I'm just an actor

Chapter 420 Retirement

After Xu Rong finished dealing with the backlog of work, he just closed the office door and was about to go home. Before he reached the parking lot, he received a call from Zhang Heping.


According to the regulations, today is the last working day before the year, and you should go to work, but if everything is done according to the regulations, there will not be so many ordinary people who have sharpened their heads to be a master, and there will not be so many people who have cut their heads. A cynic with a sharp head but not a master.

He originally planned to go home for dinner first, and then take Jin Fangfang home to celebrate the New Year with Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing.

He has already discussed with Xiao Zhang about letting Jin Fangfang come to his home for the New Year, and he has also discussed it with his family.

However, he only disclosed Jin Fangfang's pregnancy to classmate Xiao Zhang. Young people have the ideas of young people, and the older generation has the ideas of the older generation.

Xu Rong was also a little unsure of what his grandfather's attitude would be after they knew Jin Fangfang was pregnant.

It is human nature to be puzzled when hearing the news:

Now that you are pregnant, why come to my house for the New Year?

Who is the father of the child?

If pregnancy takes the conventional way, it will inevitably make her a little lighter. After all, it is not a glorious thing to conceive without marriage for thousands of years. In the past 100 years, similar things happened. Women are generally either "crazy" or "died".

If you know the test tube she made, don't spend a long time explaining what a test tube is, and after understanding the twists and turns, you will inevitably feel a little pity.

However, regardless of contempt or pity, Jin Fangfang cannot accept it.

After working together for five years, Xu Rong knew Jin Fangfang too well, and she was very competitive, but on the other hand, if she didn't have such a strong competitive heart, she might not have accompanied him to this day.

And no matter how it is in private, he has always maintained respect and courtesy to Jin Fangfang in front of other people.

Without Jin Fangfang, he might still be able to achieve today's status and wealth, but it will undoubtedly take more energy or suffer more setbacks.

Just looking at the phone call from Zhang Heping, he wondered if he still had time to pick up Jin Fangfang. He definitely couldn't go home for dinner at noon today.

"Xiao Xu, where are you?" After answering the call, Zhang Heping's cheerful voice came from the phone.

"Oh, what about the school, what's the matter, Dean?"


Zhang Heping immediately became vigilant: "Why are you going to school?"

"Isn't there some materials that I need to sign? Come here. In fact, they are mainly study materials. I have been urged several times." He understands Zhang Heping's worries, but he knows that Zhang Heping's calling himself at this moment is definitely not to talk to him. He chattered homely, "Dean, what's the matter?"

"It's something, but it's a good thing. Come here quickly. It's in the teahouse we visited last time."

"Okay, I'll be right here."

As Xu Rong walked towards the parking lot, he was thinking about what Zhang Heping would be looking for at this time.

He can't be sure about good or bad things, but what he can be sure of must be urgent, otherwise Zhang Heping wouldn't let him go now.

When he arrived at the teahouse that Zhang Heping mentioned, he went upstairs with a waitress who was only four or five centimeters shorter than him and was wearing a water-blue cheongsam with high slits. He vaguely remembered that their clothes were still beige and short with slanted breasts the last time he came. Cheongsam, when you bow your head to make tea, you seem to be able to see something, but you can’t seem to see anything.

He hates such places extremely. Most of the so-called elegant places are vassals, and there are countless filth and filth in them. However, out of the need to accumulate living materials, he has to endure the discomfort and frequent them, even though, like others, He also happened to be seen something that shouldn't be seen, but unlike those lewd eyes, he examined injustice with a critical eye.

After entering the door and seeing the three people sitting there, Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood the reason why Zhang Heping called him here today.

Zhang Heping was sitting directly opposite the door, and on his left was a chubby middle-aged woman in her fifties with a short head. She was quite amiable and quite rich. She was also one of the guests who attended the wedding yesterday. Liu Lijuan is now the head of Changying.

On the opposite side of Liu Lijuan is Xu Rong's old acquaintance, Zhang Li, the director of "Towards the Republic", "The Great Ming Dynasty 1566", and "The Right Way in the World is Vicissitudes".

Following his arrival, Liu Lijuan and Zhang Li got up almost at the same time: "Xiao Xu, I was talking about you. Heping was just talking about it just now. Aren't you disturbing the young couple's honeymoon when you come here at this time?!"

"Aunt Liu, you are too polite. I don't know how to thank you for coming when we get married."

Turning his head, he greeted Zhang Li again: "Uncle Li, you have really come full circle."

"I'm also learning from you."


In fact, the moment he saw Zhang Li, Xu Rong had already figured out the cause and effect.

The TV series that Zhang Li is going to shoot is very likely to have attracted investment from Changying, and it is likely to be the main investor, otherwise Liu Lijuan would not have come forward to find Zhang Heping in person.

Xu Rong sat down first, and said to Zhang Li who was about to reach out to make tea: "Uncle Li, you rest, I will come and I will come, not for me to show off, if you talk about drinking tea, I may not be one-tenth of you, but you When it comes to making tea, you can at most beat us both."


Zhang Li wanted something from Xu Rong today, and Xu Rong was no longer the student who was the gatekeeper, so how dare he ask Xu Rong to pour tea, he hurriedly said, "I'll do it."

Zhang Heping smiled and said: "Director Zhang, why are you being polite to him? You guys have known each other for a long time, don't be fooled by this guy's name, it's all fake."

"Leader, let's talk about it later, how about shame?"


Seeing Liu Lijuan laughing out loud, Zhang Li also laughed, but his smile was relatively restrained, looking at Xu Rong, who was close at hand, with lowered brows and lowered eyes, who was washing and making tea in a leisurely manner, he felt in his heart For no reason, he thought of the young man who stood behind Xu Qing and looked at him nervously many years ago.

We are in the same industry, and we don’t see each other when we look up, but since "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" was finished, he and Xu Rongyuan have dealt with each other twice. The Ming Dynasty 1566", Xu Rong gave him a slightly different impression every time I saw it, but in the feeling, something seemed to have never changed.

"Did Aunt Liu buy a ticket to go back?"

"Buy it, I heard the news from Heping that you are going to get married, so I asked someone to book a round-trip ticket for you."

Liu Lijuan smiled and said: "By the way, Xiao Xu, I heard the accent yesterday. Xiao Zhang is also from the Northeast, right?"

"Yes, from Anshan." Xu Rong poured her a cup of tea, "But Auntie Liu, if you say that, I have to do a self-criticism. This shows that our basic skills are still not in place."


While smiling, Liu Lijuan picked up the words: "Actually, this also shows that you and our Northeast are destined."

Xu Rong understood the meaning of Liu Lijuan leading the topic, and said: "Aunt Liu, you are indeed right. I went to a construction site in 04, which was Jilin. The first film "Migrant Workers" was also filmed in Jilin. It is really popular all over the country because of "Harbin Under the Night", and now you have married a Northeast wife, and then you came to my wedding in your busy schedule, not only because of fate, but also because of fate not only at 01:30."

"Look, look." Zhang Heping pointed at Xu Rong with a smile, "What am I talking about, when you have this guy around, you never have to worry about having nothing to talk about, he can talk everything by himself. "

"I accept the leadership's criticism, shut up, shut up?"


After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhang Heping got up with a smile, and said, "You talk about yours, I'll go out and make a phone call."

Xu Rong looked at Zhang Heping, who was smiling and nodding at him, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

If Zhang Heping never left, it meant that he had to agree to it today, but now that Zhang Heping deliberately made room, it had another meaning.

He can decide whether to accept this book according to his own mood, instead of worrying about Zhang Heping's face.

When Zhang Heping went out, Liu Lijuan said: "Xiao Xu, to tell you the truth, I came to the capital for two main reasons. The first is to attend your wedding, and the second is to have a play that I want to invite You act."

"This is the script outline." While Liu Lijuan was speaking, Zhang Li also handed over the script.

Xu Rong actually expected this scene long ago, should Liu Lijuan be given face?

Before Zhang Heping got up, he had already made up his mind, that's all, if things don't go his way, most likely, at worst, he will win the grand slam with the three grand prizes again, and no one will die anyway.

But with Zhang Heping getting up, it seems that there is room for maneuver again. Changying is not Zhongying. Now that he is close to Changying, isn't it equivalent to joining the national army in [-]?
Seeing that he glanced at the script but had no intention of opening it, Liu Lijuan knew that he could not be allowed to speak. Once he refused, it would be difficult to change his mind, so she immediately said: "You decide the schedule, salary, and actors." , What conditions do you have, as long as you put it forward, Aunt Liu will definitely coordinate as much as possible."

"Xiao Xu, since you call me Auntie, then Auntie Liu will tell you the truth, if you don't act in this movie, we won't make it."

Xu Rong could hear the sincerity in Liu Lijuan's words, and of course he could hear the leeway, but for this sake, if he refused in person, he would offend people to death.

He hesitated for a moment, picked up the script and opened the outline, looked at it for a while, and said, "Hey, the role of Zhang Zuolin is quite interesting."

"Who do you think is suitable?" Liu Lijuan looked at him, she was not afraid that he would have an opinion, but she was afraid that he would have no opinion.

Xu Rong raised his head, looked at Liu Lijuan who was smiling more and more kindly for a while, and said with a wry smile: "I told you, can Auntie Liu come?"

Liu Lijuan smiled gently: "Auntie said, what conditions do you have, as long as you put it forward, Auntie Liu will definitely help coordinate as much as possible."

"Mr. Jin Tujie or Mr. Li Xuejian, I think both of them should be able to act."

"Okay." Liu Lijuan immediately took out her mobile phone, and made a call as if she was afraid that he would go back on his word.

"Hey, brother Xuejian, it's me, Lijuan"

Xu Rong closed the script. In fact, he had already decided to take over the script the second before he put forward his opinion.

There is no major problem in the logic of the book. If a long-shadowed family member has said something to this point, if he refuses, it will be a feud.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that with Liu Lijuan's firmness, even if he refuses now, Zhang Heping might still be a lobbyist in the future. Since something is bound to happen, it is better to be open than twists and turns, making everyone unhappy. a little.

As said on the Internet, since you can't resist, it's better to turn passive into active and master the rhythm. For one thing, since you have to do it when you are happy, and you have to do it if you are not happy, it is better to do it happily.

After sending Liu Lijuan and Zhang Li away, Xu Rong didn't go back immediately because Zhang Heping wanted to go back to the courtyard.

Xu Rong understood the reason, even if he was fine, Zhang Heping would rather stay in the office drinking tea than go home and rest.

Being dragged by Zhang Heping's words all the time, he couldn't leave for a while, so he sent a message to Xiao Zhang, telling her that he would not go back to eat at noon today.

He has recently become more and more aware of a very common phenomenon. The relationship between most leaders and subordinates, especially those in the system, is deeply affected by the traditional concept of superiority and inferiority. The people chatting were either Hao Tian and others who were about the same rank as him, or they were a little familiar with Wang Lei and Xinyue. The carelessness of the others was hardly concealed. Less than others.

He understands the deep-seated reasons, more mistakes are made when more words are said, less mistakes are made when less words are said, and it is not good to say nothing. In many cases, doing ten things is not as good as doing one bad thing to impress the leader, and he will even be completely dismissed because of this one thing. Negative, instead of this, it is better to keep a distance from the leader.

He didn't like this way of getting along very much, because he wasn't even sure if what he heard was true.

Thinking of himself and others, he gradually understood Zhang Heping's nagging problem. Leaders are actually very lonely most of the time, and this is especially true for Zhang Heping, who has a relatively low family status.

But what is different from the vast majority of people is that in the past, he has never taken drama too seriously, which also led to him not having too many taboos when communicating with Pu Cunxi and Zhang Heping. This is probably one of the reasons why he can stand out.

Following Zhang Heping back to the office, Xu Rong consciously boiled water and made tea, and said, "Dean, what's the current situation at Changying Studio?"

"What's the situation?" Zhang Heping lit a cigarette, "There is a rush to reform the system, but no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. Otherwise, how could it appear that Han Sanping is capable?"

"Your grandfather is also a worker. You should know something about the situation of state-owned enterprises. Generally, mines have their own hospitals, schools and all kinds of messy public facilities, plus various benefits for retired employees and their families. Don't look at Changying Factory. Yes, but there are still tens of thousands of mouths lying on the corpse of Changying's factory to suck blood."

"Then co-author, is it a matter of time before Changying goes bankrupt or even gets acquired?"

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