Chapter 418
At ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Rong finally let out a sigh of relief by arranging a car to the station and airport for those who were going back tomorrow morning, and sending all the relatives and friends from other places who went home today to the airport and station.

"Sister-in-law, when did my brother confess to you?"

On the way back home from the airport, Xu Xing, who was lying in the back row, exchanged eyes with Xiao Zhang, who was sitting in the co-pilot several times, and then suddenly asked a question that made Xu Rong almost unresponsive.

"Confession?" The tired and listless classmate Zhang cheered up immediately, "What confession? What confession? To whom?"

"It's the kind of you who love me and I love you, don't we all?" Xu Xing stared at the rearview mirror for a few seconds in surprise, but he didn't catch Xu Rong's sight, and finally he could only turn back to the little girl. Zhang said, "Why, don't you guys?"

"Yes, is it?" Classmate Xiao Zhang raised his brows, squinted at Xu Rong from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly raised his voice. Xu Rong didn't respond for a long time, and sighed, "Oh, maybe it's someone else"

She couldn't finish her words, Xu Rong's hand had already covered her head, and rubbed it lightly: "I've been tired all day, I guess it will be a while before I get home, you should squint for a while, and don't talk to idiots."

"Hahaha goose goose goose."

Xu Xing was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened a little, looked at Xu Rong's back, and said, "You say I'm a fool?"

"As long as you listen to what I said before, you won't ask that question just now." He smiled and glanced at her from the rearview mirror, "You don't think Xiao Zhang asked you to ask that question to tease me, do you?"

"Hahaha goose goose goose."

Listening to his sister-in-law's strange laughter, Xu Xing inexplicably felt that he was being teased by this couple, and asked, "Say, what did you say?"

"Do you know why you have this doubt?"

Xu Xing was keenly aware that he was stepping into the trap that his brother had prepared step by step, but he still couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed and said: "Because you lack a boyfriend, how can a single dog understand our happiness, hahahaha."

"I, I want to too, but no one is chasing me."

Xu Xing made a symbolic excuse, and then slowly sat down in the seat. She is actually only seven months younger than Xu Rong, and her brother is married now, but she hasn't even talked about a relationship yet! ! !
The attitude of parents has also undergone a 180-degree turn, from being cautious in the past few years, to beating around the bush, and now to being impatient, as if she could get married immediately if she wanted to.

She can understand her parents' urgency, because in her hometown, almost everyone her age is married.

Parents always say that she is like a key account manager of a bank. During working hours, she contacts rich people, and her vision is unknowingly higher than the sky. On the way home after work, she sees the same person riding a battery scooter. office workers, but spontaneously feel an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Xu Rong is the "big client" she often comes into contact with. Since she was seventeen or eighteen years old, she has been inevitably influenced by him. When she meets any suitor, she will always subconsciously compare it with him. Xu Rong was a little afraid, her selection standard was even higher than Xu Rong's.

This kind of behavior and standard was not intentional by her, but it was an objective fact, and it was this objective fact that led her to deny all suitors as a matter of course.

Xu Rong gave her a hand, but all she could sell was a good-looking skin, and when it came to the "beauty" of the skin, Xu Xing was inferior to him. These factors determined that it was impossible for him to promote her to the Be on the same level as him or even higher, and get in touch with circles higher than him.

Because the circle she usually comes into contact with is limited by her own conditions, even if she encounters a real "big client" by chance, she will either fall into a similar cycle, or stay away because of Xu Rong's existence.

Xu Rong is praised in the industry for his high level of professionalism and his ability to behave, but no one who knows him would say that he is weak and deceitful. Xu Rong's rise to the top in the mainland entertainment industry is due to luck and Benefited from the relaxed environment of "Entertainment First" in the mainland film and television industry, but along the way, it also stepped on the rise of Chang Jihong, Zhang Jizhong, Yu Zheng and other influential figures in the industry.

There are many rumors about him, for example, he is the grandson of an old revolutionary, and for example, there is an assistant director who just confessed to his sister in private and was directly fired by him. Whether it is true or false, it is difficult for anyone to tell apart from himself. , but these rumors all proved one thing, Xu Rong is not a good stubble.

That means, after satisfying the basic conditions, chasing Xu Xing has to hold the determination to marry her. If he plays with feelings or is considered by Xu Rong to be a play with feelings, he must be prepared to bear Xu Rong's revenge.

A big brother-in-law with great energy and evil intentions is not acceptable to everyone, and no one can guarantee that there will be no quarrels or conflicts.

Xu Rong was entrusted by Xu Xing's parents and second grandfather to help Xu Xing "look for a suitable one", but he picked up the people around him, but he couldn't think of which among the young men of the right age he knew was suitable.

Seeing the two of them fussing about for a while, and then both languishing together, Xu Rong took out the essential oil from his pocket, unscrewed it, and dripped two drops on the fingertip of his index finger.

He rubbed his index finger and thumb twice, pinched the center of his eyebrows and twisted it lightly. After about ten seconds, he put his finger on the tip of his nose again, and took two sharp breaths.


This is a new use of essential oils that he discovered, and the effect of refreshing the mind is particularly good, but in a closed environment, a scent of essential oils tends to permeate.

It was already late at night, and under the dim street lights, the speed of the car slowed down a little.

Before obtaining the certificate, marrying Xu Rong was just a conceptual term, but the real understanding of this concept was at a certain moment after the wedding.

He suddenly realized that he was married.

This is a wonderful feeling. In the past, he and Xiao Zhang were in a love relationship, and the only thing they needed to care about was each other. Even if the scope was widened, the radius was limited to an extremely narrow range, not after forming a family. , Responsible to each other's parents, elders and even relatives.

Fortunately, neither he nor Xiao Zhang had premarital phobias. He didn't know what kind of feeling it was, but he thought it was probably caused by confusion about the future and uncertainty about the other party.

It is probably due to a sentence that my grandfather often talks about: what to do at what age.

Now that you have met the right and deeply loved person, and you are at the age of marriage, there is no need to wait any longer.

For the time being, he didn't feel the changes that marriage brought to his life. They were together for seven or eight years and lived together for three years. The changes brought about by the ceremony, apart from being exhausted, might be that he needed to work hard to remember the details of the wedding he attended. Some close relatives such as Zhang’s uncle and uncle.

There are very few relatives and friends on his side, only Xu Xing's family. In order to be busy with his wedding, Xu Xing's parents didn't go back after the National Day, but almost all the relatives of Xiao Zhang's family who should come and can come are in order.

This is probably the most significant change before and after marriage. Before marriage, as Xiao Zhang said, he never thought about remembering who every relative in her family is. Everyone's energy and time are limited after all. Putting more on one piece will inevitably reduce it on another piece. Compared with these insignificant trivialities, he still has more important things to think about and remember.

At 11:30 in the evening, Xu Rong opened the door of the house, looked at Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, who didn't even change their shoes, and were about to wander into the living room like walking corpses, and said, "Don't you two change your shoes?"

"Oh my god, I'm exhausted."

"Wait, let me rest for a while."

Seeing the two of them leaning on the sofa without moving, Xu Rong didn't call them anymore. He himself was very tired, not to mention the complicated ceremony process, just wearing a thin dress and standing in the cold wind to welcome the guests. Both were freezing enough.

Xu Xing has never been free during this period of time, he is busy every day like a whirlwind, and now that the wedding is finally over, the breath of holding on is gone.

"Don't lie down for too long, pack up and go to bed quickly."

"it is good."

"Know it."

When Xu Rong went upstairs, he took a hot bath first, and when he came out, he still didn't see Xiao Zhang coming up, and was going downstairs to see the two of them, when he just opened the door, he heard chattering from downstairs, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

Didn't these two people want to die just now? Why did they suddenly become so energetic again?

When he saw what the two of them were doing, he couldn't help but be speechless.

These two people actually sat on the sofa and opened red envelopes in full swing, and they always commented a few times after opening one.

And I didn't even remove my makeup!
"Ah, the headmaster just followed a thousand, isn't it too stingy?"

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, look at this, look at this, Lin Yongjian also took a thousand, didn't you say that you gave him 20 before?"

Xiao Zhang stared blankly at the red envelope opened in Xu Xing's hand, and said in disbelief: "No way, did you make a mistake?"

Xu Rong went downstairs, looked at the two who were speechless at Lin Yongjian's subordinate, Qian Xianggu, and asked, "Aren't you two sleepy?"

"Are you tired of counting money?"

"If you are not active in making money, you have a problem with your thinking!"

Xu Rong watched the two of them muttering back and forth, without even looking at herself, and said: "Don't worry about counting, anyway, you don't have much money, go to sleep today, and it won't be too late to dismantle tomorrow when you are free."

"I'm not sleepy at all." Xiao Zhang looked at the pile of unopened red envelopes left on the table, and vowed, "I won't go to bed today until I finish counting."

"Didn't your mother say that we have to get up early tomorrow?"

Xiao Zhang suddenly stopped counting money, turned his head slowly, and stared at him with a frown: "Your mother?"

"My mother, is my mother okay?!"

"Mr. Xu, please pay attention to your wording in the future." Xiao Zhang exhorted "sincerely", and continued to devote herself to her great business of counting money.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, why do you think Mr. Lin and Brother Chao have paid a thousand?"

Xu Rong explained with a smile: "I told you in advance that the maximum limit can only be [-]. If there is no limit, you can have as many as you like. If someone reports it later, it is not clear."

The two didn't open the red envelopes on a whim. Xiao Zhang heard Xu Xing said that many company bosses came today, and originally wanted to see if he could pay back a little bit. Hearing what he said, he suddenly felt that his wish was in vain.

"Brother, are you too cautious?"

"It's not prudence." Xu Rong didn't sit down, "Don't think the majority of people are so bad, but you can't think of a very few people as good. In this world, there is never a shortage of food that is too full to see other people's good things." people."

"But you are married, who cares about that?"

"All exchanges in the world are equivalent in the final analysis. Even if it is a gift, an equal price needs to be paid, but some are in the form of delayed payment."

Xu Rong and Xu Xing looked at Xiao Zhang in a daze, feeling quite inconceivable about what she could say.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Classmate Xiao Zhang said innocent words in his mouth, but he didn't hide the air of "I'm good!" on his face.

And the unbelievable gazes of the two of them really gave her great satisfaction.

"Sister-in-law, then, do you still count?"

"Count, don't go to sleep if you don't finish counting!"

Seeing that the two were firm, Xu Rong still had no intention of stopping, and said, "You count, I'm going to sleep first."

As soon as he lay down on the bed, he saw classmate Xiao Zhang rushing in with a red envelope, pushed open the door, came to the head of the bed mysteriously with his hands behind his back, and said, "Mr. Xu, guess how much money I got out?"

"How many?"

"Dang dang dang."

Xiao Zhang took out a bronzing red envelope from behind, and slowly pulled out a cash check: "Look."

Xu Rong took it, glanced at it and asked, "Who gave it to you?"

Seeing Xu Rong's serious face, classmate Xiao Zhang said: "There is no name on it, it should be given when we toasted, I didn't have time to write it?!"

Xu Rong sat up, stared at the seal on the check for a long time, took the red envelope again, and said with a smile, "Who am I to be so secretive?"

"Who followed?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Besides the head, who else can it be?"

"But did he follow?"

Xu Rong shook his head, stuffed the check into a red envelope, and stuffed it into the drawer of the bedside table, saying: "That sister-in-law knows, I guess, she doesn't know about this."

"Then I'll go and disassemble the rest, maybe there are more." Xiao Zhang said, getting up and going out.

Xu Rong grabbed her arm: "Aren't you tired?"

"Not tired, not tired, you go to sleep first, I will come as soon as I go."

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, who rushed out of the door, and shook his head helplessly, not knowing where he got so much energy.

He reached out and turned off the light. Although he went to bed twenty or ten minutes earlier than usual, he was really tired today.

When he opened his eyes again, he could already see the golden sunlight through the gap in the curtains. Under the quilt, half of Xiao Zhang's body was draped over him.

He didn't even notice when Xiao Zhang came back last night.

Gently took Xiao Zhang's arms and legs away, seeing that she didn't intend to wake up at all, he smiled and got out of bed.

After a while, I have to let Xiao Zhang taste the evil consequences of staying up late and the dangers of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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