I'm just an actor

Chapter 428 Tracking



The fast-paced birdsong came and went in the community in the early morning, Xu Rong gently put the chopsticks on the table, and said: "I'm going out to do some errands, and I will come back later tonight, so you don't have to wait for me for dinner. "

Xiao Zhang raised his head suddenly, stared at him suspiciously and asked, "Do you want to go out to play alone?"

"Yeah, I'm busy. Skiing in the morning, playing ball in the afternoon, soaking in a hot spring after that, and going disco in the evening."

"Oh, I'm talking to you seriously."

Xu Rong got up, glanced at Xiao Zhang, who was holding her with wide eyes, and said, "To deal with some work matters, the script "Jiaziyuan" written by Mr. He before, I am now the assistant director, the director It’s the [-]th anniversary, there are a lot of things to worry about.”

"Then" Xiao Zhang was about to express something while scratching his chopsticks.

"Ah, mom, why did you hit me?"

Xiao Zhang's mother pulled the chopsticks out of Xiao Zhang's mouth: "I'm about to be a mother, why are you still talking about chopsticks?!"

As her words fell, everyone seemed to be immobilized. In a flash, they all concentrated on Xiao Zhang, and Xu Rong, who had just got up, suddenly stopped and turned around. , looking at classmate Xiao Zhang in disbelief.

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at the expectations, hopes and even scorching heat thrown around him, but he didn't react for a while.

who am I?
where am I?
what happened?
In the end, Xu Xing asked, "Sister-in-law, you, are you pregnant?"

Seeing that the whole family was looking at her daughter expectantly, Aunt Wang forced a laugh and said, "I, I'll just say that, it's not going to happen sooner or later."

"Oh, yes yes."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Xu Rong also realized that his reaction was a little too aggressive, so he squeezed out a smile and said, "Then, I'm leaving."

At that moment just now, his mind was buzzing, but it was more joy.

It's a pity that it was just a joke of my mother-in-law.

The family has long been accustomed to Xu Rong's busy schedule, and they all nodded their heads. The mother-in-law followed, and when they reached the door, they did not forget to tell: "Slow down on the road, don't waste every minute."

In fact, she also knows that there is no need to tell her. The son-in-law is different from the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law is not good at driving, but her temper is not bad at all when she is on the road. No one is allowed to talk without mentioning it, she will always be blocked by others, and she will be angry because of her stature, but Huihui can't stop others from blocking her.

She has always wondered what exactly Xu Rong wanted for her own daughter, because she thought about it. No matter how she looked at it, her own daughter was not good enough for Xu Rong. This was the main reason why she opposed Xu Rong and her daughter at first. The reason, Ruirui's brain, find someone who is honest and stupid so that she won't be bullied.

But she had seen her son-in-law's cunning and scheming a long time ago. If her daughter married such a person, she might have to count the money for him if she was sold.

Even now, she still can't figure it out, but it's done, she has no room to object, she can only think that Ruirui did too many good things in her previous life, other than that, she really can't imagine the reason.

When Xu Rong went out, Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing immediately put down their jobs and ran upstairs quickly. After a few breaths, the two of them rushed down with their coats in their arms. The family members who had dinner said: "We are going out too."

"What are you two doing?"


Of course the family could guess why the two of them went. Xu Rong went out early in the morning yesterday and didn't come back until 11 o'clock in the evening.

It's only the second day of the new year, and it's not time to start working.

Xiao Zhang was actually even more puzzled, because when she was doing skin care in the morning, she found that almost all of Teacher Xu's cosmetics had disappeared.

This caused a big doubt in her heart, why did Teacher Xu go?

Why do you have to wear makeup when you go out?

She couldn't understand it, because "Peking" hadn't turned on yet, and the performances in the theater hadn't even started yet.

Seeing the Mazda going out, the two of them ran to the garage, subconsciously, Xu Xing was about to go to the co-driver of the sports car, but was grabbed by classmate Xiao Zhang: "Teacher Xu will definitely find out if you drive this car."

Xiao Zhang took out the Audi key from his pocket and said, "Today we will drive this A8. He has hardly driven this car a few times, and he probably can't remember the license plate."

"Hurry up, hurry up, if you slow down, you won't be able to catch up."

The two got into the car and chased after it non-stop. In order to avoid being discovered by Xu Rong in front, they didn't dare to chase too closely, but in order to avoid losing track, they didn't dare to chase too far.

After following Mazda all the way, Xu Xing gradually realized something was wrong: "Here, have you all arrived in Changping? What is he doing here?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "I don't know, but he must not be busy with work. Anyway, since he came back from watching the play the night before yesterday, his mood has not been very right."

"Sister-in-law, is my brother usually very emotional?"

Xiao Zhang pondered for a moment, and said: "It's okay, usually the fluctuations are more severe in the few days after filming."

Xu Xing asked curiously: "Then how do you deal with it, like he suddenly lost his temper?"

"Talk to him!"

"Talk, reason?"

Xiao Zhang took it for granted: "That's right, you see, he actually made a mistake, but he didn't know it, so it's my responsibility to tell him what's wrong."

"But your brother is not very good at reasoning. From the time we met to now, he has never said that he has won me once, hahaha."

Xu Xing now understands that in the eyes of his sister-in-law, his brother is just her husband and boyfriend, not the series of halos that others see. With her mentality, she naturally holds the commanding heights of morality.

The two followed for a long time, and after turning a corner, they suddenly found that the endless road was empty, with no cars at all.

On the side of the road not far away, some cars were parked sparsely. On one side of the cars, there stood six small white buildings with about ten floors.

And there are no other buildings around a few buildings.

"He must have stopped there."

"What are those buildings for?"

"I don't know, I've never been here before."

Xu Xing sat up straight curiously, raised his chin and looked forward as much as possible: "Hey, I saw it, I saw it, he just parked the car."

"Let's stop by the side of the road and wait a while to see what he is going to do."

Xiao Zhang parked the car on the side of the road, looked at the tall buildings not far away, and said in doubt: "It's strange, what is Teacher Xu doing here?"

"Didn't he just say he wanted to work?"

"But what kind of work is coming to such a remote place?"

After about 10 minutes, Xu Xing suddenly shouted: "Get off the car, get off the car, he went in."

When Xu Rong approached the gates of the community where several white buildings are located, the two quickly got out of the car and trotted to the gate that Xu Rong had just passed by. There was a stone on the side of the gate with the words "Changping Nursing Home" written on it. ".

Xu Xing looked at Mazda not far away in astonishment, then looked down at the writing on the stone, and said worriedly: "My brother will not find a place for grandpa to retire when he comes here, will he?"

She also understands in her heart that her brother is willing to praise her because of her grandfather. Her brother has no blood relationship with her grandfather, but she is her granddaughter. If her brother doesn't even want to take care of her grandfather, she really dare not think about her future what will happen.

When she participated in the event, she once heard someone say something that she still can't remember: Xu Rong's special feature is that he may not be able to make anyone popular, but if he doesn't want someone to be popular, it is relatively simple.

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Xing, as if asking for her opinion, but also as if emboldening himself: "Let's go in?"

"Let's go."

It's just that when the two arrived at the door, the security guard's words stunned them.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Xiao Zhang stared blankly at the 40-year-old security guard: "Appointment?"

Xu Xing reacted quickly, and hurriedly added: "Brother, we are showing it to the elderly at home, don't we need to make an appointment?"

"Appointments must be made in advance as required."

The security guard did not compromise at all because of the beauty of the two, and said, "Then do you bring your ID cards?"

Xiao Zhang immediately looked at Xu Xing, and Xu Xing also turned his head to look at Xiao Zhang. After the two of them looked at each other for a second, they turned their heads to look at the middle-aged security guard in unison: "No."

The security guard shook his head and said, "That's really embarrassing. In order to ensure the safety of the residents, even if you visit, you must register with your real name to enter."


Xiao Zhang reluctantly responded, before turning to leave, she suddenly realized something was wrong, turned her head and asked, "But why was that person okay just now?"

The security guard immediately cheered up, and Xu Rong came over to greet him from the management of the nursing home.

And these two little girls have been chasing here all the way, and they are probably movie fans.

Xu Rong's crazy fan, he also heard about it when chatting with his colleagues a while ago.

At this moment, he looked at the two with horror. The current fans are too crazy to follow the star? !
His tone became unkind: "What on earth do you do?"

"Participate, participate, visit."

The security guard had confirmed the identities of the two of them, and said, "Sorry, you can't go in without an appointment."

Shocked by the security guard's aura, the two of them couldn't even speak clearly, and they didn't even dare to stay for another second, fleeing in a hurry like a defeated general.

"I'm so pissed off. Have you noticed that the security guard looked at us just now, as if he was looking at a thief. He had no eyes. A nursing home even made an appointment with a real name. If you hadn't pulled me just now, sister-in-law, I would have followed you." Said, I must have a good theory with him."

Listening to Xu Xing's indignant complaints, Xiao Zhang started the car and said, "Why don't you go to the theory now?"

Xu Xing stopped immediately, looked at Xiao Zhang, and after a few seconds, burst out laughing again.

"Oh, we can't be so heartless."

"What do you think my brother is doing in there?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a while, and said, "It should be to experience life, but why does the assistant director want to experience life?"

At this time, Xu Rong had already started his day's work. When he came in, seven or eight old people sitting in the yard and corridors all noticed him.

Most of the old people's eyes and ears are not very good, but looking at the shadowy figures in the distance, they cheered up and stopped what they were doing.

"Whose family is it?"

"Yesterday, there was a new nurse, Xiao Xu."


As an old man with better eyesight identified the person who came, the old people sat down again, chatting and basking in the sun.

While greeting the old man, Xu Rong accidentally caught a glimpse of an old man struggling to open the window in a room, revealing a hopeful, wrinkled face with gray hair. But after a while, it seemed that she finally recognized who she was, and the expectation on her face turned to disappointment again.

It was an old man whose legs had become immobile and could only rely on a wheelchair to walk.

He stayed here for a day yesterday, and he completely broke all the fantasies about institutions like nursing homes in the past many years.

This small world that is almost completely cut off from the outside world, like other worlds, has people and rivers and lakes.

What made him feel depressed the most was the gradual loss of the old man's ability to take care of himself.

His job content is mainly to help the elderly clean, change bed sheets, clean wheelchairs, organize personal items such as clothes, quilts and shoes, etc.

The nursing home he contacted is a relatively high-end nursing home with comprehensive services, but the more so, the busier their children are.

"Jiaziyuan" takes modern life as the background and tells the life of a group of elderly people in an old house.

And he was an assistant director, but neither Ren Ming nor himself regarded him as an assistant director.

If it is a lineup composed of young actors, his "Associate Director" will eventually be replaced by a title such as "Art Director". General Art".

Of course, from the very beginning, his purpose was not just to "learn".

But compared to Zheng Rong, Lan Tianye and others, he has an inherent weakness that is irreparable.

They're the kind of people that age that hardly ever needs acting.

But on the other hand, Lan Tianye, Zheng Rong and the others also had inherent weaknesses that they couldn't make up for.

They no longer have the physical strength and energy to experience life.

Different from the previous highly purposeful experiential life, this time, he has no clear purpose, nor does he have the idea of ​​experiencing the thoughts of a fixed group. He just wants to live here as a nurse for a while, and really see In the highly closed world of the nursing home, how does everyone in it live?

"Grandpa Liu, good morning."

"Morning, Xiuxiu." An old man with a bald head and gray eyebrows smiled and pointed his bony finger at his right foot.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right over."

Xu Rong didn't want to do this job. Although he had only been here for a day, he had already found that not only he had similar emotions, but other nurses also had similar thoughts.

He also didn't self-regulate to make himself fall in love with this job, and he didn't even have a clear time limit for when he would do it.

The effect of force is mutual, and the effect of emotion is also mutual. If he has the idea of ​​experiencing life and is mentally prepared to run away after a while, he will definitely treat these old people with the greatest kindness as much as possible, and get Feedback would not be normal feedback.

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