I'm just an actor

Chapter 410 Suicide

Jin Fangfang's attitude today is very problematic. It's not that she doesn't have any amendments or comments on the plan proposed by Zhang Lin, but an attitude of doing nothing.

During the discussion just now, Xu Rong had already noticed that Jin Fangfang barely participated in any discussion, as if he didn't exist at all.

If it was Zhang Lin, he would not leave her to chat alone, he would just pretend that what happened today had never happened, not because he felt guilty for calling them up late at night, but to give her another chance.

He also knew that when he picked them up in the middle of the night, although the two of them didn't have any complaints, they must have complained in their hearts.

But when they reach their income level, they no longer regard work simply as a job to support their families, but treat it as a career. If they have a clear concept of going to and from work, how can they do business? ? !
Classmate Xiao Zhang always said that he was becoming more and more like a black-hearted capitalist, guessing that Zhang Lin and the others scolded him harder in private.

In essence, it is not as simple as they see it. He just reminds Zhang Lin and these employees of a simple truth all the time.

The essence of capital is exploitation. Don't be fooled by the small favors in front of you. You must unswervingly move towards communism.

He is a staunch Marxist, and he will never exploit for the sake of exploitation. Those who say he is a black-hearted capitalist just cannot understand his good intentions.

After Zhang Lin withdrew, Xu Rongbin's tone became much gentler, and he said, "I heard from Yaqin that you won't go home for the New Year this year?"

He started chatting about homework, and Jin Fangfang had been with him for four or five years, so he knew very well what he valued and what he hated.

Zhang Lin was awakened by the taxi driver's reminder, raised her head in astonishment, saw the office building on one side, and was stunned for two seconds before saying: "Okay thank you, how much is it master?"

As the person in charge of the studio's publicity department, she knew very well that even a single word error would lead to vastly different results.

After the laughter stopped, Jin Fangfang seemed to forget the previous topic and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Like herself.

As if afraid that Xu Rong would not understand what she said, she added: "They scolded Xiao Zhang so much."


Especially the words "I don't lie to your feelings, and others lie to you." While exposing the entertainment industrialization model, they also completely stood on the opposite side of the fans.

While taking a taxi to the company, Zhang Lin sat in the back of the taxi, holding the computer, and read the open letter from Xu Rong word for word.

Xu Rong paused, and said earnestly: "As for you, on the contrary, I really can't bear to watch you go out to suffer, so I just want to keep you by my side and take care of you. We earn less, but we don’t have to suffer, do we? People outside are so sinister, not to mention Chang Jihong and Wang Jinghua, which one was kicked away after being used?!”

"Fangfang, if you..."

The phone suddenly fell silent. Jin Fangfang was very aware of Xu Rong's usual little habits. If Xu Rong said just now, "Let's have dinner at home during the Chinese New Year.", she would refuse without hesitation, because it means that he is just polite, and Invite her halfheartedly.

Xu Rong asked three times in a conditioned reaction, causing the phone to fall into a short silence again. After the question, he himself was stunned for a while, and then said: "I'm sorry to disturb your rest so late."

The silence continued.

Can the manuscript written by Xu Rong be changed?
She didn't know for sure, because she had too little contact with Xu Rong and hadn't figured out his temper, but she believed in her professional judgment more. As for whether to use it in the end, Jin would always make up her mind.

Although Xu Rong smiled, he definitely couldn't wear a hat: "If you think so, you really misunderstood me. Can I appreciate the thousands of dollars Xu Xing earns in a year?"

But he couldn't let his wife go there. If it wasn't for his wife's sudden increase in income, they would still be crowded in that small house of fifty square meters.

Xu Rong laughed twice, and said: "You don't have anything to say, it's so late, go to bed early."

"Hehe." Jin Fangfang smiled very abruptly, "But in essence, you are talking to them."

"But will it make a big difference?"

"I'm not going back, I'm going to press for a blind date again." Jin Fangfang didn't seem to be interested in chatting, and because of Zhang Lin's departure, she didn't even hide her emotions anymore.

She instinctively thought that this paragraph could not be sent out. Xu Rong could oppose some of his fans. In order to protect Teacher Xiao Zhang, he stood on the opposite side of those people. Vocabulary, it is easy to make the majority of netizens who generally think that "being rich" must be "unkind" feel uncomfortable.

"This group of fans did not help me much in the development of the film market. The film has no box office, and everything I say is useless."

"Are you going to criticize me?" Before Xu Rong could speak, she interrupted him with a smile, "Why?"

"It's been a while. It's a test tube made in Hong Kong. But when the year-end bonus is issued next time, don't deduct an extra 60 from me because of my improper attitude."

At this time, Zhang Lin bid farewell to her helpless husband and crying child, and rushed out of the house with her computer and mobile phone in her arms. Send me a thick quilt and toiletries tomorrow."

"Actually, I did it to train her to grow up. People in their twenties have to suffer a little to realize that life is not easy."

After a moment of hesitation, Jin Fangfang said in a very low and weak voice, "I'm pregnant."

"When did it happen?"

"Are you afraid that you will become Han Geng?" Jin Fangfang understood Xu Rong's worries. As the "big trend" that has risen in the past two years, and the super top in the entertainment industry today, Han Geng's "The Great Wusheng" starring last year taught him a solid lesson Investors.

If the ability is not strong, you can do repetitive office work, but if the attitude is not correct, the stronger the ability, the greater the risk.

When she read it for the third time, "In the eight years since I have been in the industry, all my personal high consumption including top-level suites, catering, entertainment, and Xiao Zhang's various Hermes are all due to your hard work. A little lesson, for others may think that I have cheated your feelings." During this sentence, the silently opened and closed lips stopped.

In fact, he already got the answer he needed, and he expressed dissatisfaction with Jin Fangfang, of course, not to listen to her reasons, which can be made up by lip-synch, what he wants is the attitude represented by "sorry".

"I said you don't mind, although you are a few years older than me, I have always regarded you as my own sister in the past few years, just like Xu Xing"

Jin Fangfang did not immediately answer Xu Rong's doubts after the sudden pause. She was not angry when Xu Rong left her to criticize, but she was a little unaccustomed to this sudden concern, and she was a little curious about how he Do psychological construction to explain this concern.

As Liu Yanming predicted in the past, the past 2011 was a year of far-reaching impact on the entire entertainment industry. Han Geng's success provided a standard template for major domestic economic companies.

Jin Fangfang is also a human being, so it is normal to have emotions, but how could she bring her emotions into her work?
This is unreasonable.

It's not fair to think about it.

"I'm not in a good mood today, and I'm not feeling well either."


"Basically, I have always had a misunderstanding, that is, I always think that I don't have this kind of fans who only go around causing trouble, just like ten years later, many people will misunderstand that our era is an era of rational star chasing, but I forgot Zhao Wei ten years ago, Li Yuchun five years ago, and Han Geng today."

Xu Rong let out an "oh" and said, "Then have dinner at home during the Chinese New Year."

She has to read every message posted through the studio and Xu Rong's Weibo account, and will review it word by word.

"Damn it, is Xu Rong crazy? What the hell is he doing?"

It is said that even the rental fee for the equipment was not earned back.

Since preparing for pregnancy, he has paid attention to the matters that women should pay attention to during pregnancy, and even asked Wang Yaqin to make a memo.

In the process of walking back to the room, Xu Rong made up his mind to ask Wang Yaqin to find a nanny for Jin Fangfang tomorrow.

Listening to Jin Fangfang's silence, Xu Rong smiled and said: "What about adding an extra pair of chopsticks, why, do you still treat me as an outsider?"

She saved the word she had typed out when she called the employees to the company to work overtime, and named it "hand letter" in a wicked way, and then created a new page of word, and slowly changed the paragraph that she felt uncomfortable to:
In the entertainment industry, whether idols, idols, young women, or veteran cadres are all complete scams, remember not to trust the persona in the future, trusting the persona will suffer big losses, money is never enough, and no one is perfect.Some people say that my marriage is to deceive the feelings of fans. I really don't bother to refute this kind of statement. If someone insists on thinking this way, it will be a small lesson.

Putting herself in the shoes of others, she felt even more that this paragraph could not be sent out.

Xu Rong closed the computer, picked up the phone, got up and came to the door, "Why are you awake?"


Suddenly, there was a deliberately concealed laugh on the phone, and after a while Jin Fangfang said: "Hey, I found that since you joined Renyi, you have become more and more fluent in speaking like this."

However, since it was Jin Fangfang's first time, he was more surprised than angry.

The call suddenly fell silent.

As for hiring a nanny, it's about the care of the employees. A nanny can cost tens of thousands of yuan, and it's not too cost-effective to spend a hundred thousand to do a good job of caring for Jin Fangfang's employees.

"Pfft." Jin Fangfang smiled abruptly, "Do you want me to earn money for you?"


In fact, she vaguely guessed something, but it was because of this that she felt uneasy. She was worried that he would do something irrational on impulse.

He knew that Jin Fangfang had the ability to handle the incident, but from the handling plan and the silence during the conference call just now, Jin Fangfang's attitude was always negative.

In essence, Jin Fangfang should be regarded as a partner of the company. The reason why she failed to become a partner of the studio is very simple, she has no money.

"Um, pregnant?"

Xu Rong asked bluntly. All along, his attitude towards Jin Fangfang has always been relatively polite. Not to mention most small companies, even the presidents and general managers of many large listed companies in China are scolded by their bosses all day long. It's like the third grandson.

Xu Rong also smiled. Although he didn't know what happened before, he could guess that Jin Fangfang must have had a prejudice against him a few minutes ago.

"Come on, go back to sleep."

After a while, Jin Fangfang's voice came from the phone, saying, "Sorry."

In the living room, the middle-aged man cursed helplessly. He used to think that Xu Rong was a good boss. It wasn't until today that he realized that he was no different from those capitalists.

"I'm angry, but I can't talk to them like an angry youth, can I?"

But she could tell that Xu Rong was not polite.

At a certain moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the door that was pushed open. At the door, Xiao Zhang was standing there quietly in pajamas and with loose hair, and said sleepily, "Mr. Xu, why don't you asleep?"

This is more important than the reason, but the conversation has come to this point, so naturally it can't end so abruptly, so that she can remember better.

Don't be too sad, you have to look forward in life, I don't lie to your feelings, and others lie to you, not to mention that I have never avoided the existence of Xiao Zhang, it's just that you don't want to believe it.

After the meeting, Xu Rong sat on the chair in a daze. Jin Fangfang was pregnant?

However, when he heard the news of Jin Fangfang's pregnancy, while feeling lost in his heart, he couldn't help feeling grateful.

"I had a nightmare." Xiao Zhang rubbed his eyes, "Then I woke up and found that you were not there, so I was even more scared."

At [-]:[-] in the morning, when Xu Rong's studio Weibo account posted "A Letter from Xu Rong to All Movie Fans" late at night, the entire Internet was in an uproar.

"what why?"

Of course he knew why Jin Fangfang followed him, so he only mentioned the matter of introducing her boyfriend to her before. He was very worried that Jin Fangfang would keep staring at him, and that something unpleasant would happen when he got married.

However, judging from the change in Jin Fangfang's attitude, her prejudice seems to have been resolved.

Because every time she saw this sentence, she always felt that she abandoned her family in the middle of the night to let Teacher Xu live in a better suite and let Teacher Xiao Zhang buy more Hermes.

"What's the reason?"

Xu Rong didn't answer her doubts, but said in a half-joking, half-serious tone: "Fangfang, I'm not very satisfied with your performance this time."

"Just confronting my fans? Is Xu Rong joking with her fans?"


As an expert in publicity, Zhang Lin was the one behind Xu Xing's popularity, and she didn't choose to use the account of "actor Xu Rong" to post. Doing so would be tantamount to cutting off her own way out.

If the situation becomes irreversible, firing Li Gen as a "temporary worker" will more or less calm the anger of the majority of netizens.

In the studio, Zhang Lin looked at all the staff in the entire department and Li Gen who came here for unknown reasons, and said, "I'm sorry for calling everyone over so late. First of all, I'd like to inform you that Mr. Endure online violence and commit suicide by cutting your wrists."

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