I'm just an actor

Chapter 395 Day 3

Chapter 395 Three Days
The flow of air on the set seemed to be gradually slow and stagnant, so that from a certain moment, Huang Xiaoming gradually felt that his breathing was not smooth, and he could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

A strange atmosphere permeated the set, which made him feel a rare sense of strangeness and alienation.

He frowned, his eyes moved around the set, everyone's face was more or less tired, but other than that, there was no other obvious abnormality, their expressions changed, and their limbs also moved It was like the young clerk wearing a hat standing next to Xu Rong dropped the slate.

But strangely, none of them made the slightest sound.

Under the illumination of the light, some extremely fine, mayfly-like dust in the room can be clearly seen, but once outside the range covered by the light, the air is as spotless as if it had been washed.

Huang Xiaoming stood quietly. He had always wanted to find a quiet, undisturbed environment where he didn’t need to be busy. He could take a good rest for a month, but the people around him kept telling him: the competition in this industry is very fierce, you can’t Rest, you have to get busy.

When he is busy with a job, there are always countless jobs waiting for him behind him. He also shoots movies, but in recent years, no crew has ever been so quiet, and the quiet made him feel uncomfortable.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like a moment later, Xu Rong gently opened his eyes, and the recorder had already handed the record board to the camera.

"No.40 Three takes once per scene."


As the group performer playing the guard of the people fixed his feet, Xu Rong said quickly:
"Luo Hua sells Magu in Chongshan."

"One-eyed Ming Han Ming has been selling ice and karaage powder in Fugang, and he even went to Southeast Asia with a Filipino."

As his arms and legs were completely immobilized, he spoke faster, and his two eyes looked expectantly at the people's guard next to him, and said: "By opening an orchard and planting ephedra trees, Mr. He supplied all the ephedrine in Northwest."

"I heard that there is a chemistry professor in Luzhou."

Speaking of this, Xu Rong suddenly stopped, and Du Qifeng, who was sitting behind the monitor, froze for a moment, and said uncertainly: "Did you forget the words?"

Although there are a lot of lines in this scene, he still doesn't think that Xu Rong will make such a low-end mistake. First, Xu Rong has never interrupted the shooting because of forgetting the words since he started the machine. Second, this guy prefers to change the words temporarily, so If you really forget the words, most people can't hear them.

"Stop." Du Qifeng yelled to stop, seeing that the straps on Xu Rong's body were untied, and he closed his eyes again, he couldn't help scratching his head.

"Teacher Xu said that he didn't get emotional, wait a moment." Assistant director Luo Jinfu's deliberately suppressed voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"it is good."

Du Qifeng was stunned for a moment and then responded. He didn't feel that Xu Rong's mood was wrong just now, but he also understood the pressure Xu Rong was facing.

The final battle is the penultimate scene, and it took more than a month to finish filming. Every shot was hard-worn, and it almost reached the peak that everyone can achieve.

And the current scene is the highlight of promoting the concept of "engaging in the black industry to harm others and yourself", and it is also the last scene of the movie, which plays a vital role in the outside world's evaluation of his performance.

Because the so-called film and television critics and the audience evaluate the quality of the actors' performances, they prefer to start from certain highlight moments rather than the overall interpretation of the characters, and certain shots at the last moment, under the blessing of emotions, are even more beautiful. It is easy to be added a layer of emotional filter.

In addition, he also looks forward to how Xu Rong will perform this one-man show.

He got up and was about to light a cigarette when he caught a glimpse of Huang Xiaoming not leaving. His eyes rolled twice, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

He waved at Huang Xiaoming, and when Huang Xiaoming came over, he smiled and extended the invitation: "Xiao Ming, are you interested in making a cameo?"

Huang Xiaoming seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said without any surprise: "Of course, I have been looking forward to cooperating with Director Du, but I didn't expect it to be in this form."

Du Qifeng could hear hints in Huang Xiaoming's words, but he had no intention of cooperating with Huang Xiaoming. First, he really couldn't figure out Huang Xiaoming's professional level. Second, Huang Xiaoming lacked the special temperament of Xu Rong.

A temperament that can determine whether a film can pass the review!

Huang Xiaoming changed into a white coat and a pair of glasses, and played the role of the doctor who executed Cai Tianming.

"No.40 Three takes twice in one scene."


"Luo Hua sells Magu in Chongshan."

Even though his back was facing Xu Rong, when the words came out, Huang Xiaoming was stunned for a moment. Although he was in the same business and had frequent contacts in private, he had never seen Xu Rong's play.

Strictly speaking, they have cooperated twice in total, the first time was "New Shanghai Beach" six years ago, and the second time was "The Founding of the Party" the year before last, but the filming of "The Founding of the Party" was too hasty, and At that time, there were too many acquaintances, and I couldn't even say hello, let alone care about these things.

After so many years, he played with Xu Rong at close range again, and he felt a sense of unreality.

Xu Rong spoke quickly, but like a lying child, his voice was trembling.

Although he was still filming, a sentence suddenly popped up in his mind, three days later, people should look at each other with admiration. Six years later, when Xu Rong opened his mouth, he felt like a different person.

"One-eyed Ming Han Ming has been selling ice and karaage powder in Fugang, and he even went to Southeast Asia with a Filipino."

After hearing this sentence, Huang Xiaoming still had no expression on his face. Before going on stage, Du Qifeng had told him: "Don't make any expressions, remember, don't make any expressions."

However, there was already a turbulent wave in his heart. Xu Rong's speech speed became faster and faster, and there was no breath between the two sentences, but on the contrary, his breath trembled more and more, and every word But it is extremely clear, without any ambiguity.

Almost unscrupulously showing solid basic skills and enviable materials in breath and pronunciation.

After just one sentence, Xu Rong suddenly lost his voice again.

After two seconds, Huang Xiaoming didn't turn around immediately because he was afraid of what might happen, but he heard Xu Rong behind him whisper, "Come on again."

"No.40 Three takes and three shots in one game."

"No.40 takes three shots and four times in one game."

"No.40 Three shots and eight times in one game."

Looking at Xu Rong who was lying on the execution bed, Huang Xiaoming breathed in the air filtered by the dazzling light and mixed with an unusually unpleasant smell, and felt a sense of nausea instantly surged up.

It's not that he has never made a movie, but he only heard about the movies that were shot so slowly and NGed so many times.

But no one in the entire crew of "Drug Wars" was surprised, as if they had long been used to similar scenes.

And the request for reshoots was all proposed by Xu Rong.

It really made him feel unbelievable, he still knows Xu Rong, he is crazy, but it is not as weird as it is today, a scene has been shot eight times, but he does not look like he was hit at all, instead he became more frustrated and courageous, It seems that he knows exactly what the perfect presentation is.

After a while, Xu Rong waved at Du Qifeng, indicating to stop first, while he himself was lying on the executive bed, like a machine, running his lines and body movements mechanically.

Repeat over and over, over and over again.

The vast majority of people on the set watched all this in astonishment, and today's Xu Rong has too high demands on himself.

It is a common phenomenon for the crew to shoot a scene four or five times, and it is not uncommon to shoot seven or eight times, but the number of times it happened to Xu Rong is really not many.

Du Qifeng vaguely guessed what Xu Rong was thinking. It just so happened that Li Gen handed him a cigarette. He just took it, and with a "pop", a lively little flame jumped out, and he lit it. Taking a puff, puffing out the cigarette again and again, he asked, "Do you know what he's doing?"

Li Gen put the lighter away, and said: "Pretend to show Huang Xiaoming, look, we are taught by the same teacher, look at you, then look at us."

Du Qifeng nodded in agreement, he thought so too.

Anyway, from his point of view, there is actually no need to retake this scene so many times, because Xu Rong has vividly shown the struggle before death every time.

Especially the trembling voice due to nervousness is almost a true portrayal of people under fear.

At this time, Wen Yongshan looked at the buttons Xu Rong was fastening, and sighed subconsciously. After the Zhuhai filming, they had to rush to Yunnan to shoot another ending. Eight years later, they failed to arrest Cai Tianming again.

When Du Qifeng gave a play before, she actually had quite high expectations, because she heard Du Qifeng say that "this kind of self-discipline is very suitable for Cai Tianming's role", she could guess what he wanted to express, and she really wanted to see it.

Xu Rong has never ignored her, but he has never been too close to her. Every time she greets him, he will smile back. Once she gives a gift, he will immediately ask his assistant to return a gift worth more than double one's gift.

But he was too busy, so busy that he ignored her existence.

In the past, she didn't understand the meaning of "what can't be obtained is always in turmoil", but now, she understands.

Young, rich, and resourceful, such a diamond king, she really didn't know if she could find a second one if she let this one go.

Moreover, Xu Rong is different from those businessmen. As an artist and a party member, he is more concerned about his reputation and life style.

Of course, among the many conditions, what she values ​​most is his "rich" attribute. The ability to attract money from the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is second only to Jackie Chan's male artist. Considering that his career has just started compared to Jackie Chan, his future wealth accumulation may be It's hard not to hit tens of billions, maybe even a billion by now.

Women, after struggling all their lives, isn't what they pursue is stability?
As for Xu Rong's figure, she actually didn't have too high expectations, and the fact was as she thought, after Huang Xiaoming unbuttoned Xu Rong, he didn't have the knotted muscles he imagined.

But as the filming progressed, she found that she had made a mistake. When Xu Rong's emotions gradually became agitated, his abdominal and chest muscles began to show.

At this moment, she suddenly made up her mind that the so-called goddess is just for the fans, and to win Xu Rong, she must learn from those so-called goddesses in the Hong Kong film and television industry in the past, abandon her dignity, and even perform some dirty tricks. Dirty means, forcing him to marry himself in.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming, who buttoned Xu Rong's button again, suddenly flashed a scene from a few years ago in his mind.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about how to be popular. Mr. Li is good at acting. I want to learn from him. I don't understand it just by looking at it. You know, there is a process of expressing it. If he doesn't say it, I just spend a long time thinking about it."

"If you think too much, it's not easy to become popular, and it's not your way of becoming popular. If you really want to be popular, you must first sign with a reliable brokerage company, and then increase your exposure through publicity and promotion, and then go to accept Big investment, big production, that's the right way to become popular, relying on acting skills, how many years do you know?"

There are many ways for Hong, and he chose the simplest one, which is also the easiest to copy.

A way that women will prosper forever as long as they exist, but it is also a way that requires the least professional ability and is the easiest to be replaced by others.

At this time, he understood the profound meaning of Xu Rong's so-called "longer time to want to be popular".

I am too substitutable, just like steamed buns, the audience can substitute steamed buns, noodles, and rice.

But Xu Rong's business level has led to his own scarcity, just like salt.

But he still doesn't understand why Xu Rong keeps asking for repeated shootings.

Xu Rong's repetition is not an aimless attempt, but a verification of a previous statement.

In the early years, in order to act as a lunatic, Yuzhi once went to experience life in a teahouse where the old and young in the Manchu Qing Dynasty liked to gather. From this, he observed a very interesting thing. Everyone in the teahouse would bow halfway before meeting each other. Greetings, bowing, and then chatting for a long time.

In the end, he believed that these remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty used this to cherish the memory of the Qing Dynasty that had long been turned into dust.

Since then, he has devoted himself to incorporating this movement into performances.

After the director Jiao Juyin found out, he told him: You need to practice the typical appearance and movements in isolation, practice, and practice constantly. Through repeated imitation, you can experience the inner motivation of that person at that time, which is his Think about emotions, and then in the rehearsal field, you must forget about that movement. As long as your emotions are properly mastered, that movement will come out naturally.

So the reason why he did so, after a lot of practice, he began to notice details that he didn't understand before, those people did not actually look at each other while bowing to each other. In the past, he also thought it was out of politeness, but after a lot of repetition After practicing, he realized that the reason for doing that was because of the gap between the past and the reality, which made them escape into his spiritual refuge, but they still stubbornly believed that they were superior to others, so they stubbornly kept it. The habit of greeting and bowing is to show that you are polite and educated, not out of respect for the other party.

Just like many Hong Kong film and television practitioners today, they deliberately retain some eccentric, so-called personality, and straightforward habits.

(End of this chapter)

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