Chapter 392
Sun Honglei changed his clothes, wiped his wet hair and walked to the camera, ready to shoot the next scene.

Looking at Xu Rong who was kneeling on the ground and getting ready, his tone was filled with complaints: "Xu Rong, honestly, did you come up with the idea?"

Xu Rong didn't hide anything, nodded his head up slightly, and said, "The scene where you smoked the medicine powder in the morning was very exciting."

From Sun Honglei's performance, Xu Rong can be sure that Sun Honglei must have seen or even experienced similar scenes.

According to Sun Honglei's own statement in the morning, he went to the drug rehabilitation center to learn it, but Sun Honglei was not the only one who went to the drug rehabilitation center to observe the onset of drug addiction among the addicts detained there.

Xu Rong also went.

But how to inhale and what kind of reaction after inhalation, this is his knowledge blind spot.

But Sun Honglei seems to be very familiar with this, and he didn't flinch in acting, and looked quite confident.

At that time, a very strange thought came to his mind: Zhang Guofeng was arrested for participating in "Latent", will Sun Honglei be arrested for participating in "Drug War"?
But judging from his complexion and physique, Sun Honglei didn't look like someone with special hobbies.

However, if Sun Honglei was really arrested later, Xu Rong would not be surprised at all. His peers have a set of self-relieving pressure methods. Some people like to travel abroad to relax after a while, and some people like to listen to girls calling "leader" late at night. , while others enjoy substance abuse with friends.

But which kind of relaxation method Sun Honglei adopts has nothing to do with him. What he cares about is whether "Drug Wars" can be shot well.

Sun Honglei performed very well in the morning. For the audience who have never seen drug abuse, it can not only satisfy the curiosity-seeking psychology, but also serve as a warning. Such a wonderful scene should not have any flaws. Knowing that the ice used to soak the ice water is real, Sun Honglei will subconsciously make good psychological expectations, and his reaction will be distorted.

It was precisely because of this that he rejected Li Weijie's suggestion to greet Sun Honglei in advance, and specially found a courier slip and posted it, just to relax Sun Honglei's vigilance.

Sun Honglei looked at Xu Rong in confusion for a while, understood what he meant, and forced a smile: "Thank you."

From the day he started the machine, he has deeply felt the gap between himself and Xu Rong. It is not a purely technical gap, but an eager desire for success.

Xu Rong's strong attempt to prove himself in the film market is undisguised. In order to achieve this goal, even if he treats Wang Hui with a bad attitude, he only beats and compromises instead of adopting more radical measures.

And all along, Xu Rong always gave him a feeling, as if he was standing on the edge of the cliff, even if a slight strong wind blows, he would fall to pieces.

He couldn't understand why Xu Rong put so much pressure on himself. As the youngest Grand Slam Shidi and a top actor in the film and television industry today, Xu Rong had no worries about food and clothing in his life.

Is the film market really that important?
He couldn't understand that he had always held the dispensable mentality for movies. Of course, it was also because "Warring States" had completely consumed his box office appeal.

Sun Honglei hesitated for a while, but still expressed his thoughts: "Actually, I don't know if I should say something. Is your attitude towards movies too strict? This is not a drama."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "You can't say that. Under normal circumstances, my understanding is that drama is 'act something', while movies are "don't act something". Movies implement the director's artistic concept, and the logical system is also The logical system of the director, our performance is just hanging on the movie, and we don’t need to watch the whole play, because the director can express the effect he wants through editing. Of course, although in the movie, we also have our own views on the characters. understanding, but such understanding will be fragmented by editing.”

"Also under normal circumstances, in drama performances, we must look at the characters as a whole. The logical connection between the front and back is very important, and the characters must also have a unified line of action. It can be said that in drama performances, every actor, It's the director."

Sun Honglei kept nodding his head. He felt that what Xu Rong said was too appropriate, and said, "What about the TV series?"

"The performance of TV dramas is between movies and dramas, but I think we still have to 'act something' in TV dramas, because the remote control is in the hands of the audience. To keep the audience, we have to play something more or less."

Sun Honglei didn't understand what Xu Rong meant. Since drama is the art of actors and film is the art of directors, why are you so serious?
He knew that Xu Rong was doing it for the good of the show, but he couldn't understand Xu Rong's paranoia about details, because Du Qifeng didn't care about many details that Xu Rong cared about most of the time.

At this moment, Sun Honglei caught a glimpse of the record going around in a circle, passed behind Xu Rong, walked to his side, stood in his position, and was about to hit the board. Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "You"

He didn't say the latter words, but looked down at his own position, and then at Xu Rong's kneeling position.

In the direction directly in front of where he was kneeling, there was no one, even if someone wanted to pass by, they would deliberately avoid standing in front of Xu Rong, including himself.

Subconsciously driven, he stood aside.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the root of Xu Rong's paranoia.

Because of his identity as the representative of the management, Xu Rong divided the power of some producers and supervisors. For him, there is actually no essential difference between dramas, TV dramas, and movies.

Xu Rong also noticed the action of Changji, and also noticed Sun Honglei's doubts and relief. In this short moment, he couldn't help but think of Jin Fangfang.

He admires Jin Fangfang very much. She has many good habits, such as being serious about things, and she also has courage and foresight that most women do not have.

This is also the reason why he would like Jin Fangfang to go forward side by side with him. Cooperation with each other can make each other better, at least from his point of view.

At this time, Jin Fangfang was sitting in the office, pinching the center of her brows lightly, thinking about the difficulties she encountered, but it seemed that she was getting older, and she could no longer concentrate on her work as quickly as in the past.

Recently, she has always felt a little lack of energy, and the New Year is coming soon, and she is 31 years old and still single.

She could already imagine how her parents would nag her when she returned home.

She didn't realize it before, but in the past year, especially after Xu Rong decided to marry Zhang Xiaofei, she suddenly realized that she had nothing but work.

It was also during that time that she thought of Xu Qing. She seemed to have adopted a child, a girl who looked like Xu Rong and had dark skin.

She doesn't want to adopt. Although she knows that pregnancy in October is very hard, she always feels that this is a necessary process to shape the relationship between mother and child.

A while ago, she went abroad to inquire about the specific situation of applying for high-quality sperm. Single women are not allowed to apply for sperm in China.

Hope everything goes well.

Thinking of this, she forced herself to focus on her work.

While the infighting among the crew of "Drug Wars" sparked heated discussions and controversies on the Internet, some netizens also began to pay attention to the drama "Drug Wars" itself.

What kind of movie is it, and what story does it tell?
Why did Xu Rong and Du Qifeng, who were praising each other two months ago, tear their faces apart?
Although the crew of "Drug Wars", Hairun Pictures and Xu Rong Studio quickly clarified that the quarrel between the two was a work disagreement and a normal discussion about creation, but the slightly blurred video secretly shot by the media cannot be faked.

Xu Rong and Du Qifeng must have had a conflict.

In order to respond to the curiosity of netizens, Hairun Pictures and Xu Rong Studio released the promotional poster of "Drug War" immediately after clarification.

In the poster with a pure black background, Sun Honglei, who was wearing a standard uniform, stood on the left side of the poster as if he was facing an enemy, holding a gun in both hands in a shooting posture, pointing at Xu Rong who raised his hands high on the right side of the poster. the back of the head.

But on Xu Rong's exposed half of his face, the corner of his mouth curled up in a strange arc.

Judging from the poster, Xu Rong finally realized his dream to play the villain this time, but the expressions of the two of them implied another possibility. Sun Honglei's nervous posture and the curvature of Xu Rong's mouth seemed to prove that Xu Rong was holding an invisible gun. Aim at Sun Honglei.

Above the heads of the two, a black-and-white slogan hanging above them read, "People's hearts are more poisonous than poison."

But the philosophical slogan did not achieve the expected explosive effect.

The media didn't buy it, especially the mainstream media who were used to cheering for Xu Rong in the past, all of them died down.

Jin Fangfang understands the reason. The biggest star in "Drug Wars" is Xu Rong, but Xu Rong managed to play a villain. For actors, this is indeed enjoyable, exciting and challenging, which has never been done before. experience, but according to the consistent style of Hong Kong movies, no matter the so-called decent or villain, they are all desperadoes who ignore the law.

The poster has already begun to take shape. Sun Honglei, who plays the role of the guardian of the people, is walking on thin ice, in stark contrast to Xu Rong, who is calm and composed.

No one believed that Xu Rong, who was already a shareholder of Hairun, would play a supporting role for Sun Honglei.

The mainstream media kept silent, and the second- and third-rate media were not stupid either. They saw that the official media did not mention a word about "War on Drugs" and only discussed gossip. The words "drug" and "war" were not used throughout the article.

This is what Jin Fangfang did not expect. It is a common phenomenon for Hong Kong directors to be dissatisfied with the environment after they come to the mainland, and the key point is that they cannot grasp the scale of the review. Many scripts are submitted for review and returned for revision. The mainstream media has given "Drug Wars" a death sentence.

But she has never read the script of "Drug War" at all, and she also has dark eyes about what kind of work "Drug War" is.

After hesitating for a moment, she called Xu Rong.

"Hello, Sister Fangfang." Wang Yaqin's voice came from the phone.

"When Xu Rong is not busy, you ask him to think of a new slogan with Du Qifeng."

Wang Yaqin was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said, "Wait a minute."

With her mobile phone on her side, she took out a small notebook from her bag, opened it, and read: "Ms. Xu said that if the mainstream media doesn't report it, they should change the promotional slogan to 'They take responsibility on their shoulders. Use life to protect safety, use persistence to interpret responsibility, the more dangerous the more forward, "Drug War", pay tribute to the guardians of the Chinese people!'”

Jin Fangfang memorized it, and compared it with the propaganda slogan "People's hearts are more poisonous than poison!", her brows raised silently.

"Sister Fangfang, do you want me to repeat it again?"


"They shoulder the responsibility with their shoulders, protect the safety with their lives, and interpret their responsibilities with persistence. The more dangerous the more they move forward. "Drug War" pays tribute to the guardians of the Chinese people!"

Jin Fangfang exhaled lightly, and sighed: "People's hearts are indeed more poisonous than poison."

With the release of the new draft, "Drug Wars" was quickly reposted and reported by major mainstream media because it highly fits the characteristics of the main theme of the work, especially as a theme rarely seen in co-productions to pay tribute to the defenders of the Chinese people.

As the popularity of "Drug Wars" continued to rise, both positive and negative effects began to gradually appear.

The most notable change is that more and more media visited the set, and some even stayed around the set [-]/[-], waiting for the conflict between Xu Rong and Du Qifeng to break out again.

Secondly, the audience began to pay attention to the plot outline of "Drug War", and it was the subversive roles of Xu Rong and Sun Honglei. In the impression of most audiences, Sun Honglei is better at portraying "Is this melon ripe?" Xu Rong is a big brother in the rivers and lakes, and the one who remembers Xu Rong is a typical positive person such as "My heart is for the party-state!", "After get off work, the party-state pays me a salary, and I am not allowed to work overtime!"

But this time, Sun Honglei played a guard of the people, while Xu Rong seemed to be a criminal.

Just six months ago, Xu Rong also played the role of a great leader in "The Founding of the Party", and the span of this role is really larger than before.

However, because Xu Rong's past achievements are too dazzling, the audience did not reduce their expectations because of Xu Rong's role in the villain. Report in an objective and rational manner.

Reporting the conflict between Du Qifeng and Xu Rong is for the sake of sales, but it is pure stupidity to assert that "Drug Wars" will sell well or hit the market without profit.

After being squatted around the set by the media for a day, Du Qifeng called a meeting of all the cast and crew at night and announced two important decisions:

First, without the permission of the crew, no one in the crew is allowed to disclose to the media anything related to the crew.

Second: Before the scene is finished, everyone's mobile phones are kept by the crew.

Du Qifeng's request was aimed at the entire crew, and everyone could accept the first one, because apart from Xu Rong and Sun Honglei, no media was willing to interview them.

However, the request that the mobile phone be kept by the crew is unacceptable to most people. The moment Du Qifeng finished speaking, Gan Tingting immediately raised his hand and asked, "Director, I have a question. It is during daytime filming." Collect your phone when you are on set, or do you have to hand in your phone as long as you are on set?"

"As long as you are on the set, your mobile phone must be handed in."


The conference room suddenly remembered a dissatisfied noise, Xu Rong couldn't help frowning when he heard this, because he found that most of the unhappy people were mainland artists.


Du Qifeng's scolding did not have the final effect, subconsciously, he looked at Xu Rong.

Xu Rong coughed twice, and said softly: "We are in a meeting now, if you have any opinions, you can raise them."

As he said "meeting", the entire meeting room fell silent, as if the "humming" a few seconds ago was just an illusion.

"The crew has their own considerations. I hope everyone can understand. Of course, if someone has special circumstances, Director Du will also respect everyone's needs."

Wang Zixuan immediately raised her hand and said, "Mr. Xu, I can't accept it, I"

(End of this chapter)

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