I'm just an actor

Chapter 426 Direction

Chapter 426 Direction
Ren Ming stood on the balcony and watched Xu Rong get into the car parked in the courtyard, but after waiting for a while, he found that the car was still parked where it hadn't moved.

He has never driven a Mazda, but he has been in Xu Rong's car a few times, and he knows that every time he starts it, he has to wait for about 20 seconds before starting.

But after standing on the balcony and waiting for about 2 minutes, he realized something was wrong.

Xu Rong still didn't drive away.

He went back to the living room and got his mobile phone. He was about to call to ask him if there was something wrong with the car, but he saw Xu Rong opened the window a little, but not fully.

But the car was still parked where it was, with no intention of leaving at all.

Ren Ming suddenly stopped making phone calls. The scene in front of him gave him a feeling of deja vu. Sometimes after work, he would park his car in the underground garage and sit in the car for a while.

It's not that I hate going home to face my wife and children, but I just want to be quiet, temporarily put aside my family and work, and have a quiet rest.

Although the drama circle and the film and television circle do not overlap much, but the intersection of the two industries in the past is not rare. He can more or less guess Xu Rong's net worth.

He originally thought that Xu Rong, who had realized the freedom of wealth, should not have much trouble, but looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Looking down at the motionless Mazda parked by the side of the road, Ren Ming smiled silently, and sighed softly: "Every family has its own hard-to-recite scriptures."

At this time, he suddenly understood this young man who had been difficult to understand in the past, and who seemed to be well-versed in all aspects and capable of everything.

Xu Rong can achieve today's achievements, thanks to his unique growth environment.

The hard life experience forced him to learn how to deal with the world, learn to choose, and learn to compromise earlier, and it is precisely because he learned these truths that need to be beaten to comprehend prematurely, which also led him to run faster than his peers , stand higher, go further.

As the head goose, the resistance is often the greatest.

In a class, the most stressful person is definitely not the last one, but No.1.

Because he took the first place in the exam, everyone took it for granted, but once he got the third or even second in the exam, the class teacher immediately thought that there was something wrong with his thinking, and he needed a conversation, a home visit or even psychological counseling.

Are the second and third really bad?

At least that's the case relative to number one.

Just like last year's hit "The Indelible Number", the ratings and word-of-mouth have a double harvest, and many actors who were not well-known in the film and television industry in the past were popular in one fell swoop, but Xu Rong was the only one mentioned.

His name appeared the most, probably when introducing the play "Number" in the form of ""The Indelible Number" starring Xu Rong".

It seems that it is only a matter of course that "Number" has achieved the top three ratings of the year.

Of course, both the audience and the media have subconsciously ignored Xu Rong's efforts.

And in the past few years, Xu Rong has won too many "firsts". In schools, theaters, and film and television circles, he is the object of others to chase, compare, and challenge.

These "firsts" also gave him tremendous pressure invisibly.

People live in a social network woven by individuals, and no matter how strong their psychological quality is, they cannot completely ignore the opinions of others.

More importantly, in order to maintain his commercial value, no matter how hard and tiring he is, he must grit his teeth and insist on maintaining those "firsts".

Ren Ming estimated that with Xu Rong's intelligence, he would not understand this truth.

But he had no choice.

Once a person starts to go downhill, it is difficult to stop. The only way is to keep going up.

Xu Rong didn't notice Ren Ming's gaze, and before he was about to start the car to go home, he suddenly realized an extremely serious problem.

He is still 376 points away from the comprehensive evaluation of "S"!
This is a detail that he didn't pay attention to in the past, but thought about it carefully.

In the early days, the experience value of 376 points was really not much, maybe it could be increased by filming two movies. He still remembers that when he first entered the industry, the experience value was soaring. He watched the experience value increase every day. A few points, it's hard not to be motivated.

But nowadays, the experience points that can be obtained for making a movie are basically within 10 points, and 376 experience points mean that he needs to make at least 40 movies. Based on his current output of two movies a year, it will probably take 20 years.

It's not impossible to take on more plays every year, but when he doesn't have time to prepare, not to mention the damage to his own reputation if he fails to act, he doesn't believe that performing like a meme really helps to gain experience points.

According to his past experience, the higher the evaluation of the system, the more difficult it is to obtain experience points. He has no doubt that after the comprehensive evaluation rises to "S-", the experience points that can be obtained by filming a movie will be reduced to 5 points even lower.

It may take 30 years or even longer for the comprehensive evaluation to reach "S".

And by that time, he was 55 years old!
This is seriously inconsistent with his plan.

He was originally planning to show off his skills after "All Quiet in Peking" started, but after the filming of the new film directed by Zhang Li started, he would have a peak duel with his teacher Li Xuejian.

There is no chance of getting back to the field after it is over.

Of course, he firmly believes that with the tempering of time, the accumulation of experience, and the proficiency of skills, he will be able to reach the height of Chen Baoguo and even his teacher Li Xuejian.

He can wait, but he is afraid that Teacher Li Xuejian and Chen Baoguo won't be able to wait. What he worries most is that when he reaches the age of knowing his destiny, his "internal strength" and "external strength" will be completed one after another. Completely without opponents,

Perhaps there was an even more embarrassing scene. Not only did he have no opponent, but he became the target of a group of rookie challenges.

Just like what he once said to Li Zhiyu, a professor of Shanghai Opera, compared to the results, what he enjoys is the process of climbing. Those peaks that he thought were insurmountable in the past were finally left behind one by one by him. Not only the sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and vanity, but also enable him to experience the meaning of hard work, the meaning of existence and the joy of struggle.

After taking a last look at the interface, he completely gave up on this so-called "acting training system". Most of the time in the past, the system drove him to "upgrade", but in the past eight years, he gave the system twice. "upgrade".

Among them, the one that he remembers the most is that he spent four years studying and accumulating. In the process of rehearsing "Thunderstorm", he forcibly raised the evaluation of "body" from "B" to "A".

Through his own learning and accumulation, he successfully helped the system upgrade.

Now, he suddenly realized a bloody fact that he had to get rid of his reliance on the system, because only relying on gaining experience points would not have the "bright future" of Li Xuejian, the hammer teacher.

He must help the system to upgrade better and faster through his own efforts.

The greatest significance of the existence of the system is to break the upper limit of one's own talent in acting.

But even if it is limited to this, it is already a fluke.

When he first entered this industry, he was similar to many "insensitive" group performers who had been in film and television bases. As long as an expert glanced at him, he would know that he was not suitable for this job.

But now, in the eyes of his peers, he is a talented actor who is "once in ten years" and "once in 20 years".

After making up his mind, Xu Rong no longer has any worries. As for troubles, what troubles can there be?

The biggest trouble he has experienced growing up is that apart from not being full and hungry when he was in school, he was completely at a loss about his future when he just finished high school, but now, he is neither hungry nor hungry. The goals for the future are also clear.

As for maintaining "No. [-]", it is also one of his joys in life, and he welcomes capable challengers very much.

When they pass five stages and come to him, he will let them see how wonderful this world really is.

Just like how Chen Baoguo and Li Xuejian treated him back then.

When he got home, he saw that the living room was almost full of people, and after a moment of daze, he smiled and said, "When did you come, why didn't you say hello in advance?"

There were all kinds of people who came, college classmate Yang Mi, and the children of colleagues like Li Gen and Chen Yuewei, and naturally there was no shortage of talented children like Yuan Yu and Yang Le.

"Director Xu."

"Captain Xu."

"Brother Xu."

"Teacher Xu."

As he entered the door, everyone in the living room stood up with a whoosh.

"Let's pay New Year's greetings to Grandpa Xu."

Yang Mi answered the words with a smile. She hesitated for a long time before coming, but in the end she rejected all the announcements and chose to come to pay New Year's greetings.

"I said, why are there so many cars parked at the gate today? It turns out it's you guys, why are you standing up?" Xu Rong saw everyone standing up, and said with a smile, "Why, the New Year's Eve , you still need me to 'shortly say a few words', right?"


Although Xu Rong said this, he was still more or less surprised by Yang Mi's arrival. Li Gen, Yuan Yu and others depended on him for food, so it was not surprising that they would come here today.

But Yang Mi has a strong personality. Although the name is to pay New Year's greetings to grandpa, they both understand the meaning.

"Brother Xu, what about sister-in-law, why didn't you come back with you?"

"She went to visit Feng Yuanzheng's house, and she hasn't come back at this point. I guess Feng Yuanzheng said something to keep her for dinner, and she took it seriously."


"Oh, Teacher Xu, you actually spoke ill of me behind my back." As soon as the laughter fell, Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing entered the door.


When everyone saw Xu Rong, they didn't stay for long, and Xu Rong didn't push them, and sent them to the door one by one.

On the way back, classmate Xiao Zhang hugged Xu Rong's arm and said, "Mr. Xu, have you noticed that Yang Mi is a little different today."

Xu Rong asked with a smile: "It's not the same, what's the difference?"

"I don't know, it just feels a little different from before."

"Maybe it's love?!"

"Hey, it's possible."

When eating at noon, Xu Rong looked at the whole family and said, "By the way, I plan to go to the theater tomorrow, do any of you want to go together?"

"Watching a play?" Mother-in-law responded, "What kind of play, the "Wotou Guild Hall" that Ruirui took me to see last time is interesting, is it still playing?"

"It's not a drama."

Xu Rong put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm talking about Peking Opera. The performances in our theater haven't started yet. Anyway, if you're idle at home, you're idle."

"Then I'd rather be idle at home." Xu Xing said without hesitation. He didn't know what happened to his brother's conscience recently. This time he gave her a rare one-month vacation. She knew she shouldn't rest, but she really too tired.

When Xiao Zhang saw Xu Xing's appearance, he hurriedly said, "I'd better stay at home with Xu Xing."

If she wants to watch a drama, she will definitely go, but let’s forget about Beijing opera.

"Just you little witty ghost."


Grandpa already knew that the theaters that his grandson and granddaughter-in-law took him to were all extremely expensive. He smiled and said, "You can go by yourself. There are so many people at home every day, so someone must be at home, right?"

Xu Rong knew that grandpa loved to listen to operas, and understood his concerns, and said, "Actually, they are all tickets given by friends, so it's a pity not to blame them."

When Grandpa heard this, he immediately beamed with joy, and said, "Is it a gift? That's the reason. They have already given you the ticket. If you don't join in the show, it really doesn't make sense."


On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Xu Rong took the initiative to come to the Mei Lanfang Grand Theater for the first time, and chose the classic Peking opera "Si Lang Visits His Mother".

Sitting under the stage, Xu Rong held a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other, carefully staring at every expression and every movement of each actor, trying to get some inspiration from them or something that can help her performance.

Whether it is Mr. Zheng Rong, Mr. Lan Tianye and Mr. Zhu Xu, they all said that when they were studying acting, in addition to studying Si and life, they also learned traditional opera.

In the past, he was quite unimpressed with the expression of traditional opera. It is undeniable that stylized performance is a very advanced way of performance, but it seems to be completely opposite to "lifelike". The audience knows that he is riding a horse. Can this kind of performance be used in drama or even film and television performances?

He turned his attention to the actor's lines again, why did it take so long to say a sentence "babbling"?
He admits that these famous Peking opera masters have a very solid foundation in qi and voice, and this way of expression can better demonstrate the basic skills of the actors, but the only purpose of the lines is to express.

The grandfather and second grandfather next to him watched with relish, even the father-in-law, mother-in-law and Xu Xing's parents also enjoyed watching it.

He was the only one who suggested to watch the play, sitting alone in the theater, out of tune with the people around him.

The actors are all big names in the Beijing opera world, and the quality of the plays should be the top in China.

But his notebook was still empty.

In his mind, it was cleaner than the notebook. At least there were division lines between lines in the notebook, but his mind was blank.

(End of this chapter)

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