I'm just an actor

Chapter 393 Day 1

Chapter 393 One day

"Teacher Xu, I can't accept it, I"

Xu Rong didn't wait for Wang Zixuan to finish speaking, and turned to Wang Juan, the person in charge of finance not far away, and said, "Mr. Wang, settle Wang Zixuan's salary with her."

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I didn't." Wang Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly explained.

Seeing her expressionless face, Xu Rong stretched out his index finger and pointed at the door of the conference room, and said without doubt: "I am now officially informing you that you have been fired. This is an internal meeting of our crew, please go out."

Wang Zixuan's white goose eggs were flushed with blush, she seemed to be frightened by Xu Rong's indifference, and she stammered in defense: "Teacher Xu, I."

"Please go out, immediately." Xu Rong's slightly raised voice resounded in the meeting room again.

All the people in the conference room stared at Xu Rong blankly, it's so much faster to turn your face than to turn a book.

A few seconds ago, didn't you keep saying that you would respect everyone's needs?

Du Qifeng, who was sitting next to Xu Rong, slowly recalled what Xu Rong said just now, "If someone has special circumstances, Director Du will also respect everyone's needs." He never said that his surname would respect .

Wen Yongshan, who was holding hands with Wang Zixuan, had quickly withdrawn her hand from Wang Zixuan's hand, covering her mouth in disbelief.

She didn't know what was going on, but she undoubtedly couldn't get too close to Wang Zixuan right now.

She has heard a lot of gossip recently. It is said that many people in the crew have devoted themselves to Xu Rong's studio. Is the news true or false, and the "many people" are one, ten or twenty? , she doesn't know, but judging from the current situation, these rumors don't seem to be groundless.

As usual, a mainlander was so strong in the co-production crew that his own mother, who had been beaten long ago, couldn't recognize him, but no one said anything at the moment.

Looking at the vacuum formed around Wang Zixuan, the conference room was completely silent. Although Xu Rong was only the second male in name, no one doubted whether he had the right to expel anyone in the crew.

What is even more frightening is, is Wang Zixuan an ordinary person?
Although You Naihai has always claimed to write a scene showing Wang Zixuan's face, until now, that scene has not been written, but the detached status of "sister-in-law" makes no one dare to pretend that she does not exist.

Wang Zixuan looked around in confusion, her eyes and mouth grew slowly, as if she couldn't believe that human feelings could be so indifferent.

Xu Rong just announced the decision to expel, and these people are hiding from him like the plague? !
Xu Rong naturally noticed this small detail. The behavior of Wen Yongshan and others is human nature, there is nothing to criticize, but Zixuan's acting skills are really bad, no matter how hard she has to shed two tears at this time.

Killing the chicken to warn the monkey, if the mourning of the chicken before it died was not miserable enough, how could the monkey be afraid?
The reason for adopting such an extreme method is also a last resort. Xu Rong too well understands the disadvantages of the spotlight, especially for the vast majority of young people who have not yet become famous. In order to get the limelight in front of the media, he almost hiccupped himself. Thanks to his quick reaction, he pulled him away. Otherwise, the fall would directly ruin the acting careers of two top Chinese actors.

When Wang Zixuan left the conference room lonely, Xu Rong turned her head and signaled Du Qifeng to continue.

"Do you have any opinions?"

"Since you don't have any objections, I'll give you an hour to make all the calls you want to make. Turn off your phone and send it to my room. If there is an emergency in the future, you can call the crew." Du Qifeng paused for a moment. He paused, and said in a worried tone, "Also, don't discuss in the accident circle recently, no matter whether it is good or bad, our most important job now is to finish filming the trick wholeheartedly, and then everyone will have a good time." Have a good year."

After the meeting ended, Xu Rong and Du Qifeng left the venue one after another.

Li Haojie and Sun Honglei looked at each other, and while walking out, they said with emotion, "I don't know if it's worth it?"

"In such a big battle, Xu Rong has offended people badly."

Sun Honglei smiled, and didn't answer his words. Instead, Gao Yunxiang said strangely: "Brother Li, Brother Xu must have his considerations for doing this. Let us do whatever we want. Anyway, our role is about to wrap up soon."

Hearing this, Li Haojie glanced at Gao Yunxiang in surprise, chuckled, and walked straight towards the room.

He is indeed no better than Xu Rong, but in the past few years he has also starred in the popular TV series "Killing the Tiger's Mouth" and "Du Lala's Promotion", and has successfully become a top-line artist. He doesn't need a newcomer to teach him how to do things.

Gao Yunxiang naturally saw the disdain in Li Mingjie's smile, but he didn't understand, he didn't provoke anyone, did he?
Sun Honglei looked at Gao Yunxiang, who looked aggrieved, and didn't say anything to comfort him. For some reason, Gao Yunxiang seemed to have had some misunderstandings, a misunderstanding that they would not have had after suffering and suffering for many years.

Like Li Mingjie, he chose to turn around and leave.

Gao Yunxiang stared at Li Weijie and Sun Honglei who left in amazement, like old trees in the wilderness in winter, standing frozen in the corridor, feeling a sense of humiliation in his heart for no reason.

I have a problem with Xu Rong, if I have the ability to go to him, but I dare not even fart in front of people, what is there to show off?
"Yunxiang, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Gao Yunxiang suddenly felt that someone had patted his shoulder, and turned his head to see Xu Rong looking at him curiously: "What's going on, you look stupid, why are you standing here?"

"Brother Xu, it's okay, it's okay."

Xu Rong originally wanted to go to Wang Zixuan's room and help her pack her things. Anyway, Wang Zixuan made great contributions to the success of tonight's performance.

I just saw Gao Yunxiang standing in the corridor from a distance, looking like a fool. From Gao Yunxiang's expression when he was in a daze and some subtle body movements, he vaguely noticed his emotions, a kind of dissatisfaction and resentment that can only be felt when he is ignored. , Annoyed and powerless complex emotions.

He has experienced similar feelings of being ignored many times, but this kind of grievance is something that most adults can't avoid. He said: "Tell me if there is anything, go back and rest early."


The next morning at about ten o'clock, Du Qifeng was stunned when he saw Xu Rong coming to the set, and asked, "You didn't have a scene today, why did you come here?"

Xu Rong didn't hide it either, and pointed to Li Gen who was standing behind Du Qifeng, and said, "I'm afraid this guy is not interested, so come over and have a look."

Li Gen smiled embarrassedly, and Du Qifeng said with emotion when he heard this, "If this man is not willing to do something, even if you put a knife on his neck, it won't work."

"Who said, isn't this really useful?!"


The two smiled, looking at Zhong Hanliang and Li Weijie in front of the camera, Du Qifeng asked: "What do you think of them?"

"pretty good."

Du Qifeng listened to his answer so smoothly, almost without any pause, and said, "Do you know what aspect I'm asking about?"

"Oh, where?"

"Business level."

Xu Rong pondered for a moment, then tossed the ball to Li Gen, and said, "Li Gen, tell me what you think?"

Du Qifeng was also a little interested. He could see Xu Rong's desire to cultivate Li Gen. Even his own brother might not be more patient than Xu Rong, and he heard that this young man named Li Gen was Li Xuejian's son. .

Li Gen didn't have so many worries, and immediately said: "I feel that both of them acted very well, and they both met the director's requirements. However, I feel that Brother Li's acting is better."

Du Qifeng asked immediately, "What about Xu Rong and Sun Honglei?"

"It feels like the two of them are a little bit worse than Brother Hong Lei and my brother."


Du Qifeng smiled, turned his head, and commented: "Your brother is a good piece of material, but the distance from the palm machine, one is a little lack of heat, and the other is a little lack of vision."

"Huh?" Li Gen was stunned for a moment, "It's almost the heat and the vision?"

Du Qifeng smiled and said: "Now you are counting on your brother to eat, let's put it this way, even if your own father comes, he must be worse than your brother, otherwise, when he is waiting for the money, he can get [-]. Just take ten thousand."

The expression on Li Gen's face froze. If it was so fake, with Xu Rong's intelligence, he knew it was fake right away?

But what Du Qifeng said was true. Wang Yaqin received 18 yuan in this year's year-end bonus, but he didn't know anything about it.

Du Qifeng didn't notice Li Gen's suddenly depressed mood at all, and said, "That's what makes you so bad. As a director, you have a thick skin. You can't control people if you're not thick. I'm professional."

Xu Rong took the water glass handed over by Li Gen after he realized it, and said with a smile, "Don't listen to him talking nonsense, why is it so close, he's bluffing you, what is the most important thing in being a human being? It's being down-to-earth and doing one's duty. Minute."

If Li Xuejian said this to himself, even though he was not happy, he would still listen patiently, but Xu Rong said to himself, he always felt that it was too weird, but he didn't dare to refute loudly, so he could only mutter in a low voice: " But I feel like you're bluffing me."


"Brother, what do you mean by almost seeing?" After laughing, Li Gen asked curiously, this is related to whether he can earn a lot of money and marry beautiful women in the future.

Xu Rong explained: "You don't have to know acting to be a director, but you must know how to watch plays. In my understanding, acting is divided into three stages. The first stage is typically represented by child stars. Their feelings Sincerely, the acting is often better than adults, but do they really understand the emotions of the characters? I think definitely not, they just replace the emotions of the characters with their own emotions. From a technical point of view, every A child is a master of methodism, of course, that’s not what I want to tell you.”

"A professionally trained actor will soon leave the first stage and enter the second stage. An actor in this stage has mastered certain acting skills, and even all the skills that can be mastered. It can be said to be a purely technical stage."

"At this stage, whether it is crying or laughing, I can act very well. I can cry when I should cry, and I can stop when I should accept it. The technology is very comprehensive and the acting is not wrong. It doesn't feel right, you don't feel bad when he cries, and you don't feel happy when he laughs."

"What's the reason?" Li Gen asked suspiciously.

Du Qifeng also listened carefully. The vast majority of Hong Kong actors are not from majors, and they are not good at theory. No one teaches the technology by hand, and the key points cannot be learned by self-study at all. Even the students of Stuart will have disagreements about the theory of Stuart, let alone read the translation and then understand it by themselves.

"It's actually very simple. Once an actor enters this stage, he will gradually develop a kind of self-confidence. If the director wants me to cry, I can cry immediately. If the director wants me to laugh, I can laugh immediately. All expressions can be used correctly. It's done very well, it's hard not to be confident, and it's hard not to enjoy your acting skills during the performance, and 80.00% of the actors stay at this level, but some actors are more skilled, and some are relatively less So comprehensive and skillful, of course, there are also some excessive ones, who will constantly extract their own 'emoji packs' to act, for every mood and feeling, he has his own fixed template, which can be used directly when needed." Xu Rong said, and glanced at Zhong Hanliang.

"But in this business, the most fundamental thing is emotion. For example, when crying, whether the tears are shed by technology or by true feelings, you can tell by looking at his eyes, and you don't even need to look at them in many cases." , you can hear it with your ears."

"Can you hear it?" Li Gen asked puzzled.

"How do you hear it?" Du Qifeng was also a little confused.

"Do you feel uncomfortable listening to the voice of an actor crying? Real crying and fake crying are different after all. In fact, I always think that crying scenes are the easiest and hardest for an actor. It's simple because if If you can't cry when you should cry, you can't call it an actor at all. It's difficult because when you cry, you have to make the audience feel the same, and even when you don't cry, you have to make the audience cry. That's why I said, The crying scene is the hardest."

Du Qifeng nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "When you're not crying, let the audience cry, isn't that the third stage you mentioned?"


Li Gen's gaze swept across the set, and after turning around, he took it back and asked, "Brother, then, who do you think is the third stage of the actors in our group?"

Xu Rong didn't answer his question. This question is a bit suspected of speaking ill of people behind their backs.

Du Qifeng understood the answer from Xu Rong's silence, and said with a smile: "Just now you said that 80.00% of the actors are in the second stage, does that mean that 20.00% of the actors are in the third stage?"

"Did Director Du forget that there is still the first stage?"

"How many are in the first stage?"

"About 19.00%."

 Traveling from the giant ship that exploded 100 years ago to 2015, the pianist on the sea was forced to stand behind the mainland that he feared most.

  From jazz genius, to classical king, to soundtrack daddy.

  This time, he will be omnipotent above the music.

  Pure piano writing, starting with Xiao Sai.

(End of this chapter)

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