Chapter 416

Snowflakes fell from the sky and quietly covered the flower sheds around the stadium, like an elegant guest, watching the wedding ceremony proceed in an orderly manner.

"From Dad's excited tone, we can hear that Dad is not a professional actor. From Dad's excited tone, we can even hear Dad's sincere emotions and ardent expectations. Thank you Dad for his blessing." Wang Han saw Xiao Zhang's father choked up several times in the middle of his speech, so that he couldn't even make up the coherent words he had prepared in advance. After his speech was over, he lightly made up for the flaws.

"If you invite uncle to go back to the VIP seat, he will sit and watch the ceremony." Wang Han glanced at Xiao Zhang, and didn't dare to mention her or Xu Rong at this time.

Because the bride at this time is too disruptive to the atmosphere, as usual in a normal wedding, the father is so emotional, the bride has long since been unable to restrain herself from crying.

Compared with her father who choked up several times, Xiao Zhang didn't seem to have even the slightest sentimentality. Her hand holding the bouquet covered the lower half of her face, making it impossible to see her expression.

But Xu Rong who was standing next to her heard her uncontrollable laughter several times.

"Your dad is crying 'Hang Chi Hang Chi', you are smiling so happily, isn't it a bit, a bit inappropriate?"

"Ah, am I going to cry too?" Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head in surprise and explained in a low voice, "But, haven't you noticed that before, my parents and I didn't see each other a few times from the beginning to the end of the year. , but now because we are married we meet every day, shouldn't we be happy?"

"What you said makes sense, let's go over there."

At the same time Xiao Zhang's father was walking back to the seat, Xu Rong was holding Xiao Zhang's hand and was about to walk towards the wine tower on the side, but Xiao Zhang grabbed him.

Classmate Xiao Zhang gestured at him to Wang Han: "It's not over yet."

Almost at the same time, Wang Han raised his voice slightly, and said: "In addition to the blessings from the bride and groom's parents, elders, leaders and colleagues, the classmates of the groom and the bride also prepared a special gift for the two For the newlyweds, please invite the bride’s college classmate and roommate, who is also the groom’s college classmate, and one of the bridesmaids, Yuan Shanshan, who is glamorous today, represents Nortel Class 05’s special gift for Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei’s wedding."

When Xu Rong heard the words "the bride's college roommate", she immediately had a bad feeling in her heart, because there was no such link in the rehearsal yesterday.

His thread quickly moved to Yuan Shanshan who was not far away, and when he saw Xu Xing running over quickly and took out an old kraft paper envelope from his bag and handed it to Yuan Shanshan, his scalp instantly went numb.

He knew what Yuan Shanshan was going to do.

At the beginning of the wedding ceremony, Wang Han mentioned the "love letter". At that time, he didn't care about it, but thought it was revealed by himself or Xiao Zhang in the process of telling the story.

At this moment, he understood the reason, and he must have colluded with these guys in advance!
"It's over, the day of great joy turned out to be the day of my death!"

He remembered that such a thing had happened, but he had no memory of what was written in the letter. After all, it had been six years.

But even if you don't use your brain, you can guess that if you open any love letter at will, the word "nasty" will probably be revealed between the lines.

He turned his head and saw Xiao Zhang next to him covering his mouth, his white and glowing face couldn't conceal his joy.

Xu Rong stared at her in a daze, okay, why don't you know if you co-authored it? !
Seeing Xu Rong's strange expression, Wang Han walked over with a smile, and said, "Looking at the serious expression on the groom's face, he must have guessed what this special gift is, so the groom, for this gift, at this moment what do you think?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a serious face: "I dare not think about it!"

The "weird" dialogue between the two immediately attracted the attention of the audience. Seeing the encouraging eyes of the bride, Wang Han became more courageous, and walked to the center of the stage, standing next to Yuan Shanshan, and asked Said: "Shanshan, can you tell me what this gift is first?"

"Actually it is."

Yuan Shanshan opened the envelope, and carefully took out a piece of letter paper full of words, but before she finished explaining, she heard Wang Han's extremely abrupt exclamation: "Wow, what a beautiful word."

"Uncle and aunt, take a look, is this word beautiful?" He said, took the letter paper, walked up to Xiao Zhang's mother, and displayed it very "generously".

Although Xiao Zhang's mother didn't understand what was going on, she took a general look at the letter paper and replied into the microphone: "It's very beautiful."

Xu Rong turned around speechlessly, and turned his back to the guests in the audience. He was actually ready to die, but these two people raised their knives to test, but they didn't do it, it was like holding broke his heart.

Besides, what kind of feeling does it feel to have the love letter written by the mother-in-law see it?
He can't express it.

And what kind of feeling is it that the love letter written is watched by the entire circle of friends?
He dared not think.

Wang Han carefully held the letter paper, returned to the center of the stage, and said with emotion: "The writing is indeed very beautiful, but what is more touching is the simple emotion revealed between the lines and the beauty and touch of the young Mu Ai."

Xu Rong closed his eyes speechlessly, and if he wanted to kill him, he would say a word, what are you describing with this blind chicken? !
"Then Shanshan, please introduce this special gift."

Yuan Shanshan took the letter paper and said cautiously: "This is a love letter written by Xu Rong to Zhang Xiaofei six years ago."


There was a huge commotion at the wedding scene, as if the news had seriously impacted their cognition.

Wang Han let out a strange cry and said with a strange expression: "Everyone, everyone, we have at least two key pieces of information from this incident. First, they are not together as their classmates rumored in the past. It is the bride whom the groom pursues, and secondly, Xu Rong will also write love letters, do you think so?"


Driven by Wang Han, there was a burst of cheerful laughter at the scene.

"The most important thing is, do you want to know what the content of the love letter is?"

"Think!" A quite neat and loud response suddenly resounded in the Nortel Stadium.

Although his back was turned to the scene, Xu Rong still felt a thorn in his back, but he could only wait desperately for his public execution.

Among them, the most cheering ones were a group of actors and teachers from Renyi and Chinese opera, as well as young teachers from Nortel.

Since Xu Rong and Chang Jihong parted ways, his agent has basically become his vassal, which has also led to him participating in only two variety shows over the years, one interview with Yi Lijing, and one "Art" Life".

The reason for accepting the interview with Southern TV was because of money. With his dispensable attitude towards money now, it is obviously impossible for this kind of situation to happen again.

As for CCTV's invitation, he still needs to show some face. As for whether to give this face again in the future, it will most likely only be determined by his mood.

Therefore, how Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei got together has always been a mystery to the outside world, just like many people can't understand why he chose to marry her.

Even the understanding of him is only from the halos on his head, the youngest authority in the field of performance theory, the youngest grand slam Shidi, the director of the performance department of Chinese opera, the captain of the human performance team, etc., etc. A series of honors, titles, and his style make people always subconsciously ignore his age and subconsciously think that he has a relatively rigid personality.

On the other hand, those who were more familiar with him subconsciously thought that Zhang Xiaofei was chasing him, because judging from the general worldly values, she was indeed not worthy of Xu Rong.

But today, people who didn't know Xu Rong in the past suddenly realized that Xu Rong was not as rigid as they imagined, and those who knew Xu Rong also suddenly realized that it turned out that Xu Rong was chasing Zhang Xiaofei.

Wang Han smiled and said, "Since everyone has said so, I would like to ask Ms. Yuan Shanshan to give you this special gift."

At this moment, Yuan Shanshan was so nervous that she was dying.

Yes, very nervous.

She was actually very excited when she first proposed it last night. In their view, this letter is of great significance to Xu Rong and Xiaofei, because this is a turning point in their relationship, and it is precisely because of this letter that the two The complicated relationship between classmates, teachers and students has completely changed into a pure lover.

But when he arrived at the scene today, he was really nervous.

The biggest leader she has had close contact with in her life is the dean, and it was at the graduation ceremony, but today, the dean is only at the fourth table.

As for the three tables in front, she knew some of them, and she had never heard of some of them, but she vaguely guessed the clue from the names of the leaders before and after Xu Rong greeted them before the wedding.

At this moment, Yang Mi moved a stool, and Jiao Junyan walked over with a microphone stand.

Yuan Shanshan stared blankly at Yang Mi who put the stool in front of her, then at Jiao Junyan beside her who adjusted the microphone for her, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Xu Rong is more embarrassing than me!"

Her self-comfort clearly echoed through the wedding scene.


She gently lifted up the hem of her long skirt, raised her high heels, stepped on the stool with a horizontal knife, and said: "At that time, Xu Rong happened to be having trouble with Xiao Fei, and Xu Rong was anxious to go to the crew to film "Crossing the Guandong" after school. I was asked to forward this letter to Xiaofei before, but at that time Xiaofei was so angry that she didn’t want to say anything. I thought to myself, Xu Rong has already promised me to invite me to dinner, what can you do? So in the dormitory, I just Read it to her."

The classmate Xiao Zhang, who was smiling like a flower, turned her head in amazement, because she found that Teacher Xu was sweating!

"Mr. Xu, are you nervous?"

"Ah, no."

Xu Rong gently wiped the sweat from his palms on his body. He still couldn't remember what was written in this love letter, but it was because of this that he felt uneasy, but he also made up his mind. Since Yuan Shanshan worked so hard, even without caring about her image, he couldn't be too stingy, and at least give her a second daughter later.

Yuan Shanshan looked solemn and solemn, as if delivering a speech for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. With one hand, she raised the letter paper to the level of her eyes, and with the other hand, she made an aria in mid-air, and read slowly:
"Lovely classmate Zhang."


Yuan Shanshan opened her mouth, and hearing the reaction at the scene, Xu Rong once again pulled her hand out of Xiao Zhang's hand, and rubbed against her body again.

"Mr. Xu originally planned to start with 'Dear Xiao Zhang', but felt that it was too frivolous, and if he used "Xiao Zhang", it seemed too pretentious, and it is difficult to accurately describe our two years of acquaintance. camaraderie.

In fact, the above are not all nonsense or stuffing words. What Teacher Xu wants to express is that the feeling of anxiety at this time is probably the same, and every word he said to you has been carefully considered. "

The memories buried in the depths gradually emerged, and Xu Rong slowly remembered the situation at that time.

Xiao Zhang seems to have made up his mind to ignore him completely, but he faces two choices.

First, try all possible methods to win Xiao Zhang's forgiveness, whether it will be successful or not is still unknown.

Second, choose to give up, and regard classmate Xiao Zhang as one of the many passers-by in life, and choose a woman with a more beautiful face, a better figure, a gentler personality, and a more considerate personality.

The first option is very difficult, and even if it succeeds, there is still a possibility of breaking up in the future. The second option is relatively simple, especially from the current point of view, even if you close your eyes, such a woman will be a bunch of people when you stretch out your hands. The premise is that one's own wealth must continue unabated.

But in the end he chose a choice that he would not regret.

"When Mr. Xu saw you for the first time, I still vaguely remember that it was late autumn, and the leaves of the sycamore trees on the side of the road were golden, and you were like the rising sun, sunny and cheerful."

Xu Rong couldn't help frowning, he seriously doubted, did he really write this?

"At that time, you were silent, stubborn, cute, and confident, and often made Teacher Xu feel ashamed. Every time you corrected your mistakes in a certain question, Teacher Xu had to check it twice carefully, because your Your innocence always makes Mr. Xu think that your actions and answers are correct."

"At that time, you were still easy to get into the horns of the dead. When you were doing the questions, you always did it and cried yourself. In fact, thinking about it now, it was Teacher Xu's fault. At that time, you always wanted to reason with you instead of coaxing you. To coax you, of course, the greater possibility is that even if Mr. Xu knows, he probably doesn't know how to make you happy."

"I remember one time, I advised you to change your personality and stop being too stubborn.

You didn't allow me to refute at all at the time, insisting that you never got into a dead end!

I just mentioned it casually at the time, but you actually broke up with me for a whole week because of this matter, but whenever you see Kungfu, you always emphasize that you are not stubborn at all, and you are very good at listening to other people's suggestions and opinions, and try to Pop this idea into my head. "


There was bursts of laughter throughout the wedding, and Xu Rong also laughed. A certain memorable image appeared in his mind. Xiao Zhang's face was flushed and his brows were tightly locked, and his eyes were staring at the paper. After more than ten minutes of chaotic solutions and no results, at a certain moment, there was a loud cry of "wow".


(End of this chapter)

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