I'm just an actor

Chapter 409 Strategy

Chapter 409 Strategy
The night was filled with silence.

Xu Rong is very satisfied with the property he bought. Although it is not top-notch in terms of size or location, it is far away from the downtown area and the houses are all single-family. It is relatively quiet on weekdays, but people come and go, and there is no lack of popularity. The most important thing is What's more, this is the common property of him and Xiao Zhang's classmate.

If it wasn't for this, he would have been unable to resist the urge to change rooms.

Xu Rong gently hugged Xiao Zhang, who was breathing steadily and slowly, but didn't feel sleepy at all. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling in the darkness.

He has always thought that he is a pure actor, and his fans only like his works, not himself.

It wasn't until today that he realized that he had taken it for granted. In the early days, his professional ability was not outstanding. At that time, he was able to quickly become famous. Firstly, he was standing in the air of the spy war, and secondly, because of his own appearance. Maybe it's just the opposite in essence. Firstly, it's his handsome appearance, and secondly, he's standing at the forefront of the spy war.

Because in real terms, "Harbin Under the Night", which allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the front line, is called Spy War, but in essence it is an idol drama through and through.

He didn't know until today that Xiao Zhang's life has not been as happy as he imagined.

The cost of cursing and slandering others is almost zero. It only needs to "crack" on the keyboard to release the bottomless evil. harm.

After he became a little bit famous, there was never a shortage of his attackers and critics on the Internet. At first, he was also troubled by this, but later he gradually thought about it. There is really no need to care about a group of maggot-like creatures released through the Internet. Malicious, but every time he sees such vicious criticism, attacks, and abuse, he can't remain indifferent, and it is inevitable that some sadness and contempt will arise in his heart.

"First of all, don't be afraid to spend money. If you don't spend money, you won't be able to pass the hurdle. You need to let the audience realize that I am just an ordinary person. Although I have a lot of money, it is all legal income. As for the so-called character design, it is all fake. Yes, they are all illusions used by other agencies to deceive the audience, but I am a special case, a real actor, a good actor who never creates a persona."

"It's all right."

About a minute later, Zhang Lin's panicked voice came from the phone: "Mr. Xu, if you send it like this, all the conflicts will be concentrated on you, causing further loss of fans, and ultimately seriously hurting your commercial value. "

Although the vast majority of women did not mention money, their words, frowns and smiles were mixed with the breath and brilliance of RMB ink. The sight they cast on him seemed to be not looking at a real person, but a Stacks of brand new banknotes.

Replace the label of "high-quality idol" with the label of "loved wife".

Occasionally, he would also think, if he met Xiao Zhang now, would he still get together?
He is not sure about the answer, because nowadays, many women he meets are so gentle, beautiful, and so warm and cheerful.

"It's okay, Teacher Xu."

Other measures are just to minimize the impact of this transfer of contradictions on their own commercial value.

Xu Rong brought the topic back to the business again: "Do you think this is okay?"

The phone suddenly fell into a strange silence, and Jin Fangfang and Zhang Lin heard the dissatisfaction in Xu Rong's tone.

But now the online violence against Xiao Zhang is unacceptable. When he opened the endless vicious cursing private messages just now, he wished he could go along the network cable and strangle him to death.

A group of people who also have strong purchasing power and are equally irrational.

Xu Rong listened to the voice of "rustle" taking notes from the phone, and after a pause, he said, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

Different from Zhang Lin's way of fighting for forgiveness as much as possible, Xu Rong's way of thinking is just the opposite. Since there is little hope of winning, then at the expense of this group of fans, try to win the support of another group.

"After this open letter is issued, I will immediately stand on the opposite side of these crazy fans, and some of the statements about flaunting wealth will also make the public look on coldly and become the target of public criticism. Zhang Lin, you have to do a good job in the follow-up publicity work. , This point is very important, traditional media and Internet trolls work together, and those who need me to come forward call me."

After finally coaxing Xiao Zhang to sleep, he got up lightly. Between Xiao Zhang and his fanatical fans, his emotional inclination is absolute, and they are against the cyber violence initiated by Xiao Zhang. tolerated.

Jin Fangfang continued to remain silent, she knew very well that what Xu Rong did was to attract the contradiction from Zhang Xiaofei to himself.

Xu Rong clicked on the email, browsed through it, and asked, "Who wrote this?"

"Will the audience realize that this is also a kind of human setting?"

From the state of the voices of the two, Xu Rong confirmed his guess. Neither Jin Fangfang nor Zhang Lin looked like they had just woken up. They were probably busy with work and didn't notice the phone call, so they answered it a little late, so they went straight to the point Authentic: "You must have understood the situation on the Internet, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Although other people of the same generation are still far away from Xu Rong, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. Once people see the hope of surpassing, the company behind those people will be desperate.

After he became famous, he met many women who wanted to marry him, and were even willing to be his lover. Many of them had more beautiful faces and better figures than Xiao Zhang.

Xu Rong gently rubbed the center of her eyebrows, and waited for the noise on the phone to disappear, and said, "Sorry, it's so late, I disturbed your rest."

Older young women and married women.

Life is like this, how to grow without going through wind and rain.Life is short, and happiness is the most important thing.I just appeared in your world when you needed it.You also get happiness that you can't get normally, don't you?Feelings are just a fleeting moment, as long as people are still there, feelings can be cultivated when they are gone!The most important thing right now is not to chase stars blindly, but to care for yourself and your family. Come on, don't be discouraged!
Finally, I wish you all a happy new year!I hope everyone can develop well in the new year, make good money, and stop wasting energy on useless efforts like cyberbullying me or my family!
After Xu Rong finished writing, he went through it again, and after confirming that it was correct, he picked up his mobile phone and held a conference call.

Zhang Lin is a professional in publicity. After hearing Xu Rong's series of ideas, she immediately guessed that it was almost inseparable, and said, "Mr. Xu, you are really amazing."

He can accept their criticism, abuse and even curse, because it is these people who constitute the cornerstone of his success, but Xiao Zhang did not offend them.

"Teacher Xu."


"Don't discuss risks now. For anything, the lower the risk, the lower the return." Xu Rong said, and sent a screenshot of the manuscript he wrote to the two of them, "This time follow my thinking."

On the other hand, what makes him feel most commendable is that Xiao Zhang has also experienced ridicule and blows, and has money that ordinary people can't spend in a few lifetimes, but she can always maintain a positive, optimistic, pure and honest attitude. simple.

"Okay, Teacher Xu."

"Ms. Xu, it's me. Is there any problem?" Zhang Lin's slightly nervous voice came from the phone.

The fans' anger needs to be vented. Since Zhang Xiaofei can't be on it, all he can do is to carry these contradictions, abuse, and controversies by himself.

I'm just an ordinary person, and you don't think about how such a perfect person could exist, how could such a perfect person who only exists in fairy tales exist, and how could it be possible to become your husband.

But unfortunately, when he had nothing, the only woman like this was classmate Zhang, and when he was about to die, only classmate Zhang was by his side.

After thinking for about ten minutes, he put his hands on the keyboard and wrote slowly:
A letter from Xu Rong to all fans.

Although getting married won't hurt Xu Rong's vitality, but because of the loss of fanatic fans, its commercial value will inevitably decrease. Neither Xu Rong nor they can accept this result.


But the vast majority of artists are often overwhelmed by a malicious comment on the Internet for a long time. The harm to people is much higher than physical bullying, especially when a tide is formed, it is harmful to people's spirit. The harm is no less than stabbing a sharp blade at the victim's vitals, because the essence of the two is the same, they both kill people, just like senior brother Huang Xiaoming today.

And he heard from classmate Xiao Zhang that some extreme people would change different accounts every day and curse her through private messages: Why aren't you dead yet, you ugly bastard? ? ?

Suddenly, there was a cry of a child and Zhang Lin's urgent and suppressed urging voice on the phone, and soon, it returned to calm.

"it is good."

"No, I understand."

The way the incident was handled did not exceed his expectations, mainly calling on crazy fans to exercise restraint and respect his personal privacy.

After a while, Jin Fangfang said: "This is the solution with the least risk."

He wants to rape these crazy women online.

"So for me, they are no different from burdens now."

While waiting for the meeting to be connected, he glanced at the lower right corner of the computer. It was only [-]:[-]. Jin Fangfang and Zhang Lin must have been unable to sleep because of the turbulent public opinion on the Internet.

Because once Xu Rong is replaced, it means huge benefits.


"Are you still sleeping? Take him away quickly, I'm in a meeting!"

No matter idols, idols or veteran cadres, the persona is a complete scam. Remember not to trust the persona in the future. Belief in the persona will suffer big losses. There is no gold and no one is perfect.In the eight years since I have been in the business, all my personal high consumption including top-level suites, catering, entertainment and Xiao Zhang’s various Hermes are all due to your hard work. This may be just a small lesson for some of you, but for others One might think that I cheated on your affections.Don't be too sad, you have to look forward in life, I don't lie to your feelings, and others lie to you, not to mention that I have never avoided the existence of Xiao Zhang, it's just that you don't believe it.

Because this group of people may turn their heads to pursue other idols, one increase and one decrease will narrow the gap between others and Xu Rong.

Hello everyone!I'm actor Xu Rong!Thank you fans for your company in the past eight years. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish all fans and friends a happy new year!

But the actual situation now is that these crazy fans have been raging Xiao Zhang on the Internet, which has seriously interfered with his life.

First of all, my wife Xiao Zhang and I live a very good life and are in good health. Once again, I sincerely thank all fans and friends for their support and trust!
Fans and friends who have resentment against me, please stop disturbing my wife. I have temporarily kept her mobile phone. No matter how much you scold her, attack her, or abuse her online, she will not be able to see her anymore.

"Secondly, I want to popularize the reasons for my tantrum to the people who don't know the truth, and I must let the people who eat melons understand the cyber violence Xiao Zhang has suffered and the harm of cyber violence. I will take Xiao Zhang to the psychological department of the hospital at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. , you arrange for the media to take pictures, this time you must win the sympathy of the entire network, mobilize the power of the public, and go against these Internet mobs, by the way, especially pay attention to taking photos of Xiao Zhang's wrists, she just wanted to cut her wrists to commit suicide , was stopped by me."

Jin Fangfang immediately said: "Just now I asked Zhang Lin to make a plan, please take a look and send an email?"

If there is such a person who treats Xiao Zhang in reality, he must eliminate this person physically or psychologically.

"Third, when I become the target of public criticism, I must guide public opinion at this time. Everything I do is to protect my wife. This is very, very important. I must not be allowed to stand alone on the opposite side of those crazy fans. "

Jin Fangfang and Zhang Lin were silent. They could already guess what Xu Rong was going to say next. organized.

The main reason why artists rarely commit suicide is that he is surrounded by a team of managers and assistants. Once they find that they are mentally abnormal, they will immediately take them to see a psychiatrist.

"You haven't slept yet?"

The women he meets now seem to be better than classmate Xiao Zhang, but they are unpredictable. Just like what he said to Yuan Wei at the beginning, he is not sure. Will there be a fuller one?

Putting on his pajamas, he came to the study and opened his notebook. He sat at the table and looked at the blank word. He tried his best to forget the countless insulting private letters and comments he had just seen. He was outraged, but Never be controlled by anger.

Hearing the surprised voices of the two, Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief and said, "She's fine now, don't worry."

That's right, I'm really married, I just got the certificate this morning.So friends who plan to and are attacking, cursing, and cursing Xiao Zhang on the Internet don’t need to worry about it anymore. Your organized and purposeful cyber violence is just being taken by some people for your money. Don’t do any more useless work. .

Of course Xu Rong understood this, and said: "I know, this is also the reason why I called you to the meeting, let me talk about my thoughts, first of all, according to industry research, this kind of crazy fans are indeed the most loyal among my supporters group, but at present, their existence has hindered my development, I am an actor, not an idol, and to be honest, this group has limited influence on the box office and ratings, and with their crazy behavior, their existence It will only cause me to be resented by the public."

"No, because my speech is very angry, even extreme. Generally speaking, the human design is not created in this way."

Two extremely energetic voices came from the phone one after another.

It was a quality that he himself did not have and could not have, and it was extremely rare even among older women he had met.

"Okay, let's do it according to this. If there are other emergencies, report to Fangfang." Xu Rong paused, "Fangfang stay."

"Okay, then, Mr. Xu, goodbye."

"See you."

Listening to the deep silence in the microphone, Xu Rong let out a heavy breath, and then he had to talk about Jin Fangfang's question.

(End of this chapter)

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