I'm just an actor

Chapter 425 New Years

In previous years, when celebrating the Spring Festival in the village, Xu Rong would be woken up by the continuous sound of firecrackers at about three or four o'clock in the morning on the first day of the new year.

When he was young, he was still looking forward to the New Year, even if it was dark outside, when he heard the neighbors firing cannons, he would immediately get out of bed, smell the faint smell of sulfur in the air, and go door to door to visit the New Year.

Of course, the more important purpose is to pick up the unexploded squibs, and when you have a bag full, break apart the squibs and pour out the gunpowder in them, so that you can recreate the firecrackers or set them off as small fireworks.

With the growth of age, the expectation for the Chinese New Year has gradually weakened a lot, and the urge to pick up guns has disappeared, and only the human relationship that has to be walked around remains.

Just like today, he hasn't stopped since he had breakfast, and he can't remember how many places he visited.

Sitting in the living room of Zhang Heping's house, Xu Rong picked up a newspaper while gnawing on an apple.

He just came back with Zhang Heping, originally planned to have lunch, but unfortunately, Zhang Heping's lover and child went to some relative's house to visit.

Published in the newspaper is also the 2011 China Film Market Report.

"The mainstream film market is popular, the small and medium-sized cost performance is gratifying, the construction of theaters has returned to a climax, the ability to serve public welfare has been enhanced, and actively respond to new contradictions, new pressures, and new issues. The strategy of high-quality films will be further deepened."

Xu Rong's meaningful eyes swept across multiple titles. In fact, he had already been familiar with this sentence, but every time he thought of it, it was inevitable that he would have mixed feelings.

Jin Fangfang always said that data can reflect all the operating results and management effects of a company, even if it is fabricated data, the more falsified, the more information it reflects, because the falsification is not true after all, and it will inevitably be left behind. In contrast, it is easier to find out the company's problems by following the clues, following the trail, and following the clues.

The report is similar in nature. As the annual report of the regulatory department for the entire film and television industry and the whole country, every word reveals huge information. After stating the main data of the domestic film and television industry last year, the report first pointed out the "mainstream film market". "Hot Movies" means that at the top level, "mainstream" is above everything else, whether it is the box office or the economy, they are all below "mainstream". Therefore, the first item in the report is "Mainstream Film Market Hot Movies".

The second item in the report, "Small and medium-sized cost performance is gratifying", was unexpected by Xu Rong. According to the development of the market, he thought that the second item should be a summary such as "big work and quick progress", but he did not expect to focus on The point finally falls on the "production ratio", and the words "small and medium cost" and "performance" also reflect the overall orientation of supervision.

However, after thinking about it, he quickly figured out the starting point of the guide. The domestic film industry is still in its infancy, and cost control and steady development are the long-term solutions. Most small and medium-sized film and television production companies are irreparably damaged.

As for the "new contradictions" and "high-quality goods" that he attaches importance to, they are placed behind the main theme represented by "mainstream" and the economy represented by "small and medium cost performance" and "theater construction".

This also reflects the high-level relationship between the primary and secondary in all aspects of the development of the film and television industry. The main theme is the foundation, development is the keynote, and other things are taken into account.

Holding the newspaper, he focused his attention on "mainstream" and "performance".

As the vice-captain of the actor team, he admires Yuan Yu the most, because she has the strongest professional ability in human art, but in terms of personal feelings, he likes Xin Yue the most, even though she basically has nothing to do with him.

He didn't like people eating in the rehearsal hall, and there was a faint smell of rice all day long.

Since Xinyue said this, she never ate in the rehearsal hall again.

He doesn't like to press the clock to go to work. Since he said it, Xinyue usually arrives at the courtyard an hour earlier.

He believes that actors should have experience, so Xinyue rented a house to experience life in a village in the city.
He was going to fight for a place for Xinyue to join the party and train her well later.

Gently placing the newspaper on the coffee table, Xu Rong didn't know if another "Xu Rong" noticed his "Xin Yue".

But joining Renyi was unintentional. It’s better if you have it, and it’s okay if you don’t.

Just before, he followed Zhang Heping to visit the two leaders.

At first he didn't understand what was going on, but at this moment, he recalled that Zhang Heping was ready to retreat.

The 60th anniversary of Renyi was celebrated on June 2012, 6. Zhang Heping has already passed the age of retirement, and it is hard to say whether he can survive until the end of the year.

And taking him to New Year's greetings is probably to recognize the door, and what he will do in the future depends on his ability.

The master of the Eight Classics leads in the door, and the practice is in the individual.

He was thinking about his plans for the next year, when Zhang Heping came out of the bathroom and said, "Actually, I only found out about what the leader said last night. It was a friend from abroad who called me and told me. Yes, it is said that Nortel has cultivated a remarkable talent, one is studying for a master’s degree, and the published papers have caused a great sensation in foreign academic circles.”

The cause of the incident was that when the two of them went to pay New Year's greetings, a leader mentioned that a master student from Nortel had published a very important paper in an important foreign journal.

It is encouragement, but also criticism, because Renyi has never been good at performance theory in the past, but now, Renyi, which has always called itself a "scholar actor", has no movement, and the reaction is Nortel, which is not good at acting.

Hearing Zhang Heping's words, he was stunned for a moment, and asked: "I'm studying for a master's degree, causing a sensation?"

When the leader mentioned it, he only commented on it as "good", but Zhang Heping turned it into "a sensation" in Zhang Heping's mouth.

The status of a master's student who is currently studying made him even more curious. He knew the level of teachers from Nortel, not to mention causing a sensation, not many of them could act.

Zhang Heping sat across from him, and said with a smile, "Don't judge everything with your fixed thinking. When Xiao Pu recommended you to me three years ago, I also thought it was impossible. Facts have proved that my judgment was wrong."

"Then we have to start with such talents as soon as possible."

Xu Rong said without hesitation that Renyi lacks good scripts, but compared to good scripts, it also lacks good actors. An actor who has made breakthroughs in performance theory will naturally have the same skills.

"Don't rush, don't rush." ​​Zhang Heping smiled, "It's too late, it's wrong to use the inherent thinking to judge people, but you can't go to the other extreme, completely trust what others say, you have time later, go to contact with this person Let’s get in touch to see if he’s a theoretical person or a scholar-type actor.”

"As for the rest, you can decide by yourself."

Xu Rong understood the purpose of Zhang Heping's words. Inside Renyi, in terms of friendship with Nortel, he is the deepest, because in the past Nortel and Renyi have always been good friends.

If he meets the criteria for selecting talents in the academy, he can immediately start ideological work after contacting him, so that the other party can firmly apply for the talent examination.

"By the way, Dean, do you have the published paper?"

"Oh, that friend of mine took a photo of me, it's all in English, I don't know it, what is it written in?" Zhang Heping picked up the phone while talking, pulled out a photo and handed it to Xu Rong Come to me, "This kid is really careful. He has a good paper. There are so many journals and magazines in China. Why do you have to publish it abroad?"

After Xu Rong took it, he only glanced at it, smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "The dean, please turn the photo back to me, I'll go back and study it."

Not only are all the entries in English, but only a few words are familiar to him, but more are unfamiliar words that he has never seen before.

As for why it was published in a foreign journal, he can somewhat understand it. The atmosphere in domestic academic circles has always been not good, and Nortel is a negative example in the domestic education circle. One is a master student, and the supervisor still wants to know how to handle it? !
Leaving Zhang Heping's house, Xu Rong didn't go home immediately, the time is only 10:30, taking advantage of the time before lunch, he planned to go to Ren Ming's house first.

As for the dissertation, he temporarily put it to the back of his mind. An incomplete photo can't tell anything. He is going to go back to meet this student when school starts. It's best to watch him act in a play. If it's really rare Naturally, he will not let go of talent.

"It's also a coincidence for you to catch up. If I was not afraid of you coming, I would have stayed at Mr. Zhu's house for dinner just now."

Ren Ming, who met Xu Rong at the gate of the community, brought Xu Rong into the house, and said, "How is the family, is the old man healthy?"

"Well, Xiao Zhang just took him for a physical examination a few years ago. Except for a little trouble in his ears, everything else is fine."

"Haha, I'm getting old, my ears are not good, I'm convinced."

Xu Rong smiled and put the small gift she brought by the door. While changing her shoes, she said, "Yuan Ren, I am here today mainly to give you New Year greetings, and secondly, to report to you."

Dealing with Ren Ming is not once or twice, he knows that Ren Ming is not Zhang Heping or Pu Cunxi, he prefers to be straightforward.

Ren Ming didn't look like he was joking, poured him a glass of water, put it on the table, and said, "Sit down and tell me, do you really plan to be a director?"

"Yes, it's true."

Ren Ming didn't believe this at all. The first play he directed at Renyi was starring Lin Liankun. Over the years, he has worked with countless big names, and he is very clear about the commonalities of these high-level actors.

I can watch bad shows, but I can't watch good ones.

If the actors' performances are poor, they will guide and correct them, but they will definitely not be interested in actively participating in them. But if they all perform well, they will become more anxious and uncomfortable the more they watch.

Xu Rong's skills are top-notch among the younger generation, which is also recognized domestically, although he has not won any awards or honors in drama.

Because there are no special awards in the drama industry at all, those so-called Golden Lion Awards and other messy awards have no gold content at all.

As far as dialogue dramas are concerned, perhaps the word of mouth in the market is the greatest honor, and Xu Rong not only performed "Thunderstorm" together with Pu Cunxi and Yu Mingjia, but also his starring role in "Home" last year caused a great sensation in the industry .

Such a top actor, would he be willing to watch a group of old seniors compete on the same stage, and then become an assistant director by himself?
When Xu Rong sat down, Ren Ming looked at him with a smile: "Tell me honestly, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Actually, I didn't intend to do anything."

Xu Rong and Ren Ming looked at each other, and said: "So many seniors are old, they can't accompany us to rehearse all the time, can they?"

Xu Rong clapped his hands together and said, "Then someone has to help you find the location, right?"

Ren Ming looked at him in bewilderment, and for about four or five seconds, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he thought of a possibility: "You don't mean to think."

"Have you fought with so many seniors?"

"I admit, I did intend to do so."

Now that it was exposed, Xu Rong didn't hide it. He spent 1000 million on fiddling and fiddling, making himself look like a fool. He didn't have money to burn.

Ren Ming stared blankly at Xu Rong, Xu Rong's thoughts were too ignorant, but then, his thoughts stopped abruptly, and he suddenly remembered "Family".

The performances of the two old men, Lan Tianye and Zhu Xu, were at their peak. They played ten games, and Xu Rong was suppressed in nine games.

But there was one scene where Xu Rong miraculously formed a rivalry with the two old men.

It seems that it is not impossible at all.

Coming out of Ren Ming's house, sitting in the car, looking at the bright sun in the sky, Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief.

A busy year has begun.

The reason why I chose to be an assistant director instead of playing a fixed role is also due to various considerations.

Before leaving for home, he opened the system interface.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: S
Overall evaluation: A+
Experience Points: 24/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Master, Baji Mastery, Baji Introduction, Constant Peak (unmounted), Getting Better (Analysis progress: 62%)

Note: S grade is the highest rating.

Before the start of "Drug Wars", the experience value was 17 points. After filming, it increased by 7 points, which is not too much, but not too little. In three months, the analysis progress of the trait "Getting Better" From 46% to 62%.

In fact, when he learned about the existence of the "Squad Against Xu" organization, his plan was to torture Ni Dahong, Wang Qingxiang and others into suspicious lives. There is Chen Baoguo who has been preparing for nearly a year.

Unless the system's evaluation standard for "S-" is that two of the five sub-items of "expression", "lines", "body", "eyes", and "rhythm" reach "S", but even so, the 76 points Experience points, he really can't imagine how to do it.

Fortunately, after all, the future is still far away. Right now, it is possible to improve a little bit. It is really impossible to go back to the martial arts and cooperate again to find the place again.

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