I'm just an actor

Chapter 405 Invitation

Zhang Heping expressed the meaning very clearly, Yuan Yu also conveyed it very clearly, and Xu Rong understood it very thoroughly.

Although one of Xiao Zhang and Song Yi is his girlfriend and the other is his female student, the relationship is much closer, but don't look at the two of them, each carrying a head, dangling around in the courtyard all day , they lack the most basic sensitivity to news, wind direction, and even minor details. Just like what Zhang Heping said to Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang's answer will most likely be "Ah, thank you, Dean, no need, we can of.", and then there is no more.

To be honest, the two of them are completely transparent. It's not that others regard them as transparent, but they themselves have made themselves transparent. In the special art group of Renyi, there must be at least two specialties in order to stand out. It is artistic level, whether it is screenwriter, director, actor or even stage beauty, it is a prerequisite to stand out, but those who can enter the human art are all the top students from the three major colleges or each class of Zhongchuan. When Xiao Zhang was in college, Even if they failed to stand out in the class, if they wanted to stand out in the human arts, Nortel would not be Nortel.

The second is to behave in the world. Xiao Zhang is better at this point, but it is still the same standard. Those who can be admitted to the three major colleges and universities, they have already proved their outstanding IQ during the college entrance examination, and most of them are in the process of getting out of college. After school, they can quickly transform IQ into EQ. Unfortunately, no matter Xiao Zhang or Song Yi, their college entrance examination results have limited the upper limit of their ability to transform.

But Yuan Yu is a little different from them, she is a smart girl, she knows what to do and what not to do.

Of course, it was also Xu Rong's eyeliner who stayed in the courtyard. Once he went out for a few months, if there was any trouble in the courtyard, he had to ensure that he got the news as soon as possible.

Now, Renyi has become his basic market, no matter how big he falls in the film and television industry, as long as he can ensure a stable position in Renyi, he can become an evergreen tree and a tumbler in China's film and television industry.

Even if Zhang Heping doesn't look for him, he still wants to talk to Zhang Heping.

He originally wanted to spend money to postpone the formation date of "Jiaziyuan" by a few months, but he never thought that he would meet a responsible Erdao dealer screenwriter, not to mention the difference, and abruptly advance the finalization date of the script .

The reason why I am a responsible screenwriter is because the script has passed the review of the creative studio.

"Yes, I was wrong, I was wrong." Xu Rong smiled, and sat in front of Pu Cunxi again, "I have something to tell you, when I get married in a few days, you have to clean up. , you'd better put on a suit or something."

"Puyuan, aren't you on vacation yet?"

"Ren Xiaofang is ready to get the certificate, and you still don't admit who you are competing with." Xu Rong knew that although Pu Cunxi always talked about supporting his daughter's decision, he was actually not happy with his son-in-law who was born in the countryside. Seeing that Pu Cunxi was about to pat the table, he hurriedly got up, "Okay, I'll go to the head office."

When Pu Cunxi heard the word "son-in-law", the warmth that had just risen in his heart disappeared instantly, and he stared and said, "Do you believe that I will fire you immediately?"

"Dean." Xu Rong said, pointing to the office at the end of the corridor, "No, I'm planning to go over and invite you."

But Xu Rong didn't let him buy it, which made him think too much.

Pu Cunxi has basically faded out of the film and television industry since he took up a management position, and his family-style management of the theater has indeed won a good reputation. However, he failed to manage the theater well, and secondly, he failed to cultivate real talents, which is typical There is hard work but no credit.

Unlike his teacher Li Xuejian, Pu Cunxi has not retired yet, and he is not in such a hurry to help.

That's right, I'm a little chilled.

"What brothers, Lixin is your senior, how can you be so joking?!"

In the courtyard, he has special feelings for two people, one is the old man Zhu Xu, and the other is Pu Cunxi. One of them is the elder brother of the teacher Li Xuejian, and the other is his younger brother. Li Xuejian, Pu Cunxi, and another Wang Xueqi, the three of them are collectively known as the three wonderful flowers of the air administration.

Zhang Heping walked to the tea table, and while washing the teacups, he said, "You, that's what you say, if Xiao Zhang is in front of you, how dare you say that?!"

The smile on Xu Rong's face froze for a moment, and said: "Dean, I didn't ask for money, did I?"

Xu Rong listened carefully, echoing a few words from time to time. Zhang Heping is getting old, and he also has the common problem of old people. He loves to chatter. He especially likes to play life insights and some old sesame seeds. A lot of people rushed to listen, but he didn't like to talk, but now he wanted to talk, but there were not many audiences, and most of the people in the courtyard were too far away from him, let alone talking, even talking, they didn't dare to breathe too much. There are only some middle-level cadres left, but Zhang Heping is an old fox, whether he is really willing to listen or pretends to be willing to listen, he has a clear mind.

Before Xu Rong went out, Pu Cunxi stopped him again: "Are you busy at night?"

But with a few words, he completely changed his view of Xu Rong. The officiant refers to the person who officiates the wedding ceremony for the newcomer, and generally refers to the important elders of both parties or one party. Parents seldom officiate the marriage by themselves, so they often invite respected relatives and elders to be the officiant, entrusting the new couple and putting forward requirements for the new couple after they get married.

Pu Cunxi raised his eyelids, glanced at him through the slit above the black-rimmed glasses, and said, "What's the matter?"

If the purpose of creating wealth is only to create wealth or jobs for the society, but not to pay for one's own willfulness, it will be meaningless to the vast majority of specific executors of wealth creation who are not very conscious.

For Xu Rong's appearance, Zhang Heping was not surprised, he laughed and said: "It's the person who is going to get married, look, there is joy on his face."

"What do you theory, what do you theory? Let me tell you, anyone can come to theory, but you can't, do you know how much effort I have spent in order to transfer you back from school, how many people outside are looking at me joke."

Seeing that Pu Cunxi's face was soft, Xu Rong didn't say a word, and said, "Why, do you regret comparing me with your son-in-law?"

"Whether happy or not, we have been together for seven or eight years, and we just go through a process."

Of course, he also has self-knowledge, he is just an outsider after all.

Xu Rong also felt the same way, that guy was like a bottomless pit, but he didn't mention a word of bad things about Xu Xiang, but said: "I also feel that I am still comfortable in the courtyard, with you covering me, there are not so many troublesome things .”

"No, what's the matter?"

Xu Rong went out, the smile on his face gradually faded, Pu Cunxi's difficulties, he also knew a little bit, it is true that there are old and young, there are nearly ten members of the family, all rely on him alone, and His situation was exactly the same.

Listening to his joke-like criticism, Pu Cunxi put down his pen, took off his glasses, and said, "Co-author and listen to what you mean, is it for my own good if you don't let me care?"

"You still want less?" Zhang Heping snapped his fingers, "You can buy this or that for Yu Mingjia for "Thunderstorm". Let the whole group go to experience life, and when it’s over, do a biography, I think, if you are allowed to be the family in the future, within three years, you can’t even open the door of the theater.”

"I knew you would be angry with me, hehe." Xu Rong smiled and got up to pour a glass of water, "Although you are a leader and an elder, I have to criticize you a few words today, you said you are so old When you’re old, you can’t just sit still, you feel you have to do everything yourself, and you block everything on yourself, not to mention anything else, can your body handle it?”

"Dean, if you want to say that, I need theory."

But from this, Xu Rong also realized the meaning of earning money. Since "Jiaziyuan" cannot be postponed, then adjust the shooting time of "Peking".

Pu Cunxi's gray hair looked messy, as if it hadn't been washed for a few days, and the black vest on his body was neither sleek nor neat. It's hard to imagine such an imageless middle-aged man who was called "Young Woman Killer" ten years ago ", "Public Lover".

In short, Zhang Heping is one of the rarest materials in his life!

"Hey, he's only in his fifties, his hair is all white, he looks like a little old man, look at Yang Lixin, what a guy, no one doubts that the two of you are brothers when you sit together."

"Hey, from what you said, I can't come if I have nothing to do." Xu Rong entered the door and sat opposite Pu Cunxi.

"I know, I know."

The two of them treated him like the elders looked at the younger generation. This is obviously different from Zhang Heping. In Zhang Heping, he is a tool and subordinate to realize his ideal of Everbright human art, and what he values ​​is his value attributes, while Pu Cunxi , Value is important, but more important is his identity as a junior, and these two completely different identities also determine his attitude towards the two of them.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it first. We need to talk about the money." Zhang Heping smiled, and took the lead in blocking Xu Rong's mouth.

Xu Rong, as the eldest son of the new generation of human art, is emotional and reasonable, and he has to take care of this matter.

Just as Xu Rong got up, Pu Cunxi stopped him again and asked, "Who did you invite as the witness?"

And he has a reason for thinking this way, even though he has already decided to transfer him from Zhongxi, it is not a matter of a while. In theory, Xu Rong should spend a few years in Zhongxi, and it is best to wait until he is promoted. Even if he comes back on a level basis, he will avoid arousing criticism, and he believes that with Xu Rong's ability and wealth, it should not be too easy to get ahead in a school where a bunch of rich people gather.

While making tea, Zhang Heping was peddling his life philosophy on marriage: "Now it's different from the past. You usually meet so many excellent girls. Not to mention, they are younger than you. How long did you know before?" Just for you? In fact, to get married, you don’t necessarily have to find a very beautiful one, but you must find one that suits you.”

"Well, go quickly, if you don't go, I guess he will really put on shoes for you, hahaha."

Xu Rong is one of the people who is really willing to listen, because usually, he really doesn't have many opportunities to get close to people of Zhang Heping's rank.

When he arrived outside Zhang Heping's office, he reached out and knocked on the open door twice. When Zhang Heping raised his head, he smiled and said, "Dean, I'm here to report to you."

After parking the Mazda in the parking lot and going upstairs, Xu Rong didn't go directly to Zhang Heping, but went to Pu Cunxi's office first.

For example, when going to Zhang Heping’s house during the holidays, he would either bring some local products, or bring some local products that can quickly become local products, but for Pu Cunxi, the choice is much wider, such as household appliances, clothes and shoes, anyway. Buy something when you need something. For example, last year Pu Cunxi’s lover fell in love with square dancing for a while, so he asked Xiao Zhang to buy a stereo and send it there. It’s not worth a lot of money, but the feeling is different.

"That's hard to say. You said that your marriage is such a big deal. If Xiao Zhang didn't ask for leave, I wouldn't even know about it."

"Call Xiao Zhang to come over for dinner."

Although Xu Rong "criticized" him, he also understood the reason why he didn't let him do it.


Pu Cunxi was stunned for a while. A few minutes ago, he had a big opinion on Xu Rong in his heart, but he felt that Xu Rong had taken good care of him before he graduated, and Xu Rong had no parents. He was supposed to take care of everything emotionally and rationally, but he didn't receive anything except an invitation to a dinner, just like an ordinary relative or friend.

But no matter from theory or reality, it seems that he has not given much help to his career. The most he can do is to push Xu Rong to the position of vice president, but many people have an illusion that Xu Rong is far from that position. It's very close.

Zhang Heping also knew that this matter was not old and glorious. He had been hawking for half his life, and at the end of the day, he was overshadowed by that bastard Xu Xiang, so he didn't mention it any more, and finally sighed: "Xu Xiang is not a man!" It's fun."


"to make."

In the deputy dean's office, Xu Rong poked his head and saw Pu Cunxi looking down at the manuscript, and said with a smile, "It's just a few days before Chinese New Year."

Although Pu Cunxi Yu Renyi is a monk who became a half-way monk and was transferred from the air-conditioning government halfway, but because he grew up in a large courtyard and his roots are young, he is regarded as the eldest son by Renyi. Over the years, which family has Weddings and funerals, even though he is not a son, he also arranges them all by himself.

Every family has its cupboard.

After chatting for almost an hour, Xu Rong said with a smile: "Dean, besides reporting, I really have something else to trouble you."

Xu Rong took it for granted: "Don't say that you are going to be the officiant in this suit."

Pu Cunxi has no regrets, because Xu Rong's talent is tangible, and the improvement of Renyi's reputation is also immediate. He can pat his chest and say that Xu Rong's joining Renyi is the best since he became the vice president. One of the right decisions.

Anyway, he felt that Pu Cunxi's lover liked him even more than their son-in-law. In the past, whenever he came to the house, he would inquire about his relationship with Xiao Zhang.

Zhang Heping can speak ill of Xu Xiang, but he can't, because Xu Xiang used to be his superior and promoted him. After eating, he put down the pot and scolded his mother. He didn't talk about the scene, and he didn't care about the feelings. He seemed to be speaking for Zhang Heping. "The feeling is deep enough.

Xu Rongshun clearly stated his purpose of coming today: "Dean, I'm here today. In fact, there is something else I want to trouble you for. I'm getting married in a few days. I want you to be a witness for me and Xiao Zhang. You see Do you have time?"

"Xiao Xu, look at what you said, if I don't go, who will go?"

This is Zhang Heping's purpose for asking Yuan Yu to send a message. He and Xiao Zhang are both employees of the courtyard, and Zhang Heping should be the witness no matter what.

While expressing his gratitude, Xu Rong said the second thing that came over today.

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