I'm just an actor

Chapter 394 Day 2

Chapter 394 Two Days
"About 19.00%."

After careful thinking, Xu Rong gave a relatively conservative answer.

What he said is not arrogant. The domestic performance industry has always been in a relatively contradictory state. When doing theoretical research, the differences between different schools are overemphasized, but in the actual teaching and practice process, they pay too little attention to the differences between schools. , and focus on practicality, in short, how to use how to do it.

However, as a skill, acting or acting skills, like other skills, there is no shortcut. The experience introduces emotional memory, emotional substitution and other methods to lower the threshold, which will inevitably lead actors to focus more on technology, while ignoring life observation, accumulation.

The most typical example is that when ninety-nine out of ten actors read a script, they will subconsciously look for accents. If a certain line is marked with (angryly), then the actor must find the foothold of "angryly".

But in fact, everyone expresses differently. Some people start a line a little higher, some people start a little lower, and because of the different materials, there will be subtleties in the beginning, transition, and logical pause. The difference, but the emotional choice is often the most suitable way of expression.

Pure technology guarantees "completeness" and "correctness", but art cannot be measured by "correctness" and "completeness".

Xu Rong remembers a line in "Night Club": Gentleman's birth is like suffering from smallpox. Even after the illness is cured, the scars all over the face can never be removed.

Its nature is equivalent to the role of life experience. Only by facing the loess and turning your back to the sky, and experiencing the days of struggling for a few cents, can you understand the mental journey of the bottom-level characters living in society.

But for many actors who were born with a golden key in their mouths, perhaps their most difficult and painful moment was when their parents were absent from their coming-of-age ceremony.

Since human beings' sorrows and joys are not connected, there must be deviations in emotional substitution.

Extracting emoticons to act in a play, although the empathy is a bit weak, but in comparison, the experience is firstly too difficult, and secondly, the cost is too high.

If he experienced the role of Cai Tianming, first of all he used his relationship, no matter what he said, he owed others favors, and secondly, if he catches up, one month is enough for him to make another movie.

Once in and out, measured in money, 4000 to [-] million will be in vain.

But everyone's values ​​are always different, which leads to choices that will inevitably not tend to be consistent.

With the attention and controversy from the outside world, the filming of "Drug Wars" is gradually coming to an end.

On the sidelines of the set, Huang Xiaoming, who came to visit the set, looked at the busy crew, as well as the media, fans, and passers-by who were blocked outside the studio, and said in a rather surprised tone: "Your crew, it looks very harmonious, doesn't it?"

After a series of flashy operations by Jin Fangfang, "Drug War" will appear in front of the audience every once in a while.

Perhaps a concept has long been formed in the minds of the vast majority of audiences, that the crew of "Drug Wars" is really poisonous.

Since the explosive news that Xu Rong was "seriously injured and died", the crew broke out successively that Xu Rong and Du Qifeng quarreled, Du Qifeng scolded Sun Honglei, Huang Yi slapped each other on the spot with an actress with a deep background, etc., and each The news greatly satisfies the audience's strong curiosity.

Because in the past, the audience and even movie fans' understanding of Xu Rong was limited to what they could understand. It has always been a mystery about what kind of person Xu Rong is, what kind of personality, and even whether he wears glasses.

And as the inside story of "Drug War" became more and more exposed, the audience and the media gradually realized that something was wrong. Every time the bloody incident of the crew of "Drug War" was peeled off, it was discovered that the story was not what it seemed on the surface. It's so simple, with all kinds of reversals, truths, and facts emerging one after another. Its level of excitement and blood is no less than that of today's popular mother-in-law dramas.

And Jin Fangfang did fulfill her original promise by directing the propaganda of "Drug Wars" into a TV series, so that many viewers are eagerly looking forward to the development of the follow-up events.

The large number of media, passers-by, and fans from all over the country watched, and the filming rhythm of the crew had to be slightly adjusted.

When the heat is high, try to make indoor scenes as much as possible, and when the heat goes down, go to outdoor scenes.

What Huang Xiaoming said was about the "grievances" between Xu Rong and the Hong Kong film and television professionals represented by Du Qifeng and Nicholas Tse, which have been widely circulated in the outside world recently. favorite entertainer, but the well-organized reports with pictures and truth make the defenses of both sides pale and weak.

According to media reports, Xu Rong has been completely isolated by Du Qifeng, and even encountered cold violence. The reason why Du Qifeng has great opinions on Xu Rong is that after digging through layers of media, one has to trace the relationship between Xu Rong and Nicholas Tse. Pile early grievances.

In the eyes of most people, Xu Rong and Nicholas Tse, as the leaders of the 80s generation in the mainland and Hong Kong film and television circles, should not have had any intersections, but after the cooperation of the media and "people's hearts and minds", it was found that the two Intersections did occur.

A few years ago, during the preparation of "New Three Kingdoms", Nicholas Tse was one of the first main actors to be identified, and he played the role of Lu Bu who played more roles. However, with Gao Xixi taking office, Lu Bu's actor candidate immediately became Xu Rong.

Although Xu Rong was replaced by He Rundong and Zhang Bo in the end, the relationship between the two was formed.

Moreover, according to Hong Kong media reports, Xu Rong and Nicholas Tse also fought fiercely when casting "Drug Wars". Unlike a few years ago, this time Xu Rong finally had the last laugh.

But Du Qifeng, a Hong Kong-born director, resisted in his heart. The conflict between the two had already arisen from the moment Xu Rong decided to play the role.

The two seem to have no intersection, but in fact, their brains have already flowed all over the floor!
Huang Xiaoming believed in the rumors from the outside world. When he was gossiping a long time ago, he noticed that Xu Rong had a very big prejudice against Hong Kong and Taiwan artists. 80% of all income must be invested in property purchases in the Mainland, and whoever does not abide by this will have a problem with his mind!" said the radical remarks.

His purpose of visiting the class today is also relatively simple. Although his own status has not been as good as before in the past two years, he still has a bit of face in the Hong Kong film and television industry, so he wants to give Xu Rong a platform.

He is well aware of the characteristics of Hong Kong's film and television industry. In the early years, he was fond of nests, but since the group went north, it is rare to form a group. Once there is a conflict with the mainland, it will immediately attack it, no matter what it is. It's like a stress response.

It was only after he got to the set that he realized that the situation was a bit different from what the media reported. What the hell, Xu Rong actually had an exclusive chair behind the director's monitor!

That's where only directors, producers, DPs, or producers can sit.

He couldn't help thinking of a joke in the circle that Xu Rong finally became the person he hated the most, Zhang Jizhong.

Just like Zhang Jizhong is the leader of the crew, Xu Rong is not only the male lead of "Snow Leopard" and "Never Eternal Number", but also the actual producer and producer.

And from the words and actions of everyone on the set and the intentional or unintentional eyes, Huang Xiaoming quickly confirmed the fact that Xu Rong is the leader of the crew.

Just like they are chatting now, even though the whole crew is ready and everyone is waiting, Du Qifeng and the assistant director will occasionally look down at the time, but no one comes up to urge.

He also had a similar feeling, that is, when he was in his own studio, he could act according to his own ideas at will, and everyone had to let him go no matter whether they were willing or not.

"You're busy first, I'm just here to take a look." Huang Xiaoming watched the entire crew waiting for him, pointed to the set with a smile, and said, "Do you have time tonight, let's have dinner together."

Xu Rong looked at his erratic gaze, and suddenly felt mixed feelings in his heart. Today's Huang Xiaoming is completely different from him a few years ago. At that time, the self-confidence from the inside out in him was visible and palpable. of.

But now, there was only a shell of his self-confidence left, and it even gave him a feeling that with a little force, this shell could be smashed into pieces.

To this senior brother from the same school who had helped him before, Xu Rong's words of refusal came to his lips, but he didn't swallow it, and said: "Brother Xiao Ming, let's change another day, tonight is going to be a big night."

As he said that, he said with a little relief on his face: "I guess it will be finished in two or three days."

Huang Xiaoming managed to squeeze out a smile so as not to embarrass himself, and said: "Oh, then you will be busy first, then you will be busy first, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Okay, you slow down."

Huang Xiaoming walked a few steps, Xu Rong suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, Brother Xiaoming, do you have a schedule next year?"

Huang Xiaoming heard Xu Rong's question, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I suddenly remembered something. We haven't cooperated since "Shanghai Beach". Are you interested in collaborating again?"

Huang Xiaoming was stunned. Xu Rong's current resources should be said to be the best in the three places on both sides of the strait, and his strongest appeal in the mainland, so that every director must first consider him when selecting actors, and the director of the drama department His background also gave him some innate advantages that most investors could hardly match.

For example, "Drug Wars" is a subject that cannot pass the review under normal circumstances, but if Xu Rong is invited to play, there is a possibility of accommodation.

And he heard that Xu Rong's schedule has been scheduled for 15 years. The real reason for this temporary invitation is obviously not his so-called desire to cooperate again.

He wanted to say something, but he always felt that his throat was a little dry. A few years ago, he was as high-spirited as Xu Rong. The arguably No. [-] niche student in the mainland has only been around for three to five years. Those directors and film company bosses who called him brothers in the past seem to not know him anymore.

Occasionally, he would complain about Xu Rong, just like many of his peers in the mainland, because Xu Rong's own existence greatly squeezed the living space of his peers, and this guy is simply occupying a latrine, so many top resources He himself doesn't need it at all, such as major variety shows, magazines, endorsements, etc., but because of his existence, others can't win it.

But he also understood that even without Xu Rong, there would be Zhang Rong, Li Rong, and Ma Rong. In the final analysis, he was abandoned by the audience.

He can better understand the weight of Xu Rong's invitation. With such top-level resources, Xu Rong must pay a huge profit if he wants to win a role, just like the second male lead in "Drug Wars", even though he is also a shareholder of Hairun , I was so stunned that I didn't even get the chance to compete.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that a good opportunity is more important than money.

"You don't have a schedule?" Seeing that Huang Xiaoming was silent, Xu Rong asked uncertainly.

"Yes, next year, when you need to call me."

Huang Xiaoming gave the firmest guarantee in one go, and wanted to say "thank you" again, but his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

Xu Rong nodded with a smile, and said, "The whole crew is waiting, so I won't see you off."

"Well, you are busy first."

Huang Xiaoming hesitated for a while, but he didn't leave immediately. He wanted to leave just now because he felt that his hot face had a cold butt on him, but after what happened just now, he found that Xu Rong was different from most people in this industry.

When he was on fire back then, Xu Rong never asked him for help, but now, when he was down and out, he was the only one who offered a helping hand.

Everyone knows that sending charcoal in a timely manner is precious, but when something happens, they always subconsciously push the wall down.

He temporarily put aside the idea of ​​investing in his own starring role, and stood quietly by the side of the set, observing the upcoming shooting.

In the dark and empty room, Xu Rong was wearing an orange prison uniform, lying quietly on the execution bed, beside him, there were execution instruments and injection pumps.

Huang Xiaoming vaguely guessed what was going to be filmed, but frowned because of it.

He couldn't understand, with Xu Rong's fame and status, why he chose a villain, and he was also a villain who was destined to die.

Looking at the silent Xu Rong, he suddenly remembered a joke they made when they went out to have sex a while ago. At that time, a pretty tall female artist sent Xu Rong a semi-nude photo that only barely covered the key parts. After a while, another message was sent: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, the cat accidentally pressed it, can you please keep it secret?"

With such a blatant statement, he thought that Xu Rong would always think about it, and even if he didn't think about it, he would keep it for occasional play, but this guy directly deleted him on the spot.

He was speechless about Xu Rong's operation, so he joked that he might not be a fool.

He didn't pay attention to what Xu Rong said at that time, but at this time, it somehow came to mind again, Xu Rong laughed and replied: "In the eyes of a fool, all other people are fools."

In Huang Xiaoming's opinion, Xu Rong is a lunatic just like what he said to him many years ago.

But maybe in his eyes, he is also a lunatic, or a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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