Chapter 430
"Xu Xing, let's go."

"Go? Where?"

"go home."

Xu Xing only felt angry and went straight to Tianling Gai, she had never seen such an unreasonable person.

They came running yesterday and refused to let in, saying they had to make an appointment, but they admitted.

But today I told them to ask for a medical report.

And he even blamed them for not asking.

Being dragged by classmate Xiao Zhang for a few steps, she gradually realized that something was wrong, because the sister-in-law didn't seem to be angry.

Since ancient times, eight years has always been a very important period of time. "Internal Classics-Ancient Innocence Theory" regards every eight years as an important node for the change of male physiological functions.

In eight years, Xiang Ji has experienced ups and downs in his life, from a son of Wuzhong who rose up to overthrow Tyranny, ruled the turbulent times, and then committed suicide in Wujiang.

In eight years, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty has changed from the celestial atmosphere of "nine heavens, the palaces and palaces are opened, and all nations wear crowns and crowns" to the chaos of "the country is broken, the mountains and rivers remain, and the city is full of spring grass and trees".

In eight years, the brave and fearless Chinese people overthrew the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism, and have since then stood among the nations of the world.

In the past eight years, the smart and witty classmate Zhang has learned to see the essence through the phenomenon, and has basically figured out Xu Rong's various routines and styles.

She smelled a familiar smell from the security guard's answer.

In her impression, Teacher Xu's style of doing things has undergone earth-shaking changes quietly since the incident of false testimony. Everything he said and everything he did could be said on the stage.

In "36 Strategies", this is called Yangmou.

At any time, he will not stand on the opposite side of the majority, but envelop the majority and cover the mouths of the minority.

Usually at home, Teacher Xu always likes to use this kind of routine to force her to open her mouth in vain. Sometimes she is full of grievances but can't say a word, but her parents think what he said is very reasonable , for her own good.

If she doesn't appreciate it, it's like a dog biting Lu Dongbin.

And the security guard's so-called "for the sake of the safety of the elderly" just now is exactly the same as his usual style.

Reminiscent of the brief exchange between the dog man and the security guard earlier, she is almost sure that it must be the dog man who ordered it.

In the locker room of the nursing home, Xu Rong raised the curtains and watched Xiao Zhang calmly lead Xu Xing to drive away. He was not surprised. Under his influence, when Xiao Zhang got along with outsiders, these things The year-to-year variation is actually quite large.

If there is no accident, there is a high probability that Xiao Zhang will make trouble at breakfast the day after tomorrow.

Because his consistent attitude towards things he is not used to is "again, twice, never three", but the stubborn side of Xiao Zhang's character determines that she will not follow him and stop at the number "three", so her choice Either "no more two" or "no more four", "two" has passed, her only choice is to attack "four".

As for waiting another day?
She will suffocate herself.

It’s just that Xiao Zhang’s vain attempt to make a comeback with just a book of "36 Strategies", and what’s more, he still studies the Fa by fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, it’s just a daydream.

Xu Rong changed into the overalls, raised her wrist to look at the time, and found that there were still 3 minutes to go. She was no longer as calm as before, and ran out of the locker room as fast as she could.

It's almost too late to check in.

One hundred deductions for being late each time!
The moment after punching the card, his body seemed to be hollowed out, and his spirit lost half. At a speed only slightly faster than that of the old people, he began to take out the sheets and bedding of the old people to dry and wash.

Some elderly people are old, and some simply cannot take care of themselves completely. Once the night shift nurses fail to take care of them, it is easy to cause unnecessary troubles.

After hanging a quilt to the air, Xu Rong felt as if he had slept for five or six nights in a row, and he hadn't fully woken up yet, and he had no strength in his arms and legs.

Anyway, I just don't want to go to the second bed right away.

"Dad, do you have anything you want to eat? I'll bring you some later?"

While he was recovering his strength, he found a middle-aged man and a woman by the fountain not far away talking in a low voice around an old man with gray and white hair who was looking down at a newspaper while wearing flower glasses.

The old man, surnamed Zhao, is 74 years old this year. It is said that he has two sons and a daughter. He didn't send them here, but he lived in by himself because he was afraid of causing trouble to his children.

Today is the third day he has come to work here. Looking at the old man surrounded by middle-aged men and women, he couldn't help feeling a touch of respect in his heart. No wonder the old man is not the oldest, but he can become a respected person in this nursing home. "Big Brother".

In just three days, he has seen all the old man's children. It can be said that in the entire nursing home, there is no family whose children are as filial as the old man Zhao's family.

The old man Zhao didn't seem to care much about the arrival of his children. Facing the two people's greetings, they chatted with each other.

"Grandpa Zhao, good morning."

"Xiao Xu is here." The old man saw him from a distance, smiled and waved, as if he was his son.

After greeting Xu Rong, the old man Zhao turned his face away, looked at his son and daughter-in-law, waved his hands impatiently and said, "Okay, okay, you go to work at the company, I'm someone to take care of, don't worry about it. "

The middle-aged man and woman laughed together: "Okay, Dad, if you have something to do, call us."

When the middle-aged couple walked away, the old man saw Xu Rong's puzzled expression, folded the newspaper on his lap, took off his sunglasses, pressed it on the newspaper, and smiled quite complacently: "Xiao Xu, don't you?" Particularly strange?"

Xu Rong shook his head. He observed the attitude of the middle-aged man carefully just now, and he always felt that the way of getting along between the two was weird, but he couldn't stop praising: "Your tutor is really good, several sons and daughters come to see you in turn. you."

This is the compliment that every elderly person in a nursing home likes to hear, even if their children don't come to see them very often.

The old man Zhao shook his head and smiled, and said, "It's not me they came to see. I'm a bad old man. How can I be worth it when they come here to ask for help? What they came to see is money."

Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled look, the old man explained: "You should know more about financial tools, such as insurance and trusts, which have various functions. As long as you have demand, they will supply them, tax avoidance, and inheritance Yes, there are also special ones to make children and grandchildren 'filial'."

Seeing that Xu Rong was getting more and more puzzled, the old man Zhao sighed and said: "The old saying is good, money can turn ghosts, don't underestimate the wisdom of those financial practitioners, and don't underestimate their determination to make money from the rich , as long as you have a demand, they will be able to design a product that satisfies you, plugging all the moral and even legal flaws you can think of.”

"Do you think I think too badly about people?" Seeing Xu Rong's dull face, old man Zhao asked with a sigh.

Xu Rong shook his head hurriedly, and said: "I didn't mean that, what's the main thing, I ate the last meal every day, and it's useless to know these things, and the trust company doesn't look down on me. money."

The old man's gaze flicked over his wrist, and he said, "I can't afford to wear such an expensive watch after I've eaten my last meal."

Xu Rong looked down at the watch on his wrist, carelessly.

As the spokesperson of the Tissot brand, he is used to wearing it wherever he goes. Even when filming, if conditions permit, he will wear the watch in the mirror.

For example, when filming "Drug War" before, he has been wearing a watch.

The bulk of his income is not the film salary, but the endorsement fees of several brands in his hand. Even if the merchants do not require it, he will try his best to achieve 360-degree promotion without dead ends.

Especially when participating in various large-scale events and ceremonies, he always tries his best to show the brands he endorses.

Therefore, each brand also fully understands his request not to participate in any promotional activities during the filming period, and is never soft when quoting.

Compared with some artists who are reluctant or even resist when they take money to promote, Xu Rong is simply the ceiling of the endorsement world.

During working hours, Xu Rong bought two tickets to "Red Horse".

The play tells the story of Xue Pinggui, who was originally a beggar in Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, married Wang Baochuan, the third daughter of Prime Minister Wang Yun. After marriage, Xue Pinggui joined the army to fight in Xiliang. Meeting with Wang Baochuan, when the emperor was dying, Xue Pinggui captured Wang Yun, who was plotting to usurp the throne, and made himself king.

There are two tickets, one is for the Chang'an Grand Theater, where Zhu Qiang and Sun Jinmei are performing together, and the other is for the Mei Lanfang Theater, because Kuizhi is partnering with Li Shengsu.

Every time he put down his phone after catching fish, an inexplicable sense of self-blame rose in his heart. He came to work, but it turned out that he started catching fish on the third day, which was really irresponsible.

But why is it inexplicably happy not to work during working hours?

He couldn't understand whether it was true for the vast majority of migrant workers, or if all migrant workers had similar feelings.

Arrived at the theater in the evening as usual, just sat down, a bottle of mineral water was handed over, Xu Rong looked up in surprise after a moment of daze, looked at the familiar face and couldn't help being surprised: "Brother Lian isn't performing today?"

A smile appeared on Lian Yiming's face: "No, I saw that you have been coming to the theater for the past few days, so come over today to have a look."

"I haven't heard that you have seen a movie before. Why, have you become obsessed with it recently?"

Xu Rong is the former brother of Hairun and one of the current shareholders, and has a deep friendship with the boss Liu Yanming. It is a rare pair of companies and artists who have cooperated more closely after the termination of the contract than before the termination of the contract.

When Xu Rong was there, Hairun always gave the outside world an illusion of a prosperous population, and always gave them a sense of injustice that all the good resources of the company were occupied by Xu Rong.

When Xu Rong left, although everyone didn't say anything, they were all relieved in private. Xu Rong's termination of the contract meant that they would usher in more opportunities.

But the development of things completely exceeded their optimistic predictions.

Their situation has not improved. It has only been two years since Xu Rong left, and Hairun's brokerage business has not been mentioned much in the industry, as if they are not considered heads.

"Almost, I recently discovered that Peking Opera is very interesting, a very special art."

Xu Rong took the water and put it aside casually. He and Lian Yiming didn't have many topics in common, but they were not too few, such as Hairun, such as traditional operas. Moreover, Xiang Yu is still playing the role, and Lian Yiming's status in Peking Opera Theater is probably roughly equivalent to his status in Renyi.

It's just that the two of them didn't chat too much. They knew each other in the past, but they were just nodding acquaintances. No one can tell what will happen in the future.

After watching two performances of "Red Maned Horse" in a row, Xu Rong discovered that operas are interesting. Some parts of opera performances are lightly played, while others are carefully portrayed, so detailed that they are rarely seen in life. However, this thickness is very harmonious, and in this uneven distribution of thickness, the audience can clearly see the characters and understand the emotions that the actors want to express.

He didn't pay attention to this before, but after watching two plays with different actors, under the strong contrast, he found many differences.

This kind of thickness distribution is a high-tech technique in performance.

There are ideas and arrangements, not only in terms of skills, but also in art. Generally speaking, it is a method of "breaking through a little bit and bringing the overall situation" to focus on exaggerating the main characteristics of the characters that must be known to the audience. Through this "point", the audience can comprehend and associate more things on their own, and highlight the main characteristics of the characters, so that the audience is not afraid of going too far from the topic. This kind of clear and rich artistic effect cannot be achieved by the performance of communism.

The characteristics of opera that guide the audience to diverge, in a sense, there is a relationship of conquering and being conquered between the actors and the audience. When an actor expresses a character or a feeling, he must always share this with the audience. The understanding and cognition of characters and emotions struggle.

Everyone's experience is different, and there are differences in the understanding of the same thing, and the task of performance is to use what the actor understands to convince the audience, so that they can get the same feeling as the actor, and unify the contradictions. Of course, hypocrisy Poor performances and misunderstandings have a high probability of inspiring the audience to throw eggs on the stage.

These are all Xu Rong's wild thoughts after watching the play, right? He is not sure whether he can achieve the effect of inference by analogy, and he no longer has such a strong purpose.

He came to listen to the play, the biggest purpose is to relax.

On the third day when Xiao Zhang was rejected with a "medical examination report", during breakfast, Xiao Zhang just sat down and took two mouthfuls of rice before coughing twice.

"Cough cough."

When everyone turned their heads, she frowned and stared at Xu Rong curiously: "Mr. Xu, what have you been doing these days?"

Following Xiao Zhang's doubts, the whole family also stopped or slowed down their eating movements.

Since the new year was over, Xu Rong was like a rabbit who couldn't follow the nest. He went out early in the morning and didn't come back until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.

It's like there's a home outside.

"It's not like it used to be."

(End of this chapter)

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