I'm just an actor

Chapter 414 The Moon

Chapter 414 The Moon
The cold moonlight flowed quietly through the gullies on the curtains like running water, and the room became inexplicably quiet, leaving only faint breaths.

"It feels like time flies. We were still in school yesterday, but Xiaofei was going to get married suddenly." Jiao Junyan's exclamation suddenly sounded in the room, but everyone didn't find it abrupt, as if her words Said their common feelings at this time.

"And the one who married Teacher Xu!" Yuan Shanshan quickly picked up the conversation, her tone cheerful, "Do you still remember that when I first started school, I actually wanted Xiaofei to match me with Teacher Xu, but the matchmaker turned out to be the matchmaker herself?" The bride!"

"So angry, hahahaha."


After laughing and laughing for a while, Yuan Shanshan said with emotion: "Hey, but to be honest, I used to think Mr. Xu was handsome, and nothing special about it. Now that I see you, it's okay if Xiaofei is here. If Xiaofei isn't here, I don't know what to say to him at all, and I even feel nervous sometimes."

"Ah, I thought I was the only one who felt this way, so you too?!"


Yang Mi also smiled, she also had this feeling in the past, but she thought more deeply than the two of them, and she wanted to understand the root of this awkward feeling, which was mainly caused by the completely different people and things they came into contact with.

In their eyes, Xu Rong is their college classmate, and Andy Lau is a superstar, but in Andy Lau's eyes, they are passers-by who play tricks, and Xu Rong is a superstar at the same level as him.

At that time, whenever they said that they were Xu Rong's classmate and had a close relationship, others would immediately look up to them, and they took it for granted that they were honored.

And at the same time as being honored, there will be a strong impulse in her mind, specifically, it is probably "a man should be like this".

"Xiaofei, why don't you speak?" After not hearing Zhang Xiaofei's response for a while, Yang Mi keenly sensed something was wrong.

Yuan Shanshan laughed and said: "Ms. Xu also said to let her go to bed early. I guess she closes her eyes and thinks about the 300 million."


Classmate Xiao Zhang made a sound, but couldn't hide his frustration: "I haven't earned 300 million since I was a child, but I have to spend 1300 million to get married once."

"But Mr. Xu can make money." Yang Mi comforted subconsciously, "This amount of money is actually not much for him."

"It seems to be." Xiao Zhang was quiet for a while, and suddenly realized that he should not measure 1300 million by his own ability.

She remembered that several years ago, Mr. Xu’s salary for filming TV series was 10,000+ per episode, because she hadn’t received a TV series in the past two years, and she didn’t really know how much the film salary is now.

Yuan Shanshan asked curiously: "Hey, Xiao Fei, what is the level of Teacher Xu's salary now? Didn't he say that he is the ceiling of Chinese actors' salary?"

"Ceiling, isn't it?" Xiao Zhang said with uncertainty, "I remember that Zhang Li approached him two days ago and said that it was 4000 million yuan, but Mr. Xu didn't agree, and later he opened it to more than 5000 yuan. I didn’t hear it clearly, let’s take a step back, let’s count it as 5000, if the filming period is one month, his average daily income is one hundred, one hundred, one hundred.”

"160 million." Jiao Junyan gave the answer.

"That 300 million is equivalent to, six, no, seven, nor, eight."

"7.8 days' salary." Jiao Junyan vaguely smelled the burnt smell of smoke from the three CPUs, and gave the answer again.

In the darkness, Xiao Zhang sat up suddenly: "In other words, 1300 million is actually equivalent to him not working for a week?"

Xiao Zhang's doubts seemed to possess some kind of strange magic. As her voice fell, the air in the room suddenly stopped flowing.

The three of Yang Mi are all practitioners in the film and television industry. They have always known that Xu Rong's salary is very high. Xu Rong is a combination of top traffic and "boutique" word-of-mouth. It is a well-deserved salary ceiling for mainland actors, but they have no way of knowing how high his salary is. They just instinctively feel that 80 million will be the top.

Zhang Xiaofei’s unintentional self-talk just now not only refreshed their understanding of the concept of "remuneration", but also her words of "taking a step back" and "just use 5000 million" made them feel rushed feeling of suffocation.

And this kind of suffocation, there are subtle differences between the three, Yu Yuan Shanshan, Jiao Junyan, there is no difference between 5000 million and 1000 million.

But Yang Mi has another concept. Recently, her salary of 40 yuan per episode has been dubbed a "sky-high salary" by the media, which has caused many controversies about actors' compensation, but Xu Rong's package price of 5000 million yuan, She has to do at least four to six plays to earn it back.

It also means that she worked so hard from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, maybe not as good as Xu Rong for a month or two.

But at this moment, she finally realized a cold fact in this industry, even if they are both in the front line, the gap between them is worlds apart.

Just like after she won the title of Four Little Flowers, she realized that the distance between herself and Xu Rong hadn't shortened. Because she stood higher and her horizons became wider, she realized that he had reached a point that she might not be able to reach in her whole life. the height of.

As we all know, Xu Rong likes directing directors' creations very much, but unlike his predecessor Jiang Wen who often had trouble with directors, he always gets along very well with the directors he has worked with, which is different from his other director. The predecessor, Uncle Benshan, is very similar.


After Xiao Zhang figured it out, he got into bed again, and said: "It made me unhappy all day in vain, you don't know, every time I think of getting married and spending 300 million, I feel very sorry for Mr. Xu , because so much money must have been earned by him after suffering a lot and suffering a lot, but the dog man actually made money so fast, I didn't realize it before!"

"I don't want to, I don't want to, I can't earn it anyway!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"What do you think Teacher Xu is doing now?"

"I guess he is reading a book, he is so self-disciplined."

"How is it possible, I'm so tired today, I must have gone to bed early."

"Should be happy anyway."

"By the way, why don't we do this tomorrow"

Contrary to what Yang Mi and the others guessed, Xu Rong was indeed awake, but he was not as self-disciplined as they imagined.

"All the expenses tonight will be paid by Team Xu!"

In a huge private room with dim lights, Wang Lei stood with a microphone among young men and women in their 30s, and shouted loudly: "Don't order because it's expensive, don't order more because it's cheap, come out today, There is only one purpose, which is to pull the butt with a knife, open your eyes!"

"Captain Xu is proud!"

"Director Xu is magnificent!"

Xu Rong was surrounded by a group of young people in the middle, Wang Ban and a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face were on the left and right. He wanted to go back to sleep, but just as he left the hotel gate, he was carried away by a group of people led by Wang Lei and Lei Jia. come over.

It was indeed lifted, and he was not given any time to react. The moment he went out, five or six burly men kept pulling and pulling, barely letting his feet touch the ground.

In fact, as soon as he entered the door, Xu Rong vaguely guessed the clues. Almost all young people from Renyi, Chinese opera and Mandarin gathered in the private room.

Pu Cunxi or Zhang Heping have most likely instigated this situation today. The three schools are in harmony, especially Renyi and Zhongxi. It is not uncommon for them to be seconded, seconded, and appointed to each other. Now that he is seconded in Zhongxi, he must return to Renyi in the future, because of this. After some experience, the future and Chinese opera will inevitably go around frequently, but the Chinese language has been sluggish in recent years, and because of the introduction of a large number of actors who can't act in dramas, the reputation has risen, but the word of mouth has dropped sharply.

But in any case, Mandarin has always been the vanguard in advocating Renyi, and Renyi has always been the leader in the industry. In addition to its own top level, the almost shameless advocacy of Mandarin is also one of the important factors, such as The "human art performance system" is the "prosperity" of Mandarin in various occasions. Otherwise, Wang Po sells melons and boasts, which is more or less unconvincing.

Reciprocate, Renyi has always taken care of this little brother.

Now that he's here, Xu Rong didn't make any fuss anymore, he either didn't do the job, and since he did it, no matter whether it was out of intention or not, he didn't care whether he wanted to, so he had to do it beautifully, anyway, a thousand and three It took a lot, and I don't care if there are more than one hundred and eighty, after all, in a few months, this group of free labor will come in handy.



"Who is that, order a song for Director Xu, be cheerful, by the way, what's the name of the song that Director Xu sang during the art exam?"

""The Snail and the Oriole"!"

Xu Rong listened to the joke in the voice of the deputy director of the Chinese opera, Hao Tian, ​​who was sitting on the left, and put the wine glass that had just been put to his mouth on the table, and shouted: "What the hell, I just sat down and wanted to See my joke, don't you?"

"No, talk as soon as you talk, don't delay drinking?!"


Seeing that Xu Rong and Hao Tan seemed to be very familiar with each other, Wang Ban asked, "Captain Xu and Director Hao, have you known each other before?"

Hao Tian smiled and said, "It's not just that we know each other, I've known Director Xu for seven or eight years."

"Impossible?" Wang Ban said suspiciously, "Seven or eight years? At that time, Director Xu should have just entered university, right?"

"Not yet. At that time he took the art test, and I was his examiner. I was very impressed at the time. I was just wondering why a candidate with such a poor foundation has the courage to apply for the Chinese opera?" Hao Tian smiled, seeing Xu Rong glanced at himself with a smile, and hurriedly added, "In fact, the most important thing I always remember is Director Xu's talent. How should I say it, once in ten or twenty years is actually too conservative. It is no exaggeration to say that, Once in 20 years!"

"But I really didn't expect it. After seven or eight years, I would have to call the leader when we met again. Where do you think I should go to reason? Ah!?"


"Director Xu, do you want to say a few words?"

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about after you've come out to play?" Xu Rong said with a smile, "There is no captain, deputy captain, or director and deputy director today. Come here as you are happy. Come, come, cheers."

Xin Yue stared blankly at Xu Rong who was in the middle of the crowd who was laughing, and said in a low voice, "Brother Xu, it's because he has a bit of a marriage mentality, right?"

Yuan Yu shook his head and said, "I think he is very happy."

"Can't you be happy, the night of weddings and candles in the bridal chamber, when the titles were named on the gold list, Brother Xu took them all at once."

Yuan Yu naturally also saw the clues. Today's game, if there is no accident, basically established the pattern of the three companies in the next 30 years.

Xu Rong looked at the noisy group of men and women in the private room, and suddenly a bold thought came to his mind. If he supported this group of people, would he be stabbed in the back by teachers and classmates from Nortel?
It's not because 30% of these [-] people come from Chinese opera, Shanghai opera, or China Chuan, but because once the entire industry is filled with such actors who are more capable, Beidian can still make a living in the entertainment industry. Brothers and sisters, I am afraid survival will become a problem.

Not to belittle himself, he is very clear that Nortel's strengths do not lie in the cultivation of actors. Even though it is also called an acting major, the direction of talent output is movie stars, not actors.

In order not to delay the business, Xu Rong drank half of the night's drinks. Slowly, he gradually understood the helplessness of the people in his position in the past, even though he emphasized many times that "everyone is young, don't need any director, Captain." to clear up the barrier, but it seems to be useless, especially for colleagues who are not familiar with Mandarin, it is too polite.

When the last person returned to the residence, Xu Rong put down his phone. It was already one o'clock in the morning, and he had to get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning.

He likes to be lively, because lively means that there are all kinds of people around, everyone has their own shortcomings and advantages, and because of different roles, everyone will release different emotions, and use language, body movements to zoom in.

He also does not reject being alone. During the time alone, he can digest little by little what he saw and heard during the bustle, think about the essence behind every phenomenon, deliberate on the motivation behind every behavior, and by the way consider the things that he encounters in daily life. problems and plans for the future.

Such a habit leads him to have almost no free time. Every time he lies on the bed, he wants to keep his head clear and continue to think, but it always backfires, that is, Xiao Zhang often complains about falling asleep on the bed.

Today is a bit abnormal, maybe Xiao Zhang is not here, his mind is like a movie, and the scenes of the past 25 years have emerged.

After a while, he suddenly sat up from the bed, did not turn on the light, but came to the study room in the dark under the moonlight, came to the desk, opened the drawer on the right hand side, and took out a thin photo album from it.

The photo was secretly taken by Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, and the photo album was bought by Xiao Zhang later.

He didn't turn on the light, and the cold moonlight was not enough to ensure that he could see the photos clearly.

In order to avoid being blackmailed, when he asked his grandfather to hand over 100 million, he also took out a heavy insurance to prevent Sun Li from repeating the same mistakes, but now it seems that he may be a villain.

He lightly scrubbed the photo with his fingers, and his eyes crossed the gap of the gauze-like curtains, staring at the bright moon outside the window in ecstasy.

The cold moonlight flowed quietly through the gullies on the curtains like running water, and the room became inexplicably quiet, leaving only faint breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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