I'm just an actor

Chapter 421 Thoughts

Chapter 421 Thoughts
Zhang Heping did not answer his doubts about the future direction of Changying, but instead asked: "What do you think of our hospital?"

"Past, present, Future."

Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled expression, Zhang Heping sat across from him with a cigarette between his hands, and said, "Do you still remember your impressions of our college before you went to university?"

"Before college?"

Xu Rong glanced at the splash of water in the transparent glass pot, and said, "I've never heard of it!"

The ease on Zhang Heping's face froze for a moment, but then he smiled again: "You can't always talk like this, I know you are telling the truth, but the truth is ugly."

"There are no outsiders." Xu Rong didn't look up, and poured boiling water into the teapot with a rag to wash the tea. "Actually, my impression of our hospital has changed through several stages."

"The first stage is before going to university. I have never heard of Renyi, and I don't know what it is for."

"The second stage is when I went to college and started to learn acting. When I opened the textbooks, it was all Teacher Yu, Teacher Zheng, and others. Then I watched the teacher's videos. At that time, I began to feel that the human art is really good and awesome."

"The third stage is after watching a play, especially as my professional level has reached a certain level, sitting in the audience, I always feel that I can do it myself."

Xu Rong said with emotion: "When I was in school, many students said that Renyi is a palace, just like students who study finance all over the country look at Wudaokou, but one day, the concept of Renyi and palace collapsed in my mind. I still remember a sentence from a previous report. It was an interview with the director. I forgot how the original words were said. It doesn't work."

"In fact, our theater has changed a lot in the past few years. Really, I'm not flattering you, Dean. If you don't say anything else, let's just say "Thunderstorm". How many years has it been since the first performance? Playing a joke, I don’t know how to be so cheeky.”

"Slow down, keep down." Zhang Heping heard his voice getting louder and more excited, interrupted him with a smile, got up and closed the door before saying, "Maybe there are still people."

Sitting down again, seeing Xu Rong not saying a word, Zhang Heping understood the unfinished meaning of Xu Rong's words, sighed, and said: "The road has to be walked step by step, the meal has to be eaten bite by bite, and the things have to be done one by one. , you can’t learn from Xiao Feng, he’s too extreme, what is management? It’s not about managing the process on a case-by-case basis, that’s what professionals do, and you can’t manage it, let alone formulating rules and regulations, you can manage with rules and regulations People's bodies can live, but rules and regulations can't control people's hearts."

Zhang Heping put out the cigarette, and said heavily: "But when it comes to creation, people's hearts are the most important thing. What do you think is the core of management?"

"It's a person!" Zhang Heping saw that Xu Rong had been deliberating for a long time without making a sound, and said earnestly, "It's about putting the right person in the right position, like Xiao Yang, he can manage the cast team, but if you let him manage In the office, he can take care of me like crazy."

"I tell you this because I hope you can understand that today we will make a small step forward, and tomorrow we will make another small step. As long as there is progress, there is hope and a future."

Xu Rong disagreed with Zhang Heping's point of view, such a small step by step progress, have to enter the year of the monkey?

In his philosophy, with the development of the Internet, there are more and more options for spiritual consumption, and the forms are also emerging in an endless stream. Drama, as a kind of spiritual consumer goods, must be consistent with the original intention of its birth, no matter from the perspective of commercial development or from the original intention of its birth. Keeping pace with the times, as a critical art, we can't stick to "Thunderstorm" and "Tea House" all the time, and we can't always catch the Republic of China and criticize it to death.

Although with the wave of marketization, the early dramas such as "Thunderstorm" and "Tea House" have strangely slowed down their strong vitality and ironic meaning, but because they wear the hat of "old society", some people are insensitive , or pretending to be insensitive.

With regard to the future of Renyi, he and Feng Yuanzheng have similar ideas. If Renyi wants to develop a strong vitality, occupy a place in the literary and art circle or even take the lead, it must first solve the problem of people.

From his feelings in the past few years, even if the existing staff is cut in half, the operation of the theater will not be delayed at all.

And the money saved by cutting off half of the people can be used on steel blades to increase the remuneration of screenwriters and increase the income of creative staff.

This is the foundation of the theater's survival. If you don't plant plane trees, how can you attract phoenixes?
And as long as there is any reform, how can there be no pains?
After solving the human problem, the first problem is to return to the core of drama creation, the script.

In the past few decades, Renyi has been able to become a palace and a world-class theater. In addition to a group of skilled directors, actors, and choreographers, what is more important is a screenwriting team with Cao Yu, Lao She, Guo Moruo and others as the core.

But without the guarantee of income, why should people spend three, five or even ten years polishing a script?
But he did not refute or express his views.

Zhang Heping will form the current concept, naturally there are experiences and reasons that he does not understand, and his views also have their own reasons. After all, there is no actual experience in putting yourself in the position, so it is meaningless.

"I'm 66 this year."

Zhang Heping said a sentence without beginning and ending in a sighing tone, but it also made Xu Rong stunned on the spot.

According to Zhang Heping's rank, theoretically, he should retire at the age of 65.

Zhang Heping explained with a smile: "If I hadn't made some achievements in the past few years, and it happened to be in time for the [-]th anniversary of the institute, and the higher-ups were afraid of being tricked, I should have retired last year."

Xu Rong heard Zhang Heping's unfinished intentions, which means that once the [-]th anniversary celebration is over, Zhang Heping is likely to leave Renyi.

In the past, Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi always talked about "retirement" and "succession", but he listened to it as a joke at that time. It was not until today that he realized that this dean who always pays for himself may do it again. is retiring in the year.

But can Ren Ming really take over?
Without a dean with a strong wrist and a broad approach, can Renyi still sail according to the established route?
The most important thing is that I and Ren Ming usually get along well, but it's just okay.

What will happen next?
he does not know.

After being dazed for a moment, he said with a smile: "Then, first of all, I would like to congratulate the dean on his fortune."

"What a fortune?!" Zhang Heping laughed. Xu Rong's hesitation at that moment was beyond his expectation. At that moment, he saw loss and bewilderment in his eyes, but no one else Excited to hear the news.

Zhang Heping seemed to have thought of something, and said, "By the way, don't run around after the Chinese New Year."

Xu Rong picked up the teacup, first tasted whether it was hot or not, and then asked after drinking it in one gulp, "What's the matter?"

"Take you to identify the door."

It was already six o'clock in the evening when Xu Rong returned home, and he listened to Zhang Heping talk about the past for a long time.

Everyone's life, even a beggar, has its highlight moments, let alone Zhang Heping, who was born before the founding of the People's Republic of China and has rich experience.

Zhang Heping's growth experience is connected with the fate of the country and is closely related to the development of the times, and his influence on Chinese films is no less than that of Han Sanping.

It was the first time Xu Rong looked at Zhang Heping with the eyes of an elder, and suddenly realized that this old man lived a much happier life than most people.

Because he has been doing the career he loves all his life, and what is rare is that he has made achievements.

But Xu Rong didn't really just treat Zhang Heping as an elder because of this. God knows which of his words are true and which are false?

On the way home, he couldn't help feeling ridiculous about his own prudence. He always hoped that his subordinates would be honest with him, but he himself couldn't be honest with a boss who was about to retire.

After parking the car, as soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard laughter from the house.

Before entering the door to change his shoes, he took a peek inside and saw Jin Fangfang sitting on the sofa next to Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, chatting with the big family.

Only Aunt Wang and Xu Xing's mother were not there, so they should be busy in the kitchen.

"Mr. Xu, are you back?"

"Well, I went to school in the morning, met a few friends, and was dragged by the dean to chat in the courtyard all afternoon. If it wasn't for the security guards waiting to go home after get off work for the New Year, I wouldn't be back now. "

He said, threw his coat on the sofa, sat next to classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, looked at Jin Fangfang who was facing him and said, "I'm sorry, I was going to pick you up, but I was delayed by something."

Jin Fangfang shook her head with a smile, and said, "It's okay, it's not like I can't touch the door."

In the afternoon, he looked at Jin Fangfang who couldn't get away and asked Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing to pick him up.

Listening to the way the two communicated, the old man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, even though he didn't express anything on the surface.

As one of the few people who can influence Xu Rong's decision, they all know about Jin Fangfang's situation. They have known Xu Rong since the beginning of time. Except for their size, their education, ability, and figure are all ahead of Xiao Zhang. thousands of miles.

What worried the old man the most was that he had heard from Xu Xing that Jin Fangfang hadn't had a date until now. Moreover, Jin Fangfang had never been home once when Xu Rong was not at home.

This made the old man very worried.

Therefore, when Xu Rong asked Jin Fangfang to come to his home for the New Year, he agreed without hesitation. If Xu Rong was really ambiguous with this woman, he would definitely cut off the signs as soon as possible.

Xiao Zhang's parents also had similar thoughts. As elders, they had to think a little more.

But right now, Xu Rong and Jin Fangfang obviously kept a certain distance.

Xu Rong looked at Xu Xing and asked, "Have Fangfang's rooms been arranged?"

"Well, it's arranged." Xu Xing, who was sitting next to Jin Fangfang, didn't dare to say much.

She is not afraid of her sister-in-law, because they always play together, and she also knows that she is not like her brother, who always has a smile on her face no matter what she thinks.

But for Jin Fangfang, she has always been a little apprehensive. Firstly, this woman will never flatter and compliment her because she is Xu Rong's younger sister. Secondly, the most terrible thing is that her brother trusts this woman very much. She has no doubt that if she is in the When my elder brother spoke ill of Jin Fangfang, my elder brother would only doubt himself, not Jin Fangfang.

But on the other hand, she admires her from the bottom of her heart. Whether Jin Fangfang is facing the president of a big company or a big director in the industry, she can talk and laugh happily, just like before her brother came back, she could smile even when facing the whole family. right.

But this also made her certain of one thing, those rumors in the company were pure nonsense.

If she really had something to do with her brother, she would have been so nervous that she would have died.

Seeing that Jin Fangfang was sitting upright, Xu Rong said, "Have you brought your computer? Let's go upstairs. I happen to have something to tell you. You can arrange the work later."

"Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing are also together."

Jin Fangfang didn't expect that he would suddenly want to talk about work, so she didn't react a little bit, and waited for Xu Rong to stand up before she nodded and said, "I took it."

"What's the matter, it's so urgent, it has to be now, can't we wait until the end of the new year?"

"It's not in a hurry, I'm mainly afraid that things will be forgotten after the end of the year." Seeing that everyone in the family looked at him suspiciously, he tapped the watch on his wrist, "According to the laws of the country, today is still a working day , not counting overtime."


As soon as he went upstairs, classmate Xiao Zhang said, "It's a good thing you're back. I think their topics are so boring, but Sister Fang Fang chatted with them for half a long time."


As Xiao Zhang's voice fell, there was a burst of laughter from upstairs and downstairs at the same time. Xiao Zhang listened to the laughter downstairs, took a light breath, and muttered: "It's over, it's over, I have to be quarreled again."

In the living room, Xu Rong looked at the three people behind him, and said, "Let's all rest, lie down and lie down as you like, crooked as you like."

Jin Fangfang understood why he came upstairs, which was actually different from what Xu Rong thought. She didn't hate chatting with Xu Rong's family. To be more precise, she preferred to go out and participate in various activities rather than being alone. kind of social activity.

However, due to work reasons, she often had to study alone and work overtime.

Seeing that Jin Fangfang was about to sit down, Xu Rong seemed to remember something, and suddenly stopped her: "Wait."

The three buttocks were hanging in the air, staring at him blankly: "What's wrong?"

"Have you been sitting for half the afternoon?"

"Ang, what's wrong?"

"You go for a walk first, your situation is not suitable for sitting for a long time."

After finishing speaking, he said again: "I'll go change my clothes first."

Jin Fangfang looked at Xu Rong's back, turned her head, and saw Xiao Zhang's expression suddenly changed, and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you alright?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang laughed and said, "Maybe he's embarrassed to tell you that pregnancy is not suitable for sitting for a long time, so he has to change clothes, hahaha."

After a while, Xu Rong changed into his home clothes, went downstairs again, took the script that was left on the car, put it in front of several people, and said: "I received another script for a TV series today, Fang Fang, go back and ask Yaqin to contact the producer to fix the schedule."

"TV drama?" Jin Fangfang frowned subconsciously. She immediately guessed that Xu Rong took over the script probably because of unstoppable favors, but she still did not forget to remind, "There is no free time in the last two years, unless you don't take a break." .”

Of course Xu Rong understood the situation, and sat next to Xiao Zhang, who had picked up the script and flipped through it, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't want to accept it at first, but because it's director Zhang Li and Changying Investment, I really can't push it away." Yes, you can ask Yaqin to discuss the specific schedule with them."

"The script is okay, otherwise Changying wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to find me."

He poured a glass of water for each of them, and said, "Actually, what I want to tell you is not about the schedule. You are mainly responsible for another job. This year, there will be a group leader in the courtyard, and the probability is that it will be from the three majors." The selection of freshmen who graduated from colleges and universities are all blank paper, easy to draw on."

"In addition, I will also select people from the faculty and staff of Renyi, Chinese Opera, Mandarin and even Nortel, and then bring them into the group. What you have to do is to sign these people, and the announcement depends on their own wishes. But not too much, I will spend two to three years laying the foundation for them."

Jin Fangfang looked at him: "How many people?"

(End of this chapter)

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