I'm just an actor

Chapter 408 Protection

Chapter 408 Protection

Angrily, Zhang Li put his mobile phone aside, took out a cigarette and "clicked" and took two deep puffs, only to slightly ease the inexplicable regret in his heart.

He was rejected by Xu Rong again.

And it was when he proposed to adjust the shooting time according to the opponent's schedule.

From the bottom of his heart, he is not very happy to deal with Xu Rong. During the preparation of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", after hearing from Liu Heping what Xu Rong did to win the role, he realized that the one who doesn't talk much The distress of young people must be only temporary.

What impressed him was not only the ruthlessness of Xu Rong.

From ordinary people's thinking, as the director and the final decision maker of all roles, if he wants to win the opportunity to act, he must come to him.

But Xu Rong seems to be very clear that begging is meaningless, and it is true. At the beginning of the casting curtain that he opened with the mighty power of "Towards the Republic", there are not many actors who were rejected by him. As for those stalkers He didn't even meet the person who tried to impress him with perseverance.

After he clearly expressed his intention to refuse, Xu Rong immediately went to Liu Heping.

A pair of crutches cannot be exchanged for a pair of watches, but it may be possible to exchange a bicycle, and exchanging a bicycle for a watch seems to be feasible to a certain extent.

In his opinion, this is the most terrifying trait in Xu Rong's character. Although the value of each "exchange" is still unequal, through Liu Heping's transfer and using "persistence" instead of "pity" as an added value, Xu Rong Tolerance has successfully narrowed the disparate value gap of exchange.

Although there is still an element of luck in it, Xu Rong's behavior itself reflects a relatively rare cognition among his values, that is, equivalent exchange.

Zhang Li believed that if Xu Rong had a car accident, the first thing he would think about would be not how to win others' forgiveness, but how much he would have to pay to solve the problem.

For a person with such a character, he was able to put aside his face and dignity in order to achieve his goal. What was missing from success was only a chance, and Xu Rong was so young at the time, which meant infinite possibilities.

The subsequent development was within his expectation, Xu Rong was just as he expected, when he got his chance, Hairun strongly praised him, and it only took less than three years to become the number one niche student in the mainland.

Regarding Xu Rong's achievements, the outside world generally believes that it is due to the resources of Hairun, but he is just the opposite. He always feels that Xu Rong's current achievements may not be as high as they are now without the resources of Hairun, but his future The influence will be greater, because the greater the pressure and the more hardships they endure, the more unscrupulous they will become in order to achieve the set goals.

What made him really start to feel apprehensive about this young man was that Xu Rong got the copyright of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566".

At present, the market often talks about copyright, but in fact it is all about broadcasting rights. Those who can really get copyright are "junk" that major film and television companies cannot sell, but Xu Rong actually takes it. To the copyright of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566".

This is not an easy task.

Money can solve 1% of the difficulties in this world, but the remaining [-]% has nothing to do with money.

The copyright of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" is one of them.

An actor standing in the spotlight does something that ordinary people cannot do through conventional channels. There must be something strange in it, and this kind of strangeness often means risks.

So when Xu Rong asked him to remake "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", he neither refused, but he didn't deliberately lower his fee standard to show favor.

He never thought of working with Xu Rong again.

Xu Rong appeared in front of the public again, at the award ceremony, and had the title of "Director of Chinese Opera Performance Department".

He can still vividly remember the situation at that time. The student who looked a little older and could only sit at the door of the room while reading scripts, has grown into a remarkable figure in the mainland film and television industry.

He is more confident and mature, and he is completely different from the him who followed Xu Qing a few years ago.

The change of temperament is the inevitable result of the improvement of identity, wealth, and ability. Anyone who is in Xu Rong's position will not lack this kind of aura. Bowed, and then repeated the same action towards the camera.

This was a fairly subtle movement, so subtle that many people hadn't noticed it, but he noticed it.

The history of Xu Rong's fortune happened almost under his nose, and he was quite curious about what kind of height Xu Rong could reach in the future, so compared to others, he was more willing to pay more attention to Xu Rong .

From Xu Rong's two bows at the awards ceremony, he noticed a point in Xu Rong's character that he didn't have in the past, which was extremely inconsistent with his age and status.


The vast majority of people just regard bowing as a fixed process, rather than a ritual that must be performed.

But Xu Rong's waist at that time completed ninety degrees.

A person who has reached a height that is difficult for others to reach in his lifetime at only 25 years old, but still maintains a humble person, either this person is really well-bred, or this person has a more ambitious goal.

Xu Rong obviously belongs to the latter.

But Zhang Li still doesn't like him.

Xu Rong and Song Jia have been rumored to have an affair, and the most important thing is that Song Jia really likes him, so even though they are dispelling the rumor that "Xu Rong and Song Jia have a late-night tryst" is fake news, but he believes the news is true.

If it was said that something really happened between Xu Rong and Song Jia, he would not believe it.

He can be sure that when Xu Rong has a girlfriend, even if he really likes Song Jia, he will not do anything out of line.

But this couldn't stop him from feeling agitated.

So even though Xu Rong has been in full swing in recent years, he has never thought of collaborating again. The main reason is not because of Song Jia. The director Xu Rong has worked with, is actually beating drums in his heart.

With Jiang Wen, you can complain in the media to win the sympathy of the audience, but with Xu Rong, even complaints are not allowed.

But a recent incident has quietly changed the structure of the TV drama market.

Southern TV spent 6 million to pre-order "All Quiet in Peking"!
Unlike other TV stations in China who are always looking for various excuses not to pay the final payment, the reputation of Southern TV Station is well-known in the industry.

In other words, Xu Rong earned 6 million with a TV series that has not yet been filmed!
The accuracy of this news has been questioned by colleagues so far, but even if calculated according to the conventional [-]% water content, Xu Rong's drama has earned [-] million yuan.

A TV series earns [-] million?

No matter how it sounds, it is a bit of a fantasy, but according to his understanding, the water in the "6 million" does not seem to be that much, which means that Xu Rong actually earned far more than [-] million.

The box office of the movie seems to be extremely high, but if the share of theaters, theaters, and distributors is taken out, the real profit attributable to the producer is actually not as high as imagined.

And after the pre-order price of "Peking" was exposed, even though Xu Rong has announced in public many times that he will temporarily bid farewell to the TV drama market, the major producers still do not give up. If the salary is doubled again, the room for profit is still huge.

It has also led to a special phenomenon in the current male actor market. There are two types of actors, one is Xu Rong, and the other is other actors.

The reason why he was invited again after being rejected by Xu Rong was due to the requirements of the management on the one hand, and the second was the reason for the script, the young and complex character setting, except for Xu Rong, he could not think of other fully qualified actors for the time being.

You can't invite Huang Xiaoming to play, can you?
But after calling twice in a row, Xu Rong said that although he was polite, he didn't show the slightest interest in continuing the discussion, and he didn't even want to read the script.

At this time, he regretted it a little. He heard that Xu Rong didn't want to act in "All Quiet in Peking" at the beginning, but Liu Heping insisted on it because of his passion. In the end, Xu Rong not only played the male lead, but also became an investor.

He was trying to repay the favor of the few pieces of paper that Liu Heping gave back then.

On the contrary, just a few months ago, he just rejected the invitation to be the director of "Peking", and Xu Rong, he can only talk about acquaintance, and there is no way to talk about friendship.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone and dialed the producer's number: "Hey, Xu Rong's attitude is very clear, if he doesn't answer, let Wen Zhang try."


Jin Fangfang, who was watching dramas in the hanging chair at home, sat up a little bit. Hearing the urgency coming from the phone, she quickly said: "Okay, don't make any response for now, you guys come up with a solution for me right away."

After hanging up the phone, she leaned into the hanging chair and continued to follow the drama.

For the current online controversy, she is not surprised at all, and she has even expected it.

As soon as the marriage certificate photo of "Diligent and hard-working classmate Zhang" was released, Xu Rong's fan group, or fan group, was instantly detonated, and an internal confrontation among the fan group was formed at an extremely fast speed.

One side is already used to the existence of Zhang Xiaofei, and thinks that this childhood sweetheart relationship is a rare beauty in the entertainment industry, and their marriage is a milestone in their eight-year long-distance love race.

Another group of fans think that Zhang Xiaofei is not worthy of Xu Rong at all, especially after "Xu Rong Studio" reposted this news, after confirming the authenticity of Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei's marriage, how deeply they loved Xu Rong at the beginning, but now they hate it No matter how thorough, what made them most angry was that Xu Rong married Zhang Xiaofei without their permission, which made them feel a sense of anger and humiliation of being betrayed.

This feeling of unwillingness and anger quickly swept across the entire Internet, and gradually evolved into cyber violence against Zhang Xiaofei.

Jin Fangfang's initial development plan was not like this. Xu Rong would get married, but definitely not now, let alone in the current form.

In her initial prediction, getting married would be the biggest turning point in Xu Rong's career. A flamboyant playboy who was full of gossips all day long, after meeting the most important woman in his life, he suddenly decided to turn his back on his evil ways and turn his prodigal son back. .

Putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha on the ground is the virtue of "surviving the seven-level buoyancy" in the traditional cognition of the people, and Xu Rong can also reverse the mixed image of the past in one fell swoop, and win the audience's great favor. Set off.

However, because Xu Rong joined Renyi in 09, and was selected into the 27-man squad at the Feitian Awards Ceremony, a series of events completely disrupted her plan, and those publicity strategies formulated in the past were also completely stranded, resulting in today's Passive situation.

The unparalleled and powerful appeal that is gender-neutral and covers all ages has always been the cornerstone of Xu Rong's huge commercial value. It can lead Chinese artists with the second annual income, relying on its appeal among the elderly and young people force.

The reason for this is that "The Dark Whistle of Yangcheng" and "Harbin Under the Night" that he became famous in the first place are outright idol dramas, especially Wang Yimin, whose hairstyle has not been messed up from beginning to end, has gathered a large number of young people for him. Fans especially female fans.

And this group is precisely the group that disagreed with Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei being together from the very beginning.

Her Jin Fangfang is one of them.

If it was normal, she would have rushed to the company immediately, but at the moment she is not in a good mood, nor is she feeling well.

As for the solution?

Marriage is an established fact. Controversy and disengagement are also problems that cannot be solved through public relations. Xu Rong chooses to announce the marriage news, and he will inevitably lose a group of fanatical female fans who still have fantasies. In the current situation, they have already done it. Well prepared.

Although it is a pity, it is also time to throw off the burden and travel lightly.

Xu Rong now has a huge group of movie fans. This part of the fan group that he relied on for survival in the early days has far less positive effects than possible negative effects. If this is the case, it is better to keep silent and wait for the storm to subside.

Xu Rong got to know the situation a little later, when he was eating dinner, he noticed Xiao Zhang's emotional abnormality, he just thought that she was too excited to get the certificate today, and she was emotionally disturbed, until she suddenly hugged him and cried "wow" before going to bed at night, Only then did he understand what was going on.

In the past, he was rarely influenced by comments on the Internet. Brother Huang Xiaoming paid so much attention to the comments on the Internet that he was even mentally disturbed.

But sitting at the head of the bed, looking at Xiao Zhang's classmate's Weibo full of vicious and abusive private messages, he just felt a rush of heat rushing straight to his forehead.

For the first time, he discovered that there were such a group of lunatics among his fans.

He put down the phone, turned around, hugged Xiao Zhang into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." In the darkness, classmate Xiao Zhang sobbed softly, "I, I thought it would be fine if they scolded me, but when they got married, even, even for your sake, they would Bless us."

Hearing Xiao Zhang's deep voice, Xu Rong's body froze.

He always thought that he protected her well.

(End of this chapter)

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