so the impact will be stronger."

Xu Rong nodded, looked at the three children accompanied by their parents, and asked, "Where's Xiao Di?"

Luo Jinfu next to him laughed "hehe" twice, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, that girl's front tooth has been knocked out, so I can't take pictures."

Xu Rong let out an "oh" and said, "It's such a pity for such a cute child. By the way, we are paying for the medical expenses, right?"


Luo Jinfu nodded, looked at Xu Rong with both eyes, and waited for a while, "Mr. Xu, is there nothing else?"

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise: "Others, is there anything else?"

After Luo Jinfu was stunned for a moment, he quickly waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, nothing."

He originally thought that because of Xu Rong's favorite girl, he would take the time to see it, but he didn't realize that it was just a harmless "pity". At this time, he believed Gao Yunxiang's speculation that Xu Rong didn't like it. The girl herself, but just pure Aiwujiwu.

"I'll prepare first."

"Quiet, quiet."

Xu Rong fixed his position, and as the sound of "action" fell, he ran onto the school bus at a pace far faster than usual.


After one shot, Du Qifeng didn't say "stop", but he didn't say "cut". He didn't say "cut" until Luo Jinfu reminded him.

"That what, keep one."

The one just now made him feel a little weird, but he couldn't understand what was weird about it for a while.

When the filming started again, Du Qifeng opened his eyes wide and stared carefully at the movement that was almost exactly the same as the previous one, but even after watching the replay twice in a row, he did not see any changes in Xu Rong's body.

It seems that Xu Rong hasn't changed anything, what has changed is only his subjective feelings.

Xu Rong also unknowingly came behind Du Qifeng, unscrewed the water glass, took a sip, and asked, "Old Du, how is it, is it okay?"

Du Qifeng turned his head, stared at him for a long time, and said: "It is possible, but it just feels a little strange, a little, a little different from the previous shooting."

"Why is it different? Let me take a look."

Xu Rong watched the replay once and shook his head slightly, which was still a little bit worse than what he expected.

During his hospitalization, he kept thinking about a question, how to make the shootout scene look better.

If the box office of "Drug Wars" failed to surpass "The Founding of the Party", I would be sorry for the courtyard he lived in. He didn't pay so much for the filming of "The Founding of the Party"!

Because there were few lines in the shootout scene, he focused on the design of the action.

In the past, because of his subconscious resistance to action scenes, he was hardly distracted from the research, so this area has not been his strong point, but during the ten days of rest, he almost separated the scenes of domestic and foreign action actors frame by frame. Crushed analysis, although in the end it was traditional drama and science that gave him the light.

The more concise and high-speed the action, the greater the sense of power and impact, but how to give the audience the feeling of "simple" and "high speed"?
Yes, Xu Rong never thought of breaking the limits of the human body to achieve this, because acting is, to some extent, a form of deception.

The feeling of "simplicity" and "high speed" can also be achieved through visual deception.

From this, Xu Rong remembered Einstein's popular explanation of the theory of relativity: a man and a beautiful woman sit opposite each other for an hour, and it seems that only 1 minute has passed, but if you let him sit on the stove for 1 minute, then he will feel as if More than an hour passed.

The general idea is that the observer's reference coordinate system has a great influence on the observer's perception of the passage of time, and the same is true for performances. When his own movement range is large, it gives the audience a feeling of "this punch is very fast." "The feeling is far more difficult than in the original static situation, and the punching must be faster.

The starting point of his performance is based on this principle, through the instantaneous change of movements from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, causing a stronger impact on the camera.

"Do it again?" Du Qifeng asked with a smile when he saw his brows furrowed tightly. After working together for more than a month, he now has some understanding of Xu Rong's habits.

Xu Rong nodded lightly, and said, "I'll walk around to find out how I feel."

(End of this chapter)

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