Chapter 417 How much
Yuan Shanshan's unique voice echoed in the forest built by flowers, plants and green plants: "Time flies, in a flash, we are all sophomores, and a year has passed like this."


"It's just a pity that Mr. Xu didn't realize that this would form a terrible habit, getting used to your existence."

Xu Rong's tense nerves gradually eased, and he even remembered the time when Xiao Zhang ignored him. It seemed that his life was no different from before that. He used to go to class, eat, and watch movies with Xiao Zhang, but Most of the time, Xiao Zhang was the one who kept "babbling". He seldom took the initiative to talk about certain topics, but only briefly echoed them, because when he took the initiative to mention topics, Xiao Zhang often said nothing immediately.

She wanted to express an opinion or suggestion on that topic, but after opening her mouth a few times, she finally closed it silently, like a hopelessly illiterate person.

And without Xiao Zhang by his side, he should feel relaxed, because she usually talks about the trivial things, such as Yuan Shanshan secretly using her laundry detergent, Jiao Junyan being confessed by a girl again, or cooking at a newly opened restaurant outside the door. He really couldn't arouse the slightest interest in topics such as putting salty and salty.

But the actual situation is exactly the opposite. Without the existence of Xiao Zhang, no matter what he does, he always feels that something is missing. Even if he is sitting in the study room, he can't help turning his head to look at the empty seat on one side. , in the past, Xiao Zhang usually plays with his mobile phone with one hand resting on his chin, and changes hands at intervals of 5 minutes, and so on.

He likes to be alone, just like now if classmate Xiao Zhang has something to go back to Anshan, he will send her to the airport at a speed of at least 80 miles with a full face, and then have a good vacation, even though it is also Xiao Zhang The classmate is not there, but it is different in essence, because he knows very well that nagging will only be late, never absent.

Of course, the wording will inevitably have to be slightly modified if pleasure is exposed and even arouses suspicion because it is difficult to control.

The parting is only for a deeper understanding of the joy of Xiaobiesheng's newly-married.

"In life, he was my husband, but also my teacher, although I learned nothing."

"We have been together for eight years, and he has never lost his temper with me once. Even when I am very annoying, he will always use the most suitable way to make me happy."


Wang Han looked at the falling snow and said, "Thank you Yuan Shanshan for the special gift, and also thank the guests present for their sincere blessings."

Xu Rong stood aside and looked at Xiao Zhang quietly. She didn't say what she said in the rehearsal yesterday, but I don't know if she prepared it in advance or played it impromptu.

Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang looked at each other, a little confused, what are you doing today?
Why didn't everyone come according to yesterday's rehearsal?
Isn't it good to talk about this kind of topic at home?

"Some people say that loving someone is actually loving yourself when you are with this person. Maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong, because I haven't discussed this issue with Mr. Xu. I know that I am not beautiful. I have low self-esteem for my appearance, but when I am with him, all I see in his eyes are praise and appreciation."

All the guests were dumbfounded. After a long time, they didn't cry?
Wang Han raised the microphone to his lips, but he didn't hold back a word for a long time. Is it wrong for people to be happy when they get married?

Xu Rong smiled with others, and said: "I'm lucky, I have a grandfather who taught me a lot of truths very early."

"He also told me to be patient and careful in doing things, otherwise the final result must deviate from expectations. Instead of doing this, it is better not to do it."

The life of the crew is very hard. If you are not in good health, you can’t be a good actor, because in the crew, if you eat one meal, you won’t have anything for the next meal.

"Mr. Xu, the little goldfish, won't pay you back. At the beginning, Mr. Xu promised you that when Mr. Xu became embarrassing, he would take you to film. Well, it's not a good habit not to do what you promise.

Hearing this sentence read by Yuan Shanshan, the smile on Jin Fangfang's face gradually froze, and the doubts that had troubled her all along were also solved. She ignored a very important thing. Xu Rong is a living, flesh and blood and Ordinary people with delicate feelings.

Because she found that her sister-in-law was not crying, but was laughing too happily.


When Xiao Zhang calmed down as much as possible, she turned around. Although she tried her best to control it, the smile on her face was already flowing from the corner of her mouth.

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at classmate Xiao Zhang who was crying,

Simultaneously with the applause of the audience, there was also the sudden snowflakes flying in the wind.

Classmate Xiao Zhang held the microphone and said with a smile: "When I was young, I thought my father was omnipotent. He could always lift me up high to make me happy, but later I found out that it was not the case. For example, every time When I got into trouble and my mother beat me up, he always said at the end of the day, "It's almost done, you can't remember if you hit her?", and then my mother would beat me again in order to let me remember Meal."

As she spoke, she turned sideways suddenly, covering her face with Xu Rong's body.


Regarding Xiao Zhang’s sharp turn, after two seconds of silence, there was a sudden burst of laughter. There were many rumors about her, but most people took it for granted that such a low-key person should be An Ran, Tranquility, I didn't realize until today that her personality seems to be completely opposite to Xu Rong's.

"Ms. Xu remembers the most profound time when we went to a big meal together. At that time, you peeled a plate of shrimp for Teacher Xu. You may find it incredible. It was the first time a woman peeled shrimp for Teacher Xu, and peeled it. A whole plate."

Wang Han listened to the applause from the guests and the little girl whose eyes were red because she was touched, and said with a smile: "Every sentence is from."

"He is a very knowledgeable person who can answer almost all the questions I encounter. He understands my happiness and my unhappiness. I thank my parents for bringing me into this world and bringing me to this world. I raised an adult, and I am more grateful to fate for allowing me to meet Teacher Xu."

"Many friends, including Xiao Zhang, often ask me, what do I like about her? In fact, it's because my father-in-law doesn't have a net worth of tens of billions. Otherwise, she would definitely think that I am trying to steal her family's money."

Xiao Zhang took it subconsciously, and said: "Actually, actually, I have dreamed of such a scene many times, but I didn't expect it to come true so quickly."

"Many people say that he is very strong, especially when he often dictates the director's creation, but it is not true. He never forcibly interferes with other people's affairs, just like he has never interfered with my decisions all the time."

"Someone said it was wrong for me to call him Mr. Xu. In fact, when we first met, he was indeed my tutor, but at that time, he was just tutoring me in my studies. Later, he taught me many, many principles of life. He told me, Don't always worry about the future, because worrying will not solve any problems, it will only make a mess of everything, instead of worrying blindly, it is better to do the things at hand first."

The stadium fell into a kind of unusual tranquility, and because of the snow, the whole stadium seemed isolated from the world.

Yuan Shanshan froze for a moment, then picked up the letter paper and put it in front of her eyes. The reaction of the guests gave her the illusion that she hadn't finished reading.

"Later, life got a little better, but I encountered new problems. Being an actor is a profession with extremely irregular working hours. You often go out for several months. When you are busy, you may not have time to reply or even fully contact me No, but she never complained, no matter what achievements I made outside, how much money I earned or how many people misunderstood me, she always treated me with her attitude, which never changed from beginning to end.”

"Haha, I'm sorry, that one was a little too happy, hahaha."

Xu Rong ignored her, but put his hands on her shoulders and patted lightly. He would never follow her request, otherwise she would definitely remember it for a lifetime.


Watching the bride interrupt the host, the guests suddenly discovered that the biggest highlight of today's wedding is neither the host who is full of witty words nor the groom who has a successful career. Surprise the bride.

"He has always encouraged me to be confident. No one is superior to another. Appearance, wealth, knowledge, and culture are just labels to classify people, not a yardstick for judging who is superior to whom."

Seeing that Xu Rong picked up the microphone and was about to speak, Wang Han reminded with a smile: "I strongly suggest that you think it over before answering."

"In my year, I met Mr. Xu. In fact, you may not know that he is one year younger than me, but he gave me more sense of security. After being with him, even if he is not around, I still feel safe. I have never felt fear, anxiety, I know I need him, and I can feel that I am needed."

Based on his understanding of the way the two get along, if Xu Rongfan has a bad intention, his daughter will be sold and he will happily count the money for him.

Xiao Zhang didn't care at all, and turned to look at Xu Rong: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask Mr. Xu, what do you like about me?"

"Huh, huh, huh." Boiling applause sounded in the forest.

"If you have to ask me what I like or what is specific, I can't say it. For me, Xiao Zhang is actually a habit. For example, I am from Henan Province and I have been used to eating steamed buns since I was a child. Of course I also eat rice, but I can do it once in a while, a little more, I will feel uncomfortable, but steamed buns are different, indispensable and irreplaceable, I am very grateful to Xiao Zhang, thank her for giving me the opportunity to take care of her, thank you She is willing to be my wife, thank her for being willing to entrust the rest of her life to me, and thank her for being willing to bear children for me."

"Then at this moment, I want to ask the bride how she feels." Wang Han said, walked to Xiao Zhang and handed her a microphone, "Bride, I can see that you are very happy today. Do you want to share your joy with your relatives and friends sitting here?"

By the time you read this letter, Mr. Xu should have already left. This time it will take a little longer, about four or five months. You may come back to take the exam, or you may not come back. It will depend on the situation at that time. .

"Wow wow wow."

Take care of yourself and wait for Teacher Xu to come back. "

And Wang Han, who had already read the love letter, quickly resolved her embarrassment: "At this moment, we have all seen that Teacher Xu is back, stepping on colorful auspicious clouds, to marry his classmate Xiao Zhang."

Wang Han looked at Xu Rong with a smile, and asked: "Xu Rong, not only the bride is curious, but I think many relatives and friends present today are also very curious. What do you think about the bride makes you feel that no one else can compare?" of?"

Although he is full of guilt, Teacher Xu still wants to criticize Xiao Zhang. I heard from Shanshan that you haven’t eaten much recently.
In addition, Xiao Zhang also has a bad habit. When there is no class, don’t stay in the dormitory all the time. If you can’t get up in the morning, you can go for a run on the playground at night. The body is the capital of the revolution.

Xu Rong couldn't help being slightly moved when he heard Xiao Zhang's words. He didn't expect that his impression in Xiao Zhang's mind was so perfect. He just did what he wanted and what he should do.


"Teacher Xu, pinch me quickly, quickly, pinch me."


"Wait a minute, I haven't finished yet."

He pinched her at the wedding!

Does that make any sense?

But why doesn't it feel right?

"When we first met, I was a poor man. I didn't have enough savings in my bank card for tuition fees, and the clothes I wore were cheap street goods, but she never disliked me."

Xiao Zhang's father covered his face helplessly. His daughter still read too little. He strongly doubted whether the decision made by her daughter was her original idea.

Xu Xing also ran over quickly, and when he came to the front, he hurriedly pulled out a piece of paper from his bag, and was about to raise his head to hand it over, but when he saw his sister-in-law's profile, he stood there as if he had been immobilized.

Seeing this, Wang Han smiled and said: "If you never forget, there will be echoes. First of all, congratulations to the bride and groom. Your dreams have become a reality with your joint efforts. We also give the couple a little time to calm down their excitement."

Xiao Zhang's father looked at this scene and sighed helplessly. He really didn't want to stay with a girl. It just flowed down.

Xu Rong's words did not resonate with the majority of people at first, but as the most front tables applauded, the rest of the guests saw it and quickly clapped their hands.

Liu Yanming said to the middle-aged man sitting beside him with emotion, "Xiao Xu is lucky."

They go forward bravely all the way to achieve achievements that most people in the society can hardly achieve in their lifetime, and they are sitting on endless wealth. In the eyes of others, all the things they own have been increasing, but only they themselves know that they are gaining power, wealth, and status. , honor, but also lost more, and Xu Rong's luck was better, and he lost less in comparison.

(End of this chapter)

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