I'm just an actor

Chapter 412 Sleeping

Chapter 412 Sleeping
Seeing that Xu Rong got into the study shortly after arriving home, Yang Mi frowned and looked at Xiao Zhang, who had moved from the sofa in the living room to the sofa in the living room, and asked, "Is Xu Rong always like this? few?"

"Not at all!"

Xiao Zhang became even angrier when he mentioned this: "He has an appointment for dinner at noon, and he has to go to the clubhouse to talk about the script in the afternoon, so he is hiding on purpose now."

"Go to the clubhouse?"

"Talk about the script?"

Yang Mi choked on the information provided by classmate Zhang. Seeing classmate Zhang's gloomy expression, she hurriedly persuaded her: "You have to trust Xu Rong, he is definitely not that kind of person."

"I know!" Classmate Xiao Zhang slammed the sofa under his butt, "I'm angry because he never said he would take me with him!"


Yang Mi was completely shocked by her brain circuit, and after staring at her for a while, they both laughed abruptly and in unison: "Hahaha, so that's what you're angry with, hahaha goose goose goose."

Yang Mi also lay on the sofa, looking at classmate Xiao Zhang, smiling and feeling uncontrollably at the same time, even though she has graduated for three years, she has hardly changed at all, no matter the luster of her skin or the color of her eyes.

"Miss Zhang, I'm coming."

"Aunt Wang, where's Miss Zhang?"

"It's upstairs."

"Okay, I'll go up first."

Song Yi's voice came from downstairs, and after a while, he ran upstairs on two short legs and arrived at the living room. Seeing that there were only Xiao Zhang and Yang Mi, he asked suspiciously: "Xiao Zhang Miss Zhang, where is Teacher Xu?"

"Here, where's the study." Yang Mi pointed to one side.

"Song Yi, I'm so stupid, really"

Xiao Zhang was about to tell Song Yi about her suffering experience this morning, but was interrupted by Song Yi stretching out a palm, and at the same time turned his head and rushed to the study: "I'll hand in my homework first, and I should forget about it in a while." La."

Classmate Xiao Zhang and Yang Mi looked at each other speechlessly. Because Xu Rong joined the filming group before, her studies also fell a lot. Recently, she is crazy about making up lessons. It is said that she was required to read and recite "Shanglin Fu" years ago. ".

"Are all of you human beings like this?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Xu's teaching method is quite special. To learn from him, you should start with "Historical Records". He said that this way you can lay a firm foundation."

""Historical Records"?" Yang Mi stared at her blankly, "Do you still want to learn "Historical Records" for acting?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu said that if you want to be a good actor, you must read more and read good books."

"Good actor, read more books?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded resolutely: "Of course, the greatest significance of reading is not to tell others the truth, because others will not listen. It’s all hype, but others don’t dare to refute it, and secondly, if you clearly know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do, you can live more calmly.”

"When you can do the second point, you can control the inner world of various types of characters."

Yang Mi was really shocked. She couldn't believe that this college roommate who was laughing all day could say such a reasonable thing.


Yang Mi was about to ask, when she heard the sound of the door opening, she turned to see Song Yi coming out of the study, and subconsciously asked, "Have you finished memorizing?"

They have already learned that "Shanglin Fu" and "Zixu Fu" have a total of 4184 characters, and they are difficult to read, and they should not be read so fast even if they are read.


Seeing the two of them looking at him curiously, Song Yi sighed first, imitating Xiao Zhang's appearance just now: "I'm so stupid, really, I just know that staying up late at night to memorize has no effect, and I will forget it completely. I know I'll forget it in the morning."


While the three of them were laughing and laughing, Li Gen could not help but feel the tense atmosphere in the studio.

The situation appears to have deviated from forecasts.

"Manager Zhang, I can't stand it anymore, I have to recruit another batch of talents."

Zhang Lin stared at the two computers in front of her with a serious face, watching the fierce confrontation on Weibo, and did not immediately make a decision.

She underestimated the base of Xu Rong's loyal fans, and even underestimated the proportion of those who didn't like Teacher Xiao Zhang.

The battle on the Internet began to heat up around nine o'clock in the morning.

Young fanbase wake up!

Especially with the addition of a wave of fresh troops, the crazy fans who had been beaten and thrown away their armor and armor turned out to be as tall as a demon.

Moreover, the battlefield is no longer limited to Weibo. In just a few 10 minutes, the battlefield has spread rapidly from Weibo to post bars, forums and other major domestic portals and communication communities.

In many cases, just saying "Xu Rong **" can instantly detonate the entire community.

As the behind-the-scenes driving force of Xu Xing, who is famous in one hand, she has experienced various difficulties, and she is not intimidated by the battle in front of her. She is hesitating.

There is no difference between a public opinion war and a real war, and it also pays attention to the combination of justice and surprise.

The upright crushing of the past is naturally convincing, but if you first show the enemy's weakness and then turn the defeat into victory, the sensational effect it will cause will be ten times or a hundred times that of the conventional method.

The righteous party was slandered, and almost concluded. When the truth came out, anyone who believed in the comments of crazy fans would inevitably feel more or less guilty towards Mr. Xu.

In the current situation, it is the crazy fans who are slowly gaining the upper hand, and have begun to slander Teacher Xu and Teacher Xiao Zhang by all means.

The abuse of "chaos and abandonment" and "defrauding fans' feelings and money" almost swiped the screen.

Li Gen was not too surprised, and explained in a self-comforting manner: "Actually, the current situation is normal. If they were defeated so easily, my brother would not have suppressed so many celebrities and entertainers in all directions over the past few years. The idol favored by capital?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lin was stunned for a moment, then shook her head lightly, and said, "Don't do it now, wait."

She said, looking at the time, ten o'clock.

The news that Mr. Xu took Mr. Zhang to the hospital should be released soon.

In the corner of a certain TV station's rehearsal hall, a chubby middle-aged man in his 30s watched the trend of public opinion gradually shifting on the Internet. After a moment of daze, he almost jumped up excitedly.

Xu Rong broke up with his loyal fans!

And judging from the current situation, what Xu Rong can finally do is to apologize or even disband the fan support club to appease the fans' anger.

But no matter what strategy is adopted, the collapse of Xu Rong's popularity is an inevitable outcome.


His name is Sun Le, an ordinary but not ordinary agent in the mainland entertainment industry. What is ordinary is that he, like most of his peers, does not have the innate marketing talent of Jin Fangfang and Yang Tianzhen.

What is extraordinary is that he has a very popular artist under him, Han Geng.

It is recognized as the second top stream in the Chinese entertainment industry today.

Yes, this is the definition of Han Geng in the entertainment industry since he returned to China, because Han Geng was born in 1984 and is a post-80s generation.

Regardless of various honors, commercial value, or the combat effectiveness of fans on the Internet, Han Geng has always been at a disadvantage.

Although Sun Le was not reconciled, he could only recognize this "second" by pinching his nose.

It's not that he never thought of organizing a navy to pull Xu Rong off his horse, but after careful consideration, he finally gave up this tempting idea.

He was really a little apprehensive about Xu Rong, a big boss in the circle who could drag people out and send them to prison along the internet.

Even slowly, he has accepted the definition of "second", anyway, he is not one of his own.

And the sudden break between Xu Rong and his fans is like a pie in the sky.

Qin loses its deer, and the world chases it away!

Now, the only one who has the most hope of kicking Xu Rong off the altar of "Post-80s No. 1" is his artist, Han Geng.

At ten o'clock, the news that Xu Rong's wife Zhang Xiaofei committed suicide was stopped by Xu Rong to go to the hospital for psychological consultation.

So far, the majority of people who eat melons have realized Xu Rong's original intention of angering fans.

And the situation of public opinion on the Internet also reversed instantly with the publication of the news.

Sun Le stared blankly at the completely one-sided public opinion, as if struck by lightning.

"Not to mention anything else, Xu Rong is a pure man who dares to turn against fans for his wife."

"I don't know much about him, but his plays are very good-looking and there is no negative news. He should be a good actor."

"So Xu Rong's real state is like this? It feels similar to my husband? But the way he hugs his wife is so loving."


Sun Le gradually discovered that most netizens seemed to be unfamiliar with Xu Rong himself, but they were very familiar with his works.

In particular, the huge number of netizens represented by the turbulent comments made him feel suddenly awakened. He didn't understand the inadequacy of traffic until today.

It cannot remain in the audience's memory for long.

Compared with Han Geng's unlimited announcements, Xu Rong has hardly recorded any programs, nor sang a single song, and even rarely appears in the public's field of vision, but he has always held the throne of traffic.

To be more precise, traffic is just a by-product of his huge influence.

It is also because of having such a huge fan base that Xu Rong can have a dispensable attitude towards traffic, instead of being like himself, everything he does must first consider the feelings of the fan base.

"It's not on the same level at all."

Looking at the latest developments on the Internet, Wang Yaqin couldn't help shouting: "Sister Fangfang, come and see, these people were blown away in one fell swoop."

Jin Fangfang was busy picking out the child's clothes and shoes, so she had no time to pay attention to Wang Yaqin at this time, and asked, "What's the matter?"

They will also see the nanny later.

After Wang Yaqin briefly described the progress of public opinion, seeing that Jin Fangfang didn't answer at all, he asked, "Sister Fangfang, why do you feel that you don't care about this matter?"

"Ah, oh, it's not that I don't care too much. As long as Mr. Xu doesn't violate the law or the bottom line of morality, such as cheating, no one can do anything to him."

"Are you saying Renyi will protect him?"

"No, Renyi is the last talisman." Jin Fangfang looked away from the phone a little bit, "Ms. Xu fell down, and it didn't have much impact on himself. The money he earned is enough to ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life. .”

"But if you think about it, those interested parties, such as CCTV, China Film, Hairun, and Southern Television, all have deep interests tied to Xu Rong. If Xu Rong breaks the law, they will definitely not hesitate. Cut off with him, but we don't need to take action on such a small problem. Once Xu Rong's reputation tends to be damaged, they are more anxious than us, especially China Film, Hairun and Southern TV. Teacher Xu's influence and appeal If it declines, their direct losses will be at least hundreds of millions."

Jin Fangfang hesitated for a moment, and said: "Besides, since he joined Renyi, his network of relationships has become more complicated than before."

Wang Yaqin also feels deeply about this, because every Spring Festival, she spends RMB 60 to [-] just to buy supplements for the elderly, all of which are pulled by truckloads.

But since this year, there have suddenly been a lot more people who came to visit Grandpa Xu, many of whom have never heard of it, and it is said that they are all friends of Teacher Xu.

"So you have to remember." Jin Fangfang picked up the water glass and took a sip, "Our studio is not a marketing-oriented studio, but a resource-based studio. There are not many artists, but the future development potential."

"But Xu Xing and Song Yi, do they have a future?"

"Xu Xing himself has not lived up to expectations. He has been with Teacher Xu for so long, and he hasn't seen any progress. At most, he is only a first-line. As for Song Yi, he has a little bit of everything, and he can't do anything. It's not as good as Xu Xing. However, I guess Teacher Xu signed her for Stabilize the rear."

"Hahaha, I understand."

Wang Yaqin laughed and understood Jin Fangfang's meaning. As an actor, Xu Rong usually joined the group for several months. If someone gossips about Xu Rong in Mr. Zhang's ear every day at this time, it will last forever, and it will inevitably cause a grudge between the two of them. .

The existence of Song Yi has exactly the opposite effect, because Teacher Xu is her teacher.

"Don't look at it, those fans can't become popular."

Xu Rong also understands that this group of crazy fans is actually not too much of his loyal fans, because since he became popular in 07, he has never concealed the existence of Xiao Zhang, and with the expansion of the show, especially "The North Wind That Blows", "Golden Fans", "Latent", and "Before Dawn" have expanded their fan base to all age groups.

Of course, the most important thing is "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law". This drama has attracted many fans of big girls, young daughter-in-laws and aunts and aunts.

After the wind of public opinion was completely reversed, he no longer paid attention to the dynamics on the Internet, but devoted himself to the preparations for the wedding.

After he really participated in it, he realized that although the marriage only lasted half a day, all kinds of trivial matters were exhausting.

"Ms. Xu, Miss Zhang, it's snowing, it's snowing."

At night, when Song Yi dragged Xu Xing to push open the half-closed door of the master bedroom, he saw that the room was pitch black, and Aunt Wang's voice came from downstairs: "The two of them just went out."

"Okay, you didn't call us."

The two of them went out aggressively, and the snowflakes that entered the eyes were numerous. Looking into the distance, the bottom of the black night was all white.

Everything is silent, the lights are like beans, and in the distance, a slim figure is wearing a white down jacket, stepping on snowflakes, standing under the dim light, dancing briskly like a swan.

On the side, Xu Rong stood quietly.

"Hey, at this time, single dogs like us should go back to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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