"About how many people?"

Facing Jin Fangfang's doubts, Xu Rong couldn't answer her immediately, because he didn't have a definite answer in his heart.

When he first became popular in 07, he was completely confused. Before that, except for dreaming at night, he never thought that he would be in the "first-line" so quickly. Even when he made the first five-year plan, he still wanted to use In five hours, I will honestly play a supporting role, honing my professional skills and making money at the same time.

Now it seems that it was taken for granted at that time, and young actors are often in different situations depending on their connections and popularity.

Although the first type always plays supporting roles, there are more invitations. Being able to stay on the set 365 days 366 days a year is a bit tiring, but the income is comparable to most gold-collar workers.

The second is that the invitations are not too many, but they are not too few. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, they can take on a few plays more or less, and live a life without worrying about food and clothing, but not rich.

The third type is the real young actors, who can only receive a play every few years.

Most of the "late bloomers" actors in the industry are often from the second type, because they have time to prepare for the role, also have time to replay, and have more opportunities to put their thinking and perception into practice.

Most importantly, their income also guarantees their livelihood.

It’s just that given his financial situation at the time, if he hadn’t been supported by Lao Liu, it’s hard to guarantee that he wouldn’t have taken advantage of the popularity of "Bright Sword" to jump headlong into the tide of anti-war movies and become an anti-Japanese hero like Yu Zhen.

But fate is always elusive. He blushed for no reason, and because he fell out with Chang Jihong immediately afterward, his overnight popularity did not dazzle him, but made him calm down quickly and began to think about why he was red. How can I stay red all the time?

Just like his speech at the Feitian Awards, he believes that the most critical factor for his success is not self-discipline, nor his own professional level, but just catching up with a good era, catching up with a Chinese film and television industry, especially It was the era when the TV drama industry began to collectively compare badly.

Before and after his popularity, a total of four grades of four students were selected, namely Lu Yi, Huang Sanshi, Li Yapeng, Hu Ping, Ren Quan, Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei, Yin Xiaotian, Nie Yuangong, Du Zhun, Huo Ping Yan, Zhang Junning, and Cui Lin are 14 people in total. These 14 people basically monopolized most of the top resources from 2000 to 2008.

Please name each representative work.

This is the state of confusion he encountered after writing down the names of 14 people when analyzing the reasons for his popularity, because he found that more than half of them had no representative works at all, and the representative works of several representative works were also after the popularity passed. disappeared.

The way they maintain their popularity is not works, but multi-dwelling development and all kinds of lace news.

The difference between him and other four-year-old students is that he casually talks about a scene he filmed. Even "Bright Sword" and "Crossing the Guandong" six or seven years ago were broadcast by at least two TV stations across the country, such as Southern TV and a certain TV station. .

It can be said that he is the biggest beneficiary of the overall decline in the average level of the TV drama industry.

After filming "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", he had only one thought at the time, whether he could join hands with Chen Baoguo one day.

Therefore, no matter whether the media or peers compare him with his contemporaries, he has never been angry. He has never regarded them as opponents, but it is precisely this mentality of catching up that makes him far away from his peers. Left behind.

In the past, occasionally he would feel lucky. If he was in the same industry as Chen Baoguo and Li Xuejian, who were clear in the mainland film and television industry, he would most likely only play supporting roles in his life, because the producers had too many choices.

But now, when he has completely stood at the top of the industry and his position is as solid as a rock, he is tired of and even disgusted with the chaos in the mainland film and television industry, especially the TV drama industry.

At first, he wanted to form a demonstration effect by himself, and then influence the entire industry, but it turned out that he was wrong again.

Because of his status as the head of the Chinese Opera Department and the eldest son of Renyi, the capital would never take huge risks to launch a siege against him, but the honor of the 25-year-old Shidi Grand Slam forced the capital to adopt another method instead.

Acknowledge his transcendent status as No.80 in the 1 generation, and hold him high.

This can be seen from the fact that major TV stations across the country have given schedules to "Snow Leopard" and "Never Eternal Number" last year.

But the fact did not achieve the effect he expected. One step ahead of others is envied by others. When he is ahead of others by a large margin, not only no one is jealous, but also no one follows suit, because it is no longer feasible to learn from.

That's why he came up with the idea of ​​cultivating a group of skilled actors within the system to squeeze the living space of so-called idol artists and traffic artists.

In his eyes, the idol ten years ago is essentially the same as the traffic ten years later, it's just a different terminology.

As for how many people to train, he actually doesn't have a clear concept, but Renyi, Chinese opera, Mandarin Chinese plus Nortel, it is always no problem to gather three to fifty people.

And this kind of idea sprouted the night before the wedding, the day Wang Lei and the others dragged her out to play.

Traffic artists represented by Han Geng and Yang Mi have become a force that cannot be ignored in today's film and television industry, and have even evolved into a new model. In addition, their fans are mainly young people, that is, the main force who like to speak on the Internet Army, over time, it is easy to give the public the illusion that they are very popular.

Although they have proved themselves in the film market, their appeal is basically the same as that of second- and third-tier actors.

After thinking for a while, he raised his gaze slightly, looked at Jin Fangfang, and said, "About ten."

Jin Fangfang shook her head almost without hesitation: "It's unrealistic. We are just a studio, not a professional film and television production company. Besides, even a film and television production company cannot afford to support so many artists."

Xu Xing asked puzzledly: "Can't afford it?"

Jin Fangfang explained: "He means that these ten people will be trained to be first-line actors, but the more famous they are, the higher the production ratio, and their demand for resources is also high. A normal first-line actor needs at least two plays a year, ten how many?"

"Twenty, and all of them must be high-quality scripts, which means that all the best scripts in China must be given to these ten people."

Jin Fangfang stood at one end of the table and looked at the three of them: "Then the heads of so many film and television company bosses in China have to be squeezed by the door."

After Jin Fangfang finished speaking, seeing Xu Rong frowning in thought, she quietly walked to Xiao Zhang and sat down next to her classmate, and said, "Actually, I'm even more curious, why did you do this?"

"Don't say it is for the unity of the staff of Renyi and Chinese opera."

Xu Rong didn't hide anything, and said: "I want to form a team of actors with relatively high professional standards, and change the film and television industry, especially the status quo of the collective performance of actors."

Jin Fangfang looked at him for a few seconds and asked, "And then?"

"Forming a demonstration effect, the current atmosphere in the film and television industry is very wrong. Everyone is eager for quick success and quick profit, and they don't know anything. When they are on the show, there are technical terms such as 'realism', 'belief', and 'really listening, seeing and feeling'." A set of suits, but once you stand in front of the camera, let alone the horse's feet, the horse's ass is exposed, and the reputation of this industry will be completely ruined if this continues."

"And then?" She shook her head, obviously not having the slightest confidence in his thoughts, "Let me make an analogy, if Liu Yifei's acting skills are particularly good, would you let her play the female lead of "All Quiet in Peking"? ?”

Xiao Zhang immediately regained her spirits, because she was the first female lead in "Peking", so not only did she sleep with the producer, but she was also forced to do a lot of poses that made her blush and heart beat when she thought about it.

"Your example is not convincing."

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't answer, Jin Fangfang smiled and said, "I'm making an analogy, it's a hypothetical. First of all, we have to admit that today's Liu Yifei is indeed more popular than Teacher Xiao Zhang, and his appeal is stronger than Teacher Xiao Zhang."

Seeing Xiao Zhang's smile was dry, Jin Fangfang smiled and said: "Of course, these are only temporary, her height is visible, unlike Teacher Xiao Zhang's future, there is no limit."

"There is nothing there." Xiao Zhang was a little embarrassed by Jin Fangfang's boast, and quickly waved his hand to deny it.

Seeing that Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang looked at each other, she shook her head without hesitation, she put away her smile, and said, "Look, you are not the same, let alone the capital, you must give priority to the use of your own actors." Question, you need to know that the resources of our studio are limited, even if it is restructured into a company now, it will not be able to meet your needs."

"Of course, if you really want to change the status quo of the film and television industry, you shouldn't think about standing on the opposite side of the industry, put yourself on the opposite side of the industry, let alone you, even Han Sanping will be crushed to pieces, you will lose your wealth Lu, people will never mind cutting your life, don’t think I’m scaring you anymore, as you said before, the film and television market is a market of hundreds of billions of trillions, and the interests of trillions, don’t say that you are just the director of the Department of Chinese Opera, you are You are the director of the Chinese Opera, and they dare to do you a favor.”

When Xiao Zhang heard that what Xu Rong did might be life-threatening, he immediately said: "Sister Fangfang, you, do you have any other good ideas?"

She knew that once Teacher Xu had an idea, he would not give up easily.

Jin Fangfang glanced at Xu Rong, stretched out a white finger, and stood upright in the air: "It's not a method, it's just a guess. The first method is that Mr. Xu establishes an industrial chain that he can control, covering talent training, marketing The super industrial chain of publicity, film and television entertainment product manufacturing, and broadcasting platform guarantees that you can use your model to prove that it is superior to other models. Such an industrial chain, or business empire, without an investment of tens of billions, may even hear a sound not."

"The second way is that you use administrative means to push, but that's not what you can do now. If you count according to the rank, I guess it must be at least the second in command of the General Administration?!"

Xu Rong couldn't help being moved when he heard the words. It wasn't until this time that he realized why Liu Yanming was powerless when he knew the current results. Taking Jin Fangfang's so-called "marketing promotion" as an example, she meant that the company has strong publicity capabilities and does not rely on To achieve the same publicity effect on any social media platform, taking the online platform as an example, he must control a publicity channel that is not weaker than Weibo.

When he stands on the opposite side of the entire industry, he must be prepared to be an enemy of the entire industry and stakeholders.

As for the second kind mentioned by Jin Fangfang, it is impossible in his life.

Jin Fangfang paused, and said: "Actually, sometimes you are quite vague about your own position. In the film and television industry, you are not the most influential actor, but you are definitely the most promising actor in the future, not one of them."

"Since we can't stand on the opposite side of everyone, why not establish a mechanism that can cover the entire industry, so that everyone can have the opportunity to become a player and a winner?"

"Thinking about the imperial examination system, you must first have the power to formulate rules, and secondly, the rules you formulate must conform to the smart principle." Seeing the three people looking at her suspiciously, Jin Fangfang knew that what she said was beyond the outline, and explained, "That is to say Players must see hope."

Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled expression, Jin Fangfang said, "Do you know about the NBA's Hall of Fame?"

Xu Rong suddenly became enlightened and understood what Jin Fangfang wanted to express.

"The nba Hall of Fame has a complete set of commercial operation mechanisms. It doesn't mean that a few people close the door and say whoever is elected will be elected. In the context of commercialization, it must be recognized by the business. Under such circumstances, it needs the double endorsement of 'market' and 'plan', of course, this kind of selection will in turn boost the favor of the market."

"The same is true for the film and television industry. There must also be a minimum entry threshold, such as nominations for the three major awards of TV and film. If you can be selected without even being nominated, it will really lower the level of this so-called Hall of Fame."

"Han Geng always calls himself an actor, but if someone puts you and Han Geng in the same honor, you will definitely think that is an insult to you, and you will take it for granted that this selection has no meaning at all."

"You are not just a solo artist now, you have certain resources, and these resources cannot be exchanged for money. Since you are not used to it, you must learn to use these resources reasonably, just like Han Sanping for Influenced by Chinese films, you will become a character who must be mentioned in the history of Chinese film and television development in the future. The word "Xu Rong" must also become a name that cannot be avoided in the history of Chinese film and television, not just how many classics you have created. Film and television works, but what rules have you established that have a far-reaching impact on this industry."

"I think that to achieve this, we must first prepare for two things. The first is to change the studio into a joint-stock company, bind more interest communities, and even find more powerful people who act in concert. The second is to continue to expand your human resources The influence of art, together with Nortel, China Opera, Shanghai Opera, China Film, Shanghai Film, Huayi, Hairun and other leading domestic companies and institutions, jointly formulate the rules of this game, but there is one thing to pay attention to, you must be able to Ensure that the rules of this game will not be distorted by external force interference before a complete operating mechanism is formed."

Listening to Jin Fangfang's grand blueprint, the three of them were stunned for a moment.

Xu Rong stared at Jin Fangfang blankly for a long time, and at a certain moment said very abruptly: "For those who are celebrating Chinese New Year, it's better not to talk about work, but to talk about having fun."

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