Chapter 396

Most of the time, Xu Rong is always thinking about various normal or strange problems in his mind.

For example, how to make money well and quickly.

But after much deliberation, except for what is not allowed by the criminal law, there is only one way left, which is to do what you are good at to the extreme, so that ordinary people can only look up to it.

Some occupations have very low income ceilings and can barely make a living, such as actors, but some professions have quite high ceilings, such as the owner of a film and television company.

His family knew about his affairs, and Xu Rong knew very well that he was not capable of being a boss, so even if Jin Fangfang's success in his studio won't stop him from buying, buying, and re-buying properties.

Speaking of it, this was a compromise suggestion casually given by Senior Brother Huang Xiaoming back then.

At the beginning of buying a house, he didn't have the intention of making money. He bought a house in SJS just to buy a place to stay in the capital, but after tasting the sweetness, relying on his own potential and the help of Xiao Zhang's classmate's parents, he managed to scrape together 2000 yuan. 2000, and this 3000 million will become [-] million after five years, which is naturally incomparable compared to those private equity with an annual rate of return of [-]%, but firstly, the principal is too small, and secondly, he does not have connections in those circles, so he also I can only listen to the legend of my family Xu Xiang's all-powerful and sigh.

But the skyrocketing housing prices allowed him to quickly complete the original accumulation of wealth. After cashing out a house, he resold and bought "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", one of the biggest regrets and unsolved mysteries in his career.

In the past, he always believed that earning money was to meet basic material needs, but after buying "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", he found that the purpose of earning money is not just that. After satisfying basic material needs, the main function of wealth is to serve oneself Willful pay.

In fact, the same is true. "Da Ming" is profitable, but it is definitely not a successful investment, because compared with the risk of zero profit rate, only double the rate of return is extremely unsuccessful, but from the current point of view , buying "Da Ming" back then was a pretty good deal.

Before the script of "All Quiet in Peking" was finalized, Liu Heping found him again, and as if he was sure that he would definitely invest, he completely relied on him.

The preparation of this play caused him to owe a lot of favors, but he also completely realized the freedom of wealth, and even became one of the richest actors.

With Southern Television's good reputation of not being bad and not lowering prices, a drama that has not yet started earning [-] million yuan!

It is equivalent to him receiving more than 20 endorsements.

The root of all this lies in the reputation he has accumulated all the time. Huaming is betting that the cooperation between him and Liu Heping can create another classic comparable to "Daming". A high-yield classic.

The reason why Huaming dared to make big bets is that the probability of good movies it made in the past is much higher than that of bad movies.

This is the reason why he doesn't accept bad movies, and after he has the ability to influence the crew, he is committed to making every movie and every scene well. The appeal is real money, but when the appeal reaches a certain level, its own The premium can also reach incredible levels.

As for how to control the quality of the play, get to the bottom of it, one's own professional ability accounts for [-]%, being honest accounts for [-]%, and the remaining [-]% depends on the foil of peers.

If it wasn't for the decline in the overall level of the actor industry in the past 20 years, or if he was born in the 60s and 50s and competed on the same stage with young people like Lan Tianye and Zheng Rong who were born in aristocratic families and have been influenced by art since infancy, unless his talent exploded, he would not want to be in the film industry. In the early [-]s, Yu Zhi was always given a pertinent evaluation by his peers in the academy, "he can't do that, he can't play that."

He is very clear about the reason why he has achieved what he is today, and he also understands what he will be destroyed by. For example, a woman may be happy with three wives and four concubines, but when a woman loves a man deeply enough, it is inevitable that she will have the idea of ​​taking it for herself. Everything is put into action.

Its feelings are roughly equivalent to whether a man is willing to share a woman with other men.

Regardless of whether the law and morals allow it, he can be sure that as a public figure, once there is a major flaw in his moral evaluation, everything he has been striving for will be in vain.

However, he has never stopped pursuing performance and enjoyment. Recently, whenever he has free time, he can't help but think about the state of the second performance of "Home".

He tried to search for similar experiences and even aimless conjectures and arguments from the theories of various schools of thought and the old stories of his predecessors with excellent memory, and then hoped to analyze the most fundamental reason.

He found that he was not the only one who encountered a similar strange situation, but not many, and some people had done in-depth research, such as senior Su Min, but he did not agree with the theoretical support.

However, in the process, he also discovered many small techniques that he hadn't noticed in the past and whose effectiveness was uncertain.

Things like he's doing repetitive, isolated exercises.

He didn't agree with this in the past, because he always felt that purely external practice was meaningless when he was not sure about his internal emotions, and it would even lead to deviations in the experience of the task, even if it was It is jointly admired by Mr. Jiao Juyin and Yu Yuzhi.

But now, his opinion is not so absolute, because the recorder only singled out the dialogue between Jiao Juyin and Yu Zhi, and did not delve into the background of the dialogue between the two. He estimated that this method should be based on the actor's experience of the characters. You can only try it after you reach that point, just like his current state.

For the experience of "death", Xu Rong has an experience that ordinary people can't match, and he has a deeper fear of death than most people.

The money he earned has not been spent yet, his grandfather is old and his legs are not convenient, Xiao Zhang is almost like a blank sheet of paper because of him, they are not fully equipped to live well in this cannibalistic society ability, and these are the reasons why he must ensure that he is safe and sound, but conversely, as firm as this reason is, the fear of death and accidents will be as deep.

It was also an idea that he deliberately avoided in real life.

Lying on the execution bed, Xu Rong mechanically repeated his lines, but his mind kept recalling the experience of the past 20 years. He heard that most old people would go through such a process before dying, recalling all kinds of things that happened in the past, The spirit suddenly becomes hyperactive, and even a patient who has been bedridden for a long time can suddenly sit up.

And the more he recalled, the more he had a desire for life, because he suddenly realized that he was not ready to leave at any time, because he avoided this topic intentionally or unintentionally in the past, for example, all his property now belongs to himself This is an extremely unsafe way, because even as his only first-in-line heir, Xiao Zhang would inherit all of them, but she did not make reasonable use of this wealth of nearly one billion and protect it from damage. loss of capacity.

He suddenly realized that he could not die, at least no accidents could happen until all the trivial matters were arranged.

Huang Xiaoming on the side looked at all this suspiciously. He couldn't quite understand why and why Xu Rong did all this. Is there any point in repeating his lines absent-mindedly?

At a certain moment, Xu Rong suddenly fell silent, and gestured "OK" to the assistant director Luo Jinfu next to him.

"No.40 Nine times of two shots in one scene."



The sound of the buckle being snapped sounded.

After glancing at the immobilized wrist, Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, his face tightened instantly, and he said, "I have very important information to explain."

"Really, I really have important information to confess, you can't kill me, you can't kill me."

Seeing the two ensemble performers playing the people's guards and the executioner Huang Xiaoming continue to fix his limbs as if he didn't hear it, Xu Rong immediately said, "I said, I said, Luo Hua is selling Magu in Chongshan."

"Crack." The sound of the elbow being fixed sounded again.

Xu Rong's speech speed suddenly accelerated, and there was a hint of trill: "Cyclops has been selling ice and karaage powder in Fugang, and he also went to Southeast Asia with a Filipino."


"Mr. Xu Xu of Chengzhou planted ephedra trees by opening an orchard, and he supplied all the ephedrine in the Northwest." Xu Rong spoke faster, and his tone was not purely narrating, but expressing a kind of Worried, his two eyes tightly tugged on the People's Guard who was fixing his left leg.

Du Qifeng, who was sitting behind the monitor, slowly sat up straight. Xu Rong made a lot of changes to the lines, none of which was beyond his expectation, Xu Rong's style has always been like this.

But what makes him feel different is Xu Rong's control of the rhythm. He seems to have influenced the two group performances in a special way, because the interval between each "click" is always almost the same, but his speaking speed But faster and faster.

In a scene, there are two rhythms that seem to be independent of each other but are actually related to each other, because every "click" is a wake-up call for Cai Tianming's death. Every time it rings, it means that he is closer to death. step.

And Xu Rong's faster and faster but always clear lines intensified this tension.

"There is a professor of chemistry in Luzhou who is synthesizing a powerful psychedelic bath salt. This will kill people. You must catch him quickly. I will help you find out, and I will help you catch him." Xu Rong watched his shirt being unbuttoned, The muscles all over his body tensed and trembled subconsciously, and he spoke at an extremely fast speed, "Wei Dong, the heroine king Wei Dong, he is hiding in Myanmar, but I know that there is a bank in Yunbian City that is helping him launder money. His surname is Chen. , no, the surname is Cheng, no no no."

The moment the execution needle touched his skin, his body tensed suddenly, the muscles exposed to the camera were knotted, and the blood vessels on his arms/forehead bulged, and his voice was crying: "Please wait, I still have news, I still have it, I still have it, I beg you, I beg you, I am willing to make meritorious deeds."

"I want to take the blame and do meritorious service, I want to take the blame and do meritorious service!"

Huang Xiaoming looked at the tears, snot, and almost pleading howls on Xu Rong's face, his face remained expressionless, but in his heart, there was already a turbulent sea.

He clearly knew that he was filming right now, but whenever Xu Rong looked over, he would subconsciously avoid his sight.

Because he felt that Xu Rong's fear and unwillingness at this moment did not seem to be staged. He had seen a similar state many years ago. At that time, Xu Rong had just emerged through "Bright Sword". As Gang Gao Xixi asserted, anti-Japanese war films should be personal.

But he couldn't figure it out, at Xu Rong's current situation, what was there to be afraid of, what was there to be unwilling to do?
He has already stood at the pinnacle of his career as an actor, and coupled with his status as the head of the drama department, there is no accident. In the future, the number of times he will appear on the entertainment page will only decrease, and even if he does, it will only be accompanied by praises.

Ask yourself, if he has achieved these achievements, he must reward himself well.

And all along, Xu Rong's emotions have been quite stable, as stable as a middle-aged man who is approaching his age, and he has never seen the slightest anxiety or hesitation from him. The impression he gives to everyone is that he always has a clear goal ,Clear thinking.

Xu Rong's inner mental journey is more complicated. Many philosophers and writers have said many famous sentences about death, but most of them stated the fact of "death" from a cold perspective, and all he can feel is powerlessness .

Because his emotions were always at the critical point of fear, Xu Rong suddenly felt something was wrong halfway through.

He wanted to perform well, but he absolutely didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of dozens of people.

Therefore, on the one hand, he fell into deep fear, and on the other hand, he had to allocate part of his energy to remind himself to maintain control over his body.


As Du Qifeng's voice fell, Wang Yaqin ran over in a hurry, didn't care to wipe the tears and snot on his face, but hurriedly untied the straps that fixed Xu Rong's hands and feet.

From Xu Rong's little actions, she knew that what Xu Rong wanted to do most at this time should be to rush into the toilet.

"Wow wow wow."

The lights next to him and the radio teacher looked at Xu Rong in disbelief. In the last minute, they listened to Xu Rong's hysterical pleading and looked at the dense veins on his face. They were completely frightened.

Xu Rong behaved like a ghost.

But everyone knew it wasn't, because they watched Xu Rong's continuous improvement process, gradually approaching this almost terrifying state.

But it also made them understand that even if Xu Rong's professional level is as high as that of Xu Rong, acting in a shocking scene is not as simple as imagined. He still has to keep trying, exploring, and putting in more effort.

Because he is just an ordinary person, but it is precisely because of this that when he does things that others cannot do, it is even more incredible.

Today's condition is not very good, and I will modify it when my physical condition is better. I wish all friends a happy and healthy new year and all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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