I'm just an actor

Chapter 407 This Proof

Chapter 407 This Proof
The seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month in 2011 in the lunar calendar, and January 2012 in 1 in the Gregorian calendar.

The weather was roughly the same as yesterday, the north wind was still howling, the weather was gloomy but it was not snowing, the statistical department released the macroeconomic operation data in 2011 one after another, the overall GDP growth rate in 2011 slowed down, only increased by 9.2% year-on-year, and the urban population was the first The rate exceeds the rural population, but the masses of the people have already felt these news in their daily life. Given the vast territory and large population of our country, it has not attracted much attention. On the whole, the January 2012, 1 actual For a flat day.

Early in the morning, classmate Xiao Zhang finished washing, walked to the bed, lay on the head of the bed and looked at Xu Rong who was still sleeping soundly, and yelled loudly, but said in a very low voice: "Mr. Xu, wake up."

She didn't seem to be waking someone up, she seemed to be talking to herself.

"Mr. Xu, wake up."

Xu Rong actually woke up a long time ago, but Xiao Zhang got up a little early today, and he wanted to sleep for a while.

"I hope you can wake me up so gently in the future."

Xiao Zhang looked at the smile on Xu Rong's face covering the lower half of his eyes, blinked his eyes, and said, "Of course, otherwise, do you think I will call me the same as my mother?"

"You two were arguing." Xu Rong smiled and rubbed her head, "Maybe your mother was as gentle as you when she was your age."

"Then do you still want to sleep?"

"Don't sleep." Xu Rong said, getting up from the bed, "It's been a day late, I can't rest anymore."

Xiao Zhang did not persuade him. Last night, Mr. Xu, who usually fell asleep very quickly, tossed and turned on the bed for half an hour without falling asleep.

In the middle of the night, he sighed faintly: "There is no morning exercise today."

She heard people say that some people who are used to running every day will feel uncomfortable if they don't run for a day. Teacher Xu is probably in a similar situation. Since he went to college, seven years have passed in a flash. Except for special circumstances, he has almost never fallen behind.

Her habit is just the opposite. She doesn't like morning exercises. First, it affects her sleep. Second, she can't get up. Third, she is really sleepy. She prefers to practice at night. Teacher Xu said that it is not good, and she knows it, but in the morning If you don't practice, if you don't practice at night, then there is no time to practice?
After practicing for half an hour, when the two arrived at the restaurant, Grandpa, Second Grandpa, Xu Xing's family of three, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang were already waiting.

"Xu Rong, it's cold today, wear more when you go out." Seeing that Xu Rong was only wearing a sweater, Aunt Wang reminded with concern, "If you don't drink alcohol in the future, don't drink it. It's not that mom said you, you If you drink like your father, I don't care how much you drink."

Xu Rong accompanied Pu Cunxi to drink a little last night. He felt that he was just fine and was in a slightly drunk state, but in the eyes of Aunt Wang, his behavior of drinking with a small amount of alcohol was a crime in itself.

In this regard, Xu Rong could only listen. He heard from Xiao Zhang that her parents usually chatted while eating, and a meal and a bottle of sixty-seventy-degree wine would disappear just by looking at it. Don't delay, it's time to visit and play cards.

By the way, call Nuannuan body.

"Also, I saw that you drove that Mazda again when you went out yesterday. It's not that Mazda is bad. I heard from your father that it's not as safe as Audi. Our money is neither stolen nor robbed."

"Mom, don't you care about me?" Classmate Xiao Zhang watched Xu Rong sit down, and her mother was holding chopsticks for Xu Rong and picking up vegetables, and she still didn't forget to care about her, her eyes slowly widened , spread his hands in the air, "Before you care about Teacher Xu, can you give me a pair of chopsticks first?"

Aunt Wang looked at Xiao Zhang, who was empty-handed, in astonishment, and then at Xu Rong, who had put the chopsticks into her hand, and said, "Would you be exhausted if you walk two extra steps?"

"It's not exhausting, but uncomfortable."


Everyone in the family laughed, and Xiao Zhang's father also laughed, saying: "Since Xiao Xu changed his mouth, your mother now only sees Xiao Xu, haha."

Aunt Wang also laughed, and said: "It's not that I see Xiao Xu in my eyes. In our family, Xiao Xu is the hardest. If my mother doesn't love him, who will love him?"

Xu Rong took the chopsticks that Aunt Wang handed over again, and said: "Actually, you can drive any car. What is the main thing? Everyone in the courtyard drives ordinary cars. There is no problem with the source of the money, but you can't stop it." I feel uncomfortable, if I drive that A8 there every day, how embarrassing will the leader be?"

"Isn't there that saying, I'm afraid of my brother's suffering, and I'm afraid of my brother's driving Luhu."


After breakfast, Xiao Zhang changed his clothes and went downstairs in a hurry. Looking at the eyes of the whole family in the lobby on the first floor, Xiao Zhang stopped instantly, with a slightly unnatural expression on his face, and said: "You guys , why are you looking at me like that?"

Xu Rong smiled and took the bag in her hand, and said, "Okay, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

"Slow down on the road."

"I know, I know."

After getting in the car, Xiao Zhang didn't fasten his seat belt immediately, but turned around, stretched out a finger, and said, "Mr. Xu, today is my birthday. Can I make a small request?"

"What's the request?" Seeing her half-turned, Xu Rong didn't answer her words, "Sit down and put on your seat belt."

"Can you?"

"You tell me first, let me listen."

"Look, you were born on January 87, 1, me."

As soon as Xiao Zhang opened her mouth, Xu Rong knew what she was thinking, and said, "Xiao Zhang, I solemnly warn you that your ideas are very dangerous."

Seeing that Xu Rong wanted to refute, classmate Xiao Zhang immediately interrupted him: "Even if according to what you said, you were actually born around November 86, you are still 11 months younger than me."

"Just say it, right?"

Regarding Xiao Zhang's long-cherished wish that has not been fulfilled for many years, Xu Rong will never satisfy her, saying: "I can promise you everything else, but this is not enough."

Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at him for a while, seeing that he had no intention of compromising at all, he crossed his arms and sulked with a "hum".

After a few seconds, after leaving the community, Xu Rong saw that she was still depressed, and said, "Why do you have to insist on calling you like that?"

"Should have yelled like that!"

"I originally called you classmate Xiao Zhang, you forgot, when we first met."

Xiao Zhang retorted: "It was different at that time. At that time, you were the teacher and I was the student."

"Why is it different, I taught you a new posture yesterday!"

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you are really annoying!" Seeing that he was too stubborn, Xiao Zhang immediately changed his attitude, moved a little closer, and asked in a discussing tone, "Just call me 'sister', okay?" ?”

"not good."

"Just one click, one click, okay?"

"Well, let me think about it first."

"Then when can you think about it?"

"I'll tell you when I think about it."

Xiao Zhang has gone through this routine countless times, so she naturally knew that there was no sign of it, so she immediately glared at him bitterly. After a few seconds, she nestled in the seat angrily, saying : "Then you don't want me to call you dad again!"

Xu Rong was silent for a while, then said abruptly: "Sister."

Xiao Zhang was stunned for nearly half a minute before she recovered her strength. She slowly turned her head and stared at Xu Rong in disbelief. She never expected that her long-cherished wish, which had not been fulfilled for many years, would be just like this, come true?
"Let's say it first, just this time, don't take it as an example."

"No, I'm not ready yet?" Xiao Zhang looked at him dejectedly. She did hear it just now, but she didn't fully understand it. If she knew he would shout, she must be prepared.

"You only agree once, don't play tricks."

"Ah, I'm so sad. I'm like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. I didn't taste anything and it disappeared."

Xu Rong laughed, Jian Zai shook his head desperately, and said, "Don't shake around, it won't look good with makeup on later."

"Oh, yes." Xiao Zhang hurriedly corrected his sitting posture, but after a few seconds, he wailed again, "It's so annoying, I'm not ready yet, so you yelled, ah, so annoying."

Xu Rong did notice something different. When he was driving a Mazda, someone always stopped him, but when he switched to Xiao Zhang's Aston Martin, as long as he didn't let him, the other party wouldn't force him to stop him? !

When we arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Xiao Zhang sat in the car, looked at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau that had not yet opened, and asked worriedly: "Mr. Xu, they won't be taking annual leave, right?"

Today is Xiao Zhang's birthday, and it is also a specially selected day to receive the certificate.

"No, they go to work normally today." Xu Rong smiled, Xiao Zhang was too active today, he got up before dawn, and he was a different person in peacetime.

Xiao Zhang was still worried, and asked, "Why don't I call and ask?"

Xu Rong stretched out his watch and shook it in front of her, saying: "There are still twelve minutes, just wait and see."

In order to ensure that he could obtain the certificate smoothly, he had greeted Senior Diao Guangtan's grandson.

Diao Guangtan's daughter, Diao Xiaoyun, was also engaged in art. She studied under Cheng Yanqiu's disciple Zhao Rongchen, but she gave up halfway. By the third generation, she basically left art completely. It is said that her only son is now working in the civil affairs department. .

Before Xu Rong practiced the biography, he didn't think too much about it, just to see if he could gain something, but when he really started to practice, he realized that he seemed to have done a great thing.

At 08:30, watching the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau slowly open, the two hurriedly got out of the car with materials.

At the same time, a middle-aged man in his 30s greeted him from a distance, and after approaching, he stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Go inside and get warm."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, he actually couldn't remember who was who, he originally thought that the middle-aged man who came out was the grandson of the old man Diao, but now it seems that he is not.

But just call back and thank you.

Premarital examination reports, wedding photos, household registration books, ID cards and even wedding candies are all prepared in advance.

After entering the Civil Affairs Bureau, a staff member immediately handed over two forms. The two filled out and pressed their fingerprints. Hearing the two sounds of "click" and "click" and the sound of "congratulations" around them, they were a little confused.

Is this over?

Counting the time for distributing the candy, the process took less than 10 minutes, and the two walked out of the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Back in the car, Xiao Zhang stared blankly at the marriage certificate in his hand, and after a while he came to his senses, turned his head and said: "Mr. Xu, we didn't get a fake certificate, did we?"

"Is it so easy to get a certificate now, even easier than getting a box of printing paper in the courtyard?"

Seeing her puzzled look, Xu Rong smiled more intensely, and said, "Did you check the certificate guide online again?"

"No, that's right, it just doesn't feel like a wedding ceremony."

"A sense of ceremony?"

Xu Rong paused, leaned over and gently embraced her head, kissed her forehead, and said, "Student Zhang Xiaofei, from now on, you are my legal wife."

Xiao Zhang had a strange expression, looking up at him for a while, looking down at the marriage certificate in his hand for a while, smiling smirkingly, and making a "giggle" sound occasionally.

"Wait, I'm going to post on Weibo, come on, Mr. Xu, come closer, let's take a photo."

"Take your hand here, oh no, compare your heart."

"Hahaha, you are so stupid, Mr. Xu hahaha goose goose goose goose goose"

After nearly 10 minutes of tossing, Xiao Zhang finally finished posting on Weibo, mainly because it took most of the time to take pictures, and the copywriting seemed to be edited by her in advance.

Sending it contentedly, she held her marriage certificate and sat in the seat, grinning silly.



Didn't hear Xu Rong's reaction immediately, classmate Xiao Zhang immediately stopped giggling, turned his head, and looked at him with frown.

It took Xu Rong a few seconds to react, and she looked at her for a few seconds, and they suddenly smiled at the same time.

"Mr. Xu, don't you realize I'm calling you?"

Xu Rong also smiled and said, "Haha, indeed, I'm not used to it."



"Well, what's the matter?"

"What are we going to do next?"

"Go to the gold shop!"

"Oh hoo?!"

Xiao Zhang's eyes lit up, because once Teacher Xu said that, it meant that she could buy whatever she wanted today!
Xu Rong remembered what he had said before he came here, and said, "Call your parents first, and tell us that our affairs are over."

"Oh, I forgot."

Xiao Zhang closed the marriage certificate and handed it from her right hand to her left. She was about to make a phone call when she realized something was wrong. She slowly turned her head and said, "Mr. Xu, haven't you proposed yet?"

"Didn't it count when you got engaged?"

"Forget it, do you?"

Looking at Xiao Zhang's puzzled eyes, Xu Rong immediately said nonsense in a firm tone: "Of course, you don't have experience so you don't understand. In fact, under normal circumstances, marriage proposal is the core process of the engagement ceremony, and only in the engagement ceremony The above proposal is the most ceremonial and symbolic proposal.”

Xiao Zhang asked doubtfully, "Do you have experience?"

"Of course, I have been married so many times in the play, ancient, modern, domestic, and foreign. I have much more experience than you."

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at him suspiciously: "But, but I feel that you are lying to me."

The judgment she made at the first time was explained by Xu Rong, and she was a little uncertain, but soon, she strengthened her first instinct again, because she heard a sentence from Teacher Xu before: Intuition is often the result of human beings. When encountering sensitive things suddenly, inspiration bursts out in an instant.

She has gone through many winding routines, but she has also grown up.

"Do you know why you feel this way?" Xu Rong was slightly surprised to see her look suspicious, but he didn't find it difficult, and asked with a smile.

Xiao Zhang seemed to see the reflection of the bow and arrow in the cup: "Are you trying to say that I don't study enough?"

"No, no, this has nothing to do with how much you read. The essence of intuition is an inner schema, a thinking and action tendency based on behavioral habits and thinking logic. It represents the complex symbiotic relationship between emotion and rational thinking and .”

Seeing Xiao Zhang's complexion gradually becoming unfriendly, Xu Rong coughed twice: "Then let me put it in an easy-to-understand way and tell you an oath on the marriage certificate of the Republic of China to prove that I didn't lie to you."

"Marriage of two surnames, signing a contract together, a good relationship will last forever, matching the same name."

"Look at the peach blossoms burning this day, and the IKEA room is suitable for you. It is predicted that the melons will be endless in the next year, and Erchang Erzhi."

"I would like to write a letter to Hongjian with the agreement of white heads, so that the alliance of red leaves will be recorded in the mandarin tree."

"This certificate."

"This certificate."

 This book can help me push the link at the end of the chapter, preferably the last chapter today and tomorrow, thank you
  If the book gets up, he will give feedback and push it.
  It is best to add a brief introduction to the author's words, as follows:

  Reborn in the Jiajing year, a book boy in Prince Yu's Mansion.

  The soybean oil case in the capital, the Taoism case in Jurong, the worm case in Yunnan, the Tusi case in Bozhou...

  Daming lost an ordinary person, Liu Xie, and gained a detective, Liu Xie!
  (Li Chengliang is the thug)
(End of this chapter)

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