I'm just an actor

Chapter 413 Sleeping

Pink and green flower strips hang down naturally from high places, dotted with lights among the flowers. The golden iron art and warm lights complement each other. The Nortel Stadium, which has carried the four years of youth and sweat of Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang, is the first time in seven years Once again ushered in the "new couple".

"Xu Rong, you have to shout out loudly. Now is the part of offering tea and changing your mouth. We must ensure that tomorrow's ceremony goes smoothly and become the most unforgettable memory in your life. There is no room for sloppy in any part."

Under Xu Rong's gesture, Wang Han turned his head and looked at the best man group and relatives and friends not far away. After being stunned for a moment, he said angrily and laughed: "You don't Nao, can you finish the process first?"

Xu Rong looked at Wang Lei, Li Gen and others who were the most active among them, and shook his head with a smile. Regardless of how active these guys are today, whether they dare to make such a fuss when the ceremony is officially held tomorrow is probably a matter of debate.

Considering that there will be more guests tomorrow and the ceremony will be more complicated, in order to avoid accidents due to lack of preparation, the wedding planning company specially arranged for the rehearsal to be held on the day before the wedding, which is today.

Originally, Xu Rong planned to invite not many guests, except for some close friends in the film and television industry, only some teachers and colleagues from Renyi, Mandarin, Chinese Opera, and Nortel who often travel.

But the finalized guest list far exceeded his initial estimate.

There were 56 tables in total. To be on the safe side, he prepared [-] tables just in case.

Counting the staff of planning companies and studios, there are nearly 700 people.

A number that Xu Rong can't understand until now.

Because most of his peers in the film and television industry have not been invited at all. The reason why there will be so many people in the end is the list directly given by Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi. Their original words are: "These people used to follow the money. Now who You can't run either."

Xu Rong looked at it for a while and could only smile helplessly. He had heard of some of the people in Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi's list, and some of them he hadn't heard of at all.

But as well, those extra people in attendance at least ensure that the idea he doesn't want the media to cover will come true.

Pu Cunxi mainly invited the children of Renyi, as well as colleagues from Chinese opera, Shanghai opera, and major troupes, while Zhang Heping invited colleagues from various units in the capital, especially the decline of the publicity department.

"Come again."

"Teacher Wang Han, you should say one thing, Captain Xu and sister-in-law will definitely perform very well."


Although it was just a rehearsal today, there were not many people who came to the scene. In addition to the staff from the wedding planning company, studio, and courtyard who came to help, there were also three college students from Huang Xiaoming, Wang Lei, Wang Xin, Li Gen, and Xiao Zhang. The best man group and bridesmaid group composed of roommates and Song Yi.

The best man team was also carefully selected by Jin Fangfang. Huang Xiaoming is his friend in the film and television industry. Although Wang Lei and Wang Xin are both his subordinates, Wang Lei represents human art. Wang Xin was born in Chinese opera and is now a lecturer of Chinese opera. They are the sons of his teacher Li Xuejian. The four almost represent the vast majority of guests who will be present tomorrow, and also represent his main active circle.

Huang Xiaoming may be the most controversial among the best man group, because many friends in the film and television industry are more suitable to be the best man than Huang Xiaoming today, but since he chose Nortel for the wedding, Huang Xiaoming's identity as a fellow brother of Nortel is extremely important Advantages that most peers do not have.

Xu Rong smiled and turned his head to look at the classmate Xiao Zhang next to him. Xiao Zhang who was wearing a wedding dress today made him feel a little unreal.

At this time, Xiao Zhang's face was quite strange. Most of the time, her smile was brighter than the sun in the sky, but occasionally her little face would suddenly become tense, with a preoccupied appearance.

As the host of the wedding, Wang Han knew the reason, and even everyone present knew the reason, because just half an hour ago, the bride was still laughing and laughing.

Until she accidentally learned about the specific cost of the wedding from Wang Yaqin.

Xu Rong rejected all the proposals from brand owners to provide free wedding supplies. He never intended to expose his private life, including weddings. Xiao Zhang was raped by the Internet a few days ago, which made him deeply aware of the consequences of the exposure of his private life. The price, moreover, using the wedding supplies provided by the brand, the wedding must be open to the media. To another extent, the wedding is regarded as a large-scale marketing party.

And his decision also led to all the expenses of the wedding can only be borne by him personally.

The wedding venue almost moved a "forest" to Nortel Stadium. The planning company chose as many as 26 different flower materials to embody the theme of "fairy tales". With a large number of green plants, it created a fresh and natural texture. It fully restores the real forest scene.

The forest that covers the entire stadium is naturally expensive, and the total cost of the venue layout alone is 320 million.

And that's only a quarter of the overall cost.

According to Zhang Yang's budget, the final cost of the wedding was about 300 million.

Today's classmate Xiao Zhang is not what it used to be. Three years after graduation, especially after Aunt Wang came to Beijing, she has gradually developed a clearer understanding of the prices of oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, rice, noodles, grains and oils. The salary is low, and she has to spend every dollar carefully, which makes her deeply aware of her own "poverty".

The huge cost of 300 million yuan is good-looking, but every time this figure pops up in her mind, it makes her feel like a knife is twisting her heart.

She has never earned so much money since she was a child!
If they were all bought in gold, the weight would have to catch up to her weight!
It's true that you are happy to get married, but you also lost a whole forty kilograms of gold for nothing. How can you be happy? !
"The bride should be happier, hey, yes, this year is you and Mr. Xu Rong."

After the rehearsal, Xu Rong invited everyone to eat and drink. The preparations for the wedding went smoothly. In addition to money ability to open the way, there are also various factors. For example, his current status has promoted his relationship with his alma mater, Nortel. It is simply not realistic to want to borrow the school's venue.

The school recognizes "outstanding alumni" and regards it as an honor, but before "alumni", it must first be "outstanding".

In fact, the most troublesome thing in the whole process is the host. He has hardly participated in variety shows in the past, and the number of award ceremonies is also very few. As a result, there are very few hosts in his circle of friends. The hosts he is familiar with are mainly CCTV hosts. It's just that CCTV has been busy preparing for the Spring Festival Gala these days, so it invited Wang Han who was already preparing to go home for the New Year.

He also knows many hosts of Beijing TV stations and art troupes. Even Xiao Zhang mainly served as the host when he was in the art troupe and radio art troupe. I feel that it would be better to use a well-known and experienced host.

Just like the film market, big names may not be able to save the box office, but the probability is always higher than that of newcomers.

After dinner, after all the relatives and friends had settled down, Xu Rong came to the suite of classmate Xiao Zhang in the hotel again.

"Ding dong."

"Ding dong."

Through the door, Xu Rong vaguely heard the sound of playfulness coming from inside, which is not surprising, both Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing can fill the house with "twittering" and "hee-hee-ha-ha" noises, let alone five or six women together.

"Ding dong."

"Ding dong."

After a while, the door opened, and it was Wang Yaqin who opened the door. Seeing Xu Rong standing outside the door, she was stunned: "Mr. Xu, you haven't gone back yet?"

Xu Rong pointed inside and asked, "Is it convenient to go in?"

"Oh, convenient and convenient."

As soon as Xu Rong entered, she saw Yuan Shanshan who was blowing up balloons and shouted towards the bedroom: "Xiaofei, your teacher Xu is here to see you."


Listening to Yuan Shanshan's familiar jokes, Xu Rong also smiled, looked at the festively decorated room, and asked, "How is it, is it okay?"

Xiao Zhang has the habit of sleeping in bed. In order to ensure a good rest tonight, they have already stayed in the hotel for three days.

"Of course, if it weren't for your favor, we would be reluctant to live in such an expensive hotel."

"You will definitely get tired of living in the future."

Yuan Shanshan was stunned for a moment, understood the meaning of Xu Rong's words, grinned and gave a thumbs up: "Haha, Teacher Xu can really speak."

Xu Rong looked at Wang Yaqin on the side again, and asked, "Is the makeup artist here?"

"Here we are, check-in has been arranged, and I communicated with them just now."

"How long does it take for each of them to put on makeup?"

Wang Yaqin turned on the phone, glanced at the records, and said, "It will take about an hour for Mr. Zhang, half an hour for each bridesmaid, a total of six makeup artists, three in the hotel, and three with Li Gen tomorrow morning. Go home, set off at six o'clock, it's completely in time."

While the two were talking, classmate Xiao Zhang came out with Yang Mi, Song Yi and the others. She seemed a little embarrassed, hugging Song Yi's arm, and leaning on the sofa side by side with Jiao Junyan, looking at him.

"Well, come here early tomorrow to see how they are preparing. Also, you need to communicate with the team about the route. The Spring Festival is coming soon. There are many cars on the road. If it is too late, it will be easy to get stuck."


"What about photography and videography?"

"Already checked in, they will come with me tomorrow morning and start filming from waking up."

The procedure of the ceremony is that he will come over early tomorrow morning to take Xiao Zhang home, and after a series of tea offerings, changes of words, and group photos, he will go to the school to hold the wedding.

Listening to Xu Rong asking almost every detail, Yuan Shanshan and Jiao Junyan glanced at each other, and couldn't help taking a breath. It was the first time they realized that a man could be so careful.

"Then how do Xiao Zhang and I eat?"

Hearing Xu Rong's question, Wang Yaqin was stunned for a moment, because according to the experience of wedding planning companies, the bride and groom usually deal with each other casually after the banquet, but whether they have time to deal with it or not is an open question.

Everyone in the room looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know how to answer. You are a groom, why do you worry about the banquet?
"Let me take a look at the flow sheet."

"Oh, good." Wang Yaqin hurriedly ran to the room and brought over the process sheet.

Xu Rong probably went through it, pointing to the period of time between after the wedding and before the toast, and said: "There are 10 to [-] minutes. Arrange some simple food for us in the back or in the car."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Wang Yaqin wrote down Xu Rong's request while talking.

She has become accustomed to Xu Rong's strictness on details, and she usually looks carefree, but when it comes to specific matters, his attention to details will immediately rise to a very high level, and most of his requirements can be viewed in hindsight. It doesn't seem to make any sense, only a small part played the role he expected, and very few exceeded expectations.

Xu Rong said, then looked at Yang Mi and the others, and said, "There are other problems, such as games, get ready, before we come, you can only open the door stupidly."


"Don't worry."

"and also."

Xu Rong was a little relieved after carefully exhorting several people about what might happen tomorrow. In fact, it was Xiao Zhang and Yang Mi who were the main ones.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you've been talking for an hour, go back and rest quickly, we all remember, besides, there is still a planning company here."

"Haha, okay, okay, I'll go now, I'll go now."

Xu Rong smiled, thought about it carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he looked up at Xiao Zhang, Yang Mi and the others who looked like elementary school students, and said, "You guys also go to bed early today, and I will come to pick you up at nine o'clock tomorrow." If you have anything to do, contact Yaqin, she also lives here at night."

"it is good."

Finally, Xu Rongcai looked at Xiao Zhang and said, "Take a good rest today, and I will come to marry you tomorrow."

"Hey." Xiao Zhang smiled silently, but nodded heavily, "Well, slow down on your way."

After Xu Rong left, Yuan Shanshan closed the door and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Mr. Xu is too careful, I didn't notice it at all when I was in school."

Classmate Xiao Zhang sat down on the sofa, put his hands on his cheeks, and said sullenly: "You just saw his good side, in fact, he is also quite big at home. For example, he likes to throw clothes everywhere. I chase after him every day." He can't even clean up the back of his ass."

Yuan Shanshan unscrewed a bottle of water sharply, and drank several sips in a row: "However, I read that many people on the Internet said that men are completely different before marriage and after marriage. Bao, I will treat you like grass after marriage."

Xiao Zhang shook his head lightly and said, "I'm not worried about that."

"Why?" Yuan Shanshan asked curiously, "Do you have so much confidence in your teacher Xu?"

"He said before that if one day he relaxes his demands, then life will lose its fun."

After hearing this, several people couldn't quite understand what she wanted to express. They heard Xiaofei talk about Xu Rong's life.

I get up early every morning and can hardly rest for a few days throughout the year. I am even more ascetic than an ascetic.

Xu Rong's living habits confirmed what they had learned in the past, that rich people are actually not happy.

There is only one exception, Song Yi, because in the process of getting along, she always feels that although Teacher Xu seems to be suffering, he seems to be really happy.

Although she didn't understand why he was happy.

"Hey, let me say, why don't we go to bed, aren't you sleepy?" Jiao Junyan, who had been nestled in the corner without speaking for a long time, suggested.

Seeing a few people nodding, she got up abruptly: "Go to bed and sleep together!"

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