Chapter 411

"Mr. Zhang committed suicide?"

In view of the fact that the development of the studio is on the right track, and it has five artists Xu Rong, Zhang Xiaofei, Xu Xing, Yuan Yu, and Song Yi, Jin Fangfang unified the internal titles of the studio. The names of the department heads are surname + manager. , the director and other staff members are collectively referred to as surname + teacher.

Including Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei.

The names of the studios were unified, but Jin Fangfang's exclusive title of "Mr. Jin" did not spread, and was replaced by another alias.

Sima Fangfang.

In the past, Xiao Zhang was called in various ways in the studio. Those who were closer, such as Xu Xing and Li Gen, usually called "sister-in-law", while Jin Fangfang, who knew each other earlier, called her by her first name. In comparison, Zhang Yang The name is more unique.

Ma'am, a word she often used when working in the previous property company.

As for Zhang Lin and others, some called "Teacher Zhang", some called "Sister Xiaofei" when they met, and some called "Sister Zhang".

Until the wedding of Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang approached, a new title became popular in the studio, the proprietress.

She couldn't understand at all, Xu Rong cut off from her loyal fan base, is she ready to run all the way to the road of "artist"?
After thinking for a long time, she couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter.

While Yang Mi was preparing to go to Xu Rong's house, in the living room on the second floor, Wang Yaqin, with her hair loose, took a notebook and quickly recorded Xu Rong's instructions.

Xu Rong also looked at Yang Mi in astonishment, and asked, "Do you think this is a normal phenomenon?"

In the entertainment circle, this watershed has to be lowered by ten years, which is considered the dividing line.

It was almost eleven o'clock when Yang Mi saw Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang, and she arrived at Xu Rong's home after nine o'clock, but they went to the hospital.

"Secondly, everything Teacher Xu does is to protect Teacher Xiao Zhang. Zeng Youguang, you follow up on this matter. The form is similar to that of Zhang Rui."

Zhang Lin shook her head and said, "Teacher Xu's idea is to refer to Han Geng's fans. You don't have to like him, but please shut up. Once you say it, immediately organize people to carry out cyber violence."

Xu Rong didn't expect what happened to classmate Xiao Zhang, because she drove really steadily, the kind of grandpa who sat in the car with peace of mind.

Xiao Zhang turned his head and stared at him angrily: "Are you still laughing?"

After Zhang Lin was stunned for a moment, she said, "You help me review the manuscripts they wrote. From the perspective of a netizen, is it okay?"

Yang Mi pointed to her wrist and said, "The Internet talks about you."

Early the next morning, when Yang Mi turned on her mobile phone and saw that Weibo and forums were almost listed by Xu Rong, she couldn't help but froze on the bedside.

"Now what we have to think about is not the cost issue, but the boss is very angry, you understand what I mean?"

Xiao Zhang sighed helplessly.

Of course, if Xu Rong arranges it in private, she can be sure immediately that the child must belong to him, and she doesn't even have the courage to let Teacher Xiao Zhang know, so why bother?
After leaving the door, Wang Yaqin sighed helplessly. She actually hoped that the child belonged to Teacher Xu, otherwise Sister Fangfang would be really pitiful.

Zhang Lin looked at Li Gen in surprise. She hadn't seen him for two months, and she felt that Li Gen seemed to be a completely different person.

But as Xu Rong's assistant, she knew clearly that that child could not belong to Teacher Xu.

A person in the studio who spread bad things about Teacher Xu behind his back has been fired by Jin Fangfang.

For example, she didn't come to the studio easily, and even if she came, she never asked a word about the specific affairs of the studio except to say hello to everyone.

That's right, many people in the studio think Mr. Zhang is very sober.


She used to be confused about why Xu Rong always said that Jin Fangfang was good and that was bad, but after following Xu Rong for a long time, she gradually understood, because if he always said that Jin Fangfang was good at this and that, she would be excellent in another way. She is Teacher Xiao Zhang, and she has already blown her hair.

The five people who were still yawning suddenly regained their spirits. Last year they successfully launched Xu Xing, everyone in the Propaganda Department made a big contribution, and the year-end bonus was increased by [-] on the original basis.

As the second top actress in the entertainment industry today, she is very aware that there is only one reason for this situation, that is, someone is manipulating public opinion.

Zhang Lin looked at everyone leaning back into their chairs, and said, "So, I declare that before the incident completely subsides, about a week or so, we will face a tough battle. Our task is only one, to eliminate all threats to Xiao Zhang. The teacher's unfavorable voice."

The experience of these two days made him gradually understand the meaning of "there are many beautiful, good-looking and active women in this world, but love is a luxury".

Wrapped in a down jacket, Li Gen sat aside in a daze. At this time, only fifty hours had passed since the finale of the banquet.

Strong winds always start at the end of Qingping, and qualitative changes are often the result of quantitative changes. If he chooses to remain silent, apologize and even fabricate some lies this time, then this part of the fan base will only get worse in the future.

Jin Fangfang’s choice of time point can’t help but make people fully diverge their thinking and think about some rumors in the past. They will not be unified sooner or later, and they will not be unified until the title of “Boss Lady” gradually spreads. His actions will inevitably remind people of Jin Taizu .

For example, she didn't even want to take a second look at hot topics such as "Zhang Xiaofei committed suicide by cutting his wrist" and "Xu Rong angered fans".

"In the past, you posted some stupid, naive, and emotional remarks on Weibo every day. Now, do you dare? Does the capital behind you allow it? Do your fans allow it?"

Although Teacher Xu doesn't have a mother, and Teacher Xiao Zhang doesn't have a mother-in-law, she is convinced by Teacher Xu's skills and level.

As for Xu Rong, an actor who has been famous for many years, how could it be possible to break the defense because of netizens' remarks?
What made her unbelievable was, why did Xu Rong do this?
That was the basis for him to control the "post-80s No.1", but today, he wants to destroy his foundation with his own hands.

Influenced by Xu Rong, she also learned how he evaluates others, judging a person not by what he says, but by what he does.

Wang Yaqin memorized Xu Rong's request with a "swish" and looked up from time to time at Xu Rong who was "bandaging" Mr. Zhang's wrist, feeling completely speechless.

Everything shows that Mr. Xu has a ghost in his heart.

"Oh, no." Xiao Zhang shook his head and fell headlong on the sofa.

But his dress is still the same, and his hairstyle is still short, but it seems to be more, more mature.

In the past, even if Li Gen had this idea, he would only say "Manager Zhang, what about me?" instead of asking in the way just now.

A few hours ago, Wang Yaqin told him that there will be a watershed in women's values ​​around the age of 28. Before the age of 28, the cornerstone of their world is made of rainbows, and after the age of 28, the cornerstone of their world is inlaid with gold.

As for the relationship between Xu Rong and Jin Fangfang, she was a little guessing in her heart, just like when everyone complained about Teacher Xu, she would never speak in front of Sister Fangfang, and she would never say that Jin Fangfang was wrong.


Xu Rong usually always complains about Jin Fangfang's short stature, high vision, inexplicable self-confidence, all the money spent on clothes, and being very lazy, etc. It seems that in his eyes, Jin Fangfang has no advantages at all, but in He has never been vague about money, care and trust.

"You must find a nanny with rich experience. I remember that she still has a cleanliness habit. You have to discuss this with her in advance, so don't turn around and do bad things with good intentions."

"Manager Zhang, do you think there is anything I can do?" After Zhang Lin finished assigning tasks to everyone present, Li Gen looked at Zhang Lin.

What puzzled her was that when the two actually met, they got along in the same way as most bosses and employees, and they even believed this kind of relationship most of the time.

Zhang Lin glanced at the six unbelievable faces, and nodded firmly. Although she did not believe that Mr. Zhang, who was generally considered sober in the world by her colleagues, would commit suicide, it was Mr. Xu's original words after all. If the general agrees, she can't change it without authorization.

"However, the cost will be very high. This work was originally done by this group. In the past, they were the pioneers, organized and planned to counter other comments that were unfavorable to Teacher Xu."

Seeing the gauze on Xiao Zhang's wrist and her sleepy expression, Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and said, "You won't be serious?"

Because once you become top class, you may unintentionally become some people's white gloves.

"The post just posted is a formal declaration of war against this group of people."

At this time, although she was remembering seriously, but combined with the past rumors and the tacit understanding between the two, he was extremely suspicious of who this child belonged to.

"Manager Zhang, I have a doubt, clear it?" An employee raised his hand, "We can't sue them, can we?"

"It will only cause me trouble every day, and I don't say anything in advance when I do the test tube, so that I can be mentally prepared. You said that when she gives birth, the studio is such a mess, who do I ask to host it?"

Facing everyone's shocked and puzzled gazes, Zhang Lin waited for a while before saying, "Fortunately, Teacher Xu found out in time and stopped it."

If last year's "The Great Wusheng" starring Han Geng even made a dime, Xu Rong would still have to say whether he is the number one actor in the Chinese entertainment industry today.

Well, no wonder you gave her so much money? !
Whether this is good or that is good, the relationship is still so close, you just can live with it.

"There are three specific measures. First, popularize the harm suffered by Mr. Zhang. Zhang Rui is responsible for this. You must write at least [-] kinds of 'comments' of different lengths and hand them over to the navy for use."

It seems that things are done aboveboard, but it is obvious that there is no silver 300 taels here.

And there is no airs that a proprietress should have.

Xu Rong also knew that in the eyes of most people, his reaction was too extreme, but Rome was not built in a day, and the embankment of a thousand miles is often destroyed by ant nests.

And he's not without competitors.

He didn't call Zhang Lin, but he took the initiative to call Jin Fangfang after seeing the controversy on the Internet.

Before Xu Rong died, Zhang Xiaofei would not commit suicide. According to her logic, if she died, which vixen would be cheaper.

But Yu Xu Rong is relatively simple, he does not want to passively live as an idol in the hearts of fans, he apologizes at every turn, and declares at every turn.

"It doesn't focus on the product, but uses marketing propaganda to attract the blind worship of groups who lack the ability to speculate with various false personalities."

Yang Mi laughed for a long time before saying: "I see that the Internet is full of news about you, what's going on?"

She got up quickly, and she happened to be going to help Xu Rong's house later, and she would know everything when she asked.


In this grotesque industry, its birth, growth, especially the length of shelf life, is positively related to wealth.

Because she is not as harsh as Sima Fangfang, and she is not as far away from everyone as Teacher Xu. Even if she smiles at others, Teacher Xu's smile always makes people feel that something is missing, but her smile is very sunny , which makes people feel good at first glance.

The manager of a studio has an annual income of tens of millions. It is true that as Xu Rong's agent, this income is reasonable, but the question is, does Xu Rong really need an agent?
And the salary of tens of millions, based on the current scale of the studio, means that all the income is given to Jin Fangfang alone, so that all other expenses are borne by Xu Rong himself.

Now there is an ant nest, do you want to block it?

When asked by Xu Rong, Yang Mi lost her confidence, her voice sank a little, and she said, "Everyone is like this, isn't it right?"

Xu Rong explained with a smile: "When she was going out in the morning, she drove the car, but she was caught by the traffic police when she pressed the line. She was very unconvinced when it was over, but when she came back, it was the traffic police who caught her running the red light at the same place. At that time, the big brother of the traffic policeman was stunned, hahaha."

And it is precisely this group of crazy fans who are the main force and death squad that suppresses Han Geng's fan base.

"Manager Zhang, can you stop talking so out of breath?"

Within a few days, at Jin Fangfang's request, Zhang Yang revised the workplace code of conduct in the studio, and made clear requirements for addressing.


"You mean, you're going to cut off with this group of loyal fans?" She felt that there was something wrong with her comprehension ability. Isn't the number of loyal fans a measure of an artist's core competitiveness? !
But Xu Rong used the word "cutting" to describe it, as if this group had become his burden.

"Actually, this is still secondary. Don't talk about Han Geng and you now, just talk about Zhao Wei ten years ago and Li Yuchun five years ago. You established support clubs and fan organizations, but have you ever considered who is behind the scenes?" Control who?"

"Scared me."

But it is precisely because of this that she maintains a higher evaluation than Xu Rong in the studio.

"no problem."

Seeing that no one asked any more questions, Zhang Lin said, "The division of labor is still the old rule. Mr. Jin said that she will give each of us a big credit for winning this battle."

Yang Mi was stunned, she finally knew why Xu Rong cut off from this fan group.

Xu Rong roughly explained the situation, and then the two looked at each other suspiciously.

Zhang Lin looked serious, and said: "Although Mr. Zhang is not in danger, Mr. Xu is very angry about the behavior of some fans on the Internet who violently abused Mr. Zhang."

"Don't think that what is common is right." Xu Rong rationally stopped his plan to preach, and explained, "I heard last year that someone suggested that the management department of the publicity outlet should cooperate with the Sanxingyi to investigate some things that obviously have no market appeal. A very well paid artist."

Seeing Yang Mi who was in a daze, Xu Rong smiled and said, "Now, do you still think I overreacted?"

Otherwise, why didn't he arrange for himself to hire a nanny in private?
Why must this matter be arranged in front of Mr. Zhang?

"Third, the remaining three people follow up separately"

"It's the first time I've received a ticket since the day after I registered." She said, pursing her lips again, "As a result, I got two tickets in one morning."

He has no doubt that if one day Ziguang Pavilion and Renri criticize him for his bad acting in a certain play, today's fans of Internet savage Xiao Zhang will rush to blast Ziguang Pavilion and even set themselves on fire.

There are mistakes, and no matter how high the professional level is, it will inevitably be dragged down by the script, and it will inevitably be abnormal.

These people are called fans, but they are actually more hateful than their peers.

The peers just want to block him, but these people want to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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