Chapter 406
"Dean, I heard that after the New Year, the crew of "Jiaziyuan" will be formed?"

As if he was chatting, he asked about this show that cost him tens of millions in vain.

Zhang Heping watched Xu Rong skillfully pour a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "Little Xu, although you don't drink tea, your tea making skills have improved."

This is his habit. Before he understands the real purpose of others, he temporarily changes the topic to give himself time to think.

Although Xu Rong's tone of voice was casual, he didn't think he was really asking casually. This guy would never come to chat with him because he was not busy with such important things as marriage.

"Actually, I learned it all from you."

"Haha, if that's the case, you've been drinking my tea a lot." Zhang Heping laughed, several guesses flashed through his mind, but none of them were certain. He could feel Xu Rong's enthusiasm for drama, but for "Jiaziyuan", he will never pay attention to it, because this is not a script he is interested in.

He was clear about the "life-and-death enmity" between Xu Rong and Liang Guanhua, not only him, but everyone in the courtyard with a little insight knew that Xu Rong wanted to play Wang Lifa.

But Xu Rong has already performed "Thunderstorm", and judging from the number of performances every year, "Thunderstorm" has the possibility of becoming a frequently performed and often new play.

As soon as the conversation changed, Zhang Heping picked up the water glass, took a small sip, and said: "Why did you remember to ask this matter, let me tell you first, if you want someone to talk to Ren Ming, He is the director."

Xu Rong never expected that Zhang Heping would feel that he wanted to plug people, and said: "Dean, how could I just plug people in such an important play? That's it, isn't there a good actor in our theater who must also be a good director?" 'Well, recently I always feel that I have encountered a bottleneck in my creation, so."

Seeing Zhang Heping handing the water glass to his mouth again, Xu Rong paused to prevent him from choking.

"So I want to be the assistant director of "Jiaziyuan" and learn from the seniors and teachers."

Zhang Heping's slightly smiling eyebrows froze for a moment, then stopped at the junction of Xu Rong's forehead and hairline, who had lowered his head to pour tea, and said: "Yes, there is such a saying, you can have this Self-motivation is indeed commendable. In fact, in my opinion, the reason why the development of domestic dramas is not as good as that of foreign countries is because of the high ticket prices. Come and see?"

Zhang Heping changed the topic again, and Xu Rong really caught him off guard. There are indeed cases of older actors in the academy changing careers to become directors, such as Mr. Lan Tianye. It is a real director's preparation.

But he believed that Xu Rong definitely did not have such thoughts. There is a strange phenomenon in the actor's profession.

The overall performance of an actor’s entire career does not go up all the way. At a certain stage of his career, usually around the age of 40, he often goes through a special period. The shortest period is one year, and the longest period is two or three years. In the peak period, once an actor enters this stage, his peers will often say that so-and-so has "acted very well" in the past two years.

At this stage, physically, it is at the end of the prime of life, the energy is still vigorous, and the experience has also been enriched to a certain extent. They have assumed the roles of children, parents, husband or wife respectively, experienced life and death parting, and experienced life. The bitterness, hotness, sourness, and sweetness of life have their own thinking and perception of life, and in terms of skills, after 20 years of polishing, they have also reached a very high level.

For example, Lin Liankun was in the heyday of the two years, almost all the plays in the theater were led by him. It may take a week for others to figure out what the script is talking about. He can often find the state of the character when he enters the rehearsal hall for the first time. So much so that it will cause confusion among peers, especially young actors: Is this really something that time can make up for?

After going through this stage, actors often start to switch careers as directors because of a sharp decline in energy, burdened by family chores, and stagnation in skills.

But Xu Rong is obviously not the reason, Zhang Heping is very familiar with the film and television industry, and also knows Xu Rong's worth, so he doesn't believe that Xu Rong will waste a few months to become a director.

Xu Rong has a paranoid and even crazy side of an art practitioner. This kind of madness is quite rare, but when he takes off the title of actor, he is an out-and-out layman. He may not seek short-term interests, but if the timeline is stretched Long, this guy will never do meaningless things, let alone lose money.

It seems quite contradictory. How can an artist be like a philistine, but if you think about it, it is very reasonable. How can an actor who can't even figure out human nature expect to play all kinds of people well?

"However, people have a problem. The cheaper your tickets are, the less they pay attention to them. But plays are not movies. If you miss a part, it doesn't affect the whole. In plays, if you miss a sentence, maybe you will miss this scene again. I can’t understand it either.” Zhang Heping clapped his hands together and said with a smile, “But having said that, there have been more and more young audiences in the past two years, and most of them are not new audiences, which proves that dramas are not outdated. It’s not outdated, but most people have never been in contact with it, and they instinctively think it’s not good-looking, just like the interview after the performance of "Home" last time, many young audiences said, "I used to think that dramas are related to the tradition of babbling." There is no difference between operas, but I didn’t expect to find that they are so much more exciting than I imagined after I actually watched them.” In addition, judging from the development trend of foreign countries, dramas will not become obsolete in at least 50 years.”

Zhang Heping thought of another possibility, Xu Rong was planning for the future.

After the mediation of Mr. Lan Tianye, although the Chinese opera has agreed to release him, the time for Xu Rong to be transferred is too short. Except for his own understanding, no one else, including Xu Rong himself, knew anything about it.

Now Xu Rong proposes to change careers to become a director. This is a very creative idea, but after careful consideration, Zhang Heping has to admit that although the idea is bold, it is indeed a feasible idea.

Renyi is an art group. Under normal circumstances, the older you are, the higher the level, so there is no saying that you will be relegated to the second line. However, Yang Lixin, the captain of the actor team, is still a few years away from retirement, and Xu Rong is only squatting in the courtyard as an actor. Here, Yang Lixin has to be retired first, and then Feng Yuanzheng will go up after that.

The current management idea for the future is that Ren Ming and Feng Yuan are forming a team. As for who Xu Rong will form a team with, there is no suitable candidate for the time being, and it is too far away, and it is no longer something he should ask.

But judging from the proposal just now, this guy Xu Rong obviously wants to overtake in a corner. Once his identity is changed from actor to director, the four departments of actor team, stage beauty department, creative studio, and art department, apart from stage beauty, there will be no shortcomings. He could make up for it immediately, and with this guy's mind of gaining money, he might be able to run ahead of Feng Yuanzheng to form a team with Ren Ming after a while.

But this didn't match his plan. He arranged for Xu Rong to manage the office.

This is his deliberate decision.

First of all, Xu Rong is not good at drinking, he is born to be an office worker, and in the Chinese wine culture, the amount of drinking is not the decisive factor of a person's public relations ability, but the attitude of drinking is.

Secondly, Xu Rong doesn't love money. Specifically, Xu Rong doesn't look down on the one hundred and eighty thousand funds in the court. At least he can save money without repeated orders.

Furthermore, compared with the director of the Department of Chinese Opera, the director of the office who is transferred to Renyi is a half-level appointment, but the special feature of Renyi is that, to give a simple example, if there is one If one is killed, the country will be paralyzed immediately. As for the middle-level leaders, there are too many to count.

Of course, if it's not done well, the truth may be gone, but he believes that Xu Rong will definitely be able to do it well.

After understanding Xu Rong's thoughts, Zhang Heping poured him a cup of tea and said, "Xiao Xu, I agree with you if you have a progressive idea, but don't push yourself too fast, you are still young, and you are full of plans." , who is only 25 years old, you must be able to hold your breath."

Xu Rong didn't expect that Zhang Heping would reject his request, so he hurriedly explained: "Dean, I'm waiting, but there are so many old men and women who can't wait."

"Huh?" Zhang Heping stared blankly at Xu Rong, he already realized that he had guessed the wrong direction, but there was no panic on his face, "Talk about your thoughts."

When Xu Rong explained the reason in detail, Zhang Heping was stunned for a while, then scratched his thinning hair with a dumb smile, and said, "So that's what happened, but your idea is too, too..."

"Does the dean want to say that it's too crazy?"

Zhang Heping smiled, nodded, and at the same time couldn't help wondering whether his decision to let him manage the office was correct.

About three years ago, before Xu Rong was admitted to the hospital, he heard from Wu Gang that Xu Rong wanted to play Wang Lifa. At that time, his first impression was that he was a crazy young man, but he was not crazy, was he still a young man? ?
But after that, he changed this concept. Xu Rong couldn't see any frivolity belonging to his age group, and he didn't think it was too strange. It should all be smoothed out.

But today, he finally realized that the person sitting in front of him was not those middle-aged people in their 50s and 25s, but a [-]-year-old young man with vigorous blood. The arrogance of the test competition is always there, and if it is suppressed for a long time, it will eventually come out.

For the first time, he had some doubts, can Xu Rong really be an office?
Xu Rong smiled and said: "Actually, 100 years ago, those ancestors who influenced the fate of the times were not much older than me. Of course, I can't compare with them, but if you are in the field you are best at, even this There is no arrogance at all, so I am afraid that I have been young for nothing."

Zhang Heping laughed, and said: "No problem, I'll take this matter for Ren Ming, but let's say it first, "Jiaziyuan" is your predecessor, you can be crazy with me, but when you get there, you You have to restrain yourself."

"Thank you Dean for cultivating!"

For Zhang Heping's support, Xu Rong naturally reciprocated, saying: "Dean, besides, I have another request. You can criticize me, but I still have to say it."

Zhang Heping's expression was very relaxed, because he knew that Xu Rong's expression and words must be good things he would like to hear.

"That's it, you have time, can you cooperate with the staff in my studio to describe your life in detail."

Zhang Heping was stunned for a moment, then asked in a low voice: "What do you mean?"

"Let me write a biography for you!" Xu Rong said naturally, "Your contribution to our academy is obvious to all. You have reset the art committee, appeared on "Wotou Clubhouse" and "Thunderstorm", and launched ten major projects, although you have not been in charge for a long time. , but I think that in the history of our academy, your contribution to our academy can almost be compared with that of the old dean.

"It's over, it's over." Zhang Heping waved his hand quickly, hesitated for a while, and then continued, "Xiao Xu, I am very grateful that you have such a heart. This proves that my hard work over the past few years has not been in vain. If you want to criticize you, you write a biography for me, what do you make others think, how do you think of us?"

From Zhang Heping's hesitation, Xu Rong felt his inner enthusiasm and longing. In all honesty, among the previous masters, Zhang Heping's contribution to human art was indeed second only to the old dean. The mobilization of resources is determined by the old dean and his superiors. The Capital Theater uses exactly the same materials as the Great Hall of the People, and Zhang Heping belongs to the airborne, so he can get money and dare to make drastic reforms. The rest, one If you don’t have the resources, and if you don’t have the resources to do things, you’re bound to do things, and you’re afraid of wolves and tigers.

"We haven't done anything wrong, so why care what others think and think?" Xu Rong was filled with righteous indignation, "Furthermore, we are not just making up things, but just writing out the facts. The practical, new, major, and meaningful events that have a major impact, in the future, we can’t even mention the name of the person in charge, it’s really unreasonable for you to say that, Dean!”

"No, no, no, no."

Xu Rong's mind suddenly came up with the ancient ritual of three requests and three concessions, that is, before the new emperor ascended the throne, the ministers had to advise three times: the country can't do without you, you must ascend the throne to preside over the overall situation.

As for the new emperor, even though he was anxious to death, he still had to refuse three times, and finally he reluctantly accepted the request to be enthroned and proclaim himself emperor for the sake of the world and the common people.

At this time, Zhang Heping probably had a similar mentality.

Sure enough, after the two repeated the red tape of three words and three concessions, Zhang Heping finally reluctantly agreed to Xu Rong's request to write a biography for him, but he still said: "I don't think about fame when I do things, although you It is said that so many achievements cannot be born out of thin air, but this is not the credit of me alone, it is the result of everyone's joint efforts, and we must pay special attention to this point in the process of writing."

"Well, I understand, I understand."

Before Xu Rong went out, Zhang Heping patted him heavily on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Xu, work hard, your burden is heavy."

After Xu Rong walked away, Zhang Heping slowly closed the office door, and sighed silently. He knew very well that Xu Rong was very good at hunting. He was a screenwriter and often participated in projects of private film and television companies. Qian is also quite resistant to all kinds of temptations, but it is really hard for him to refuse this great gift from Xu Rong.

People live a lifetime, after all, they cannot escape the word fame and fortune.

Sighing again, he quickly walked back to the desk, took out a pen and paper, and scribbled down the memories of his childhood and youth in his notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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