I'm just an actor

Chapter 415 Ceremony

Chapter 415 Ceremony
"Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen."

Standing in front of the arched flower gate, Xu Rong looked at the guests on both sides and Wang Han at the front, feeling inexplicably and suddenly a little nervous.

The ceremonies of receiving relatives and offering tea have already been held, and in two hours, he and classmate Xiao Zhang will officially become husband and wife.

"Good morning, everyone. Today is January 2012, 1. We gathered in Nortel, the place where Mr. Xu Rong and Ms. Zhang Xiaofei fell in love, to witness their romantic wedding. I am the wedding host Wang Han. First of all, I represent both parties. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and warm welcome to the parents of the couple and the new couple, and welcome you."

"Wow wow wow."

Wang Han just said the beginning, and at the same time as the applause sounded, he suddenly heard rustling discussions from the guest seats on both sides of the T-shaped aisle covered with petals, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"It's snowing."

"It's snowing."

Wang Han glanced at the fine snowflakes falling not far away, and did not continue to read the words prepared in advance, and said with a smile: "Bai Xue thinks the spring is late, so she wears a garden tree as a flying flower. I once again represent the two sides. The parents and the newlyweds would like to express their warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the honorable guest who arrived at the end and the wedding blessings he sent."

As Wang Han's voice fell, the scene was quiet for a moment, and suddenly bursts of more enthusiastic applause broke out.

Not only for this wonderful scene, but also for Wang Han's alert reaction.

At the same time, many guests looked back at Xu Rong from time to time, the young man who insisted that he was a staunch Marxist, but was always called the "God of Wealth" by the industry.

Standing in front of the flower gate, Xu Rong couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard the applause of many guests. Thanks to Wang Han, if he invited someone to make up the number, although he could express a similar meaning, it would be difficult to quote the classics. up.

In terms of value, Wang Han's on-the-spot response is worth at least 100 million.

Maybe he had prepared in advance, just like the wedding planning company covered the top with a flower shed to avoid snow, but being able to prepare for various accidents in advance is an excellent ability in itself.

Wang Han's speech slowed down: "Before the wedding officially begins, I want to share a story with you, a story about companionship and protection."

"Eight years ago, two young people with different experiences, different family backgrounds, and different personalities decided to apply for Nortel at the same time."

"That year, when he was 17 years old, he was introduced by Ma Shaohua to raise tuition fees because his family was poor and unable to continue his studies."

Ma Shaohua, who was invited, heard Wang Han read his name, and his doubts disappeared. Looking at the sights from all around, he nodded with a smile.

Ever since he received Xu Rong's wedding invitation, he has been wondering why Xu Rong invited him to his wedding?
Because he asked two of his peers, but they didn't receive a wedding invitation. In order to avoid people's misunderstanding, he didn't dare to ask again, but he didn't expect that Xu Rong put him in such a high position.

Wang Han's deep and peaceful voice resounded in every corner of the scene: "That year, for her dream, she spent all she had to eat and sleep in the morning and night."

"That year, by chance, he became her teacher and she became his student."

"Three months later, he put on his luggage, rode his horse and raised his whip, and went back and forth across Taihang, while she still stayed in the capital, forgetting to eat and sleep for the college entrance examination six months later, and for the reunion in nine months. Long companionship after eight years."

"At that time, they may regard each other as friends, or they may regard each other as ordinary passers-by in their lives."

Wang Han said, and took out the script: "The groom told me that the only impression the bride gave him at that time was that she was persistent."

Xu Rong twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard this. His original words were "stubborn, and he loves to get into a dead end". After Wang Han's beautification, it turned into a relatively commendable "persistence".

"The bride told me that the only impression the groom gave him at that time was that he was mysterious, and his hair was very short, his body was not bloated but very strong, and his personality was very cold, which fit the image of the special forces in the rumors."

Xu Rong smiled, his hair was short because he had just finished filming "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty". As for the "coldness", it was not intentional. At that time, he had just been beaten by Aunt Xu, and he was afraid of women like a snake.

"They met at that time, but they never thought at that time that they would accompany each other for life in the future, going through wind and rain, and walking together through the years."

Xu Rong felt a little tired. Wang Han's speech was too slow. He drank a cup of hot soy milk at five o'clock in the morning, and then he didn't eat anything. He was already hungry.

Just listening to the increasingly quiet wedding scene, he suddenly realized something was different.

Wang Han's ability to mobilize emotions is very strong, especially the interval between the cadence and the ups and downs of the tone, which makes people subconsciously focus on his words.

"Nine months later, Nortel's 2005 performance department started, and it was here that they met again as classmates."

"Friends who are familiar with the groom and the bride may know that the groom addressed the bride as 'Xiao Zhang' and the bride addressed the groom as 'Ms. Xu'. This was their habit at that time. Unchanged."

"At that time, they had breakfast every morning, and they would pass by the road opposite us, go to the same classroom, go to the same class, if he went earlier, he would give her a seat next to him, if she went It's early, and it will be the same, every night after evening self-study, they also pass by here, parting, and going back to the dormitory."

"The years seem to be so long, and they have hardly had any quarrels, which is mainly due to the good temper of the bride and the tolerance of the groom."

"The bride told me that the groom at that time was hotter than the morning sun. Before he passed by the side road every morning to go to the classroom, the groom had already run five kilometers in the stadium under our feet."

"The groom told me that when he was running five kilometers, the bride stayed up late last night playing with her mobile phone, covering her head like a cute little pig to make up for sleep."

"Hahaha." There was a sudden burst of cheerful laughter at the scene.

Xu Rong also smiled, his original words were not "cute", but "stupid".

After the laughter fell, Wang Han continued: "Gradually, they became familiar with each other's living habits, what they like and what they dislike, and even the emotions represented by every subtle expression and movement."

"The acquaintance of people is the most important thing. The most important thing for people to know is the intimate heart. In the scenery he passed by, he was accompanied by her, and he was never alone. In her lost years, it was also sunny when he was with her."

"Of course, bumps and bumps were inevitable for them, but the groom wrote a sincere confession with his sincere feelings and superb wisdom, which resolved the conflict between the two."

Hearing this, Xu Rong's heart skipped a beat, and the ease on his face quickly faded, and turned serious. This matter was not mentioned in public at the rehearsal yesterday. The most important thing is that there are his relatives and elders here, as well as his teachers. Colleagues, as well as his relatives and friends, if his youthful frivolity is exposed in front of everyone, it can basically directly declare him socially dead.

While letting him breathe a sigh of relief, Wang Han just mentioned it briefly, and he should only know that there is such a thing, and he doesn't understand the specific content of the letter.

"In his sophomore year, the groom's career was successful, and he was hugged like a star, and she applauded him from a distance like an ordinary friend."

"The good times didn't last long. The groom soon encountered the first test of his career. He couldn't argue with a hundred words, and no one listened to him. She was the only one who silently accompanied him."

"When almost everyone abandoned him, only she never left him."

"When almost everyone doubted him, only she believed in it."

"They are in love."

"In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. They supported each other, went through countless ups and downs together, experienced countless criticisms, and survived many difficult tests, and came here hand in hand."

"This is the story of the groom, Mr. Xu Rong, and the bride, Ms. Zhang Xiaofei. This story has opened a new page today, and the two will jointly write a new chapter of 'May there be years to look back on and grow old together with affection'."

"The bridegroom, Xu Rong, is invited."

Just as Xu Rong passed the flower gate, Wang Han's unhurried voice echoed in everyone's ears:

"Yesterday, I discussed marriage with the groom. We shared our experiences and perceptions with each other. I told him that pre-marriage is different from post-marriage. It is hard to avoid bitterness and sweetness. Marriage requires tolerance, trust and understanding.

"He told me that marriage is also about appreciation, appreciating each other's strengths, appreciating each other's strengths, and appreciating each other's imperfections."

"I told him that marriage needs to be managed, life, pots and pans, bumps and bumps are inevitable, and trees can thrive through wind and rain."

"He told me that a wedding or a marriage certificate is not a way to declare sovereignty, but a ceremony, a ceremony that tells each other that they are responsible to each other to the end."

When Xu Rong came to the side, Wang Han handed him a microphone and said, "At this moment, Xu Rong, do you have anything to say to all the relatives and friends sitting here?"

Xu Rong took it, and said: "First of all, I would like to thank all the leaders, colleagues, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends who took the time to attend the wedding between me and Xiao Zhang today. It's Chinese New Year, thank you for your blessings."

"Wow wow wow."

When the applause fell, Xu Rong looked at the old man with a wrinkled smile not far away, and said: "Here, I want to express my gratitude to a few people who have influenced me deeply, first of all, my grandfather, It was he who worked so hard to raise me."

Most of the people present have heard the story of the old man. It is not an easy task for a disabled retired old man to raise a well-rounded orphan.

"Secondly, I would like to thank my parents."

As soon as Xu Rong finished speaking, there was a sudden silence at the scene. Most people knew about the news that he was an orphan, but after listening to his voice, it seemed that his parents were still alive?
"Thank them for giving me life." Xu Rong didn't stop at this topic, "I also want to thank my seniors and teachers who have been helping me and taking care of me all the time, such as Ma Shaohua who pointed me to the capital as mentioned by the host just now. Teacher, and Teacher Guan Hu who brought me into the industry, Teacher Zhang Fengyi who taught me a lot during the filming of "The Wind and Cloud of the Great Qing", Ms. Xu Qing who took care of me like a sister, Brother Huang Xiaoming who helped me like a brother, and took care of me like a father Mr. Li Youbin and Mr. Li Xuejian, thank you."

No matter whether they were named by Xu Rong or not, everyone was taken aback. So far, most people finally understood Xu Rong's encounters along the way. This has always been one of the doubts in the industry.

How did Xu Rong become popular?And how silently and silently compiled a huge network of relationships covering the entire film and television industry.

Today he gave the answer, Xu Qing, Huang Xiaoming, Li Youbin, Li Xuejian.

The most surprising thing is the existence of Li Youbin. Xu Rong is Li Xuejian's disciple, and there have been rumors in the industry for a long time, but Xu Rong puts Li Youbin and Li Xuejian side by side. No wonder these two people speak for each other when the other party is in dispute Woolen cloth.

Looking at the gazes from around him, Li Youbin was even a little embarrassed, because this evaluation was really too high, completely inconsistent with Xu Rong's usual "rebellious" performance.

"I would also like to thank Grandpa Zheng Rong, Grandpa Lan Tianye, Uncle Zhu Xu, and Dean Zhang Heping and Dean Pu Cunxi. Without you, we would not be where we are today. Thank you for your continuous help and support, thank you."

"Wow wow wow."

Wang Han saw that Xu Rong seemed to have no more to say, so he took the conversation with a smile, and said, "The groom is worthy of being the Grand Slam Emperor, and he is right in every word."


After mobilizing the atmosphere a little, Wang Han continued: "Then, please turn our attention to the starting point of happiness. We saw the bride wearing a white wedding dress, holding her father's hand, and walking towards us slowly."

"Groom, this road covered with flowers is your happy future. It may be rough and rough, or it may be smooth and smooth."

Looking at Xiao Zhang, who was brought over by Uncle Zhang, Xu Rong's mind suddenly "hummed" and went blank. He couldn't tell what he felt, but only Wang Han's voice echoed in his ears.

"Looking back [-] times in the previous life, only in exchange for passing by in this life. There is a vast sea of ​​people. Among thousands of people, you meet the person you want to meet. In thousands of years, in the wilderness with no limit to time. , neither one step earlier nor one step later, just happened to catch up, meeting is a kind of fate, acquaintance is a kind of luck, knowing each other is a kind of happiness, loving each other is a kind of commitment, staying together is a kind of responsibility."

"No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will always be forgotten with time. Life is long, how many years of anticipation day and night, how many days and nights of day and night thinking, lovers will eventually get married."

Xu Rong only felt a brief blank state in his brain. When he came back to his senses again, he realized that he had unknowingly stood in front of Xiao Zhang.

"Friends, the following will be the most solemn and sacred moment of the ceremony." Wang Han noticed the abnormality of the two, because according to the procedure, Xu Rong should hold Zhang Xiaofei's hand and face him.

But at this moment, the groom turned his back to him, and the bride was teary-eyed, completely ignoring what he, the host, meant.

"Being a husband and wife, there is no doubt about love. At this most important moment in life, the groom and the bride are immersed in the joy of happiness. Please give them warm applause and bless them."

"Hold the hand of the son, and grow old together with the son."

Seeing that the two finally recovered from the applause, Wang Han heaved a sigh of relief, and then he was in a daze and couldn't make up any words, so he said, "Friends, the following will be the most solemn and sacred moment of the ceremony."

(End of this chapter)

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