I'm just an actor

Chapter 429 Appearance

Chapter 429 Appearance
After changing shifts at five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Rong quickly tidied up, greeted the old people, and walked out of the nursing home with brisk steps.

In the past, he always heard things like "Going to work with the mood of going to the grave" on the Internet. He worked in a nursing home for two days, and he more or less understood the mentality of these words.

On the set, except for a few big-name actors and a few directors who are just for fun, there is no concept of going to and from get off work at all. The filming can't be finished, and the filming is not good. Even if you shoot from one dawn to another, you have to endure it.

But unlike the extremely creative work of acting and filming, working in a nursing home is too boring.

His work content does not have any technical content, because he is a newcomer. Currently, he is mainly responsible for changing bed sheets, cleaning wheelchairs, arranging clothes, quilts, shoes and other personal items of the elderly. Going to the toilet and so on.

Because it takes care of dying elderly people with completely different personalities and tempers, it requires extraordinary patience and care.

Maybe because of getting old, some old people are very sensitive. If two old people ask him to help wash their hair one after another, if he puts the one who asks first behind, the old man's mood will quickly drop.

They have lost everything they had in the past, such as a strong body, a warm family, social status, wealth, etc., and they often pay too much attention to what is left of their self-esteem.

Of course, what makes him most dissatisfied with this job is that the salary is too low, only 9000 yuan a month.

In the capital city, where land is very expensive, he pays 680 yuan to watch a show, and when the round-trip fuel and food expenses are included, the basic daily expenses are about 1000 yuan, and the salary of 9000 yuan can only allow him to survive. rather than life.

In order to truly take on the role of a nurse, he was already ready to tighten his belt and live a hard life. He didn't buy a 680 front row ticket for the show, but bought a 380 ticket after careful planning. I even made a plan for myself to spend no more than 30000, and the other 21000 was the salary, allowances and performance subsidies from the school.

He also knows that a monthly salary of 30000 is not a small amount for the income of an ordinary family. Grandpa’s monthly retirement salary is less than 1000, but now his expenses are too high. More than 6000.

In addition to being a nurse, he did not forget to observe the state of the elderly in the nursing home, and even other nurses, managers, service personnel and even himself were the objects of his observation.

Different groups will always have slightly different ideas from other groups, and each individual will also have more or less differences.

He may not use these "materials" in the future, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to use them, but he is afraid that they will not be available when he needs them one day.

Actor is an outrageous profession with a high production ratio. Most of the experiences and experiences in life will not be useful throughout his life, but once he encounters a useful place, his monetization ability will immediately increase by a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times. presented.

There is a saying in the industry that "little red depends on praise, and big red depends on fate". In this industry, there are many TV dramas that are generally believed to be popular before the project is established every year. And being able to join it and get a character with more than three scenes is the so-called "fate".

As for not being popular, it has nothing to do with "fate", because some people only need 120 minute or less to make a TV series with 1, [-] or even [-] episodes or a [-]-minute movie. The audience, peers and even the industry realized that "this actor is really awesome".

Actors have gone through all kinds of lives, and the exchange ratio of souvenirs and small seafood may only be a little bit worse than knowledge.

And in order to reduce unnecessary troubles, before going to work every day, he will deliberately put on makeup on himself, trying to make himself an ordinary person as much as possible.

A female nurse in her thirties who just took over shifts from Xu Rong looked at the back of Xu Rong who was almost trotting away, and said with her mouth curled up: "I really can't figure it out, you said you are young, why can't you do it, alas, what a pity gone."

An old man with silver hair not far away smiled: "I reckon he is here to play."

"Come to play?"

"A young man in his twenties, who would normally take care of us old men and old ladies buried in the loess?!"

The old man didn't explain too much. Xu Rong said that he came from an ordinary family. Although he was old, he was not stupid. How could a young man from an ordinary family wear nearly 200 million clothes?

Xu Rong walked out of the gate of the nursing home, stood on the side of the deserted road, and slowly exhaled. After staying in the nursing home for a day, he felt that he was covered with old age and worried about aging.

When I was old and frail and my thinking was chaotic, money became just a concept. Because of my slow and even chaotic thinking, I have lost the ability to transform money into services and materials.

The determinants of the status of the elderly in nursing homes are not the level of positions they held in society or the amount of wealth they possessed in the past.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the vast majority of men fell in love with girls. What they fell in love with was not a beautiful face or a youthful body, but to satisfy their own yearning for a vibrant youth.

After about five or six minutes, he felt his emotions calm down before starting the car. First, he put aside his messy thoughts, then drove to the nearest gas station to refuel, and then slowly drove towards the city.

He once read a sentence, which was said by the mathematician Mr. Hua Luogeng, that the ability to think independently is a necessary ability for scientific research and creation. The inventor's method of looking at the problem independently and deeply is inseparable.

Now, he has gradually developed the habit of thinking about things, but sometimes this habit is not very good, for example, he may run a red light while driving.

He went to the theater tonight as usual, booked a ticket for 07:30, and there was still an hour and a half before the show started. Before going to the theater, he planned to see what to eat on the way.

It has been eight years since he came to the capital. In terms of his understanding of the capital, he cannot compare with Xiao Zhang. Which road to which road to go and which road to go? Which one has a delicious shop.

Slowly driving to Haidian, he saw a stew shop on the side of the road. He walked forward for a while, turned around and parked the car on the side of the road.

This store was brought by classmate Xiao Zhang when he was in school. The store is not big, the service is average, and the scores on various software are not high, but the taste is relatively good.

This is the norm everywhere. The most authentic snacks are often not found in the busiest business districts. The weather is unpredictable, people have misfortunes, and the economic situation is good or bad, but the rent in the commercial districts only rises and does not fall. The stores in the commercial district can be opened for 30 to [-] years at a time, which are the few of the few.

After dinner, Xu Rong went to the theater again. He didn't like Yu Kuizhi and Li Shengsu's "Farewell My Concubine" the day before yesterday.

Yu Kuizhi played Han Xin, and the actor who played the overlord was Lian Yiming, Hairun's current "first brother".

Because it is a similar business, he also has his own set of methods on how to distinguish the level of actors.

Regardless of drama or opera, as a kind of stage art, the basic skills of an actor will be revealed the moment he opens his mouth. Without the guidance of a famous teacher and accumulated practice over time, as long as he takes a look, he can see [-]% to [-]% of it, but the foundation is not solid. , all skills are rootless duckweed.

He also pays attention to the selection of plays, he will not go for a certain actor just because of his fame, but in the art business, half of them are bastards since ancient times.

Whoever sings well and whoever sings badly, the more you listen to it, the more gradually you will have a sense of proportion, and if you don't listen to bad ones, you won't be able to tell how good the good ones are.

Xu Rong still came to pass the time with a pastime mentality.

Looking at Xiang Yu with a colorful face and long beard on the stage, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

Lian Yiming's figure is not considered burly, but through makeup, clothing and a series of stylized movements, his momentum really has the meaning of "strengthening the mountain and surpassing the world".

He didn't think about the deep-seated reasons. Today he came to watch the play, not to study. Besides, he only watched three plays. According to the golden rule of "no investigation, no right to speak", his current investigation It's superficial, even if you speak, it may not be correct.

Like the vast majority of the audience present, he did not hesitate to cheer and applaud when he saw the highlights.

After the show, Xu Rong returned to the car while wearing his seat belt, humming softly.

"Well, here comes the wine."

"Please, Your Majesty."

This is the prelude to Yu Ji's sword dance for Xiang Yu before she decides to kill herself.

Xu Rong didn't know whether Yang Xiaolou, Shang Xiaoyun, and Mei Lanfang consciously designed these two unique singing and body movements, but it is undeniable that these two short lines express the emotion of the theme of "Farewell My Concubine" The savings pushed to the highest point.

Xu Rong felt that he seemed to have touched the essence of traditional opera.

Even though today was only the third scene he watched.

The dance movements and singing of opera are all stylized. From the two dance movements of "This way, let's drink." and "Please, King." Through the body and singing, he has a glimpse behind the stylized characteristics of opera. Deep consideration.

He also thought of a seemingly redundant physical movement in opera, "appearance".

Looking at it now, "appearance" is not only a superfluous movement, nor is it just a shaping of dance movements, but the shaping of the main characteristics of the characters' thoughts and feelings. In the "appearance" of the characters for the first time, The seeds of character development are bred, so that the audience can get a glimpse of the leopard and have a certain understanding of the character's mental outlook.

The technical basis and skill arrangement of opera seem to be a connecting body from simple to complex, and throughout it is the artistic treatment method combining realism and romanticism, especially romanticism, which is characterized by realism. The most deficient in the drama film and television performance style of , and perhaps the most worth learning part.

But comparable to his past cognition, opera is a highly closed ios system, and he is not sure whether the technical skill of "appearing" can be truly applied to the performance system of drama, film and television.

He once again put these thoughts aside for the time being. He had watched too few plays, and his understanding was too superficial. Whether it was really a guess or not, he was going to wait to watch a few more plays before talking about it.

It's just that when Xu Rong returned home, he looked at the Audi that occupied one and a half spaces in the garage, and fell into deep thought.

This car is usually used when he attends events, and no one drives it at all.

He usually travels by Mazda when he goes out by himself. Xiao Zhang prefers to drive a low-key sports car. If there are many people who go out, he usually uses GL8.

And the parking style that one car occupies two parking spaces, the whole family only has one.

But why does Xiao Zhang use Audi?

Early the next morning, he found that Xiao Zhang had put on makeup before eating, and Xu Rong asked subconsciously, "Is there an event today?"

"Well, Miss Ling called for a dinner party today."

Xu Rongruo said "Oh" nonchalantly, Jia Ling just finished the Spring Festival Gala, and now the announcements are probably scheduled until the end of the year, will there be time to have dinner with classmate Xiao Zhang?

Why did Xiao Zhang lie?
Thinking of the Audi whose wheels had been parked in another parking space in the garage, he had a vague guess in his mind.

Same as the previous two days, he hardly delayed after breakfast, and even went out a little early on purpose, turned a few turns, and smiled silently when he saw Audi following him.

When he arrived at the gate of the nursing home, he didn't get out of the car immediately, but sat in the driver's seat to put on makeup, but it was a little different from the past in that today he spent a little longer on makeup.

Audi, who was waiting two cars away, finally couldn't help poking his head out. He immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

He didn't look back, and walked straight to the nursing home as if he hadn't found anything.

When he passed by the security guard at the door, he stopped and said to the security guard: "Master, hello, there should be two girls coming in the Audi car behind, one is Zhang Xiaofei and the other is Xu Xing, please stop them, yes Lah, don't let them enter the park."

Every time the security guard saw Xu Rong, he couldn't help but feel strange in his heart, because Xu Rong's real appearance and the appearance on TV were two completely different people, and only the eyebrows and eyes could vaguely see some similarities.

In the past, he didn't pay attention to celebrities, and only watched TV dramas during dinner at night. If his superiors hadn't told the famous actor Xu Rong to come and experience life, he would never have thought that he would have close contact with big stars.

But after he really started to get in touch with him, he found that it was a little different from the rumors on the Internet. Xu Rong's temper was really good, and he always said "you" long and "you" short when talking to people, which made him feel flattered.

And the more so, the more he felt the need to help him keep the secret.

This is also the reason why he sternly rejected the two girls yesterday.

It's just that after the two left yesterday, he always felt that the good-looking girl looked familiar, so he went back and checked it out.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

Well, one is Xu Rong's wife and the other is Xu Rong's younger sister.

What made him even more confused was that Xu Rong specifically told them not to enter the park?

"Then, Mr. Xu, what reason should I use?"

"It's just spring, and the flu is serious. The elderly are old and weak. As service personnel, we must take the strictest measures to protect the safety of the elderly. I suggest that visitors must provide a medical report before entering the park."

The security guard was dumbfounded when he heard this. This reason sounds very bad, but if you think about it carefully, except for the people who are blocked, they can't understand, even if it has nothing to do with the masses, the elderly themselves and their families, they have to put a big root on the protective measures of the nursing home. thumb.

At this moment, he looked at the serious Xu Rong, and his understanding of him deepened. It's not sure if he has a good temper, but his worldly experience is absolutely the same.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will definitely stop you."

"Well, please."

"Mr. Xu, you are polite."

After Xu Rong entered the nursing home, the Audi's door opened again.

The two rushed to the gate with the ID cards they had already prepared: "Master, master, we have made an appointment, here are our ID cards."

The security guard glanced at the names of the two people on the ID card, but did not go to pick them up. He asked gently, "Did you bring the medical examination report?"

Xiao Zhang was stunned: "Medical examination report?"

The security guard nodded and said, "Well, you can visit our model room by appointment, but if you don't have a medical report, you can't visit our residential park."

"But you didn't tell me yesterday?"

"You didn't ask yesterday?!"

(End of this chapter)

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