I'm just an actor

Chapter 419 Guess

When Xu Rong finished washing, she looked at Xiao Zhang, who was about to roll the quilt into a tube on the bed, and said, "Xiao Zhang, get up."

"Little Zhang?"

"Little Zhang?"

Xiao Zhang didn't respond to him, but just turned over and moved from the middle of the bed to the position of the golden section.

Xiao Zhang already knew that it was time to get up, but this "knowing" was only a superficial level of consciousness. She still had the attitude of trying to see if she could sleep for a while by not responding.

Xu Rong came to the bed, moved closer, and said, "Xiao Zhang, hurry up, don't sleep, get up quickly."

Xiao Zhang could no longer pretend to be dead, so he pulled the quilt over his head and muttered, "Let me sleep a little longer?!"

Listening to the pleading in her tone, Xu Rong said unhurriedly: "I just went down to take a look, and there is one last dish left, and breakfast is about to be ready."

"By the way, how many people are there in our family?"

"Let me count, grandpa, second grandpa, and our parents, plus Xu Xing's family of three, six, no, seven, seven people are waiting for you, this battle is almost in time for the National Day military parade Why don't you, why don't I send a letter first, play music when you go downstairs, and then everyone stand up and pay attention?"

The room was quiet for a few seconds, then Xiao Zhang threw off the quilt and sat up with disheveled hair.

Although her body sat up, her soul seemed to be tightly wrapped by the blanket, her eyes were not opened at all, and her tightly knit brows showed the extremely unhappy mood in her heart.

"What I said yesterday, go to bed early, go to bed early, but I just don't listen, it's all right now, I'm as sleepy as a dog, I can't even open my eyes."

When Xiao Zhang heard the words, he immediately pulled himself together and said loudly, "Nonsense, I'm not sleepy at all!"


Xu Rong smiled and said: "Then you go and wash up quickly, I'll wait for you to go down together."


The spirit is just a flash in the pan of stubbornness, and sleepiness is the ancient fate that is difficult to get rid of in the morning.

Xiao Zhang slowly got up from the bed, walked into the bathroom with her head down, and the moment she closed the door, Xu Rong's voice followed closely: "You'd better take care of yourself and put on some makeup. , and then change clothes, yesterday my mother specially told me to get up early today, if you delay for a while, maybe she will kill her, now we have about 10 minutes, I will pinch the watch for you, you Pour out the water first."

"Don't squat too high, lest you float around."

"The power is well controlled, and it will be easy to clean later"

Classmate Xiao Zhang poked his head out from the closed door, showing a polite smile: "Mr. Xu, I know I was wrong, and thank you for waking me up, but can I ask you something?"

"Well, you said."

Her expression instantly became fierce: "Shut up, please?!"


Listening to Xu Rong's laughter outside, Xiao Zhang shut the door angrily.

When two people get along day and night, it is always inevitable that they will influence each other. In the process of getting along, she found that she seldom gets angry when Teacher Xu gives her advice. In contrast, whenever she gives advice to her mother, her mother never gives her any advice. good face.

For example, every time she reminded her mother to put too much salt in cooking, she would habitually ask her first: "Mom, did you beat the salt seller to death again?"

And the mother will often choke immediately: "Why don't you make delicious food?!"

If you are in a bad mood, you can slap your chopsticks on the table with a "snap": "Eat if you like it, and get out if you don't."

At first she was very curious, but after observing, she realized that there was something wrong with her own method.

Once before, she bought a green T-shirt for Teacher Xu. After seeing it, Teacher Xu said, "Thank you Xiao Zhang, I haven't forgotten about being a father when I go shopping. By the way, can I change it to another color?" ?”

She doesn't understand the difference between the two ways of expression and the internal logic that brings different feelings to people, but when the same content is said by Teacher Xu, it is often better than the question of "Why did you buy me a green T-shirt?" It sounds much better and is easier to accept.

From the comparison with her mother and Teacher Xu, she gradually figured out a rule, even if she gets angry again, she must not blame the other party for doing bad things with good intentions. Fire is even worse.

Although classmate Xiao Zhang was in a hurry as much as possible, when the two of them finished washing and went downstairs, they found that the whole family including Xu Xing was already sitting neatly in the dining room waiting.

Xu Rong sat down, and while taking the chopsticks handed over by her mother-in-law, she seemed to have just remembered something, and glanced at Xu Xing: "When did you two open the red envelopes last night?"

"12:30." Xu Xing said wearily.

Classmate Xiao Zhang didn't get much better: "It's almost two o'clock after cleaning up, so I don't remember who followed how much."

Grandpa heard this, with a smile on his face, and said: "Hurry up and eat, if you are still sleepy, take a nap after eating."

"Have all the guests been sent away?"

Xu Xing's father is a typical northwestern man, and he didn't hide it, saying: "Not yet, there are still a few families who are planning to celebrate the New Year in the capital."

"Stay in the hotel we booked?" Aunt Wang keenly realized that something was wrong. Some of the guests from other places were Xu Rong's friends, and some were relatives of her family.

"Isn't it?" Xu Xing's mother was about to pick up, "You say."

Xu Rong stretched out her hand, and said to Xu Xing's mother, "Auntie, help me draw a piece of paper?"

"Oh, good."

Xu Rong took the paper from Xu Xing's mother and put it at hand, said: "It seems that the Chinese New Year is about to come, and I'm not at home to prepare the New Year's goods. It's not easy to come here from all over the world to attend our wedding. Decent, let's be even more decent, if you want me to say, my uncle handles this matter, just two words, beautiful."


Xiao Zhang's father listened to the conversation of several people with different attitudes. His son-in-law usually doesn't talk much, but there is not a word of nonsense coming out of his mouth.

Could he not know why Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing stayed up late last night, why did they have to ask at the dinner table?

It was for the two old men to listen, and to go down the steps for the two old men who woke up early.

As for the guests who will stay in the hotel during the Chinese New Year, from the reaction of Xu Xing's parents, he probably touches his own relatives. Once this matter is mentioned, it will immediately hurt the peace, but after Xu Rong's mouth, the two parties not only No fault at all, but decent inside and out.

Watching Xu Rong dismiss the conflicts of the nine members of the three families in an understatement, he suddenly understood what kind of state and state it is to "cultivate one's body and keep one's family in order".

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel complacent. At the beginning, his wife didn't want to agree with his daughter to be with Xu Rong. It was he who tried his best to persuade the whole family. Thinking of this, he got up and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of wine and a few glasses. I poured myself a glass, poured a glass for Xu Xing's father, and then looked at Xu Rong: "Xiao Xu, have a drink?"

Before Xu Rong could speak, Xiao Zhang's mother snatched the wine glass: "You drink your own, why do you want to provoke others early in the morning, Xiao Xu?"

The two old people looked at all this with a smile, as if they didn't hear or see anything, they just ate their own food.

The second grandpa was bullied by Xiao Zhang face to face, and never dared to put on airs in front of this unrelated grandson, because Xu Rong didn't say anything at all that time.

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang's father holding a bottle of wine and beckoned to him, waved his hand and said, "I won't drink any more, I have to go out to do something after eating later."

Xiao Zhang's mother put the wine glass aside and asked with concern: "What's the matter?"

"Go to school and fill in some signed documents."

"Xiao Xu, yesterday I saw so many faces, what are they all for?"

While peeling the eggs, Xu Rong said: "Actually, I don't know all of them. Most of them are the children of Renyi. Many seniors are too old to be present. They are all brought by their children."

Xiao Zhang's father knew that Xu Rong was not telling the truth, but he didn't ask further.

The dining table suddenly fell silent, only the crisp sound of the collision of bowls and chopsticks remained. It wasn't that there was nothing to eat, but that except for the two old people, the remaining seven people were very tired from the marriage.


A sudden laughter broke the silence, and the seven people around the table all turned their eyes to the source of the laughter.

Xiao Zhang was eating eggs, and found that the whole family was looking at him, and said, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Xiao Zhang's mother looked at her suspiciously: "Why are you crazy?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang raised the egg in his hand: "Here, my husband peeled it for me, why, no one is allowed to be happy?!"

"Are you jealous?" Classmate Xiao Zhang probably hadn't fully woken up yet, and came along with another sentence that would have easily caused her mother to slap her chopsticks on the table in the past.

The atmosphere at the dinner table gradually became weird, and everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Zhang's father again.

Sitting in place, the pot came from the sky, Xiao Zhang's father glanced at Xu Rong who lowered his head and said nothing, and then at the mother and daughter with big eyes and small eyes, especially those who made all kinds of funny expressions Daughter, I feel like dying.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to test my Qi family's ability.

Xu Rong didn't delay after dinner, put on his coat and went out.

About four or ten minutes later, he came to an office of the Chinese Opera where few people usually come.

The office of Yang Hai, vice president and high-ranking official.

Yang Hai was not surprised by Xu Rong's arrival, because Xu Rong had already greeted him early this morning.

But he didn't know Xu Rong's purpose, so he let Xu Rong sit down, and joked: "Director Xu, you are dedicated enough, you got married yesterday, and you come to work today?"

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid of Secretary Yang making fun of you. I'm timid. I was so scared that I didn't fall asleep last night."

Yang Hai let him sit down, looked at him blankly and asked, "What's going on?"

Xu Rong took out the red envelope stuffed with cash and checks that Xiao Zhang took out yesterday from his pocket, put it gently on the table, and said: "I received it when I got married yesterday. There is no name written on the red envelope, and I am the payer." I don’t know, and no one has contacted me until now.”

As for what I told Xiao Zhang yesterday was sent by the group leader, it was just to reassure her.

"Is there such a good thing?" Yang Hai opened the red envelope, and when he saw the amount on the check, his lips trembled, "Did it go wrong?"

"I do not know either."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "And Secretary Yang, you also know that I said before that it doesn't matter if you follow the members, the maximum is one thousand, and if it is more, it is not a follower, but a crowdfunding for me. Now hand over the money to You can sleep soundly, Secretary Yang, please give me a voucher."

Yang Hai stuffed the check into the red envelope, stood up, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "Director Xu is really a person with strong principles, we should all learn from it."

"Secretary Yang is joking, I'm just timid."


When Xu Rong left, Yang Hai watched the staff put the red envelopes and seals into the safe, and said, "Okay, the work is done, let's stop wasting ourselves and go home for the New Year."

"Leader, Director Xu is real."


Yang Hai glanced at the tea leaves on the table, and said with a smile, "Maybe."

The tea leaves were put down by Xu Ronggang, and they were placed on his table in a fair manner.

Since he was in charge of this job, it was the first time he had seen someone give gifts so blatantly, so unscrupulously.

But Xu Rong found a good reason again.

return gift.

He knew that there was such a custom in some places, and tobacco, wine or snacks were often used as gifts in return. As for tea, it was rare, but it could not be said that there was no such thing.

What's more, the market price of tea is very chaotic. It is not uncommon for the same tea to change the packaging and the price can be doubled several times.

Xu Rong came out of Yang Hai's office and did not leave immediately. He did have some materials to sign when he came to school today. As for the specific affairs, he did not ask any questions.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. There are many bad things about people and arts, and there are also many Chinese dramas.

As for the 200 million check that he handed in, he found that no one had contacted him until this morning, so he decisively decided to hand it in.

Of course he likes money, but his money comes from good sources, even if he "forgot" to pay the tax because of ignorance at first, he later secretly made up for it.

Now, he understands more and more the true meaning of "the older you are, the less courageous you are". When he was poor and poor, he was not afraid of anything, but now, even if it is really a gift of souvenirs, he is still cautious.

In essence, it's not that he is timid, but that the production ratio has seriously exceeded his acceptable range.

Just like he will not break the law to avoid the tax of ten yuan now, maybe after a few years, today's 200 million may be equivalent to today's 10 yuan in his eyes, ruining his own money for 10 yuan , is it worth it?

The teacher who never forgets the past is the teacher of the future. The lessons learned by his predecessor Huang Yu are still in front of him. Naturally, he will not overturn because of a little pocket money.

Before deciding to hand it in, he actually thought about it carefully, and finally made up his mind on three points.

First, there is no name written on the red envelope.

Second, the payer is a leather bag company in the south.

Third, no one came to recognize the 200 million check.

If someone he knew really handed over the money generously to him, he would not be so worried, but this kind of money of unknown origin, he neither looked down on nor wanted to touch it.

As for the reason, he has some guesses, either someone has a child in the family who will take the art test next year or the year after, or wants to enter the Renyi or Mandarin mixed establishment.

But in fact, as long as there is a way, it doesn't cost that much money to enter Guohua, let alone enter Renyi.

With Feng Yuanzheng and him appointed as the head teacher of the group leader class in the courtyard, it would be useless to spend any money now.

But if someone's child takes the college entrance examination, as long as he nods, it's basically half done.

He is the head of the acting department of the Chinese Opera, and his class leader is the vice president of Nortel, and he has good connections with both schools.

But another possibility is not ruled out.

Someone is digging a hole for him.

Somebody was waiting for him to cash the check by chance.

He instinctively felt that this possibility was very high, and money was the least likely way to arouse his vigilance but could kill him with one blow.

Competing with peers, no matter how much he is besieged in the film and television industry, as long as he has no problems with his basic skills in Renyi, the worst result is just to hand over the title of "No. [-]" to others. I'm afraid it's an extravagant hope to start all over again.

As for whether it is paranoid?
It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go.

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