I'm just an actor

Chapter 431 Lectures

Chapter 431 Lectures
"It's not like it used to be."

Holding the bowl, Xu Rong used chopsticks to scoop up the irregularly shaped gnocchi in the porridge. Hearing Xiao Zhang's doubts, his eyebrows drooped, and his voice was low and gentle: "I used to be able to make money, and I spent a lot of money on it." It doesn’t matter, earning more than spending. I’ve been transitioning in the past two years. No one can tell what will happen in the future. It is said that at this time in previous years, the merchants have already broken through the threshold, and this year has not yet accepted to the right endorsement."

He paused, and his tone became even lower: "There are more than 20 people in the studio, plus the rent of the workplace, and other internal and external expenses. If you don't do anything every month, you will have to pay 60 million. Way, these two days, I found another part-time job, the income is not high, and I can more or less subsidize the family."

Xu Rong didn't raise his head from the beginning to the end. He didn't put the accent on any word in such a long sentence, but he paused every sentence, every sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart .

There was a sudden silence around the dinner table, everyone wanted to say something, but in the end nothing was said.

Except for Xu Rong himself, no one in the whole family can tell what Xu Rong's financial situation is, because Xu Rong is in debt most of the time.

Xiao Zhang's parents have always believed that his son-in-law can make money, because Xu Rong's income is often in the tens of millions.

Until today, they realized that it is true that the son-in-law can earn money, but the money is not as easy as imagined, it is all hard-earned money, and the income is high, and the expenditure is also not low.

Only classmate Xiao Zhang frowned slowly. She clearly remembered the play Mr. Xu accepted a few days ago. The producer probably paid part of the salary to his account for fear that he would break the contract.

A full 2000 million!
If you don't count some off-the-desk operations, Mr. Xu's salary is firmly ranked No. 1 in the domestic TV drama industry.

And in comparison, the film salary is only a negligible part of his income. As long as the filming of "Beijing" is completed this year, plus the endorsements he signed in the past, Mr. Xu's income this year will start at least [-] million yuan.

Why do you suddenly have to work part-time to subsidize your family?

Xu Rong raised his head and saw the concerned eyes of his family members. After a moment of daze, he hurriedly smiled and said: "Actually, earning money is secondary. I am looking for this job mainly to experience life. I may not know when I will be filming." It will come in handy.”

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Xu Rong hurriedly added: "Really, if you don't believe me, ask Xiao Zhang, my income this year should be pretty good."

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded in understanding, seeing the gaze he cast over asking for opinions, she hastily proved, "What Teacher Xu said is true."


Xiao Zhang's words just made her head bald, Xiao Zhang's mother pressed the chopsticks heavily on the table, probably worried about Xu Rong's mood, Xiao Zhang's mother suppressed her dissatisfaction, and only frowned and stared at Xiao Zhang. If she said another word, she would fight.


"What are you, hurry up and eat!" Xiao Zhang's father couldn't stand it any longer. He knew that Xu Rong had a strong temper, and he never wanted to mention half a word of bitterness at home. Pain, he didn't understand it in the past, but seeing his son-in-law's forced smile today, he understood it.

The son-in-law can earn money, but the expenses are far beyond their cognition. His pressure and pain are simply beyond their comprehension for those whose monthly income is only 6000 to [-] yuan.

As for the rhetoric he said later, "in order to experience life" and "this year's income should be good", he can understand it better, but they are just reasons made up to make them parents feel at ease.

Ruirui is so ignorant!
Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at her father who had lost his temper, and stayed for a long time. When she came back from a daze, she found that Xu Rong had put down the dishes, got up and left.

But before going out, he winked at himself very abruptly.

He didn't hide his arrogance at all.

"Mom and Dad, I'll tell you," classmate Xiao Zhang pointed to the door and said loudly, but her words were interrupted again.

Xiao Zhang's father also put down his chopsticks and said, "Ruirui, after dinner later, go upstairs and I'll talk to your mother."

"It's not worth it, it's not worth it." The old man hasn't figured out what's going on yet, but he knows that the most taboo thing about a generation is the meddling of the previous generation, but as long as the in-laws don't speak ill of Xu Rong, In fact, he didn't want to care about it, but he just rushed here, if he didn't express anything, it really wouldn't make sense.

"Uncle Xu, don't worry about this matter, I have a measure."

"It's because Xiao Xu is used to her!" Xiao Zhang's mother gave the final characterization of today's matter.

Xiao Zhang stared blankly at his parents who couldn't guarantee that they couldn't mix doubles, then turned his head and looked at Xu Xing who was sitting across from him, who didn't dare to take a breath, and slowly clenched his fists.

She just asked, "Mr. Xu, what have you been doing these days?" She didn't say anything else, why is it all her own problem? !

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly ! !

"Ping Huihe sweeps the wolf smoke."

"Sweep the wolf smoke and win the victory."

Xu Rong went out of the house humming a play he heard at a temple fair when he was young.

Although Xiao Zhang is much more patient than before, her grasp of language art is still immature. Of course, no matter what she said, the moment she opened her mouth was already doomed for today's ending, because two days ago he Guess she can only hold back until this morning at most.

Xu Rong's life is not strictly three points and one line. Sometimes after work, he will inevitably participate in some dinners and entertainments that he can't refuse.

But at this time, watching the theater has become a luxury.

On the first day of working in the nursing home, he enjoyed the comfortable working state very much, because he hardly had to use his brain when going to work. Although he was just a care worker, he was like a referee among a group of elderly people transcendental power.

On the third day of working in the nursing home, he started fishing, because he found that the nursing home is not a paradise. The elderly have love-hate entanglements between the elderly and their relatives, and the management has various calculations of the management.

It really proves that sentence, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Boredom breeds quietly.

After the initial novelty, he was no longer eager to go to work or work. The work content of the nurses has certain skills, but it is really not high-level, even in this relatively high-end nursing home.

What he was tired of was not the job itself, but after gradually understanding the nature and content of the job, he realized that it was a job with no hope, no money, and no future.

At best, the salary has risen from 9000 to 19000 or 29000, but so what, facing the skyrocketing housing prices in Beijing, he is also helpless.

But he's already worked three jobs!

According to Maslow's theory of needs, his daily work from nine to five can only meet the lowest physiological needs or survival needs. As for belonging, respect and self-realization, they are quite far away from his career.

At least during the half month of working in the nursing home, no one introduced him to someone, and no young and beautiful girls approached him.

But after work, when he was eating in a snack bar on the street, looking at the hurried figures on the street, he felt at a loss and even despair.

He is tired of working for only half a month, but there are hundreds of millions of migrant workers who have worked for three years, ten years or even longer, and perhaps the vast majority of them will feel tired on the first day of work Knowing the fact, the purpose of their working life is to earn two houses, one for themselves and one for their children.

It also means that the vast majority of people spend their entire lives working hard to survive.

He always felt he should do something.

He also thought of his other profession, a drama actor, and the original purpose of the birth of drama, to awaken the insightful people in the society to save the nation and improve the country and the nation.

Many drama workers always lament that audiences don’t like to watch dramas anymore, so a group of people have innovated dialogue dramas, which have become popular comedies for the masses. Happy to hear.

Contrary to cross talk, the original purpose of cross talk was to entertain the young and old after dinner, so there are drama actors for the Anti-Japanese War First Team and Anti-Japanese War Second Team, not the Anti-Japanese War team composed of cross talk actors, but the acting is just right. After adjusting all of them, cross talk started to talk about civilization and establish a new style, but drama went straight to Xiasanlu inexplicably.

Cross talk has forgotten its original intention to make young and old happy, and will be abandoned by the market, and drama has lost its original intention of improvement, and I am afraid there is no need for it to exist.

On the [-]th day of the first month of [-], the first day of school at Nortel.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Xu Rong knocked on the door of the office of the president of Nortel, and looked at Hao Tian who was sitting opposite to the president Zhang Huijun. While being surprised, he couldn't help feeling a little vigilant.

He came here today with a mission.

One is to inspect the student who caused a sensation in the foreign industry as the dean said in person, and the other is to invite him to practice in Renyi as if he has confirmed that he has the same style as Renyi.

The threshold of human art is very high for ordinary people. For real talents, there has never been any threshold.

But Hao Tian also appeared in Zhang Huijun's office, which he never expected. When did Zhongxi Opera start flirting with Nortel?
"Look, Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, haha." Zhang Huijun smiled and got up and patted Xu Rong's arm.

Xu Rong's attention stayed on Hao Tian, ​​and said, "Director Hao, what are you?"

In fact, Hao Tien had expected the current situation long ago, but he had to come. Renyi snatched Xu Rong three years ago, which caused the momentum to become more and more fierce in the past few years. Even the top talents in the theoretical field are multi-faceted. As a school named "drama", the lack of top talents in drama will definitely lead to Chinese opera becoming a vassal of human art.

And this Nortel student who suddenly caused a sensation abroad a few years ago attracted his attention.

As Xu Rong's nominal boss, he also knew that it was impossible for him to snatch someone from him.

But today, he is not the main force for stealing people.

Hao Tamarin said vaguely: "Oh, isn't it that paper? I read it and found it to be very instructive, but I don't quite understand some of it. It just so happened that Dean Zhang gave him a lecture, so I came to listen to it." .”

"Really?" Xu Rong looked at Hao Tian suspiciously. He found the original text of the thesis. After studying with Xiao Zhang for a long time, he failed to understand a line of research.

He also tried to get Jin Fangfang, who is better at English, to translate it. As a result, Jin Fangfang groaned for almost half a month, and he read it for a long time last night, but he didn't understand a word.

In the end, he did not give up and translated it on the Internet, but he just took a look at the translated stuff, and he turned it off directly.

This is the annoyance of professional literature. The existence of a large number of professional terms requires translators to have a more in-depth study of the subject, otherwise the translated things are completely wrong.

And this encounter also strengthened his idea of ​​learning foreign languages.

His English proficiency is still the foundation laid in high school, and after his junior year, he has almost never dabbled in it.

He has no plans to go abroad for development, but he cannot accept being illiterate.

The three chatted for a while, Xu Rong saw that the two of them seemed to be waiting for someone, their eyes turned back and forth for a while, and finally shifted to Hao Tian, ​​and said: "Did you move the rescuers?"

"Hey, a colleague said he would come and have a look."


"Okay, Hao Tian, ​​let me tell you what's going on, you're waiting for me here." Just as Xu Rong was puzzled, a familiar voice came.

Xu Rong only felt familiar, but couldn't immediately realize who it was. When he turned his head and saw the person's appearance, he couldn't help but feel bad.

The visitor is tall, with a Chinese character face, and looks about forty years old. Hao Tian is not wrong to describe him as a "colleague". In the past, he did serve as a lecturer of Chinese opera.

Now the deputy editor-in-chief of CCTV, Zhu Tong.

"Hey, what wind brought you here, Mr. Zhu?"

Zhu Tong shook hands with Xu Rong, and said: "I was just wondering, Hao Tian called me three times, saying that I couldn't get through this matter if I didn't get on the horse, so it turned out that you were waiting here. What a talent."

Zhu Tong clarified his words, but Xu Rong was not worried, and said: "Mr. Zhu, since you have already said so, how about this, let's make a condition later and let others choose by themselves, how about it?"

"If I don't agree, do you have to call and complain?"


When Zhu Tong, Xu Rong, Hao Tien, and Zhang Huijun approached Nortel's lecture theater together, the teachers and students sitting there suddenly burst into an uproar when they saw the four of them.

"Hey, it's Teacher Xu Rong."

"Look at the one in the middle, it's even stronger, Zhu Tong."

Zhu Tong, Xu Rong, and Hao Tamarin are all scholars, and they have all made more or less contributions to the development of performance theory, and the positions they hold make them become the current authorities in the theoretical field.

Watching the four of them walk to the front and take their seats, most of the teachers and students looked at the short young man on the side of the podium with complicated eyes.

Today, even if he gets the favor of one of them, he will be able to rise to the top immediately.

At this time, Zhai Tianlin, who was standing on the side of the lecture hall, looked at the four people who were seated one after another, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Although the heavyweight of the comer was somewhat beyond expectations, he had enough confidence in his own talent.

(End of this chapter)

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